The Pemberley Chronicles (23 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Ann Collins

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Classics

BOOK: The Pemberley Chronicles
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Fitzwilliam, who had never experienced this type of Christmas at home, found the warmth and friendliness of their household irresistible. As his own place was unlikely to be ready before the New Year, he was still staying at Pemberley but, in fact, was spending more and more time at Oakleigh, on matters of business as well as pleasure. Elizabeth, who came over on occasion to lend a helping hand, was not surprised to find Fitzwilliam there, as he had often spent the day with them. It was of no use to offer him a seat in her carriage; he always preferred to stay on and ride home later.
On Christmas Eve, Caroline and Emily were expected at Pemberley to help with the children's Christmas party. Fitzwilliam set off shortly after noon to fetch them. When they arrived at Pemberley, closer to five than four o'clock, there was only Caroline. Emily had become ill, having eaten too many nuts and sweets, they said. Georgiana, who had been waiting very patiently, was so grateful to have her help with the children, she rushed Caroline indoors and waved Fitzwilliam into the drawing room.
Elizabeth, however, had been watching from her favourite window and could not fail to notice the glow of pleasure that seemed to wrap them and the easy familiarity with which young Caroline gave her companion her hand, so he could help her out and then appeared to be in no great hurry to withdraw it, after she had alighted from the carriage.
Fitzwilliam had the look of a young man who had somehow lost control of his feelings. He smiled unnecessarily and for too long, he appeared to feel no need of food or drink, he was unfailingly polite to everyone while appearing not to hear a word anyone said, and he kept looking around the room until he found the one face he wanted to see. To Lizzie, the symptoms were unmistakeable.
Halfway through the evening, Elizabeth happened to be standing beside Dr Grantley and Georgiana, when Caroline appeared with one of the little children, who had become unwell. The speed with which Fitzwilliam rushed to her side to help and the concern he showed for her, because she had carried the child, who was not at all heavy, brought a smile to their lips, and Dr Grantley whispered something to Georgiana, which Elizabeth could not hear, but which she was quite sure was a reference to the couple they were observing.
Later that evening, Mr Gardiner arrived to take his daughter home, and Elizabeth was relieved, not because they had been guilty of unseemly or censurable behaviour, but because she feared for them. She loved Caroline as if she was her own sister, and while she was confident of her virtue and Fitzwilliam's integrity, she could not help worrying about the consequences of their romantic involvement. She recalled Jane's sorrow, her own unhappiness, both of which were short-lived and had ended happily, but if Caroline were hurt at such a tender age, how would she cope? She resolved to talk to Darcy about it, but the occasion did not immediately arise.


Christmas Day was busy and crowded with dozens of things to do, which thrust the matter of Fitzwilliam and Caroline into the background. Not so on Boxing day, which was also Caroline's birthday. The Gardiners were having a grand dinner and dance in her honour. Fitzwilliam had asked at least three times at exactly what time they would be leaving for Oakleigh. When they arrived, Caroline was still upstairs. Family members were already gathered in the hall, and other guests were still arriving. The large drawing room had been prepared for dancing, with a small chamber group providing the music, with two other rooms arranged for the dinner. At seven, precisely, the music makers played a modest fanfare, and young Caroline came downstairs on the arm of her very proud father. To say she looked beautiful seemed inadequate to describe her on that night. In a dress of cornflower blue, with soft lavender ribbons and a corsage of violets, her hair in a modish Grecian style, she carried herself with so much grace that she brought tears to her mother's eyes. There was applause which she acknowledged with a curtsey and a smile, and then, the music started.

It was at this point that Elizabeth held her breath. Was Caroline going to let everyone into her secret, by dancing the first dance with Fitzwilliam? If she did, it would be an indiscretion, however minor, that they may both later regret, Elizabeth thought. To her enormous relief, it was her cousin James--a young man of impeccable credentials, the son of Mrs Gardiner's brother John--who took Caroline's hand and led her in to the dance. Later, she danced with her brother Richard, with Bingley and Darcy and her Uncle John, while the Colonel waited patiently for his turn. It had been an agonising wait for him, during which they both did everything right. He danced with Elizabeth and Jane, with Georgiana and Emily, but it seemed there was only one person in the room he was waiting for. Whenever he was not engaged in the dancing, his eyes would follow Caroline, as she moved down the line, turned, and returned to the figures of the dance. Occasionally, their eyes would meet, and sometimes, they smiled.

