Read The Passionate Olive Online
Authors: Carol Firenze
Gallstones, a very painful malady, are hard, round lumps of solid material usually composed of bile or cholesterol. Olive oil stimulates bile secretion and regulates the emptying of the gallbladder, which may help to prevent gallstones. Recent studies do show that olive oil has a very positive effect on the gallbladder and that the incidence of
gallstones is relatively low among people who live in areas where olive oil consumption is high.
There is a well-known “gallbladder/liver flush” remedy that uses olive oil along with apple juice, epsom salts, and lemon juice. The process is quite involved; for more information, see
The Amazing Liver Cleanse
by Andreas Moritz. However, always check first with a medical doctor if you think you have gallstones, and always get medical advice prior to considering a liver cleanse.
Bursitis and arthritis can afflict a person with a great deal of pain, swelling, and stiffening, and it can severely reduce one’s range of motion. One tablespoon of olive oil, taken one half hour before breakfast, is reputed to help ease these symptoms and may even reduce the development of these two chronic illnesses. According to a Greek study (published in the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
, December 1999), consuming extra virgin olive oil reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. A quote from this study states: “Those with the lowest lifetime consumption of extra virgin olive oil had a 2½ times greater chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis than those with the highest.” In addition to swallowing that daily morning tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, put some on your hands and massage the affected areas. This, too, may ease the pain of arthritis and bursitis.
Numerous studies point to the fact that olive oil may aid in the prevention of colon cancer. According to the
National Cancer Institute (American Cancer Society.
Cancer Facts and Figures—
1997, Atlanta, Ga., 1999) more than 75 percent of colon cancer cases could be prevented by diet. An Oxford University study found that “olive oil, perhaps through its influence on secondary bile acid patterns in the colon, appears to protect against the development of colorectal cancer.” The study published in the
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
(October 3000), included participants from twenty-eight countries, including the United States. Research data showed “new evidence of olive oil’s protective effect on colonic mucosa” and concluded that individuals consuming large quantities of olive oil have a lower rate of colon cancer.
When winter arrives, colds, sore throats, and coughs usually follow. The winter months on the Italian Riviera, where my relatives live, are very cold and damp and can be quite severe—especially in my
Lena’s home, which did not have central heating. She told me how she often warded off colds (and probably other people!) with her olive oil and crushed garlic formulas. I prefer a sweeter version.
Sore Throat or Cough Remedy
My friend Joanna lived in Rome for many years, and while there she thoroughly enjoyed the good life we all associate with living in that magical city. She would often eat out, and in Rome, eating out with friends
involves drinking wine. She shared with me her secret for reducing the effects of alcohol. She told me always to take 2 teaspoons of olive oil before going out on the town and drinking. The olive oil prevents alcohol from entering your bloodstream so quickly. “It acts like a cork to the stomach,” Joanna told me. This tip was verified by the
Global Hangover Guide
, which also suggests swallowing two spoonfuls of olive oil before drinking. This guide rather humorously notes: “But that leaves all the alcohol you drank for naught (if getting drunk is, in fact, your objective).”
On the Outside … External
Whenever I mention my passionate interest in the uses of olive oil to my friends or relatives, they invariably tell me, “My mother used to put warm olive oil in my ears when I was a child to help with earaches.” This natural oil soothes the pain.
Olive oil can be used to clear “stopped-up” ears or for painful earaches. To clear ears, put a few drops of warm virgin olive oil in the affected ear. Lie down for a few minutes, affected ear upward and with your head on a terrycloth
towel, then turn over so that the olive oil can seep out onto the towel. Or you can use a favorite remedy from
Jenny—the garlic oil ear remedy.
Garlic Oil Ear Remedy
A caution: Never put anything liquid in your ear if you think there is any chance at all that you may have a perforated eardrum or any other serious medical condition, and never ever treat a child or infant without medical advice. Check with your doctor or pediatrician immediately!
What a subject … but one that is sometimes necessary to discuss. Assuming that there is no underlying medical condition, an olive oil enema may help soothe the intestinal lining, and it can also be useful in the overall cleansing of the colon. An important caution: If you have a gastrointestinal condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome (
), Crohn’s
disease, ulcerative colitis, or any other chronic intestinal tract disorder, do not attempt this remedy except on the advice of your physician. In any acute situation, where pain is significant or is accompanied by fever, redness, or swelling, or where appendicitis is suspected for any reason, you should call a doctor immediately.
