The O'Malley Brides (27 page)

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Authors: Stevie MacFarlane

BOOK: The O'Malley Brides
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Rinsing her cup in the sink, Tess grabbed her coat and purse and headed
to the hardware store. 
She still
a long weekend before she h
ad to be back to work on Monday, hopefu
lly Rory would help her decide on
paint if she picked up some samples.


ed in
relief while walking up the sidewalk to the office.  Bridget was waiting for him to let her in and today she wore a long black skirt.  Thank God she deci
ded to dress appropriately
.  Ridiculously high heels aside, at least he wo
uld not spend the day trying to
at her ass in a mini skirt.
Her long heavy jacket covered the rest of her
and Dell
wished there was a way he cou
ld force her to wear it all day,
it would certainly make his life easier.

“Morning Winston,” Bridget greeted him cheerfully.  “No tickets today
I see,” she continued with a grin.

“Certainly not, Ms.
O’Malley,” Dell replied crisply unlocking the door. 
Entering the office,
Dell set his briefcase and umbrella down
turning to help her with her coat.  Her perfume wafted gently to him and he tried not to breathe through his nose.  Damn
she smelled good.

Moving to
the closet, and hung up both their coats.  Bridget’s back was still towards him as she put her travel mug and purse on the desk before turning around.

u’re still coming for Thanksgiving Dinner next week
?” she asked.  “My
other is delighted
and looking forward to meeting you.”

Dell was speechless.  Oh, she had worn a long skirt alright.  He believed it was called a pencil skirt or some such nonsensical name, and it hugged her figure from her waist to calf.  The blouse she wore was sheer ivory silk with
ivory lace corset clearly visible underneath that was trying very hard to
push her delectable breasts up
and over the low neckline.
  Long sheer sleeves ended in cascading lace that dripped over her hands.  Her hair
was up
, but
little tendrils escaped,
making her neck look long and inviting.  Bright red lips matched her painted nails reminding Dell of the pin-up pictures from the 40’s.  Holy hell, Dell thought
and I thought yesterday was bad

A small smile played around Bridget’s lips and she watched Winston begin to sweat, tugging impatiently on the tie that
seemed to be choking him.  Didn’t it just do a girl
heart good to have this kind of reaction fr
om a straight-laced man
Approaching him in feigned concern, Bridget rested her dainty hand on his chest.

“Is anything wrong
Winston?  You don’t look so good,” she observed sweetly.

“Good grief
Ms. O’Malley.  Do you own any clothing that isn’t suggestive of…?

“What are you implying
Winston?  I hope you’re not thinking I dressed this way for you?

This is perfectly acceptable attire,” Bridget insisted, planting her hands on her hips.

“In what parallel universe do you live, Ms. O’Malley?” Dell responded angrily, taking a step back lest her scent push him over the edge.  “You better be careful before someone gives you what you’re so obviously asking for.”

Uh oh, f
or a moment Bridget felt butterflies in her tummy.  That statement was eerily similar to
statements she heard from her Da and brothers.  Could he be implying she was asking for a spanking?  Impossible!  Winston was not that type of man.  Mild mannered, nerdy Winston used words to get his point across, and though his hands were quite large, she was sure they would be used for other, more pleasurable pursuits once she had him wrapped around her finger.   It was just her mind playing nasty tricks on her. 

“Rest assured Winston, I don’t hint about what I want.  I’m the kind of girl who has no problem going after it with everything in her arsenal,” she fired back, stepping closer and placing her other hand on his chest.

“Of that I have no doubt,” he answered.  “However, some men still prefer to do the chasing Ms. O’Malley,” Dell scolded.

For a moment Bridget doubted her tactics.  She really was very attracted to Winston and not a bit disappointed that he was a little more experienced than she’d previously thought. 
Yesterday she would have given him her body right on top of his desk if they hadn’t been interrupted. 

Today he was
back to being stiff, arrogant and judgmental.  It was a little annoying.  Maybe she should back off just a touch and let him chase her
caught him as her mother always said.  It wouldn’t hurt to add a little mystery.  Sniffing
, she turned her head away as though
he’d hurt her feelings.  If she had a hanky
she would have dabbed it to her eyes.

immediately caved.  “I’m sorry if I have offended you Ms. O’Malley,” he stated, flustered.  “It was not my intention to insult you in any way, rather instruct…”

Now her hackles were really up.  Did he think for one moment she needed instruction from him.  She probably knew more about the male species than he did for God’s sake.

Seeking to put an end to
this embarrassing conversation
Dell made an
attempt to placate her.
“Whatever is that scent you’re wearing?  It’s quite lovely,” Dell offered as an olive branch.

“It’s called,
Catch Me, Fuck Me
Bridget replied silkily
, enjoying the
dumbfounded expression on his face.  Chucking him gently under his chin she closed his mouth and walked away just as Nick came in the door.

Catching sight of Bridget, Nick gav
e a wolf whistle as he walked by
Dell and hung up his coat.  “Morning Dell, how’s it going?  Bridget does your mother know
dressed like that?”

