The Owned Girl (2 page)

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Authors: Dominic Ridler

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: The Owned Girl
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    'Wouldn't you like a little pet?' he asked. 'A little girl who would do your bidding and whom you could play with?'
    I'd confessed to Matthew once that, though my actual sexual experience of other women was confined to a kiss or two in high school, nevertheless I was curious about women's bodies and that in theory I liked the idea of touching them. I was attracted to their softness and smoothness, their grace and comeliness.
    'What she needs,' he said, 'is to learn obedience and the pleasure of service. And discipline.'
    'She needs a structure in her life. She needs to learn there are limits, and that if she goes beyond them she will be punished.'
    'Oooh!' I said. 'That sounds fun. Can I take the first whack?'
    He laughed. 'Bad girl,' he said. But I could see he had taken note of what I had said.
    The next weekend there was a kind of street festival in our quarter. We invited Beth to spend the day with us. It was early summer and we strolled through the park, listened to the music, bought a few things at market stalls and had some coffee. At about five o'clock we made our way back to our apartment, and there we had a drink, in the sitting room, seated on the sofa. Beth was between us, and after we had chatted a little, Matthew leaned over her and kissed her on the mouth.
    'She tastes nice,' he said to me. 'Why don't you try?'
    It was true. She tasted vaguely of fruit, or was it the wine? Her lips were soft and pliant, but not inert. As I kissed her they responded to my pressure, moving under mine, and then suddenly I felt her tongue pushing into my mouth. She was there for the taking, I could tell. But Matthew was determined to go slowly, to tease her and make her wait; all with a mind to impressing on her that she was under his control.
    I pulled away from kissing Beth, smiling.
    'Take your shirt off, Beth,' Matthew said.
    She wore a lemon-yellow shirt that went well with her blonde hair; did I mention her blonde hair? She was inordinately proud of it. Underneath her shirt was a white cotton bra such as a very young girl might wear, a sort of 'first bra' if you like. Matthew told her to take that off too. Beth sat between us, looking down at her knees (which were bare; she wore a short, flared skirt of starched white cotton). Matthew put his hand round one of her breasts and squeezed it softly.
    'It feels good, Annabel,' he said. 'Why don't you take the other one?'
    I put my hand on it and squeezed gently. The breast was warm and soft, but firm. I took the nipple between my finger and thumb and pinched it, not hard but enough to make her gasp a little.
    'She likes to be taken, I think,' said Matthew. 'She likes to feel that people may do with her as they please.'
    Beth put her head back and closed her eyes while we played with her breasts. Matthew pushed her skirt up to the top of her thighs and stroked her legs, all the way up to the top, remarking to me that they were shapely. I saw how his hand trailed lightly over her mons, tightly encased in her white cotton knickers, and that Beth shivered as she felt it, but Matthew didn't touch between her legs.
    After a while he said he wanted to sit in the middle.
    'It's time for a little instruction, Beth,' he said. 'Annabel is going to show you something.'
    Matthew unzipped his jeans and took out his cock. It was erect already. I stared at it, feeling suddenly shy, yet undeniably aroused.
    'Annabel will show you how I like to have my cock sucked, Beth, so that when the time comes for you to do it, you will know exactly how. Watch her carefully.'
    I couldn't help blushing slightly, but I bent down and took his cock in my mouth. Matthew is always very particular about fellatio. He likes it done a certain way, and only in that way. I knew just what to do. I pulled back the foreskin and sucked on the head for a while, then ran my tongue slowly around it, under the rim, and followed the line of the little ridge down the back of the shaft. When I got to the base of his cock I nuzzled him just where the cock met his balls, then kissed all the way back up the shaft to the tip, before sliding my tongue round and round over the head. I caught the head in my teeth and bit him ever so softly, and was pleased to hear a grunt of pleasure. He likes pressure, even likes a little pain sometimes, if skilfully administered. Finally, I took him right to the back of my throat, as far as I could, for as long as I could hold out before needing to breathe. I repeated these acts with variations, several times. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Beth watching intently, anxious to learn. Then Matthew put his hand under my chin and lifted my head.
