The Pack-Retribution (15 page)

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Authors: LM Preston

BOOK: The Pack-Retribution
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“Over here! Land the med-plane closer so we can load them on!” Officer Lynn directed over the noise.

Shamira dodged through men hauling equipment and other officers to get to the men carrying her mother’s unconscious body. “Mom! Mom!”

Her mother’s eyes fluttered. “Sha…mira. Love you…”

Shamira choked back a sob as her trembling hands grabbed her mother’s. “Love you too! Get better, please. Please don’t—die.” Her tears dripped on her mother’s hand as she kissed it through her sobs. The men were moving fast alongside her, carrying her father. “Dad’s coming.” She pulled at his sleeve as they walked past.

Officer Lynn came up beside her. “Sorry, we have to take them now.” She signaled for the crew to move quickly as they carried her parents into the waiting plane.

Shamira’s squeezed her eyes shut as the plane lifted and her parents were taken to the hospital. Officer Lynn lightly touched her shoulder. “I’m sorry, kid. But I know they’ll make it. Their vitals were getting stronger once we got them some oxygen. Hang in there. Let me give you a ride. We’ll beat all these guys to headquarters.”

Shamira was in too much pain to put up much of a fight. She blindly followed Officer Lynn to a small car parked ahead.

Chapter 23

Officer Lynn pulled into the parking lot at the Med Center. It was a circular structure, ten levels high, that extended out of the Main Building. The windows were tinted and the roof was one of the parking lots for Medical staff. Shamira was thankful that Security Force members and Mars employed personnel were treated at this facility, which would allow her to see her parents everyday she had to report to duty.

Officer Lynn cleared her throat. “You know they have them in intensive care. No one can go up. Not even you, I’m afraid.”

Shamira’s chin dropped as she pulled in the feeling of hopelessness. She swallowed to force her anger in check. It would be abated when she killed the men that dared to threaten her family. Sniffing, she flexed her fingers into fist. “Fine. How soon… I’ve got to see them.”

Officer Lynn’s dark eyes held concern. “I don’t know. But I hope they’ll be better by tomorrow. Your parents are strong, not just because of their enhancements, but they were the best in our class, only 2nd to Cal. In order to be the Security Force Lead, cadets had to be a force within themselves. That’s nothing you can teach. Both your parents had that.
have that. I’ll find out their condition and as soon as I get word on their status I’ll come to the meeting and tell you.”

Shamira gulped back her tears, but her eyes watered in spite of her attempt. Her parents, her world was being ripped apart and she was no closer to finding out who or why. She managed a nod and got out of the car.

She jammed her hands in the long jacket someone had thrown over her shoulders. The numbing pain from this disaster made her forget the little details, but one thing she did know was that whoever attacked them was long gone by the time the force got there. Whatever they used detonated itself and her house. Not to mention, it had the ability to shut down the nanonytes in their technosuits, rendering her and her parents immobile. She just hoped the forensic team could find out what or how her enhancements malfunctioned.

Her thoughts jumbled, Shamira absently pressed the elevator button as she mumbled a brief greeting to the officers around her. She exhaled and headed to the lockers where she kept extra clothes and weapons. The hall leading to the cadet locker room was filled with cadets who littered the hallway talking about the attack on her home. Some whispered as she walked by, others uttered their apologies, some snickered while she moved with her chin downward in thought.

She lifted her head, searching out a clear path; her eyes landed on Valens. Katie’s arms were wrapped around his neck with his hands resting above the curve of her hip. The girl was leaning in to kiss the side of Valen’s mouth. Seething rage slapped Shamira. She let out a growl as she stormed up to them to push them apart.

God, it hurt, but she had to do this. She had to end her connection to him. “Good, I’m glad you moved on.” Remembering that she had to let him go in order to save him, she nodded in Katie’s direction. “She can have you, this is over,” then pushed between them to get to her locker.

She heard commotion behind her, Katie calling his name and Valens telling her to get off him. Shamira closed her eyes, a lone tear fell as her heart broke into pieces. She couldn’t back down; she had to let him go—all of them. But seeing Valens with Katie nearly crippled her. It wasn’t fair. No fair that she had it all, friends and a boyfriend who loved her, just to lose it all again. She doubted that they’d ever forgive her.

