The Omega Team: Cyber Tracked: The Cobra Project (Kindle Worlds Novella) (IATO Series Book 4) (11 page)

BOOK: The Omega Team: Cyber Tracked: The Cobra Project (Kindle Worlds Novella) (IATO Series Book 4)
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Laughing, the big man shook his head at their antics. “You two will be dangerous together.”


Cade’s Farm in Maryland


“I’m glad I signed on with IATO so you could share your old stories with me. Your background was more extensive than I suspected. And more than anything, I love the way you feel on top of me.”

Cade felt temporarily spent but satisfied sprawled on top of her. Her tongue tasted delicious in his mouth while his hands distracted her with his exploration of her body. She even said she loved the roughness of his scruffy overnight growth against her neck. He’d let it grow so it wouldn’t create beard rash on her sensitive skin.

The more time he spent with her, even when he wasn’t making love to her, the more he wanted to be with her. Something was different and addictive about this independent woman, who would work with him, sleep with him, but refused to share herself emotionally.

“I feel like a girl.”

“What,” she asked furrowing her brow, then she cupped him and giggled. “No, you don’t.”

“I do. I’m becoming emotional, like…always wanting to cuddle after sex, asking you what you’re thinking and…good God, this has to stop!” And he kissed her while his hands explored under the covers.

She twisted her mouth free. “Ah, wait…”

He couldn’t believe she stopped him. His brain fought with his body for control, and the battle wasn’t easily won as she tried to sit up. “Are you saying you don’t want to cuddle—?”

“No. No. No. See that’s the problem. I do. I want to be with you all the time. I need to touch you constantly. I worry about you when I can’t see you. Why are you grinning like a loon?”

“Me too.”

“You too, what?”

“Everything you said. I thought I was losing my senses.” Rowan continued grinning. “I feel the same way. I can’t abide being without you, and miss you terribly when you’re out of my sight. It’s quite strange.”

“So if we both feel the same, I guess it’s okay, right?” Cade sighed feeling a little relieved.

She shrugged. “I’m okay if you’re okay.”

“Come here. I need a cuddle,” he said. That sent Rowan into an outburst of giggles. The sound felt satisfyingly sweet.

What he actually needed was to be buried inside her, this time with her fully aware of how he felt, and if they didn’t get this addiction for each other out of their systems in say, three or four years, maybe this relationship would work. Then he’d have a bigger task to accomplish. He’d have to convince Rowan he really cared enough to stick around, forever.



About Eliza March


Eliza March, writes contemporary, military suspense, paranormal, and fantasy romance with an erotic kick.

“After considering where my stories take place, I wondered why so many contained threads of far-away places and theories about genetic influences. Then I had my "ah-ha" moment. Without writing my complete autobiography, let me explain. I was an Air Force brat, living and traveling throughout the US and Europe, and the gypsy took hold. That explains the locales.

“My interest in genealogy and the genetic tracing of my ancestry has inspired several of my current books. My first interest in DNA surfaced when I was in college while acting as my husband's study buddy for his microbiology classes. The interest in DNA molded my future in many ways. But what matters is the theme reappears in so many of my stories and so do places I lived or visited.

“After one wickedly dreary winter, I packed up the babies, the furniture, said good-bye to snowsuits and snow shovels, and moved my family to Florida where my husband and I continue to live today. We raised five children and several animals over the years, but now that our children are grown, I have time to write the stories running around in my head. Fortunately my husband is an avid supporter.” ~~Eliza

Author Eliza March also writes mainstream romance. Her first three books in the IATO series, Across A Crowded Room are available from Amazon. Several of her books have placed in contests including the Golden Quill Award in 2010 and in RomCom 2014 the Royal Crown Reader's Choice Award.


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The Omega Team - Kindle World

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