    'Thank you,' he said. 'That will do for now, Annabel. I hope, Beth, that you have got the idea.'
    She nodded.
    'Kiss Annabel, so that you can taste me,' he said.
    She leaned across him and kissed me on the mouth. Matthew pulled her back. He put his cock away. 'Put your clothes back on, Beth,' he said. 'I think it's dinner time. Let's go in the kitchen.'
    Beth looked disappointed, but Matthew appeared to take no notice. We had some more wine while Matthew and I rustled up some food. Beth sat on the table, swinging her legs, talking animatedly. She seemed pleased to be there. After dinner we sat round the table, talking some more, not about sex or anything related, just about people we knew, movies we had seen. At about eleven o'clock Matthew said that it was getting late and that Beth ought to stay the night. She looked at me, waiting to see my response.
    'She can sleep in the spare room,' said Matthew, as if to remove any possibility of further sexual activity.
    'OK,' I said. 'I'll get some sheets for the bed.'
    Matthew and I were both tired. We got into bed and went to sleep almost immediately. In the middle of the night I woke. Matthew was not in the bed. I could hear the low murmur of voices from the next room. Then Matthew came back and got into bed beside me.
    'I didn't fuck her,' he said. 'We were just talking.'
    I felt for his cock. The end was wet, but I knew that didn't mean he had ejaculated. Matthew got wet whenever he talked about sex, or even when he just thought about it.
    'I don't mind if you fuck her,' I said. 'So long as I know about it. I mean, so long as I'm there when it happens. And so long as it doesn't make you want to fuck me less.'
    I slid down the bed and took him in my mouth. It didn't take long to get him hard. I rolled onto my back and pulled him on top. He fucked me vigorously. I was content.
    It was in fact several weeks before he fucked her. I knew what he was up to. He kept Beth in a state of constant sexual arousal by texting her, sending emails or phoning, fuelling her expectations but continually disappointing them, till she was almost crazy with wanting. Later in the week she came round for the evening. Matthew and I sat on the sofa, watching a DVD. He made Beth sit on the floor at his feet. After a while he told her to take out his cock and put it in her mouth, but that she was not to suck, not to try to stimulate him in any way.
    'You are my little cock-holder,' he said. 'Just keeping it warm and secure in case anyone else should need it.'
    I watched Beth unzip him, take out his cock and put it carefully in her mouth. Her eyes closed as she concentrated on her task. Matthew pulled me towards him and kissed me on the mouth, pushing his tongue down my throat, and then putting his hand up under my shirt and inside my bra, playing with my nipples. This is always guaranteed to get me wet, and I responded enthusiastically. Matthew told me to get my clothes off. When I was naked I lay full-length on the sofa.
    'Beth,' he said, 'Annabel needs my cock now.'
    He pulled away from her and lay between my legs, thrusting up into me. I moaned with pleasure. He began to fuck me, hard. I turned my head to watch Beth. She was sitting on the floor, not quite able to believe what was happening, that he and I were fucking right under her nose. I saw her put a hand up under her skirt and begin to play with herself.
    It didn't take long for Matthew to come. I didn't orgasm myself, but I didn't mind about that; I rarely come from intercourse alone. Matthew sat up. For a moment he looked at Beth as she sat on the floor, still fingering herself.
    'That's enough, Beth,' he said. 'Be a good little girl now.'
    For a moment she hesitated, then slowly took her hand away. She didn't look happy.
    'I don't care to see pouting,' he said. 'You must learn to accept an instruction with good grace.'
    Suddenly he reached down, grabbed her wrists and pulled her up over his knee. Pinning both her wrists behind her back with one hand, he pulled up her skirt with his other, yanked down her knickers and began to spank her bare bottom. Beth squealed and tried to wriggle away, but Matthew is a strong man and he held her down while continuing to spank her. I could tell the smacks were hard, both from the sound and from the fact that in no time at all Beth's white bottom had turned bright pink. Still she wriggled and protested. Matthew paused.
