The Opal Desert (36 page)

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Authors: Di Morrissey

BOOK: The Opal Desert
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‘Why do people choose that life? Why do people think they can come out here and find a fortune?' asked Alia.

‘Because that's sometimes what happens!' said Kerrie.

‘I think it's more the lifestyle and the freedom that people want, whether they find a fortune or not,' said Gustav.

‘You should talk to some of the people out here in the opal fields,' Helen told Alia. ‘That might help to explain why they want to look for opals.'

‘It sounds like a cop-out to me,' said Alia. ‘I bet there are a lot of people running away from their responsibilities and opal provides them with a good excuse.'

‘You could be right there, Alia,' said Gustav. He smiled. ‘We'll probably see you in Opal Lake, Kerrie.'

‘Or in Broken Hill. We were thinking of going over to see the exhibition later, and now you've given us a real incentive,' said Helen. ‘It's a cracker event. Always impressive.'

When they rolled into Opal Lake, Alia was prepared for anything. ‘It's certainly surrounded by a lot of space,' she commented as she looked around. ‘Do you feel safe way out here?'

‘Totally,' said Kerrie. ‘I think it's far safer than in a city. We're staying at Pam and Doug's Golden Dome tonight. See that hill? Shirley lives up there on top of it.'

‘You can't wait to see her, can you? Does she know about the exhibition?' asked Alia.

‘Yes. I told her as soon as I was invited. See, there's the entrance to the Golden Dome.'

‘Those two small pillars have frogs sitting on them.'

‘Yes, stone frogs. Pam loves frogs.'

‘The Golden Dome made me think that we'd be staying in a Vegas-type casino with flashing neon lights like a spaceship, on top of the hill,' joked Alia.

‘Heaven forbid . . .'

Alia was impressed with the style and comfort of the Golden Dome as well as the concept of living underground. ‘It's elegant but at the same time really cosy, just like someone's home,' she said to Kerrie after they'd explored. ‘I love the atrium with the plants and the hot tub.'

‘In the daytime, the sun shines down the overhead shaft. The hot tub's a new addition, but if you want a plunge in it before dinner, go ahead. Take a glass of wine from the fridge with you. Don't hurry, I'm dying to catch up on all the news with Pam.'

‘This is all very civilised,' said Alia.

‘She's lovely,' Pam said to Kerrie as they sat in the lounge while Doug fussed over the hors d'oeuvres in the kitchen.

‘I don't think Alia was expecting a good wine and a hot tub before dinner! This trip has been a bit of an eye opener for her, she's handling it well. I think it's given her a new perspective, that's for sure. Now, Pam, I have something to show you,' said Kerrie handing her a small box.

‘Don't tell me this is the ring you found at Opal Lake?' said Pam opening it. ‘It's absolutely magnificent.'

‘It did scrub up well, didn't it? Roth Cameron tried to find out more about it, but apart from knowing that the stone came from Lightning Ridge and being able to date the setting to the 1920s, he couldn't find out anything else.'

‘I don't suppose it matters, although it would have been nice to have learnt more about such a beautiful opal. Isn't Roth a lovely man?'

Kerrie smiled. ‘Have you been talking to Shirley?'

Pam waved her hand. ‘Absolutely not. You don't have to tell me things if you'd rather not, but I'm curious as to why Shirley might have something to tell me about you and Roth Cameron!' She laughed.

‘It's not Roth I've been talking to Shirley about. I told her that I've been seeing quite a lot of Tim Cameron, who runs the business now.'

Pam looked puzzled, then her face cleared and she broke into a large smile. ‘Tim? Roth's son? He's lovely. Don't tell me . . . You and he?'

Kerrie tried not to smile. ‘Ooh, you're quick, Pam. And you're right, he is lovely. We've just clicked and we've become good friends. Well, maybe a bit more than that. He wanted to come up to the exhibition but he can't get away right now.'

‘That's fantastic news. What does Alia think?'

‘She likes him. The other two have only met him once or twice. I think that they disapprove of my finding someone else so quickly. I know it's been less than two years since Milton died but to me it doesn't matter. I feel right with Tim.'

‘You don't have to apologise, Kerrie. Surely Milton would want you to be happy? No one would wish to see someone they loved unhappy for the rest of their life. Now you've moved into a new phase.'

