The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel (26 page)

BOOK: The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel
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“I’m Dick and this is my wife Wendy,” he shook hands with James, “and yes, we were here last night. We weren’t spying. We were just driving by and saw people on some of the rides. At first we thought some kids might be playing around or even vandalizing the rides, so we got out of our car to walk over and take a look.” “Frankly, we were um, intrigued by what we saw,” Wendy added. “But we left as soon as we realized that it was adults and not teenagers playing around. We didn’t want to be rude, and your club has a reputation for guarding its privacy pretty closely.”

“We do try to be private, but we’re not really fanatical about it. We just don’t think our club is for everyone,” James told her, smiling. “You could have walked over and joined us if you wanted to.”

“If we had been invited we probably would have joined in, but we’re not used to walking into a place where we’re not sure what our reception would be,” Dick told him, then added, “but it looked like fun. Your members certainly were having a real good time.” “Do you two?” James let the question trail off. “Sometimes,” Wendy admitted with a blush.

“Then let me issue an open invitation for you to come visit us in the future.” James saw Suzanne and waved her over. “Let me introduce my wife Suzanne and our twin daughters, Mary and Lizzie. Suzanne, these are the people I saw last night, Wendy and her husband Dick. They might be interested in visiting the club in the future.” “How nice. We have a really great group of people, and we’re always ready to welcome more.” Suzanne smiled at the pair.

“We have to go, we’re on the planning committee,” James explained. “Have fun at the fair and come visit us soon.”

“If you give me your phone numbers, I’ll call you when we have time to talk so I can tell you all about the club and see if you’d really want to come to a party or a private event.” Suzanne fished in her large purse for a scrap of paper and a pencil.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. The club had a spaghetti dinner at the clubhouse on Saturday night from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, complete with garlic bread and salads. It was a success, but the carnie food stands did even better. The most popular treat was the cotton candy, followed by hot dogs, popcorn and pizza slices washed down with gallons of soda. Sure enough by the middle of the afternoon, long before the spaghetti dinner, all the members were dragging tired, cranky and slightly queasy kids home for a nap.

When it was over, the members all pitched in to clean up quickly and get the kitchen clean and ready for Sunday’s pancake breakfast. Jesse and Janine directed the cleaning. By 9:00 PM all the members went home to put the kids and themselves to bed. The only people who stayed later were the carnies and the nonmembers. On Saturday night there was very little fooling around in any of the members’ beds. They were too tired to bother, a very unusual state for the club members.

The pancake breakfast was held in the clubhouse from 8:00 to 10:00 AM on Sunday. It was a huge success, and this time Jesse had supplied a regular cleaning crew. On Sunday night, although many members brought their kids back to the carnival, they seemed to be in better shape. For one thing, the kids didn’t to want to stay so long. For another, they didn’t have a spaghetti dinner to fix Sunday night. They also didn’t have to work so hard to clean up. Jesse had a crew come back Monday morning and take care of everything. The clubhouse glowed when they were done.

After the carnival most of the members got home early Sunday night. Some of them even managed to relax before bed. In fact, most of the members were refreshed enough to play Sunday night. There were a lot of warm bottoms that night, and lots of sex. Some had it more than once, a few more than twice. Like the old saying, it’s hard to keep a good member down.

Chapter Twenty-nine Initiations, For The Last Time

Suzanne was, as usual, nervous while she was dressing for the Paddle Club initiation. She always was when acting as the hostess because she always wanted the prospective members to have a good time. This time there were two couples interested in joining.

She had talked to each of the couples, both as a pair and to each person individually. She had very comfortable feelings about these people. They all seemed very congenial, friendly and sexy. Unlike her club initiation, all these people seemed to understand exactly what they were getting into. Remembering her own initiation always made her smile. She had been so scared, and her boyfriend Michael had been such a jerk. That night she met James and dumped Michael for good. After five years they were still deeply in love, and still very active and involved in the Paddle Club.

James came into the bedroom. He walked up behind her and slid his hands around her waist, stroking the soft swell of her belly. “How’s the little guy tonight?” he asked her solicitously. “The little guy’s just hanging in there. He should start kicking soon. Do you really want a boy this time?” She turned to smile up at him. “Well, we do have twin girls. But no, not really, I just want a healthy baby. Take it easy tonight, okay?” He kissed her tenderly.

