The Owned Girl (11 page)

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Authors: Dominic Ridler

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: The Owned Girl
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    While Pilar was lying on the bed with the butt plug inserted, Aidan played around with Beth a little more, getting her to suck his cock again as Pilar watched, and then making Beth masturbate in front of him while he and Pilar watched. Like Pilar, Beth was aroused at being forced to do humiliating things. She would often whine and protest, but in truth I think it was usually a tactic designed to provoke Matthew into even more explicit and shaming demands. Aidan insisted Beth masturbate until she came, then he made Pilar jerk him off onto Beth's face.
    When it was time for Matthew and I to pick up Beth, Aidan brought her downstairs. Pilar decided to stay in the room and take a shower. Matthew asked Aidan if Beth had been well-behaved.
    'Yes,' said Aidan. 'She's been a very good little girl, very good indeed. You are lucky to own her.'
    Beth beamed.
    'Say thank you to the kind gentleman for your afternoon, Beth,' Matthew ordered.
    'Thank you, sir, for letting me be your plaything,' said Beth, then kissed Aidan on the cheek.
    It was a pleasant evening and the park was nearby. We decided to take Beth for a walk. We found a secluded spot to sit down, and Matthew ordered Beth to tell us the details of what had been done at the hotel. As she recounted her activities, Matthew put his hand up her skirt. I looked around, but there was no one watching.
    'I hope,' said Matthew, 'that you did only what was asked of you, and that you did not volunteer suggestions of your own. Because that would be slutty.'
    'No, my owner,' Beth said earnestly. 'I was not slutty at all. I simply did what the nice man wanted.'
    I could see from where I was sitting that Matthew now had his hand inside Beth's knickers.
    'I think when I get you home I had better give you a spanking all the same, just to be sure,' he said.
    'Oh, that's not fair!' Beth cried. 'I really was good.'
    'Beth,' I said, 'surely you know by now it's not about fairness, not in the conventional sense. It's about what's good for you. And Matthew knows best.'
    Beth sighed. 'I suppose so.'
    'The spanking will be to remind you that although you have been loaned out this afternoon, you are still an owned girl.'
    'Yes,' said Beth dutifully. 'I am glad of that.'
    Matthew's hand continued to work in Beth's knickers. She was beginning to get that glassy look she had when she was near orgasm.
    'Come now,' said Matthew suddenly.
    There was a pause, then Beth gave a little gasp and I saw her thighs clench together and her hips rocked back and forth. Then she was still.
    'Good girl,' Matthew said.