“Shamira!” Valens grabbed her shoulder when she entered the empty locker room. “Wait.”

The devastation she saw etched on his face almost made her give in and tell him everything. But she couldn’t give in to the weakness of her new dependence on others; she had to do this right. She had to do the job she was born to do. There was no choice. “I meant what I said.” Shamira jerked out of his reach to stand in front of her locker. “And don’t ever touch me again.”

Valens grabbed her arm and twisted her around. “It wasn’t what it looked like. She was hugging me because she felt sorry for Mina’s and your attack. I was pushing her away. It was just a hug.” His voice cracked, “I love you, only ever you.”

“It’s not what it looked like. She was leaning in to kiss you. And you didn’t exactly look like you weren’t interested.” Shamira held back a sob, and willed her face to harden. “Anyway, it’s not about her.” She snatched her arm away from him. “It’s me. I’ve wanted to be the Security Force Lead all of my life. I’ve been wanting to end this thing with you for awhile. I—can’t—do—this with you!” She squeezed her eyes shut to grasp some composure, and forced them opened. “I will not choose. And you can’t make me do it anymore. I don’t want you more than I want this. Having you takes away my edge. I’m done with this…I-I don’t love you anyway. Never enough to pick you over my dream. Just…just leave me alone. Back off!” She pushed his arm off of her locker and started to open it.

He slammed it closed and jumped in front of Shamira. Agony filled his eyes as he grasped her arms tightly. “I love you,” his voice cracked. “And never asked you to choose. But I’m tired. Tired of being the only one here fighting for us.” He released her. A lone tear ran down his eye. His jaw tightened. With a nod, he leaned back against the lockers. “Fine, have it your way. Just don’t expect me to fight for your love any more. You want me…you’ll have to fight for me. I just hope by then, it won’t be too late.” Angered, he punched the locker and stormed away.

Her eyes closed as she heard the door slam behind him. At that moment, that very moment, she’d felt more alone than she had her entire life. Biting her lip, she groaned. She leaned against the locker and slid down to her knees and sobbed, “I’m so sorry Valens.” After a moment, she grabbed her clothes off the floor and headed for the shower to finish crying.

Chapter 24

After she’d dressed in her spare suit of black leather, she took a quick look to see if anyone was around. Gingerly, she walked across the locker room to Valens’ locker and used her enhanced eyesight to peer deep within his locker in search of the stick tags he’d use for their free-flying outing. Confirming their presence in the lower drawer, she entered in his combination and scooped out the flat disc. She took a final cautionary glance around and stuffed them in her pocket, hoping he wouldn’t notice their disappearance.

Shamira headed to the meeting room. Her expression unyielding and her emotions safely buried. With Valens angry at her, she could pursue the killers alone. She wondered about what she’d found so far. The crime group, Monev still had assassins running free. But why Cal didn’t confide in her that he was suspicious of such a threat she didn’t know. Everyone associated with the crime organization was supposed to be taken into custody. It wasn’t like the Security Force to be so careless.

She trusted her team, but didn’t know why Dion and Kurt weren’t able to share more about their knowledge of the assassins who attacked them at every turn. Hopefully, Dion nor Kurt had anything to gain by holding back information that would help Monev. There had to be someone on the force still searching out possible Monev survivors. But if there were still moles in the Security Force, maybe they worked to divert any suspicions of possible threats. Biting her lip, she also wondered if their attackers were a completely new adversary, but with the contacts left behind by Monev.

The meeting room door was closed.
Crap, I’m late
. She slowly opened the door and her eyes met with Officer Dax’s angry gaze. The hologram from the Planetary Protection Agency walked around the front of the large conference room. The packed room was filled with Security Elite Officers, Mars Police Force leads, Security Officers that supported the Elite, and a hand full of cadets, including her team. She found an empty seat and listened intently while ignoring the stares from her friends.

