The Patriot (27 page)

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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Tim contacted his field commanders and advised of their new location. He advised we are assisting your medical personnel and have transported some of our wounded to hospitals for care. His commander said the men will appreciate that. Goldie asked them what are your conditions. All the commands responded we are moving forward and our casualties have been light. We believe enemy losses have been major based on body counts made. But with darkness setting in we will slow down our pace to minimize losses. Agreed Goldie said, then asked are you in need of supplies and was told negative, we are well supplied and moral is good.

Except for an occasional volley of gunfire the night went by quietly but as dawn broke intensive exchanges of automatic and small arms fire commenced in the eastern sector. An incoming call from Joshua advised they appear to be trying to breakout thru our lines. Goldie asked whats your current situation and was told we are holding our positions and the enemy are getting hurt. Goldie advised our division will be ordered to attack the enemy along our entire front. You hold your positions then move north keeping them boxed in as we advance. Tim, order your commands to attack all along the front and continue their assault. Mac get James, advise they are to stay in contact with the enemy and slowly move north as we advance. The battle had waged for several days and the enemy was giving ground all along the front when word came from central command that aircraft had been observed over southern Canada. Colonel Wilson then came on to advise enemy fighter bombers are moving south from Canada. Be advised our fighters are in the air and will intercept.

Almost at the same time aircraft were heard overhead and several air explosions occurred north of their lines. More aircraft were heard coming in and another explosion was seen in the sky. Then air force fighters circled overhead several times before finally heading south. James came over the air to report four aircraft had been shot down just north of his position. Mac advised we were told to expect air activity moments before it happened. Richard sent his pilots in and they done their jobs before the enemy could drop their payloads. Continue your current operational plans and keep your units in contact with the enemy but continue to slide north as we advance. Joshua also came on and reported the air activity and was told to continue their current strategy of staying in contact with the enemy while moving as our southern line advances.

Richard came over the radio to say all enemy aircraft were destroyed. We don’t know whether the decision to use aircraft was cleared with Washington or not but they know now we are prepared for that eventuality if it continues. Goldie said your men done one hell of a job and probably saved us a lot of casualties. Richard said our pilots reported your units are advancing on all fronts and the enemy is falling back. Goldie agreed but added they are still a large enough force to fight. What’s the situation in Wisconsin? Richard said the enemy has sustained heavy losses and our troops have circled and cut off their rear area. We have given orders to continue the attack until what remains of their force surrenders. When that occurs we will disarm them, permit them to collect their dead and wounded and escort them across the border rather than try to establish a prisoner of war camp. Good idea Goldie said, let their leaders see what happens to those who would threaten our liberties. Again thank the pilots for their support. Richard added, before I sign off and let you get back to your troops you should know our people tell us the generals troop ships from Europe are only two days from the eastern port of Charlestown and New York but the pacific ships are still a week away. Then we need to step up our action here Goldie said, so I’m signing off for now.

He turned to the others and said it’s time we move with everything we have. See if you can get James and Joshua on the satellite network. A few moments went by before Shrader announced we got it patched through. They walked to the communications vehicle and Goldie asked his sons can you see and hear alright. Both replied affirmative loud and clear, what’s up. Goldie said we need to make a change in our operational plans, so listen up. Shortly I will be attempting to contact the enemy commanders. If successful I will demand their immediate unconditional surrender. If that offer is refused I will advise you of such. In event that is the situation I want the following plans put into motion immediately on my call.

James you are to reposition your units as follows. Leave one company on our flank where they are adjacent to our lines. Move your other companies and form a line extending west to the lake. Establish and hold those positions to prevent any enemy attempt to break through. Joshua, I want one of your companies to remain on our right flank while the other units form a line north and west. In two hours, at exactly 1400 hours, Tim’s division will attack with all our resources with no let up. We intend to force the enemy to turn and drive them north and west towards the lake. Joshua, your units must close on the enemy and force them to turn west as we advance. Joshua said in short you want to form a corridor and drive them towards the lake. Exactly Goldie said, turn them and drive them where they have no place to go but into the water or die on the shores. James said then we just realign and hold those positions giving them room to turn until we have them in a box. Affirmative Mac answered, are we up to it. Affirmative both replied. Then instruct and prepare your commanders and troops. At 1400 hours we will initiate the attack on my orders.