Chapter Six

    Later, Beth would have further meetings with Aidan and Pilar, but before that she was to have a real-life encounter with Charles, her online friend. He informed us that he was taking a trip to New York. Would we care to meet him? Matthew replied that we should be delighted to see him. Charles asked if Beth might be made available to him. Matthew replied that undoubtedly Charles would be given a display of her charms, but that certain restrictions would be placed on what might be done with her.
    As time went on, it was becoming clearer to me that Matthew was changing; his attitude towards Beth became more possessive. I don't know whether the experience of lending her to Pilar and Aidan had a particular effect on him, or whether it simply crystallised a tendency which was already present, to think of Beth as his exclusive possession. Of course in a sense she was. That was the whole point of our experiment with her, to make her aware of herself as an owned girl. But initially the idea was that, although of course Matthew and I would derive pleasure from having Beth as our pet (and who would not like to have a pretty girl at their beck and call, available for use sexually whenever one liked?), it was nonetheless to be done for her benefit. But increasingly it seemed as though owning Beth was an end in itself, not a means of reeducating this willing but wayward girl so that eventually she would be better equipped to find happiness. And I have to say that, though I do not believe that I was exactly jealous of Beth, it did seem that she was now taking up an inordinate amount of Matthew's time and energy, to the extent that my own relationship with him took second place. We rarely had sex now, and indeed I saw little of him unless Beth was present too.
    Beth had problems with her family, she couldn't get along with her mother, and so Matthew suggested that she come to live with us, just as a temporary measure. The result was that she was with us morning, noon and night. I wasn't sure that this was healthy, for any of us. Once or twice I tried to raise the subject with Matthew, but he seemed not to understand the problem. It was only for a month or so, and then Beth would get her own place, he said. But in the course of that month he appeared to want to possess her totally, to the extent that often she ended up sleeping in our bed. Sometimes Beth slept in the middle, and on occasion I found myself caressing her before we slept, even encouraging her to pleasure me with her tongue (which by now she had become highly skilled at delivering orgasms either to me or to Matthew). Matthew in no way discouraged me from making use of Beth in this way. But often it seemed to so happen that he was the one in the middle, with the result that Beth was not nearly so available to me physically. It was Matthew who used her, while I watched, or listened in the dark to the sounds of their pleasure.
    I think anyone's tolerance might have been tested by such a situation. I tried my best to suppress my jealousy, telling myself that what we were doing was good for Beth, and that it would be harmful to her if she felt that she was coming between Matthew and me. After a month she did indeed find her own apartment, and that did relieve the pressure somewhat. But it also meant that there was a place that Matthew could go to if he wanted to be alone with her, and increasingly it seemed that he did.
    I made a point of going round to Beth's place on my own from time to time. And when I did, I asserted myself, making Beth demonstrate her obedience to me. I would have her kneel and crawl across the floor to me, then I'd have her rest her head in my lap while I stroked her hair and fondled her neck. I'd talk to her in low tones, asking her if she was my good little girl, if she enjoyed being my pet, if she wanted to please me. She assured me that she did. And sometimes I would let her demonstrate this. I'd lie on the sofa and have her very slowly strip me below the waist, have her caress my thighs and kiss my belly and then perform cunnilingus, instructing her all the while on exactly what to do, where to kiss and lick, how fast, how hard. If she did well and pleased me a lot, I would give her little treats afterwards. Perhaps I would have brought some chocolate, which I would give her by making her sit up and beg, then dropping pieces in her mouth. Sometimes I bought her clothes, pretty little pairs of knickers which I would have her model for me. I'd take pictures of her, looking cute, but occasionally I'd want obscene pictures in which, to her great embarrassment, she would be ordered to display her cunt or even her asshole. If she protested I would sometimes threaten that I would tell Matthew. I remembered how my mother used to threaten us kids by saying, 'just you wait till your father comes home'. It amused me to think I was behaving to Beth in much the same way. And sometimes, if she was difficult, I really would report back to Matthew, and she would be summoned to account for herself, standing in the middle of the room with her skirt lifted up to her waist while he sat in a chair, scolding her while I listened, and then usually spanking her as punishment, after she had apologised to me.
