The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) (29 page)

BOOK: The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids)
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regretted the impulse. Oddly enough, he also felt a

twinge of sympathy for Donovan. He knew what it

was like to be rejected by Fee, and while he was

beyond grateful Fee didn't want a chance with

Donovan, Ash could empathize with the guy. It had

to be humiliating hearing that. Ash would spare

him the additional embarrassment of knowing Ash

had overheard the whole thing.

He made his way back to their table, glad to see

it hadn't been snagged while he was eavesdropping

on his boyfriend. The thought made Ash cringe a

little. He was going to have to tell Fee. It was only

right. But he'd wait until they were alone again.

When Fee returned a couple of minutes later,

Ash was working on a fresh beer.

"No Donovan?" he asked as Fee settled onto his

bar stool. Fee shook his head. He looked a bit sad,

but he didn't volunteer any information about what

he and Donovan had discussed. Ash watched him

for a moment, chewing contemplatively on his

lower lip. "Want to get out of here?"

Fee looked at him in surprise. "This early? I

thought you'd want to stay late."

"All I want is to be with you." Ash shrugged. "I

don't care where we are."

Fee smiled slightly. "Let's go then."


It took them a while to get out of the club—Fee

wanted to say goodbye to a few of his friends

before they left—but eventually, they made it out to

Fee's car.

"You hungry?" Fee asked, glancing sideways at

Ash as he started the engine.

Ash grinned and reached out to run a finger

along the inner seam of Fee's right pant leg,

stopping a few inches from his crotch. "Not for


"My place then?"

The smile Fee gave him made Ash's groin

tighten. He nodded eagerly. "Yes."

Fee pulled out of their parking space and started

navigating the streets. After a few minutes, he

reached over and rested a hand on Ash's thigh,

squeezing lightly. "I had fun tonight."

Ash laced their fingers together. "Me, too."

"Sorry about Donovan."

Ash swallowed and cleared his throat. "About

that …" He trailed off and bit his lip, his stomach

tensing. He knew he had to tell Fee—and before

they got to Fee's place, in case Fee decided he

didn't want Ash to come over anymore—but he

didn't want to be the person who spoiled

their night. Donovan had already come close, and

then Ash had acted like an untrusting asshole on

top of it.


Ash sighed softly. "I followed you guys," he

confessed without looking at Fee. "It's not that I

didn't trust you, but I've been so goddamn jealous

of him this whole time. I wanted to know what he

would say." He didn't risk a glance at Fee's face—

not yet. "I didn't stay for the whole conversation,

but I shouldn't have listened to any of it. I'm sorry."

Fee's fingers tightened around his. "You're right,

Ash. You shouldn't have."

Ash did look at Fee then. Luckily, instead of

looking pissed off, Fee was smiling a little.

"I don't blame you, though," Fee went on. "If it

had been you and some guy you'd asked out once, I

probably would've followed, too."

Ash laughed. "Really?"

Fee shrugged sheepishly. "Yes. I mean, you saw

how I reacted to Gil."

Ash groaned at the sound of Gil's name. "Let's

just forget about him."

"I can do that." Fee hesitated, then continued, "I

can't forget about Donovan, though. You know that,

right? We've been friends for a long time.

Eventually, we'll get past this and be back to

normal again."

Ash turned in his seat as much as he could,

wanting a clear view of Fee's face. "I don't expect

you to give up your friend. I'd never ask you to do


"You were right about him, though. I'm sorry for

being totally oblivious."

"It doesn't matter. At least now he knows where

he stands and where

"He does."

Ash brought Fee's hand up to his lips and kissed

the knuckles. "So we're good?"

Fee took his eyes off the road long enough to

blow Ash a kiss in return. "We're good."

They got to Fee's a few minutes later. Ash

squirmed while Fee parked, fidgeted with the

bottom of his waistcoat and the sleeves of his

jacket as they made their way to Fee's door, and

shifted impatiently from one foot to the other while

he waited for Fee to unlock it.

Fee must have sensed his mounting impatience

because the second the door closed behind them,

he tossed his cane aside and backed Ash against

the wall, crowding close and leaning down to

brush his lips across Ash's jawline.

"You looked really good tonight." Fee's voice

was low and husky in his ear.

Ash shivered a little as Fee's warm breath

washed over his neck. "So did you," he murmured.

"So fucking good. I've been hard since the moment

I saw you."

"Me, too," Fee whispered, pressing closer.

The nip of teeth on Ash's earlobe made him

groan and tilt his head back, inviting more bites,

kisses, licks, whatever Fee wanted to give him. He

could feel the solid length of Fee's erection

straining against his lower abdomen. It made Ash

wish they were naked, nothing but skin on bare

skin. He wanted that cock in his hand, hot, heavy,

and silky to the touch. His own dick was painfully

hard, trapped behind his fly and already leaking

from the tip. The sticky wetness of his precum








uncomfortably. All Ash could think about was

stripping them off, rubbing his thumb around the

slit, and offering Fee a taste.

They weren't there yet, though, and the whole

"going slow" thing was killing him—
. Ash

was beyond ready for the next step. He needed Fee

so badly his entire body ached with sensual heat.

