The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) (43 page)

BOOK: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)
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“Not you, naughty. I mean Finn. How’s about it poppet - you, me and a ton of bubbles?”


“Come on then, let’s go get freshened up and we’ll see Sub at dinner.” I begin to step around him and his hands encircle my waist pulling me too him.

“Don’t think you’re getting away that easily, Ms. Myers.” His lips touch mine and I close my eyes, inhaling his scent, my worries drifting away, my arms clasping about his neck. I push myself into his body and the kiss develops, as it always does with us, the passion rises instantaneously. When his tongue, searches for mine, I swoop in and suck his and hear his breath hitch, the bulge in his pants grows, pushing against my belly. I feel light headed, my nether regions buzzing.

“Sub’s kissing mummy. Sub’s kissing mummy.”

I suddenly pull apart from him, shock on my face, and see the same on his own. It takes seconds to alight our passion and Finn was at our feet. His screwed up face pretend-kissing the back of his hand. “Mwah, mwah mwah! Look mummy I can do it do!”

“Yes, you can, darling!” Mummy wishes she could carry on doing it.

“Sub likes kissing mummy and tomorrow he’ll be kissing her all day long, no matter who is around and no one is going to tell him otherwise.” He looks at me pointedly and I shake my head, knowing he meant every word of it.

“Come on, I’ll see you in an hour or so. Love you, baby.”

“I love you too. Never mind a hot bath. I need a bloody cold shower now.” He moans, heading off to rejoin the men in the bar.


Dinner is served in the private dining room which Elysium had recently renovated for James. We were its first guests and I smile happily as friends and family compliment me and in turn Colin on the superb job that our company have performed. Silcon had not been involved with this brief as it had been purely decorative and looking around as we sit at the immense mirrored table, studded with leather that seated 30, I felt proud of our achievements.

We’d modernised, but kept the traditional touches, as we had in the bedrooms, choosing to stick with the deep ruby red, dark charcoal and black colour palette and also using touches of plaid, as with The Gilded Fox, to create a real dinning room in keeping with a house this grand. A huge chandelier made from antlers hung above the table, walls were lined with leather stitched panel effect wallpaper, and then studded and thick plaid carpets squished beneath your feet. The immense stone fireplace, was lit, and strewn with garlands and wreaths, a red velvet stocking on either side. The ceiling has been painted black and the intricate cornices and detailing all enhanced by white and gold. As we chatted amiably about Seb and I and how we should have gotten together years ago, over candlelight I begin to realise that whilst the past few months have brought terror and evil into our lives, hurt and loss - it’s also brought love, happiness and such rewards. My business is thriving, my son is overjoyed that I’m marrying Seb and I’ve found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I couldn’t ask for more.

“Penny for them?”

Abs whispers to my right. “ Sorry, babe - miles away. Just taking it all in.”

“You ready for tomorrow - all your bits catered to?”

“I’ve had my nails done.” I waggle my newly shellaced fingers in front of her to oohs and ahhs.

“They are gorgeous.”

“Thank you - I loved the white with the silver glitter and the one Silver on my wedding finger - the little pearl on the end is perfect.”



“Not going to come on? And if so all your supplies?”

I suddenly stop and look right through her, frowning. I hadn’t even thought about that. Shit! When was my last period?

“Lu? What’s up? You have a funny look on your face?”

“Er, nothing? It’s fine.”

“Out with it, Mrs. Soon to be Silver or I’ll scream.”

“Bloody hell, Abs” I shove my thumb in Seb’s direction, and put my finger to my lips. He’s in a full-on conversation with his dad and Gino but I don’t want him to overhear. “I can’t remember when I last came on?”


I bite my lip. “Hmmm. I need to check my iCal and spend a couple of minutes on my own checking dates - I’m sure its fine. Probably all the stress…”

“Probably all the shagging, more like. Do you think you could be…”

“I don’t know?” I suddenly stop. What if I am? It would be amazing - totally unplanned…again but amazing and the best wedding present to Sebastian I could ever give him.

“Are you ready for it again, so soon after…you know?” her brown eyes are full of support.