    By the time Charles came to visit, Beth was established in her own place. But Matthew's attitude towards lending her to Charles was noticeably different from what had happened when Pilar and Aidan visited. Charles was to be allowed an intimate experience with Beth, but only while Matthew was present. And it was made clear that he would not be allowed to fuck her. At first I believed that these restrictions were in answer to some misgivings Beth herself had. Charles was, after all, an older man, and perhaps she did not feel sure she could respond to him in quite the way she had to Aidan (who clearly had taken her fancy). But I'm inclined to think with the benefit of hindsight that it was in fact Matthew himself who did not want to give Charles unfettered access to his owned girl. He liked the idea of demonstrating his ownership to Charles, of showing her off, as it were. And he was kinky enough to get pleasure from the sexual dynamics that any group-sex scenario threw up. Additionally, he was a dom, after all, and he enjoyed making Beth do what he wanted, not what she chose to do. But having said that, he would not make her go all the way.
    Perhaps he also derived additional pleasure from withholding her to the extent that she was not to be penetrated. The psychology of doms is sometimes opaque to me, but I think I understand in part how their minds work. They like to show another man their property, and demonstrate how totally they possess it by lending it out. But at the same time they like to remind the other man who is in charge. Imposing certain restrictions serves to emphasise their power.
    Nevertheless, there was to be an encounter. As with Pilar and Aidan, we arranged to meet Charles at a restaurant. Beth was, as usual, in a short skirt and, I recall, a muslin blouse that gave a hint of her underwear beneath. Charles clearly found her charming. He plied her with all manner of questions, mostly of a highly personal nature. I think he was deliberately trying to embarrass her and make her blush, and once or twice he succeeded. I remember at one point he asked her how her sexual habits had changed since she became owned.
    'Specifically, Beth,' he said, 'how often did you masturbate before meeting Matthew and Annabel?'
    Beth looked shyly down at the table.
    'Tell him, Beth,' Matthew said, clearly enjoying her embarrassment. 'Tell him exactly what you used to do.'
    Beth swallowed hard. She found this sort of disclosure difficult. 'I didn't do it much,' she said, staring down at the table. 'I don't think I was very good at it.
Charles persisted. 'What sort of fantasies did you have?'
Beth blushed even more. She turned to Matthew. 'Must I?' she said.
'Tell him,' Matthew answered.
    'I used to think about exposing myself to strange men in public. On the subway, places like that.'
    'What did you expose?' Charles asked.
    'I imagined going about without any knickers under my skirt, and I'd lift it so they could see me.'
    'So they could see your cunt?' I think Charles enjoyed saying that word to her. Beth didn't like to use it. She preferred to talk of her pussy.
    'Yes,' she whispered.
    'And were there consequences?'
    'Yes, I'd think about getting caught and being sent to a reformatory and being punished.'
    'They would birch me,' said Beth.
    'Have you ever been birched?' Charles asked.
    'No, but Matthew has threatened it once or twice.'
    At the end of the meal, Matthew made Beth do what she had done with Pilar and Aidan, go to the ladies' room and remove her underwear. When she sat back down we could all see her nipples through her thin blouse. After the meal was over we walked down the street and once more Matthew took us into an alley.
    'Put your hand in her blouse and feel her nipples,' Matthew said to Charles.
    Charles did so.
    'Are they hard?' Matthew asked.
    'Yes,' said Charles, 'very.'
    'Now put your hand up her skirt and feel between her legs. But don't penetrate her.'
    Charles did as invited. Beth stood looking down at the ground. I think she felt the humiliation of being an owned girl, at everyone else's disposal. Most submissive girls enjoy humiliation; it demonstrates most graphically what they want to submit to, another's power, exercised without regard to their own modesty or self-respect. And of course Beth always liked to be the centre of attention.
    'Very well,' Matthew said to Charles, 'we shall call for you at your hotel tomorrow, in time for lunch.'
    Charles took his hand from under Beth's skirt and we made our farewells. Beth gave him a little peck on the cheek. There was no doubt that she felt affection, but perhaps that was the limit of her feelings for him. I'm not sure.
    I had to work the next day, so Matthew took Beth to Charles's hotel on his own. The plan was that I would join them later, and we would have dinner together. Matthew told me that night in bed how the afternoon had gone. The three of them had gone out to lunch. Nothing much had happened; they all chatted amicably. Then they went back to Charles's hotel room. I guess Charles didn't have much idea what to expect. He'd been told what could not happen, but that was all.
    The two men sat in chairs and Beth sat on the floor between them. As usual she wore a skirt, and on top a t-shirt. Matthew told her to pull her skirt up so that Charles could see her legs. She raised the skirt halfway up her thighs. Matthew asked Charles what he thought of her legs. He said they were very shapely, and that he'd like to see the rest. Matthew told her to pull her skirt right up to her waist. Charles said her thighs were sleek and well-formed (which they were). She was wearing a little pair of powder-blue knickers. Matthew asked Charles to comment on them. He knew that Charles was a connoisseur of women's underwear, taking great pleasure in all the variety of styles, colours and materials. I remember him remarking at one point that this was a great age of lingerie that never had such a richesse of silk, satin and lace been available to all women, at such reasonable prices.

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