The Palliser Novels (455 page)

Read The Palliser Novels Online

Authors: Anthony Trollope

Tags: #Literary, #Science, #Life Sciences, #Botany, #Fiction

BOOK: The Palliser Novels
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“I — I — I was so startled, Ferdinand.”

“A man can’t always remember that he isn’t with another man. Don’t think anything more about it; but do bear this in mind, — that, situated as we are, your influence with your father may be the making or the marring of me.” And so he left the room.

She sat for the next ten minutes thinking of it all. The words which he had spoken were so horrible that she could not get them out of her mind, — could not bring herself to look upon them as a trifle. The darkness of his countenance still dwelt with her, — and that absence of all tenderness, that coarse un-marital and yet marital roughness, which should not at any rate have come to him so soon. The whole man too was so different from what she had thought him to be. Before their marriage no word as to money had ever reached her ears from his lips. He had talked to her of books, — and especially of poetry. Shakespeare and Moliere, Dante and Goethe, had been or had seemed to be dear to him. And he had been full of fine ideas about women, and about men in their intercourse with women. For his sake she had separated herself from all her old friends. For his sake she had hurried into a marriage altogether distasteful to her father. For his sake she had closed her heart against that other lover. Trusting altogether in him she had ventured to think that she had known what was good for her better than all those who had been her counsellors, and had given herself to him utterly. Now she was awake; her dream was over, and the natural language of the man was still ringing in her ears!

They met together at dinner and passed the evening without a further allusion to the scene which had been acted. He sat with a magazine in his hand, every now and then making some remark intended to be pleasant but which grated on her ears as being fictitious. She would answer him, — because it was her duty to do so, and because she would not condescend to sulk; but she could not bring herself even to say to herself that all should be with her as though that horrid word had not been spoken. She sat over her work till ten, answering him when he spoke in a voice which was also fictitious, and then took herself off to her bed that she might weep alone. It would, she knew, be late before he would come to her.

On the next morning there came a message to him as he was dressing. Mr. Wharton wished to speak to him. Would he come down before breakfast, or would he call on Mr. Wharton in Stone Buildings? He sent down word that he would do the latter at an hour he fixed, and then did not show himself in the breakfast-room till Mr. Wharton was gone. “I’ve got to go to your father to-day,” he said to his wife, “and I thought it best not to begin till we come to the regular business. I hope he does not mean to be unreasonable.” To this she made no answer. “Of course you think the want of reason will be all on my side.”

“I don’t know why you should say so.”

“Because I can read your mind. You do think so. You’ve been in the same boat with your father all your life, and you can’t get out of that boat and get into mine. I was wrong to come and live here. Of course it was not the way to withdraw you from his influence.” She had nothing to say that would not anger him, and was therefore silent. “Well; I must do the best I can by myself, I suppose. Good-bye,” and so he was off.

“I want to know,” said Mr. Wharton, on whom was thrown by premeditation on the part of Lopez the task of beginning the conversation, — “I want to know what is the nature of your operation. I have never been quite able to understand it.”

“I do not know that I quite understand it myself,” said Lopez, laughing.

“No man alive,” continued the old barrister almost solemnly, “has a greater objection to thrust himself into another man’s affairs than I have. And as I didn’t ask the question before your marriage, — as perhaps I ought to have done, — I should not do so now, were it not that the disposition of some part of the earnings of my life must depend on the condition of your affairs.” Lopez immediately perceived that it behoved him to be very much on the alert. It might be that if he showed himself to be very poor, his father-in-law would see the necessity of assisting him at once; or, it might be, that unless he could show himself to be in prosperous circumstances, his father-in-law would not assist him at all. “To tell you the plain truth, I am minded to make a new will. I had of course made arrangements as to my property before Emily’s marriage. Those arrangements I think I shall now alter. I am greatly distressed with Everett; and from what I see and from a few words which have dropped from Emily, I am not, to tell you the truth, quite happy as to your position. If I understand rightly you are a general merchant, buying and selling goods in the market?”

“That’s about it, sir.”

“What capital have you in the business?”

“What capital?”

“Yes; — how much did you put into it at starting?”

Lopez paused a moment. He had got his wife. The marriage could not be undone. Mr. Wharton had money enough for them all, and would not certainly discard his daughter. Mr. Wharton could place him on a really firm footing, and might not improbably do so if he could be made to feel some confidence in his son-in-law. At this moment there was much doubt with the son-in-law whether he had better not tell the simple truth. “It has gone in by degrees,” he said. “Altogether I have had about £8000 in it.” In truth he had never been possessed of a shilling.