“I think so. I didn’t think I’d be able to. Look. I don’t even know if I am - let’s get tonight out the way I’ll figure it out.”


“You got that right, my love. Always follows me.”

“Well, I’m here for you, no matter what.”

“Thanks, hun but I heard from Suzie that you’’re thinking of leaving us.”

I watch her guilty eyes turn downwards. So there was some truth to it them. I feel nausea wobble around in my tummy. She was my best-friend.

“I’m just thinking that’s all, nothing is nailed on.” She sips her champagne.

“Why didn’t you say anything, Abs?”

“You had so much on, with the wedding and the Leo nightmare - I didn’t want to worry you. I can’t take things at work much longer Lu, you already know that and Na, well he’s already proved he doesn’t feel the same was as me. A job offer has arisen - they’ve headhunted me.”

“Where?” I whisper.

“New York.”

“Wow!” It was the one place she’d always wanted to go - brilliant for graphic design and illustration - her dream. I could feel her slipping away.

“They want me to start in January, straight after Christmas.”

“So soon? So when would you leave?”

“Well, that’s the tough part. If, I took the position and it is a big if - I’d need to leave next week - so I could get myself an apartment, settled in and do a few days induction before they close for the Christmas break.”

“Oh, Abs I’d miss you so much.”

“I know, me too.”

I suddenly look at her, really look at her and see her for the first time in a long time. Forgetting all of my shit, my life, my needs, I take her in my arms and hug her, whispering into her ear. “You need to do this for yourself. If this is what you want, if you feel it is your future then you need to grab it with both hands and go show them who Abigail Thompson is, Graphic Designer extraodinnaire - don’t let me stop you, or Nathan - do this for you. I’ve got my future, here. I’ll always be here for you, Seb, Finn and I and there’s FaceTime and all the other social media outlets now that will mean we can be in constant contact and I’lll come vsit and we’ll go shopping in New York. I love you, Abby and if this is what you want you need to go for it.”

Her eyes are streaming, tears sliding down her cheeks and I grab a napkin and begin to pat them away. “Oh, Lulu - I love you, too. I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch the past few weeks - I found my future here..” Her eyes fix pointedly in Nathan’s direction before sliding back to mine, “…but it was not reciprocated. My second love is design and
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want me! They are willing to fight for me, with a six figure salary and perks and the prestige alone of working for a company like theirs will mean I could certainly set up on my with backing in a few years, maybe less.”

I nod at her excitement, sad to lose her but happy that she is finding her own way in life. That’s what friends did, they supported each other in every thing, no matter how selfless they had to be.

“Have you told Nathan about the New York job?”

She shakes her head and widens her eyes. “No! I have no intention of doing so.”

“For goodness sake, Abs - he deserves to know.”

“He doesn’t. I don’t know what we are now - we fuck every once in a while and right now, I hate him!”

“No you don’t, you’re just frustrated with im.”

“I want to grab that left over salmon and stuff it where the sun don’t shine.”

I giggle. “Well, you need to tell him, at least give him to chance to ask you to stay.”

“I’m not begging him! If he was into me he’d have shown his cards by now. I’m not doing this to go all Hallmark on him and have him running through a crowded airport, looking for me before I get on the plane.”

“Abby - I know - Oh… Ok, we’ll do it your way…”

“So you won’t tell Seb then?”

Shit! Tomorrow he’d be my husband and I can’t keep secrets from him. “No, I won’t tell him tonight. But if it slips out from tomorrow onwards I apologise, I won’t lie to my hubby.”

She pulls a sour face. “It’s a good job Suzue decided to rest upstairs tonight - I’d throttle her.”

“I’d be prepared to spend tomorrow, with Nathan, looking gorgeous and enjoying all the perks of being bestman and head bridesmaid - you’ll be slung together a…lot! I remember Seb and I at Suzie and G’s wedding.”

“Oh, I remember that, we all thought you two were outside getting it on!”

“No, seriously!”

“Seriously! Niall included!”

I laugh at that. “Hardly - if I remember rightly, Niall was to busy with his tongue down some blonde guests throat. I got hammered and Seb attempted to sober me up out back.”