He turned to Shrader and said get me central command. Moments later Richard and Wilson came into view on the screen. Goldie asked gentlemen can you hear me? Affirmative we can they responded. He asked Richard do you have contact with the senior command of the UN forces in this sector? Affirmative we have intercepted their call signs what do you need? He explained the nature of the demand for surrender he wanted presented to that command. And of their change in plans if the offer is rejected. Wilson said we will make immediate contact and advise you of their decision. Tell them they have less than one hour to order their troops to lay down their arms. If they agree their field commanders are to walk due south towards our position waving white flags as they come. Understood Richard said we will make contact and advise of their decision.

Mac said well lets all get some rations and coffee while we wait. Ten minutes later Richard came on the radio to advise they had made contact with the Canadian command and they have refused to accept our terms. Execute your battle plans as scheduled and keep us advised of your progress. Goldie said roger will do turned to the others and said we move as planned. Tim order your commanders to launch a heavy volly of mortar to the rear of their frontal positions at exactly 1400 hours. At the same time launch an attack at the enemy front lines with grenade launchers and fifties for five minutes. Then order your divisions to assault along the entire front. Mac contact James, confirm they are in position, and advise the operation order stands at 1400 hours. Then contact Joshua and advise all companies attack as planned at 1400 hours. Mac got off his radio and said orders have been issued and acknowledged. Mac asked Brian are your troops ready. Brian said our support company, medics, and communications section are prepared to move as the lines advance. Goldie signaled his driver then said men get aboard we can get a better view of our lines from that knoll. Once they had moved he took a can of soda then got out to set on the hood of the jeep with his field glasses. We have fifteen minutes men.

The day had been mostly quiet except for sporadic firing but now it seemed eerily quiet. Mac looked at his watch and raised two fingers. Tim nodded and Goldie spoke softly and said, now tremble and shrink all who oppose liberty, for ours is a just cause. It began with shock after shock as mortar rounds commenced exploding all across the valley and hills. Smaller explosions were occurring as grenades exploded and the sound of fifty caliber fire was deafening. The onslaught continued without let up then the sound of small arms fire was heard and the assault was on. The sound of exploding grenades and automatic fire could be heard from beyond the ridge and Mac said they’re trying to escape towards Joshua’s lines but they’ll find no way out there. As they watched the flash and smoke from explosions and sounds of weapons fire became more distant. They got back into their jeep and followed the action with one platoon of support troops close behind. The bodies of enemy soldiers lay everywhere as they moved ahead. Several wounded militia members were found being attended to by company medics.

Two Air Force jets came in low circled the area twice then headed off in the distance. Mac said Wilson’s got his planes up surveying the battle zone for us Top. Yeah and sounds like some choppers coming in. Just as two choppers came into view Mac said Wilsons on the radio, he’s sending some medics in on choppers to assist our medics. Tell him we have them in sight and will signal our location. He reached for a smoke flare behind the seat, lit it and threw it onto the grass. The first chopper came in fast circled and landed followed by the other one. A team of medics jumped out and ran over to assist the injured men. Goldie told Brian set up your medical unit here then yelled to shrader, contact James and Joshua, see if they have personnel needing medical attention. The chopper pilots said tell them mark their positions we will pick them up and transport here. Before long the place looked like a mash unit with both choppers transporting the wounded for medical care and taking the less seriously injured back to their units. Tim said with this set up we can make this a permanent medical station and Brian can keep his company here for security. Right Mac said now we can move on up with the units.

