Read The Other Other Woman Online

Authors: Mallory Lockhart

The Other Other Woman (9 page)

BOOK: The Other Other Woman
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He sat up, and as I watched him slide his boxers down and off the edge of the bed, I only briefly got a look at his cock. It appeared a little longer than average in length and nice and thick in girth. The head of it was huge, bigger than any I had ever seen, and I was really looking forward to a closer inspection. But he immediately whipped out a condom and had that thing wrapped before I could even protest. That little voice in the back of my head started screaming, “This ain’t his first rodeo, toots!” but I silenced it because I just wanted him so badly. He had barely even touched me below the waist, but I was ready for him nonetheless.

“Ready, baby?” he asked me, looking down at me with those dark bedroom eyes. I wasn’t the slightest bit nervous anymore. I just knew that he was going to be a fantastic lover. Still, all I could do was nod stupidly as he grabbed each of my legs and slid me down the sheets toward him. I wrapped my legs around him, and with one long sigh of pleasure, he carefully drove himself inside of me. Forget about foreplay, I have to admit, this has always been my favorite part, that initial injection. Holy Hell. Judging by his face, I think I yelled out “OHHH” a little louder than we both expected. Then I threw my arms around his neck and shoulders and held on for dear life as we began to move together. He eased himself in and out at first to be polite, but every thrust from him made me crave him harder and deeper. As he picked up speed, he just felt so damn good; I could no longer manage to keep my mouth shut. I moaned uncontrollably, finding myself a little embarrassed by how “movie sex scene” my voice was. But I couldn’t stop. He was quietly concentrating, it seemed. But then every so often, he would let out an “Oh God, Mallory, you feel so good!” which made me cry even louder. He rarely ever called me by my name anymore. He dropped down on his elbows, flush against my chest, and I could feel his weight twisting into the heat of my body over and over again. He kissed me deeply and ran his fingers over my face. I grabbed his hands and kissed his fingers, trying to stifle my cries, “Oh my God, baby, oh God…” Then he raised himself back up with his arms extended on each side of me so I could run my fingers through the soft hair of his chest.

Feeling him moving deep inside of me, with his entire body grinding against mine, I couldn’t imagine not wanting to do this forever. I never, ever wanted this to end. And then he flipped me over. I was impressed that we managed not to break contact from each other with that move. With him behind me, up on his knees, I lifted my body upright to feel his hot breath on my neck and his chest pressed firmly against my entire back. He threw both of his strong arms around my waist, gripping me tightly against him while he continued to fuck me deeply. I grabbed one of his arms and pushed his hand down over my clitoris, and keeping mine over top of his, guided him in a circular motion, until I became dizzy with pleasure.

I figured our first time would have gone pretty fast but this stamina he spoke of was no joke. I was quickly losing control. I lowered myself back down toward the sheets, and pushed back against him, hard, which elicited an, “Oh baby, I am so deep inside of you right now…” response. That one made me giggle into the pillow a little bit. He was so sweet. I loved how he was so straight-laced with his words. Here I was throwing out an “Oh God!” or “Fuck me!” whenever the feeling struck.

I could tell he was getting close too, so we switched back to me lying on my back with him on top of me. I was so happy to see his sweet face again. I reached up with my arms to rub his cheek and kiss his chest. He grabbed my arms, clasped his hands in mine and pushed them down, pinning them above my head like the sexy motherfucker he was. He came in for an impassioned kiss as he continued to work me over with powerful measured thrusts. Then he raised himself upright, propping one of my legs up against his shoulder, and held it there with his arm. I could barely breathe by now so I just whimpered, “Slower baby… I’m close…” He slowed his pace as I requested, but drove that thick cock harder into me with every forward motion.

“Oh God! Fuck me, Matt!” I cried, and I grabbed his free hand again, this time clasping his fingers in mine. I stroked myself with my hand as he looked on, continuing to slide himself slowly but steadily in and out of me.

I knew I was done for. My legs began to shake and stiffen uncontrollably. I quickly lifted one knee up to my chest to get him as deep inside of me as possible while I contracted and climaxed around him. For the first time in at least an hour, I could finally shut up.

He smiled triumphantly, and leaned down to kiss me. Then he very gently asked, “Are you going to be okay for another minute or so, babe?”

