The Oligarchs (102 page)

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Authors: David Hoffman

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Poverty: health care and; hyperinflation impact on population
Power: Berezovsky on; Chubais on Graham's essay; Gusinsky and; of television; tycoons and; Waller on.
See also
Pricing, prices: cash auctions of state retail outlets and; free market vs. socialist industrial indicators; Gaidar and; oil and; privatization voucher trading and; vs. shortages; oil extraction companies and; Yeltsin and.
See also
Privatization vouchers
Primakov, Igor; computers and
Primakov, Yevgeny, appointed foreign minister; appointed prime minister; vs. Berezovsky; fired by Yeltsin and replaced by Stepashin; creates alliance with Luzhkov; subject of Dorenko smear
Printing; Smolensky and
Private property: Chubais and; Luzhkov and; Naishul and; Naishul vs. Gaidar; vs. the Soviet mind-set
Privatization: Chubais vs. theft of state property; freedom and; of money; Naishul and; Naishul vs. Gaidar; Ostankino television; Piyasheva plan; spontaneous; by Systema; Vasiliev on; Yeltsin referendum on reforms.
See also
Auctions of state property; Chubais privatization; Economic reform; Factory privatization; Industry privatization; Loans for shares
Privatization vouchers auctions and Jordan and; Khodorkovsky and; mutual funds Western advisors and
Prokhorov, Mikhail
Putin, Vladimir; appointed prime minister; appointed to presidency; vs. Berezovsky; Berezovsky and; vs. Chechens; Chechen War and Chubais and; democracy and; vs. Dorenko; elected to presidency; vs. Gusinsky; Russian governors and; television and
Pyramid scams; absence of government regulation and
Radical democrats: in Moscow; Chubais and Leningrad; the
in Moscow and; win the majority of seats in the Mossovet
Ravenskikh, Boris
Reklama Holding
Remnick, David
Renaissance Capital
Research: business and the Komsomol; Luzhkov self-financing idea; Institute of High Temperatures; Leningrad Engineering Economic Institute; NTTMs and; socialist economics and.
See also
Riggs National Bank of Washington
Road to Serfdom, The
Rock music: Avia; the Beatles; vs. Chernenko; Televisor; Time Machine
Rogozin, Georgi
Rossiiskaya Gazeta
Rozhetskin, Leonid
Rudloff, Hans-Joerg
Russian Finance Ministry Bank Menatep and;
guarantees Exim Bank loan to Gusinsky issues MinFin bonds.
See also
GKOs; Government bonds
Russian Orthodox Church
Russian people, the: attitude toward private property and bribery and; cooperatives and; crash of ‘98 and SBS-Agro depositors; crash of ‘98 and the middle class; exhorted to get rich; health care and; inflation and pyramid scams; privatization vouchers and; seek scapegoats for the crash of ‘98 and state care of; distrust of the peasantry in Soviet times.
See also
Moscow; Society; Youth
Russian Raw Materials and Commodity Exchange
Russian Securities Commission: Chernomyrdin creates; vs. Goldman Sachs; Vasiliev resigns; and weak power of
Ryan, Charles
Rybkin, Ivan
Saikin, Valery
Salomon Brothers
Samaraneftegaz oil extraction company; Khodorkovsky and losses (1996)
Savostyanov, Yevgeny
SBS-Agro bank: floats Eurobond; Smolensky forms
SBS-Agro bank, crash of ‘98; Central Bank stabilization loans and; depositors and
Schekochikhin, Yuri
Science: Chubais and economic research; Foundation of Youth Initiative; Institute of Control Sciences; Jews and; Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology; NTTMs and; politics and;
See also
Economics; Technology
Securities: absence of market regulation and; Berezovsky bearer certificate scheme; Mavrodi bearer certificate scheme.