    'I want you to listen carefully to what I have to say, Beth,' he said. 'You are being punished for a lack of discipline. I want you to learn two lessons here. One, that indiscipline and I include pouting in that, is always punished. Two, that punishments are to be accepted in the spirit in which they are given. They are necessary, and they are good for you, and I expect them to be accepted with contrition and humility. Do you understand?'
    There was silence, except for a loud sob from Beth. Matthew raised his hand again and struck her really hard on the right buttock. Beth let out a yelp, but she no longer tried to wriggle away.
    'Do I make myself clear?' he said.
    'Yes,' she whispered, and sobbed again.
    Matthew resumed the spanking. Perhaps it was not quite as hard as before; at least Beth kept still, and except for an occasional moan she was quiet. At last Matthew released her.
    'Go and stand in the corner while you contemplate what has happened,' he said. 'Try to learn from it, so that you can be a better girl for us in future.'
    Slowly Beth got to her feet and made her way to the corner of the room. Matthew zipped himself up. I put my clothes back on. Matthew went across to Beth and told her to put her hands on the top of her head. Then he lifted up her skirt, pulled her knickers down again and left her with her pink bottom exposed. It was a nice bottom, I thought; round and firm and shapely; the sort of bottom anyone might want to smack. He and I went into the kitchen. I made some tea. After a while he went back into the sitting room. I heard him talking to Beth, then the two of them came into the kitchen. Beth's skirt was back down to her knees again.
    'Beth has learned a lot this evening,' Matthew said. He stroked her cheek and she smiled. 'She wants to be our good little girl.'
    'Come here, Beth,' I said. She walked towards me, looking, I thought, a little apprehensive. I kissed her on both cheeks.
    'Nothing would please me more than for you to be our good little girl,' I said. Beth smiled warmly.
    A couple of evenings later she came round to see us again. We sat in the kitchen, drinking wine and talking. Beth was dressed simply, as usual, in a short-sleeved shirt and a knee-length blue skirt. After an hour or so Matthew told her to get to her feet. Awkwardly, she stood up. I guess she had a sense of what was coming.
    'Show Annabel what's under your skirt, Beth,' Matthew told her.
    Beth raised her skirt. She was naked underneath. 'Nothing,' she said, and giggled flirtatiously.
    'I texted her earlier this afternoon to remove her knickers,' Matthew said. 'But at the same time, Beth is now under orgasm restriction. She can't come without permission, either from you or from me. Tell Annabel if you like this state of affairs, Beth.'
    She looked at me. 'Not really,' she said earnestly. 'But I suppose it's necessary.'
    'I've been texting her all day,' said Matthew. 'Rather teasingly, I must admit.'
    'He's been cruel,' Beth said to me. 'Turning me on but not letting me do anything about it.'
    I smiled. 'I'm afraid he's like that,' I said. 'Poor Beth.'
    'I'm inclined to relent now,' said Matthew. 'On condition that she has been obedient.'
    'I've been a good girl, I promise I have!' Beth exclaimed.
    'I believe you,' he said. 'Now come and sit on my lap.'
    Beth sat on Matthew's lap, facing me. He pulled her skirt up again. I stared at her naked crotch, the first time I had seen it. She had a little tuft of blonde hair, just a shade darker than the hair on her head, just above her cunt, which otherwise was shaved clean. Matthew pulled her thighs apart. When I looked carefully I could see a drop of clear liquid oozing from between her labia.
    'I want you to show Annabel how you do it to yourself,' Matthew said. 'So that if we need to do it for you some time, we shall know how you like it best.'
    Beth looked me steadily in the eye. Despite the obvious shyness I could tell that she was enjoying this. The other night it had been painful for her to take a back seat while Matthew and I fucked. But now all eyes were on her. It was my first realisation of a fundamental trait of her character, a desire to be the centre of attention. Later, I was to formulate some theories about the connection between submissiveness and narcissism. But then, all I could see was a little girl who liked to exhibit herself. And since I like to watch, it suited me well.

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