‘I think so. It seems life does go in cycles. I don't regret a moment of the excitement, the passion, the pressure, the merry-go-round that I lived with Milton.' She paused. ‘Well, maybe I would have liked some things to have been different, but that's how it was with Milton.'

‘For what it's worth, I think that you're still young, so you should move on,' said Pam.

‘This exhibition could also be the start of something new,' Kerrie said cautiously.

‘I'd definitely say so,' agreed Pam. ‘I'll be interested to hear what Shirley has to say about you and Tim.'

‘She's happy for me,' said Kerrie.

‘I'm sure she is,' said Pam. ‘You're doing the right thing. But, you know, I can't help thinking that Shirley should have grabbed the bull by the horns years ago and moved on, too. I've always wondered why she stayed on here. It's not like she was heavily into mining. I suppose it's good that she started recording the history of this place, but, well, it's not much of a life when you think about it. I suppose it's too late for her to change now.'

‘You know, I think the same thing,' admitted Kerrie. ‘Shirley was the same age as I am now when she met Stefan. She had almost as long with Stefan as I had with Milton. But I'm prepared to start again and Shirley wasn't. She's like a wounded old bear that refuses to get out of its cave. It's good that she's so caring and wise, so people come to her.'

‘Yes, she's been that way as long as I've lived here. Well, dinner is ready. I guess you'll go over to see Shirley first thing in the morning?'

‘Yes, of course. I want to show Alia around, too. She's flying straight back to Sydney after the show opens, so this is her only chance to see what's here.'

‘We're heading off, too. We'll go to your opening, of course, but then we're going to Dubbo for a big family wedding. Be away a week or so.'

‘Is someone coming to look after this place? Do you want a hand here?' offered Kerrie.

‘No, thanks, it's all under control. We have friends from Victoria who love coming up here and running the place. They like wandering round the country in their caravan with their old kelpie and they love noodling for opals, so they're happy to fill in when we're away.'

‘That's good, because I do plan to stay on for a bit.

I have a friend coming to visit.'

Pam smiled. ‘Wonderful. Will your friend be staying here?' She wanted to ask more questions, but didn't as Alia joined them for one of Pam and Doug's delicious meals.

Kerrie drove Alia around the top of Old Tom's Hill and stopped the car outside Shirley's dugout. Alia gazed across the town to the emptiness of the surrounding landscape.

‘It's a bit like a fort up here.'

‘Yes, it would be hard to sneak up here without someone knowing, I suppose. I always felt safe when I stayed here at Ingrid's, but she has very secure locks to protect her jewellery,' said Kerrie. ‘Shirley doesn't even lock her door. Mind you, she never leaves the place anyway.'

‘I'd like to meet Ingrid and see her jewellery,' said Alia.

‘I'm sure you'll get the chance.'

They got out of the car and as they walked to the dugout Kerrie was surprised to see a young woman sweeping the tiny patio by Shirley's entrance.

‘Hello. Is Shirley all right?' asked Kerrie, wondering why Shirley needed someone to help. Kerrie was only too aware that Shirley wasn't one to be fussed by domestic appearances.

‘She's fine. I just thought I'd help her a bit. You must be Kerrie. She's very excited to see you.'

‘Yes, I am. And this is Alia. And you are . . . ?'

‘Anna. I'm working down at the hotel. Shirley's inside. I'll go and tell her you're here.'

‘Don't worry,' said Kerrie. ‘I know my way about, and she's expecting me. It's nice of you to help out.'

Alia smiled at Anna as Kerrie went ahead into the dugout.

‘Shirley's a lovely lady,' said Anna.

‘Have you been in Opal Lake a long time?' asked Alia.

Anna placed the broom behind a heavy chair and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ‘No, not long. I'm from Adelaide. I saw a job advertised for bar work here, and I came. It's somewhere different.'

‘You can say that again. Do you live in a dugout?'

‘No, just at the pub. I'll say goodbye to Shirley.' Anna stuck her head around the doorway of the dugout and called out, ‘See you later, Shirley.'

‘Aren't you staying for tea, Anna? This is Kerrie I've told you about.'