See also
GKOs; Government bonds; Russian Securities Commission
Security services: Berezovsky; businessmen; Gusinsky; Khodorkovsky; Korzhakov and Yeltsin; Putin
Self-financing: factories and Luzhkov plan; Khodorkovsky and; the Komsomol and
; bankers' war and; closes; first appears
Sevodnya Press
Shadow economy: car parts and; cooperatives and; the
Shakhnovsky, Vasily; Club on Sparrow Hills and
Sheindlin, Alexander
Shleifer, Andrei
Shneider, Mikhail
Shortages: the
network and; car parts; construction and; factories and; vs. free markets; vs. Gorbachev; Gosplan and; grain; vs. price liberalization; stores and; vegetable bases and
Sibneft oil company
Sidanco oil company
Sinyavsky, Andrei
Skuratov, Yuri
Smith, Adam
Smolensky, Alexander; avisos and; banking empire; Berezovsky and Bibles and buys Agroprombank; capital assets and; capital flight and; Cathedral of Christ the Savior and; Chubais and closes SBS-Agro and slips from view; Club on Sparrow Hills and; as a construction boss; currency speculation; distrust of the state and; establishes Moskva–3; foreign loans to; Kiriyenko default moratorium and; loans for shares and; loans to farmers and; as a printer; protocapitalism and; starts
Bank Stolichny; the state and; Yeltsin and; youth.
See also
Bank Stolichny; SBS-Agro
Smuggling; Bibles
Sobchak, Anatoly
Socialism: and bankers; capitalism vs. Gosplan and; disenchantment of youth with; economic research and; vs. Hayek; hoarding food and; period of
; stealing and;
Society: Berezovsky on; cash auctions of state property and; entrepreneurship and; journalists and; the middle class and devaluation of the ruble; the middle class and Gusinsky.
See also
Moscow; Russian people, the
Solnick, Steven L.
Solovyova, Valentina
Soros, George; bankers' war and; Berezovsky and; letter to the
Financial Times
and; philanthropy of; Svyazinvest auction and
Soskovyets, Oleg; Yeltsin reelection campaign and
South Korea
Sovershenno Sekretno,
Soviet Cultural Foundation
Soviet Union; alcoholism; vs. the Beatles; Central Committee vs. art; doubts in West about Gorbachev; financial system; gas and oil fields; Gosplan vs. the supply and demand market system; vs. rock music
Stalin, Joseph; destruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior
State, the: Avtovaz and; banking system under Gorbachev; as the biggest source of capital; books deemed subversive 78; care of the people and; city transport vs. private enterprise; cooperative banks and government ministries; distrust of the peasantry and; Gaidar vs. Naishul privatization plan and; vs. individual commercial activity; institutions and market economy; vs. Jews; NTTMs and; paternalism, distribution of resources and; privatization and theft of property of; reliance on authorized banks as substitutes for a central treasury; shortages and stores of; Smolensky and; television Channel 1 (Ostankino); television channels; vs. tycoons; weak state and rule of law.
See also
Auctions of state property; Central planning; Privatization
State Committee on Science and Technology
State Institute for the Study of Theatrical Arts
State Planning Committee
State Property Committee; loans for shares and
Stepashin, Sergei
Stock market: boom of ‘97; Yukos trading halted on the Russian Trading System
Stocks: Avtovaz; Khodorkovsky offers shares in Bank Menatep; Naishul and privatization; offshore networks and share dilution; oil and foreign investors.
See also
Loans for shares; Securities
Stores; in Hungary; Luzhkov and; military;
and; vegetable bases and
Streletsky, Valery
Sucher, Bernie
Supreme Soviet of Russia; approves Chubais' privatization law; inflation and; journalists and
Surkov, Vladislav
Auctions of state property, Svyazinvest
Tarpischev, Shamil
Tatum, Paul
Taxes; barter economy and Chubais and Moscow and
Telecommunications Svyazinvest; Systema.
See also
Auctions of state property, Svyazinvest
Telefonica SA
Television; Center TV; crash of ‘98 and; Dobrodeyev and; Dorenko and; NTV goes on the air; and power of; Putin and; vs. Yeltsin; Yeltsin reelection campaign and.