“You know I will.” She kissed him back. “As long as that wicked witch of the west, Nancy, keeps her mitts off your body I will. But if she touches you one more time I swear I’ll snatch her bald.” “She’s really a pleasant girl,” James offered, with feigned

innocence. “She’s just flirting.” “She’s a bitch who’s permanently in heat, and she’s been after you since the day she joined the club.” She hugged him. “Don’t get me wrong, I trust you, but that bitch gets my goat.”

“Okay, okay. What a mixed metaphor. I’ll stay as far away from her as I can. But if you actually attack her, I’ll beat you senseless,” he threatened. “After you have that baby.” As he turned away, she slapped him as hard as she could on his ass. “I’ll get you for that!” he yelled playfully.

“I’ll make a note of it. Let’s see,” she pretended to write in a notebook, “James promises to get revenge in… ” she thought, “the baby’s due in May, so maybe the end of June? I’ll start quaking in my boots later.”

“You do that.” James took her in his arms and kissed her, a long hard and passionate kiss. “How much time do we have?” Suzanne asked.

“Enough.” James reached for the zipper of her long, red silk dress.

Just then, they heard the doorbell ring. It was Janie, the babysitter. James heaved a long and dramatic sigh and put on a long-suffering air as he went to greet her while Suzanne finished dressing.

“Hi Janie, Suzanne’s just getting dressed.” He smiled at her. “How have you been?”

“I’ve got a new boyfriend named Bobby, if that tells you anything. He’s really, really nice. He treats me as if I’m the most precious thing in the world,” she told James proudly.

“Good girl. If he cares for you then you are the most precious person in the world.” James hugged her. “How’s college?”

“I’m doing okay, 3.4 average, but it’s very hard.” She grinned at him. “It cuts into the time I could spend with my boyfriend.” “I remember the feeling.” He smiled.

“Oh really?” She looked at him wide-eyed, with feigned innocence. “When you were in college, you had a boyfriend too?” James grabbed the girl and wrestled her to the floor mindless of

his good tuxedo, and began to tickle her without mercy. “Ahem!” Suzanne cleared her throat. “James, my love, if you’re through rolling on the floor with the babysitter, we have to be leaving. I’m the hostess tonight, remember?” The pair jumped up so fast that an outside observer would have thought the carpet was on fire. “Suzanne! We were just, um… ”

“I know, I stood there just watching for a few minutes,” she laughed. “The guilty looks on your faces, and the way you jumped up off the floor. God! It was so funny. But we really do have to leave.”

“Hold down the fort, Janie. Call Bobby if you finish your homework.” James waved as he went for the door, then turned back to the girl. “But if I catch him here before you get that homework done, I’ll spank you both. And tell him yes,” Janie’s eyes widened with shock before James finished, “you do really have to wear a bathing suit in the pool.”

“Goodnight you two, have, um… fun.” Janie followed them to the door and watched them leave before settling down on the sofa with her Calculus homework.

When James and Suzanne got to the club she made her usual check of the arrangements, and greeted Jerry before joining James in the main room.

There was a little business before the new members arrived. The main topic of concern was that their clubhouse, which had been quite a distance outside the city limits when they had built it, would soon be very close to the town. The city was spreading out. They also wanted to become more a part of the community, and with so many new young couples joining lately, they wanted to have more public and family events, such as barbecues and dances.

Of course they planned on continuing the monthly parties, along with special events like the
Slave Auction
and the
Casino Night
. They decided however, to make the
a strictly legitimate event. They also discussed the club’s plan for a cruise again.

They also decided to purchase some of the open land next to the clubhouse to build a park and a large parking lot. There were about twenty acres up for sale. That way they could donate the use of the park to the city, complete with a few tennis and basketball courts, a large swimming pool and a baseball diamond. They would also have walking and biking paths and an area for cookouts. It would boost their public image, increase their community involvement, and still give them the privacy to continue their spanky games. All those benefits, plus it would be good for the community and provide a great tax write-off for the club.