“Ah yes, with tequila!” She grins nodding

“You know the story. He did. That was the first time I looked at him differently, I mean really looked at him, you know?”

“Like you wanted to jump his bones?” she swigs her drink.


“Other than the night at The Cave Bar, all those years ago.”

“Other than that - that was the first time, I mean since that first time of meeting. I was with Niall after all and we moved in together that morning, and Seb helped us. Something changed between us that day, it seemed to be him I think?” I narrow my eyes trying to remember.

“The more time you spend together the more you realise how much you felt for him, you mean?” Abs, crosses her legs.

“Yeah, I suppose so. I always thought we’d just been friends but at Suzie and G’s wedding it was different - isn’t it strange how until now I hadn’t remembered that.” I shake my head as though to clear it.

“Not really, Lu the mind is powerful tool - Niall was a mental abuser and controlled you more than you realise.”

“Maybe? I can see Seb and I now, opposite each other across the church aisle and suddenly he looked at me and it was like I was punched in the gut - I knew then that I was moving in with the wrong man. That night at the venue, I think I told Seb I really cared for him? I was pissed though.”

“Why didn’t you two do anything about then? Why did you stay with Niall?” Abby looks confused.

“I realised after a few days after wedding, that I was pregnant with Finn, when the humongous hangover, I thought I had turned out to be morning sickness. It was a deal breaker.”

“Oh, Lu - you never told me any of this.” She rubs my arms and draw me too her. “You always were a ‘made my bed now lie in it type of girl’, we would have supported you if you had wanted to go it alone.”

“I know but I’m traditional. Anyway Finn was meant to be. I was meant to have him and I have no regrets as this is Seb and my time - now.”

“That it is. You are such an inspiration, my lovely friend. I can’t wait until tomorrow. I’ll be the bloody best bridesmaid ever for you.”

“I know you will. Right, I must make a move now though. I’m tired and I need to escape before you know who tries to .”

“Do you want me to arrange that reception sorts out the little issue of down below?” She points in the direction of her lady parts and I smile.

“Yes that would be great, thank you.”

“Mum?” I call across the table to her, where she is deep in conversation with Bitzi about how the Marks and Spencer’s shares have gone up, with Finn asleep in her lap.

“Yes, love?”

“I’m going to make a move.”

Seb looks up then too. “You’re making you’re getaway bride routine already, baby?”

“I am, darling. I need to get Finn to bed and it’s time for me to try get some shut eye too.” Not that I’ll sleep much, I’m too excited.

“I’ll carry him up for you.” Seb makes his way around to Nina and extracts our boy from her warmth, snuggling him against his chest. He looked tiny next to Seb’s muscular body.

“You’re not going in!” Nina quips, over her reading glasses and I smirk at Seb’s pursed mouth.

“See, son. Nice try but you won’t get through the doors of your bride to be’s room tonight.” Bob and Mac chuckle in unison.

I swear I hear Seb mutter ‘We’ll see about that’ but I choose to ignore it and walk around the table, kissing everyone on their cheeks. “Thanks, guys for all your help today. Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow in your wedding gear. Night.”

We head out to a chorus of nights and sleep well and the three of us head up the stairwell towards the honeymoon suite. Abby is not far behind and calls her byes as she slips down her corridor to her room. As I hear her door close, I see Nathan strut down the corridor behind us in that direction. God, men were predictable. Hmmm, let’s hope they can resolve their issues.

“Just place him on the bed, baby.”

I head to the wardrobe and locate his jammies and then with Seb’s help undress my sleeping bundle, before placing spiderman in the large princess in the pea bed and turning off the side lamp. Seb kisses his temple and strokes his hair gently and I watch in awe - he really had taken to fatherhood fantastically.

“God, I love this kid.”

“I know you do.”

“I love you too.”

I walk into his arms and stare up at him. “I love you too.”

“And tomorrow when you become my wife, I’ll be the happiest man alive.”

“Tomorrow, we will be married, at last - I can’t wait, baby.”

“Me neither. Do you know what else would make me the happiest man alive? Letting me see you naked, touch you, kneel down and eat you out until your dry.”

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