“The problem with these recent attacks on our leadership will not go unanswered. Not only did we lose Mars Security Force Elite Lead, Cal, but there was an assault on the Earth Security Elite Force Lead, Vic Thompson. With the current attack on the Mars Deputy Lead and his family, Earth is shutting down the airways until the killers are found. I expect you to take care of your problem. Earth’s been essentially crime free for over twenty years, and we’d like to keep it that way. We plan on shipping another thirty reformed criminals to Mars in two weeks. Make sure they get processed by your re-engagement department and not recruited by whomever is sabotaging us.” The gray haired man’s light brown eyes appeared to float on his dark brown features as his hologram stood on the platform. “I’ll take one question, then I have to speak to the president.”

Shamira cleared her throat. “Sir, I was wondering who will be leading up the Mars Elite Force now that our leadership is unable to do so. And how that will affect the promotion of the current class of cadets.”

The depths of his eyes were endless and golden. “That was two questions, Cadet Nobles. Officer Dax will be a temporary, until Mars Deputy Elite Special, Nelson Nobles has recovered. He will decide what’s to become of your team, and the remaining cadets.” He nodded to Elite Officer Dax who looked smugly at Shamira. “With that answer, I’ll take my leave.”

Everyone’s attention turned to Officer Dax. He stood and leaned on the table with a directed gaze at Shamira. “Cadets in the graduating class will be promoted…with the exception of team Underground. Cadet Nobles’ team will remain on light duty, under investigation until Internal Affairs reports their findings. After which time, the Board will decide how to proceed.”

Shamira’s jaw clenched.

Dion rocketed from his seat. “This is bull! We bought Monev to you on a gold friggin’ platter and this is the thank you we get for being attacked?” He kicked his chair back and barged out of the room.

Kurt, slowly pushed out his chair and followed Dion and Mitch out of the conference room.

Officer Dax nodded at Internal Affairs Officer Garcia, who stood and followed the boys. “Now, back to business for those who want to be part of this organization.” He cocked his gaze toward some of the Earth recruits, before staring at Shamira. “The attack on Special Nobles’ house was found to be deliberate. Some altered micro-computer based drug was shot throughout the house and immobilized Special Nelson and Elite Officer Katherine Nobles. Their condition is critical, but they are recovering. We need everyone on the street. Call in all your leads and find the bastards that did this! We only have two weeks to get answers before the last group of settlers come here and Earth’s lockdown starts. Meeting adjourned.”

Everyone got up and headed for the exit. Shamira waited, hands on hips staring down Officer Dax. How could he do this to her team? Make them wait while the others graduated to the next level? She had to talk to him before she poked around and did some investigation on her own. Maybe, there was a chance to save face by finding out where those assassins were hiding out, and how many there were. She’d have to include her team so they wouldn’t get too suspicious. They may even find more information about the birth of a possible new crime organization.

She waited until the room cleared and Dax was gathering his paperwork before she approached. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the last piece of paper off the podium and handed it to him, holding it firm until his steel gaze looked her in the eye. “Don’t punish the others for my mistakes. All of them deserve to move on to graduation. They wouldn’t betray the Security Force, it’s all they have and they wouldn’t jeopardize a chance to graduate. Cal was like a father to some of them… I’m begging you to please just save your punishment for…me.”

His cool eyes studied her. “It’s not that easy. You and team Underground are a unit. If you screw up—they screw up. My decision stands, now…get out of my way, some of us have criminals to catch and not friends to play with.” He snatched the last paper from her grasp, grabbed the handle of his briefcase and sauntered out the room.

Chapter 25

Shamira straightened her shoulders on her way to Cal’s office. She hoped to get more answers there, because the only way should could convince Dax, the now acting leader of the Security Force, that her team was innocent was to shove the evidence in his face. That, she admitted, she would greatly enjoy.

She made her way down the hall trying to hide her residue of anger from her discussion with Dax, and nodded greetings to fellow cadets and Elite officers who whispered their support. One officer stopped to tell her he was sorry about her dad and the bum deal Dax gave her team. She appreciated knowing that others supported her, but all she really wanted now was answers.

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