See also
NTV; ORT; Ostankino
Television advertising: AVVA certificates; Bank Menatep; capitalism new vocabulary and; crash of ‘98 and; MMM; Moscow; NTV; ORT; Ostankino (Channel 1); privatization vouchers and Chubais Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Tikhonov, Vladimir
Timofeyev, Lev
Togliatti; criminal wars
Tomskneft oil extraction company
Trading companies; Interos; offshore, Khodorkovsky and
Transfer pricing
Tretyakov, Vitaly
Trusova, Vera
Tsereteli, Zurab
Tula State Dramatic Theater
Soviet Union
Ulyukaev, Alexei
Uneximbank; Chubais-Kokh book scandal and; created; and Customs service accounts; dollar-forwards and; International Bank for Economic Cooperation and
Unified Energy Systems crash of ‘98 and foreign investment
United States: Chubais visit; Gorbachev and; Gusinsky tour
United States Treasury
Vasiliev, Dmitri; advises Chubais on privatization; becomes chairman of the securities commission; vs. Goldman Sachs; vs. Khodorkovsky; loans for shares and; resigns from commission; as securities regulator; on Yeltsin second term
Vasiliev, Sergei
Vegetable bases: central planning and; Luzhkov vs. spoilage
Venediktov, Alexei
Video International
Vinogradov, Vladimir; Club on Sparrow Hills and; devaluation of the ruble and; Lebed and; on Yeltsin reelection campaign financing; Yeltsin and.
See also
Vladislavlev, Alexander
Voloshin, Alexander vs. Gusinsky
Volsky, Arkady
Waller, Glen
Wealth: Berezovsky and; loans for shares and; politics and tycoons; the Russian people and.
See also
Oligarchy; Tycoons
Wealth of Nations, The
West LB bank (Germany)
World Bank
World Economic Forum
Yakovlev, Vladimir
Yarmagaev, Yuri
Yefanov, Alexander
Yeltsin, Boris: announces privatization voucher scheme; arrives in Moscow; bankers' war and; vs. Berezovsky; Berezovsky and Berezovsky on; Cathedral of Christ the Savior and; vs. Chubais; Chubais-Kokh book scandal and; Communists attempt to impeach; consents to the devaluation of the ruble; coup against Gorbachev and; vs. devaluation of the ruble; economics and; elected chairman of the parliament (1990); elections of ‘96 and; fires Chernomyrdin; fires Kiriyenko; fires Korzhakov; Gaidar brain trust and
vs. Gorbachev; vs. Gusinsky; health and; heart surgery; Korzhakov and; leaves Soviet Communist Party; vs. Lebed; vs. Luzhkov; Luzhkov and; MMM; meets oligarchs; and Popov; privatization of oil companies and; privatizes television Channel vs.
; reappoints Chernomyrdin briefly after crisis; referendum on reforms; replaces Primakov with Stepashin; replaces Stepashin with Putin; resigns from presidency and appoints Putin; signs presidential decree for NTV
Yeltsin, daughter Tatyana Dyachenko; Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Yeltsin reelection campaign (1996): arrest of Chubais campaign staff and Berezovsky and; black propaganda; budget; Chubais and; Chubais vs. Korzhakov; and financing of; first-round vote; Luzhkov and; polls; second-round vote; television advertising and; Yeltsin's health and; and Yeltsin plan to abandon
Yevstafiev, Arkady; Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Yevtushenkov, Vladimir Systema's holdings
Youth: the
and; film and; pop culture vs. Soviet ideology; rock music vs. authority; Yeltsin reelection campaign and.
See also
Komsomol, the
Youth science centers (NTTMs)
Yuganskneftegaz oil extraction company vs. Khodorkovsky losses (1996)
Yukos oil company; cash value (2000); Dart vs. Khodorkovsky; Khodorkovsky buys majority control; Khodorkovsky buys partial control; merger with Sibneft announced; merger with Sibneft falls apart; profit (1996) share value; statistics; trading halted on the Russian Trading System
Yumashev, Valentin; Berezovsky and; Yeltsin reelection campaign and
Yurchak, Alexei
Zaslavskaya, Tatyana
Zatulin, Konstantin
Zhiguli; Berezovsky consignment deal; criminal wars over and distribution of; false exports of
Zibarev, Alexander
Zil truck factory
Zlatkis, Bella; vs. Berezovsky
Zverev, Sergei
Zyuganov, Gennady; vs. Chubais; vs. Jewish bankers; at the World Economic Forum
Zyuganov election campaign (1996); vs.
Nezavisimaya Gazeta

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