‘No, thanks, Shirley, but you enjoy the visit. Let me know if you want anything. Bye.' Anna included Kerrie and Alia in her swift farewell and disappeared.

‘So you've collected another lost duckling?' said Kerrie lightly. ‘Where'd she spring from?'

‘Oh, she's been here for about two months, I guess. Taken me a while to tame her, though. Bit of a shy creature. She's a runner. Now, sit down. I'm so pleased to meet you, Alia. Isn't it wonderful news about Kerrie's exhibition?'

‘Yes, very exciting.'

‘I do wish you could see it, Shirley. Alia helped with the hanging of my paintings and my work is shown off to wonderful advantage.'

‘I'm sure they'll all sell in a flash,' said Shirley.

‘Oh. I hadn't thought about the selling side of it,' said Kerrie suddenly. ‘I'll miss every one of them!'

Alia and Shirley both laughed.

‘But that's what you're supposed to do! Paint a picture and sell it, isn't that right?' said Alia. ‘Was Dad possessive about his work, too?'

‘He was a bit, which is why he kept a lot of them. He called them his heart pieces, as opposed to his commissioned work.'

‘If you did decide that you could bear to sell your paintings, is there a special one that you couldn't possibly part with?' asked Shirley.

‘Yes, there's one that's definitely not for sale. I didn't even put it in the exhibition.' Kerrie turned to Alia. ‘You know the one I mean. Could you get it from the car?'

Alia nodded and rose. ‘Oops, I left it at the B&B. I'm so sorry, Kerrie. Shall I go and get it while you two catch up? It won't take me long.'

As she left the room, Shirley turned to Kerrie. ‘She's lovely. Not quite as you described her eighteen months ago. So something happened when you two went to New York?'

‘Yes, I think so. What was really important was that she came to understand her father's talent and his place in the art world. And it showed her that she has a talent, too. She has a flair for design and she's good at display, and art appreciation. It's given her the idea that she might become a curator, which I'm so happy about. I'm very glad that I took up your suggestion to take Alia with me to help with Milton's retrospective.'

‘And the other two girls? How are they these days?'

‘Hard to say. I think they are still directionless, though they're no slouches when it comes to shopping and socialising. I've decided to move out of the Rose Bay house. The girls can either live there, or sell it and divide the proceeds. It's up to them. I hope that then we'll have less of a barrier between us.'

‘That seems to be a good idea. Where will you live?' asked Shirley.

‘No idea, but I don't need a huge mansion. I want somewhere simpler and easier to manage.'

Shirley leant back and looked at Kerrie. ‘Seems to me you're making some smart decisions.'

‘Maybe. I'm certainly seeing a way forward through my art.'

‘I think there's more than just your art. How's Tim?'

Kerrie smiled at her. ‘Couldn't be better.'

Just then Alia came back into the dugout holding a large brown paper parcel, which she handed to Shirley. ‘This is for you,' she said. ‘From Kerrie.'

Shirley smiled in delight. ‘A painting! How wonderful. You shouldn't be giving them away, Kerrie.'

Alia helped her to open the brown paper and Shirley gasped as she discovered there were two pictures inside. One was a portrait of Shirley done from the sketches Kerrie had made on her second visit and the other was a small picture of Opal Lake.

Shirley held the portrait at arm's length. ‘It's good. You certainly have developed it from those original sketches. You know me very well.' She studied the small painting of the lake. ‘Oh, Kerrie, I love this. It's just as I remember it.'

‘I'm so glad. You can see that wonderful silvery sandy soil that looks like water in the distance.'

‘I like the rusty wire and the old fence post. They are very evocative. I have a lot of memories of that lake,' said Shirley. ‘I was there with the two most important men in my life.' She turned to Alia. ‘When I was a little girl I saw the lake filled with water and the abundant bird life that was attracted to it, little water birds and great clumsy pelicans. That was a once in a lifetime event.'

Alia glanced at Kerrie, as if expecting her to say something, but Kerrie stood up and hugged Shirley.

‘I'm so happy you like the picture.'

That afternoon Kerrie, Pam and Alia went down to the hotel before Pam had to start preparing dinner for her guests, for a drink and a chat with some of the locals. It wasn't very busy and Anna was able to talk with Alia, while Kerrie and Pam took their drinks to one of the small tables.

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