Clayton said it best. “It’s a win, win situation. And we’ve always said that our spanking games are only a small portion of our total sexual identities so why should that be the only thing we have in common? Why can’t we be involved in our community as well? It won’t take anything away from our enjoyment, it should only add to it.” Shortly after Clayton made his speech, the project was voted on and overwhelmingly approved by the general membership. They were still having discussions about it as the prospective members arrived.

Suzanne studied the couples as she made her introductions to the club members. She liked to find a distinguishing characteristic for each new member, to help her remember who was who. The first couple was a pair named Wendy and Dick. Wendy had short black hair and brown eyes. Although she was busty, there was an innocent air about her. Her husband Dick was blond, with neatly trimmed hair and mustache. His most notable characteristic was his devotion to his wife.

The other new pair was the handsome police officer, Robert and his wife Diana. Diana had long, silky blond hair and a great shape. She seemed to be a gentle, intelligent lady. Robert was the type of man who sounded plain when he was described: brown hair and brown eyes, with a medium build. This description was extremely deceiving; he was a man who would always be described by women as a hunk. She led them to the special chairs on the dais and had them be seated. Then she called the party to order.

As in her own initiation, they started off by letting the prospective members use the canes to whip any of the members who wanted a whipping. With four new members, the whippings took a long time and several of the old members had been whipped more than once before it was over. A few diehards even went whole hog and had whippings from all four of the prospective members. Those members were called ‘leather butts’ by some of the others.

Then there was a long pause for a round of drinks and some socializing before it was the new members’ turn to be whipped into the club. First it was Wendy’s turn to be strapped down and severely whipped by the club members. Wendy was in her mid-twenties with short, wavy black hair and brown eyes. She was slender, yet still large busted. Suzanne picked Wendy first because she was the most nervous. Suzanne knew she would get even more terrified if she had to wait and watch the others.

In spite of her fear, Wendy took her whipping well. Her husband, Dick, took his well too. Only his dark brown eyes reflected any of his pain or discomfort during his whipping. Suzanne knew from private conversations with Wendy that she and Dick spanked each other occasionally as part of their sex lives. It all started with a birthday spanking on the first night they made love. What Suzanne didn’t know was that it was also the night Wendy lost her virginity and became engaged to Dick. It had been quite a night!

Diana took her whipping well and even made a remark that it hurt a lot less than a traffic fine. A remark that some of the members didn’t quite understand. Robert also took his whipping well; he even seemed to relax and enjoy it up to a point. Unfortunately, that point was about the halfway point. All the couples were accepted for membership. The party started to break up and most of the members drifted off. Mac grabbed Sarah and dragged her off to one of the bedrooms. “Come here little girl, I have something to show you,” he said, taking her hand and placing it on the straining fly of his tight jeans. “I’ve already seen it,” Sarah said, looking into his bright blue eyes. “Besides, my mother told me to avoid men like you.”

“But that was when you were just a little girl,” he told her, nuzzling her ear.

“No, actually it was last week,” she informed him. She kissed him with passion. “Mac, let’s go home. If we stay here we have to get up in a few minutes and change the sheets. If we go home we can stay there and play all night long.” “With champagne and photos?” he asked.

“Why don’t we test out the new video camera?” Sarah suggested. “I feel like a movie star.”

“You have a wicked mind, my love.” Mac kissed her and patted her fanny. “Let’s go home and I’ll reward you for it.”

Jerry and Edna helped Jesse and Janine clean up for a while, then made their excuses and left.

As Jerry put it, “We’d better get home. I have to make love to this hot number all night long,” he hugged Edna close, “and still get up early enough to take a couple of my grandkids fishing.” “We’re getting old, dear,” Edna told him. “I’ll spank you for that remark,” he smiled as he threatened her. “Promises, promises,” she said sweetly, humor flashing in her merry brown eyes. Hearing that, Mario and Toni said they had to leave too. “We’re competing in a horse show in the morning. We have to leave the stables by 7:00 AM to be there on time,” Toni explained. “That means getting up by six to get dressed, eat and hitch up the trailer,” Mario added.

BOOK: The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel
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