An Olive Oil Enema
It is hard to think about olive oil and head lice in the same sentence. However, olive oil is the main ingredient in a well-accepted program for this all-too-common problem. In the United States, lice attack more than 12 million people a year. Head lice are easily transmitted from person to person through direct contact—by the sharing of combs, brushes, hats/caps, and linens. While the most commonly prescribed treatments for head lice are pediculicidal shampoos and cream rinses, these products contain harsh insecticides. A more effective and safer way to eliminate head lice is through the Head Lice to Dead Lice Treatment Program, a
treatment that uses olive oil to smother and kill active head lice. Entomologists at the Harvard School of Public Health have confirmed the safety and effectiveness of this treatment, which consists of a series of olive oil treatments applied to smother chemically resistant lice. The treatments are timed specifically to disrupt their life cycle. If you would like more information on using olive oil in this way, visit
Frostbite, which is defined as the freezing of the skin and the underlying tissues, can be very dangerous and should be attended to as soon as possible. Caused by long exposure to icy air and freezing winds, frostbite interrupts circulation to affected areas. If medical attention is not immediately available, you may wish to begin the following folk remedy while on your way to the doctor (or hospital). Start by exposing the frostbitten area to warmth (not heat), and then apply the following soothing frostbite remedy.
Soothing Frostbite Remedy, aka the “Camp Pack”
This is such an effective treatment that you may want to keep it handy when hiking or camping. Okay, how many of you take olive oil, ammonia, and peppermint with you
camping, hiking, or skiing? Next time you head out into the great outdoors, make certain that you include a “camp pack” of the above mixture just in case!
My grandmother
Jenny taught us to put olive oil on a cut. I still today reach for the small bottle of olive oil I keep in my medicine cabinet for small cuts and abrasions. I use olive oil instead of other over-the-counter products.
For painful sunburns, use olive oil to help soothe the reddened skin and even the blisters that sometimes follow too much sun exposure. Remember, olive oil is
intended to be used as a suntan oil, primarily because it does not contain any sunscreen, but it can be of great help after one has experienced a sunburn.
After-Sunburn Olive Oil Remedy
A side effect of winter weather, besides the aforementioned colds and sore throats, can be dry and chapped
skin. This condition can become quite a painful problem, causing cracking and even bleeding of the affected area. To provide quick relief to one’s skin, make a simple emulsion of water and olive oil, and then apply it to the dry, chapped area. The emulsion can really alleviate this problem.
Another way to use olive oil is to soften dry or rough elbows. The following olive oil ointment is another of those indispensable family formulas:
Olive Oil Ointment
You may wish to add 2 to 3 drops of your favorite essential oil
Muscle cramping, a stiffening of the muscles into a painful spasm, usually experienced after exertion, is an all-too-common problem for many of us. It’s caused by a buildup of acid in the muscles. An application of olive oil mixed with clove oil can help relieve cramping. Include a small bottle of this potion in your gym bag for immediate relief after a prolonged workout.
Muscle-Cramping Relief Formula
This is an extremely useful bit of information, particularly if one lives in an area inhabited by mosquitoes and other flying/biting insects. Did you know that mosquitoes are less likely to bite skin that is covered with olive oil? Happily, it’s true!
Although we usually associate the pesky problem of ticks with our pets (and this is addressed in greater detail in the chapter on pet care), ticks can plague humans as well. Whether visiting a beautiful wooded area or living in a lovely countryside location, children (and adults) come into contact with ticks, which attach themselves aggressively to the skin and resemble soft black bumps. Not only are they an irritation to one’s skin, some ticks can carry Lyme disease, a serious health problem, so it is very important to get rid of ticks as soon as you spot them. I suggest trying this “tick trick” and see how a simple application of olive oil—what else?—will cause the tick to back away from
the point of entry. Here’s what to do. If the tick has been attached to the skin for an hour or less, try smothering the pest by dripping olive oil on it. Leave the olive oil on for 10 to 15 minutes, and the tick may actually back out. A doctor friend of mine just tried this “tick trick” on his daughter. To his amazement, it worked, and quite quickly. Of course, if the tick does not back out or if it has been attached to the skin for more than two hours, seek medical attention.
If you are ever unfortunate enough to be bitten or stung by a jellyfish or man-of-war, apply olive oil from your trusty “camp pack.” You should also seek immediate medical attention since jellyfish bites and stings can be very painful and lead to other problems.