This desire was unlike anything Ash had ever

experienced. Oh, he'd wanted before, of course he

had, but not like this, not with the sort of

desperation that made him feel as if he'd been

turned inside out, every nerve ending exposed, raw

and aching.

Fee turned him on so fucking much.

Sometimes Ash could hardly stand it.

He trembled when Fee's tongue traced the shell

of his ear, shook when Fee nipped at a soft spot

just above his collar, but it wasn't until Fee

slipped a hand between their bodies and rubbed

Ash's cock through his zipper that Ash finally

snapped. He gripped Fee's hips, fingertips digging

in hard, his restraint totally gone as he ground

himself into Fee's palm. "Fuck me," he whispered.

"Fee. Please."

It was begging. Ash didn't care. He'd get down

on his knees if that was what it took. Pride meant

nothing, absolutely nothing, if only he could have


Fee's mouth dragged across Ash's neck, open

and wet, heating Ash's skin like fire. The hand that

wasn't rubbing Ash's cock slipped around his body

to caress his ass. "You want me to fuck you?" Fee

asked softly.

Ash quivered at the words, his breath stuttering,

head falling back. "

Fee stepped back abruptly, and Ash slumped

against the door, chilled by the sudden loss of

Fee's body, his warmth. Fee tugged off his gloves

and shrugged out of his jacket, backing up a few

steps more and arching an eyebrow at Ash. "You


Ash gulped and nodded, but it took him a couple

of seconds to move. He got rid of his own jacket

and the vest beneath, and then trailed after Fee,

following the path Fee had taken toward the

bedroom. His mouth went dry when he realized

Fee was discarding clothing along the way—his

shoes, waistcoat, the pristine white shirt Ash had

glimpsed underneath, his tie, the steampunk


By the time Ash found Fee's pants in a crumpled

heap just outside his bedroom door, he'd stripped

off almost all his own clothes as well, save for his

undies and the black leather cuff Fee had given him


He went to step over the pants but froze on the

threshold instead, stunned by the sight of Fee

sprawled on the bed, his legs spread, cock already

in hand. Ash had to grab onto the doorframe for

support when Fee gave himself an idle stroke, his

eyes moving over Ash's body in a slow, thorough


"Take them off," Fee said, nodding to indicate

the black briefs Ash still wore. "But leave the cuff


Ash hurried to obey, hooking his fingers into the

waistband of his briefs and pushing the material

down so that it slid past his thighs and pooled

around his ankles.

Fee bit his lip and stroked his cock again, base

to tip, his hips flexing. "Come here, Ash."

Ash was beside the bed in seconds, taking in the

picture Fee made like a starved man who'd just

been presented with a decadent feast. He didn't

know which part he wanted to taste first, but he did

know he wanted to sample it all. Every inch.

Part of Ash still couldn't quite believe what he

was seeing—Fee writhing on the mattress, wanton

and sexy, completely unselfconscious in his lust.

Ash hadn't thought Fee had it in him to let go so

entirely. It was a surprise, but one that thrilled

Ash. He couldn't wait to find out what else Fee

might have been hiding under his buttoned-up,

geeky exterior.

He reached out and covered Fee's hand with his

own, tightening his grip over Fee's on the

downward stroke. Ash used his other hand to cup

Fee's balls, rolling and separating them as he

continued to jerk Fee off with his fist, his thumb

finding and sliding upon the moisture that had

gathered at Fee's tip.

Fee groaned and released his own grip, arching

wildly into Ash's touch. Ash pressed his thumb

against Fee's slit, circling slowly, spreading

precum around the slick, fleshy head. He leaned

down to nuzzle one dark pink nipple and suck it

into his mouth, loving the sounds Fee made as Ash

tongued and raked his teeth over that sensitive

little nub.

. Too close."

Well, Ash couldn't have that. He tightened his

fingers around the base of Fee's cock and released

the nipple he'd been tormenting. "Not until you're

inside me."

"Come here then." Fee grabbed the hand Ash

had been using to jerk him off and tugged. Seconds

later, Ash found himself sprawled on top of Fee,

his cock against Fee's lower abdomen, Fee's dick

nestled in the cleft of his ass, and his mouth being

taken in a kiss stripped bare of any pretenses. It

was pure carnality—no sweetness, not meant to

tease—just twining tongues and lust and sex,

intended solely to show him how thoroughly he

was about to be fucked.

If Ash hadn't been so desperate not to come

before he had Fee inside, buried balls-deep, he

might have lost it right there. It was close even

still. Ash had to tear his mouth away from Fee's,

force himself to stop squirming closer, from

seeking the erotic friction that sparked wherever

their skin touched. Holy hell, he wanted it. Wanted

to rut madly against Fee's stomach until they were

both covered in his cum and panting. His entire

body was straining, right along with his dick, his

every drop of endurance being tested.

Jesus Christ.

He buried his face against Fee's throat and

breathed heavily, trying to bring himself back from

the edge. Fee's hands moved over his back, tracing

skin already slick with the beginnings of sweat.

The touches weren't helping Ash, especially since

Fee was practically gyrating beneath him, the

length of his cock dragging up and down along

Ash's crease.

Ash wanted to tell him to stop, to pull back a

little so this didn't end before it could really begin,

but it felt so goddamn good. He turned and nipped

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