“Does that include the £3000 you had from me?”

“Yes; it does.”

“Then you have married my girl and started into the world with a business based on £5000, and which had so far miscarried that within a month or two after your marriage you were driven to apply to me for funds!”

“I wanted money for a certain purpose.”

“Have you any partner, Mr. Lopez?” This address was felt to be very ominous.

“Yes. I have a partner who is possessed of capital. His name is Parker.”

“Then his capital is your capital.”

“Well; — I can’t explain it, but it is not so.”

“What is the name of your firm?”

“We haven’t a registered name.”

“Have you a place of business?”

“Parker has a place of business in Little Tankard Yard.”

Mr. Wharton turned to a directory and found out Parker’s name. “Mr. Parker is a stockbroker. Are you also a stockbroker?”

“No, — I am not.”

“Then, sir, it seems to me that you are a commercial adventurer.”

“I am not at all ashamed of the name, Mr. Wharton. According to your manner of reckoning, half the business in the City of London is done by commercial adventurers. I watch the markets and buy goods, — and sell them at a profit. Mr. Parker is a moneyed man, who happens also to be a stockbroker. We can very easily call ourselves merchants, and put up the names of Lopez and Parker over the door.”

“Do you sign bills together?”


“As Lopez and Parker?”

“No. I sign them and he signs them. I trade also by myself, and so, I believe, does he.”

“One other question, Mr. Lopez. On what income have you paid income-tax for the last three years?”

“On £2000 a-year,” said Lopez. This was a direct lie.

“Can you make out any schedule showing your exact assets and liabilities at the present time?”

“Certainly I can.”

“Then do so, and send it to me before I go into Herefordshire. My will as it stands at present would not be to your advantage. But I cannot change it till I know more of your circumstances than I do now.” And so the interview was over.


Mrs. Sexty Parker

Though Mr. Wharton and Lopez met every day for the next week, nothing more was said about the schedule. The old man was thinking about it every day, and so also was Lopez. But Mr. Wharton had made his demand, and, as he thought, nothing more was to be said on the subject. He could not continue the subject as he would have done with his son. But as day after day passed by he became more and more convinced that his son-in-law’s affairs were not in a state which could bear to see the light. He had declared his purpose of altering his will in the man’s favour, if the man would satisfy him. And yet nothing was done and nothing was said.

Lopez had come among them and robbed him of his daughter. Since the man had become intimate in his house he had not known an hour’s happiness. The man had destroyed all the plans of his life, broken through into his castle, and violated his very hearth. No doubt he himself had vacillated. He was aware of that, and in his present mood was severe enough in judging himself. In his desolation he had tried to take the man to his heart, — had been kind to him, and had even opened his house to him. He had told himself that as the man was the husband of his daughter he had better make the best of it. He had endeavoured to make the best of it, but between him and the man there were such differences that they were poles asunder. And now it became clear to him that the man was, as he had declared to the man’s face, no better than an adventurer!

By his will as it at present stood he had left two-thirds of his property to Everett, and one-third to his daughter, with arrangements for settling her share on her children, should she be married and have children at the time of his death. This will had been made many years ago, and he had long since determined to alter it, in order that he might divide his property equally between his children; — but he had postponed the matter, intending to give a large portion of Emily’s share to her directly on her marriage with Arthur Fletcher. She had not married Arthur Fletcher; — but still it was necessary that a new will should be made.

When he left town for Herefordshire he had not yet made up his mind how this should be done. He had at one time thought that he would give some considerable sum to Lopez at once, knowing that to a man in business such assistance would be useful. And he had not altogether abandoned that idea, even when he had asked for the schedule. He did not relish the thought of giving his hard-earned money to Lopez, but, still, the man’s wife was his daughter, and he must do the best that he could for her. Her taste in marrying the man was inexplicable to him. But that was done; — and now how might he best arrange his affairs so as to serve her interests?

About the middle of August he went to Herefordshire and she to the seaside in Essex, — to the little place which Lopez had selected. Before the end of the month the father-in-law wrote a line to his son-in-law.