Bridget blushed, while Dell grinned.  Maybe little Miss Temptress was about to get a dressi
ng down from her new brother-in-
law.  If so, he didn’t intend to miss a word of it.

“My mother knows I’m a grown woman and I dress however I like.  Do you have a problem with what I’m wearing, Nick?” Bridget demanded, her eyes daring him to correct her.

smiled.  G
ood here it comes
he thought.

“Personally, I don’t
.  You’re
not my wife
and I’m thankful you were able to cover for Tess
.  B
ut knowing you parents, I’m surprised you got out of the house in that get up
at any age,” Nick continued undaunted. 

“Unlike most of the men in my family, my parents allow me to express myself in whatever way I see fit,” she replied haughtily.

“Well that’s some expression, isn’t it Dell?” Nick asked with a smirk as he picked up the mail off the desk and started shu
ffling through it.  Dell looked
like he was about to either keel ove
r or explode
Nick wasn’t sure which. 
He could just imagine what Bridget had put that poor young man through in his absence.   Then tension stretched between them like an overextended rubber band ready to snap. 

Deciding to get out of the line of fire, Nick headed towards his office.  Bridget could definitely use some guidance, but he was not the man to do it
.  H
e had his own hands full with her sister.  “Dell
when you get a
few minutes, I’d
like to see you in my office.  Bridget is there any coffee made yet?”

I was just going to make some
,” she replied shooting Dell a self-satisfied smile.  She knew Dell had been expecting Nick to say more and in reality she was surprised he hadn’t.  Maybe Maggie was having a positive influence on him.  It would be nice to see a least one Neanderthal step into the 21

went quickly to his office and shut the door with a slam.  Damn
if a man like Nick Kord backed down from Bridget, what chance did he have?  Of course
Nick was only her brother-in-
in no way responsible for her behavior and he did need her assistance this week. 
Plus he was a newlywed and probably afraid Bridget would go crying to her sister if Nick reprimanded her. 

Dell sighed, whatever the reason
Ms. O’Malley had gotten to him again. 
Catch Me Fuck Me
indeed, he thought. 
Did they make a perfume called
Catch Me, Choke Me
?  Now
he would buy!
  Gathering some files and his laptop, Dell went into Nick’s office.

They spent the morning in there, discussing ongoing cases, new clients and upcoming consultations.  Twice Dell left to get fresh coffee, while Nick took a couple of calls but for the most part the door was closed.  Finally at 11:45 both men came out and headed to the closet.

“We’re going to lunch Bridge, want us to bring you back something?” Nick asked
, “Or do you want to go when we get back?”

“Bring me back a diet cola,” Bridget replied coolly.

“Is that all?”


“Did you bring a lunch?” Nick inquired.  “Will you be going out when we get back?”

“No, a cola will be fine.  Thanks.”

Getting a little annoyed, Nick was about to insist she let them bring her back something, but Dell spoke before he could.

“Ms. O’Malley, it really isn’t good to skip meals.  I would feel much better if you would let us…”

“Winston,” Bridget snapped back, rising from her chair and walking around the desk.  Planting her hands on her hips in exasperation, she continued, “
Do you think I go
t this figure eating pop tarts all day?  A diet cola is all I require.  Now if that’s too much to ask, then forget it.”

of course it’s not,” Dell replied, realizing her had somehow offended her.  “
a healthy salad would…”

Bridget growled and started forward just as Nick shoved Dell out the door. 

“Soda it is,” Nick called back over his shoulder.  Jesus
that girl needed her butt paddled in the worst way he thought.  Not having spent a lot of time with her, he hadn’t realized just how wild she was.  A good firm man would take care of that in a hurry.

Dell was quiet all the way to the pub.  Nick greeted Patrick with a handshake and Molly with a kiss on the cheek as he introduced Dell.  “We’ll have two specials and two beers,” Nick told Molly before making his way to a table in the corner. 

After seating themselves
it was only a few minutes before Molly bought their order.  While placing it on the table she leaned over Dell’s shoulder, gently touching it.   Straightening up
she shook her head and laughed before walking away.

“She’s lovely isn’t she,” Dell remarked candidly, watching her walk away, the tingling of little bells following her,

“All that and more,” Nick replied.
  “Molly’s an exceptional woman,
” Nick agreed.  He remembered the first time he had taken Molly’s hand and wondered if Dell felt it too.  “Are you alright?”

“I think so.  A little light-headed maybe, must be hungrier than I thought,” Dell answered slowly.

Nick took a bite of his steak.  I wonder why Molly felt the need to read Dell, he thought, just before he started to choke.  Quickly picking up his beer he took a large swig and stared at the young man across from him as understanding dawned.

“You’re attracted to her,” he accused.

“Who, Molly, I mean Mrs. O’Malley?” Dell stammered in shock.  “I said she was lovely, but I didn’t mean anything by it,” he insisted.

“Not Molly, Bridget!  You’re attracted to Bridget.”

Dell thought about his answer carefully, but in the end his truthful nature won out.  “Yes, I suppose in some sick, demented way, I am,” he admitted with a grimace.

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