“Yeah, sure thing, baby,” I squeaked out, my breathing ragged and my muscles still pulsing all over.

He threw my legs around him again, gripping my hips tightly as he picked up speed. After just a couple of strong thrusts, I felt his body tighten and twitch as he yelled out “YES… YES… YEEEEEES!” and collapsed on top of me in a sticky, sweaty exhausted heap. We held each other there for several minutes with our eyes closed, my cheeks burning, my ears still ringing. I opened my eyes and stared at him for a moment. I gently kissed the bridge of his nose, followed by his forehead, his cheek, and back to his lips. God, I just adored him. In the past I would have run screaming for the bathroom long before now to get cleaned up. Today, I was content to just lay there with him on top of me, completely relaxed, completely naked, rubbing my hands through his hair and all over his hot, wet body. I didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, I never wanted him to move from this spot. But damn I was hungry.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I asked him as I gently kissed his lips again.

He barely lifted his head, “Mmmm, that that was really, reeeeally good?”

“Oh, yeah, that was fantastic, babe… but no. Actually, I was thinking how lonely my carbonara must be all the way over there.”

“Ahhh, good point!”

We got up out of the bed, and we each washed up a bit. He put his boxer briefs back on, and that was all. I found that to be an excellent choice. “Here, sweetie, you can wear this,” he said, as he threw me his white undershirt. I happily put it on. His fresh, clean scent permeated throughout it, so I could continue to sniff him to my heart’s content. Seating was limited at the Holiday Inn Express, so he took the desk chair and I sat on the edge of the bed to eat our lukewarm pasta, which had been coagulating in the carryout containers for at least an hour or two.

“Wow, this is some good stuff!” he said, practically shoveling his spaghetti into his mouth. We were absolutely famished. I was so glad that he liked it. I could make some mean Italian dishes myself, and I hoped to one day be able to impress him with my own cooking.

He reached over to me and playfully pulled me into his lap in the swivel chair. He held me up against him so he could feed me bites of spaghetti off his plastic fork. I did the same for him with my penne. Even two hours old, it was the best damn pasta I’ve ever had.

Since he was still technically working, he had to see what the stock market was doing and to check his messages. Brooke had called from the office about an urgent client matter so I moved back over to the bed and finished up my lunch, trying to be as quiet as possible while he handled some business. I had to laugh as I was checking my phone, because she and I were playing deathmatch games of Words with Friends together and she had already asked me how my “day of shopping” was going on the chat feature. Just swimmingly, thank you very much. We were just starting to become closer friends at that point, so she would have had no reason to suspect anything. Just as he was finished with his call I received a text message from him sitting five feet away from me.
I want you.
I could see that sly boyish smile out of the corner of my eye, and it made me grin from ear to ear.

I moved back over to the edge of the bed and he swiveled up to me. He put his legs up on the bed, one on each side of me. I couldn’t manage to keep my hands off him, so I rubbed his legs while we talked.

We talked in depth about the various conflicts we had gotten into with other co-workers over the years. I had only ever had one or two, and it was just petty girl stuff, nothing serious. But he had some majorly unresolved issues with Kip, another broker in his branch. There was some sort of confusion over who should get the referral of a very large group of accounts and Kip didn’t like the way it was handled, basically telling the big boss that Matt stole it out from under him. Naturally, they became fierce enemies, so much so that they hadn’t even acknowledged each other’s presence in years. He hated the tension that it caused in the office.

While I am an absolute expert at personally holding a grudge, I really can’t stand for people to be mad at me. It fills me with anxiety. So I listened closely as he described what happened with Kip, while I continued to run my hands all over his incredible thighs. I advised him that if he didn’t like things as they were, then maybe he should make the first move to clear the air. He insisted, “I couldn’t help it that the client wanted me, I have a better track record.” I kissed him and reassured him that he was a wonderful person and clearly it was the other guy’s fault. It always is, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want him? I surprised even myself at how quickly I became that girl who could see no character flaws in her man.

He was getting ready to go on his trip to Ukraine at the end of the week, so he was describing the culture and what normally happened on his trips. His foreign cohorts liked to take him swimming in ice cold pools and go to bathhouses where they beat the crap out of you with large sticks. I thought,
Jeez, no wonder his wife doesn’t go on these trips
. He said it was mostly a lot of traveling during the day, but at night they loved to throw parties with non-stop eating and drinking. He reminisced about how last time he won a dance contest at one of these parties for doing the “Running Man,” and then jumped up out of the chair to show off his dancing skills. I pretty much fell off the bed laughing.