Dear Lopez
, [not without premeditation had he departed from the sternness of that “Mr. Lopez,” which in his anger he had used at his
chambers] —

When we were discussing your affairs I asked you for a schedule of your assets and liabilities. I can make no new arrangement of my property till I receive this. Should I die leaving my present will as the instrument under which my property would be conveyed to my heirs, Emily’s share would go into the hands of trustees for the use of herself and her possible children. I tell you this that you may understand that it is for your own interest to comply with my requisition.


A. Wharton

Of course questions were asked him as to how the newly married couple were getting on. At Wharton these questions were mild and easily put off. Sir Alured was contented with a slight shake of his head, and Lady Wharton only remarked for the fifth or sixth time that “it was a pity.” But when they all went to Longbarns, the difficulty became greater. Arthur was not there, and old Mrs. Fletcher was in full strength. “So the Lopezes have come to live with you in Manchester Square?” Mr. Wharton acknowledged that it was so with an affirmative grunt. “I hope he’s a pleasant inmate.” There was a scorn in the old woman’s voice as she said this, which ought to have provoked any man.

“More so than most men would be,” said Mr. Wharton.

“Oh, indeed!”

“He is courteous and forbearing, and does not think that everything around him should be suited to his own peculiar fancies.”

“I am glad that you are contented with the marriage, Mr. Wharton.”

“Who has said that I am contented with it? No one ought to understand or to share my discontent so cordially as yourself, Mrs. Fletcher; — and no one ought to be more chary of speaking of it. You and I had hoped other things, and old people do not like to be disappointed. But I needn’t paint the devil blacker than he is.”

“I’m afraid that, as usual, he is rather black.”

“Mother,” said John Fletcher, “the thing has been done and you might as well let it be. We are all sorry that Emily has not come nearer to us; but she has had a right to choose for herself, and I for one wish, — as does my brother also, — that she may be happy in the lot she has chosen.”

“His conduct to Arthur at Silverbridge was so nice!” said the pertinacious old woman.

“Never mind his conduct, mother. What is it to us?”

“That’s all very well, John; but according to that nobody is to talk about anybody.”

“I would much prefer, at any rate,” said Mr. Wharton, “that you would not talk about Mr. Lopez in my hearing.”

“Oh; if that is to be so, let it be so. And now I understand where I am.” Then the old woman shook herself, and endeavoured to look as though Mr. Wharton’s soreness on the subject were an injury to her as robbing her of a useful topic.

“I don’t like Lopez, you know,” Mr. Wharton said to John Fletcher afterwards. “How would it be possible that I should like such a man? But there can be no good got by complaints. It is not what your mother suffers, or what even I may suffer, — or worse again, what Arthur may suffer, that makes the sadness of all this. What will be her life? That is the question. And it is too near me, too important to me, for the endurance either of scorn or pity. I was glad that you asked your mother to be silent.”

“I can understand it,” said John. “I do not think that she will trouble you again.”

In the mean time Lopez received Mr. Wharton’s letter at Dovercourt, and had to consider what answer he should give to it. No answer could be satisfactory, — unless he could impose a false answer on his father-in-law so as to make it credible. The more he thought of it, the more he believed that this would be impossible. The cautious old lawyer would not accept unverified statements. A certain sum of money, — by no means illiberal as a present, — he had already extracted from the old man. What he wanted was a further and a much larger grant. Though Mr. Wharton was old he did not want to have to wait for the death even of an old man. The next two or three years, — probably the very next year, — might be the turning-point of his life. He had married the girl, and ought to have the girl’s fortune, — down on the nail! That was his idea; and the old man was robbing him in not acting up to it. As he thought of this he cursed his ill luck. The husbands of other girls had their fortunes conveyed to them immediately on their marriage. What would not £20,000 do for him, if he could get it into his hand? And so he taught himself to regard the old man as a robber and himself as a victim. Who among us is there that does not teach himself the same lesson? And then too how cruelly, how damnably he had been used by the Duchess of Omnium! And now Sexty Parker, whose fortune he was making for him, whose fortune he at any rate intended to make, was troubling him in various ways. “We’re in a boat together,” Sexty had said. “You’ve had the use of my money, and by heavens you have it still. I don’t see why you should be so stiff. Do you bring your missus to Dovercourt, and I’ll take mine, and let ‘em know each other.” There was a little argument on the subject, but Sexty Parker had the best of it, and in this way the trip to Dovercourt was arranged.

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