Two of the old Viet Nam squad members got in with Tim while Mac and two others went with Goldie and started towards the battle zone. Their line units had advanced several miles and heavy fighting was still taking place. Both on the southern front and from Joshua’s sector. It was apparent the un forces were trying to retreat north back towards the Canadian border. Goldie contacted Joshua’s command and one of his old squad members came on. He asked what is your situation and was told we are in good shape, our losses are light and un forces are paying a heavy price. Goldie advised we are changing our battle plans. Have your companies give a little ground slowly and your advance units hold more to the east. Give the enemy room to maneuver more towards the north. We will have James advance now instead of holding in place. We are going to allow the remnants of their forces to retreat north but continue to punish them as they do. Are we clear? Roger, Joshua said, we will make the changes ordered.

Mac said he was in contact with James. I advised we are changing the overall plan of action. That he is to order his advance companies to move more to the north and east, then have his whole division advance and drive the enemy north, that we are going to allow them to retreat north, but he is to push them all the way. James understands and is ordering the changes immediately. He said they are in good shape with minimal casualties and well supplied to take the offense. It was getting dusk now and soon the sound of battle began shifting slightly north. Heavier on the western front where James was moving his force into the fray. They could hear the choppers coming and going mostly from the frontal and eastern sectors and Mac noted the wounded are being taken care of.

The battle raged throughout the night but by morning was mostly a running fight as the enemy forces retreated north. Small company sized units trying to slow the advance of militia forces were quickly being overrun and the number of enemy dead and wounded who had been left behind was significant. James and Joshua both reported in and advised they had assigned one full company as reserves to disarm and secure enemy stragglers and their wounded. Mac acknowledged and agreed with that course of action adding, there’s too many of them for Brian to handle with his small company. An hour later Shrader handed the radio to Goldie saying central command is on for you. After a moment Goldie said agreed, our units will be ordered to cease all offensive actions one minute from now. All un forces are to lay down their weapons immediately. Those commanders will form their units in close formations, have them seated, and remain so. I will then meet with those commanders and accept their unconditional surrender. He turned to Mac who said heard him and I’m contacting our commands now. Once James and Joshua were contacted and given cease fire orders Tim contacted his unit commanders and ordered a cease fire. Sporadic firing continued for several minutes then all was quiet on all fronts.

He contacted James and Joshua and asked for status reports. Both reported all resistance had halted and the enemy were being observed grouping and sitting down. He asked do either of you have units advanced far enough to close off any movement north and Joshua advised affirmative we can link up with James’s lead elements and accomplish that now. Goldie advised do so immediately then start marching them all towards Tim’s line and collect them all in one location, we will meet you there. It took several hours before James reported all remnants of the un forces have been collected in one location and their command staffs identified. They were met with cheers and salutes as they drove thru Tim’s lines and were met by James and Joshua as they approached the surrender site. The boys gave their dad a hug and Mac shook their hands and told them good job men.

Goldie stood for a moment and surveyed the scene. The surrendering forces had been assembled into two formations with all the command personnel seated out front. James and Joshua had posted guards all along the formations. They took up nearly a half mile of the lake shoreline. Mac shook his head and said, they started out with fourty thousand or more near as we know and this is all that’s left. Mac looked at Goldie and for an instant he thought he saw tears in the old mans eyes. Then asked how we going to handle this top? James said we have the field commanders seated separate with unit commander by their units. Then lets go meet the generals first Goldie said and started towards the formations. Once there he stood before the men seated on the ground, then asked who is the senior commander of all your forces. A European looking man raised his hand. What is your name, grade, and nationality? The man responded by saying he was general Franz Verstline of the Dutch republic. Do you have authority to surrender all your forces? The general responded yes. What was the total number of men under your command when you entered American soil? He responded forty five thousand. Do you know how many men are left? He responded no he did not. Goldie said all of you stand now, go to your units and tell your commanders to give you an accurate count of their men, my men will accompany you. As the officers were led away Goldie turned to Tim, James, and Joshua and asked do you have total numbers of losses and wounded in your commands. They gave him a list of their losses and wounded. All have been evacuated back to Brian’s medical station thanks to the choppers. He looked the names and numbers over slowly then returned them without speaking.

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