“I’ve never met anyone like you,” he said, sitting back down and pulling me back into his lap.

“Oh yeah? How so?” I replied, placing my hands around his neck and nibbling this one delicious spot above his ear where the hair was the most adorable mix of black and gray.

“I don’t know… I just feel like I can tell you anything, all of my dirty laundry. I trust you more than anyone else in the firm, you know.”

“You can. That’s not a bad thing, is it?” I asked, kissing his lips. “I feel the same way about you,” I responded, looking deep into his eyes.

“Not at all. It’s just not often you meet someone you have an instant bond with like that.”

“Mmm-hmm, this sounds like a big problem to me. What do you want me to do about it?” I gently tugged at his lips and teased his mouth with my tongue. He pulled me in tightly, straddling his lap, for another long kiss. Sitting up against him like that, I was suddenly acutely aware that I was wearing nothing but his T-shirt. It was going to have to go.

“Here let me get that for you,” he said, and pulled it up over my head.

“Come lie down with me,” I murmured seductively, taking his hand and leading him back to the bed.

We lay down next to each other, our legs intertwined and our arms wrapped around each other, just kissing slowly and canoodling for a few minutes. We were both actually a little tired. With the shades drawn in the room, and the sun behind the clouds, it could have easily been dusk out there. Coupled with our bellies full of pasta and tiramisu, I could have either gone to sleep or probably died happily right there in his arms. But knowing we only had a couple more hours before he would have to get on the road, I wanted him one more time. Who knows how long it would be before I could see him again? I was already getting panicky over the thought of saying goodbye to him.

I slowly caressed his chest as we kissed and I could feel his heart rate pick up almost instantly. He reached around me and started rubbing my back and shoulders and suddenly I felt pinching in the middle of my back. I started giggling. “What on earth are you doing back there?”

“I just like your curves,” he replied innocently. “I can’t stop touching them.”

“You mean my rolls!?” I huffed.

“I’m not used to having such soft, supple skin to play with.”

“So, you’re making a game out of my backfat, then?” I laughed indignantly.

“I love every inch of your backfat, my dear,” he reassured me, laughing and twisting me closer so he could plant a kiss on my shoulder. With one hand around my neck, he kissed the other side, moving his lips lower and lower, all along my collarbone and down my chest. He took my nipples into his mouth and rolled each one with his tongue while gripping my entire breast in his palm. He ran his fingers down my torso and all around my bottom, squeezing my cheeks firmly and pulling my hips closer into him, where I could feel he was getting hard. He lowered himself down on the bed and using both of his hands, he placed them across my pubic bone, spreading my lips apart with his thumbs. I drew my breath in sharply as he put his mouth on me. In the past, I had always equated oral sex to feeling like I was being licked by a cat, but I was so wrong. My God, he was so, so good at this. He should go into business. He licked me with a slow, steady pace that made me grab at his hair and writhe all over the bed like a crazy person. It was overwhelming me and I couldn’t help but cry out how much I wanted him.

When he came back up to join me, he ran his hands over me again and leaned forward to get a condom off of the nightstand. I grabbed his arm and said, “No, baby, not yet.” He looked confused until I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back against the pillows. I planted kisses down his chest and was heading southbound toward his stomach, but stopped for a moment to appreciate the angle of his hips as they slid into those black boxer briefs. Goddamn, that’s hot.

“Here, let me get these for you,” I smiled, and grabbed the waistband and slid them down, exposing his gorgeous cock. I ran my hand down the length of him, stroking every vein with my fingers. He watched intently as I rolled my tongue all over the tip. Still holding onto him with my hand, I flipped my hair out of my face and took him into my mouth, wrapping my lips tightly around him while he groaned softly. Being able to please him was such a huge turn-on for me. I went down on him as deeply as I could, straight down to the base, running my fingers up and down his shaft as I slipped him in and out of my mouth, sucking the tip of him with each withdrawal. His stomach tensed up and he pressed his head back against the pillow while I continued to devour him.

BOOK: The Other Other Woman
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