Finally, Fitzwilliam claimed his reward for an hour or more of patience and discretion, and thereafter, she danced only with him for the rest of the evening or at least until dinner was served and the musicians took their rest. Elizabeth and Jane were together, waiting for their husbands to join them for dinner. Jane spoke first, "Lizzie, Caroline and Colonel Fitzwilliam make a very handsome couple, do they not?" Elizabeth laughed.

"They certainly do, Jane, and only a blind man could fail to see that they are in love." Jane smiled. Neither were prepared to say anything more, at the time.

Part Two


A marriage of true minds


Darcy's wedding day dawned crisp and fresh, as though Nature herself knew this was a very special day at Pemberley. And indeed, it was. There had not been a young woman

married from this great house in two generations, and this was a very special young woman. Nowhere was there a single voice that wished her anything but the greatest happiness.

Elizabeth awoke early, unable to sleep with excitement and anticipation. During the five years that she had known her young sister-in-law, she had grown to love her dearly. There was, truly, no one, apart from her own beloved sister Jane, for whom she had felt such warmth and affection. Her husband was well aware of and greatly appreciated Elizabeth's efforts to cultivate the relationship, which he felt had been wholly beneficial to his sister, transforming her from a shy, rather diffident young girl with very little self-confidence, into a charming and talented young woman.

Elizabeth was disinclined to take all the credit her husband wished to accord her for Georgiana's development, sharing it gladly with Dr Grantley, whose maturity, intelligence, and excellent judgement she greatly admired. But, no one who had known the awkward fifteen-year-old Miss Darcy and watched her emerge slowly into the sunlight like a butterfly from a chrysalis, could doubt the value of Elizabeth's influence upon her.

Mrs Reynolds, the housekeeper, was one whose doting eye could see no fault in either her Master or his sister. Yet, she had acknowledged Elizabeth's part. As they made the final preparations for the wedding, Elizabeth had said, "It is going to be an important day for all of us, Mrs Reynolds, not just for Miss Georgiana." Mrs Reynolds agreed that they had all waited many years for such an occasion at Pemberley, adding in her quiet way, "It is indeed a very special day, Ma'am, and if I may say so, we all know how much is owed to you and your sister--Mrs Bingley."

Elizabeth had been pleasantly surprised by her lavish praise of both herself and Jane, for their kindness to Miss Darcy. "You see, Ma'am," she explained, "With her dear mother gone, there was no one to set her an example. The Master was very loving and did all he could for her, but it is not the same, is it, Ma'am?" Elizabeth agreed that it was not, saying, however, that she was sure Miss Georgiana must have had governesses, companions, and friends. "Oh yes, Ma'am, but not those who could be as you have been, like a sister to her. I have watched how she has grown, in herself as a young person, since you and the Master were wed. She is a real lady now. Oh I know she used to sing and play and amuse us all, but she was ever so shy and quiet in company. And if you don't mind my saying so, Ma'am, and some might say it is not my place to say it, but I did not think that Miss Caroline Bingley was a good influence upon our Miss Georgiana at all."

Elizabeth had bitten back her enthusiastic agreement with this judgement, but her smile had betrayed her. She felt she was in good company. Darcy himself had remarked upon the shallowness and lack of substance in the conversation of the two Bingley women, happily contrasting it with the interesting contributions made to any company by Miss Caroline Gardiner, who was so much younger, yet much better informed and well-read. Both Jane and Elizabeth had formed the impression that he had, for the most part, put up with the Bingley sisters because of his friendship and regard for their brother, for whom he clearly had great affection.

Darcy had no doubt at all that his sister had benefited immensely from the new acquaintances she had made since his marriage to Elizabeth but most particularly from the affectionate relationship that had grown up between Georgiana and her sister-in-law.
On returning from his customary morning ride, Darcy came in to the bedroom and found Elizabeth looking out at the park and the woods in their soft Spring colours. As he joined her at the window, she turned to him and said, "Isn't it a perfect day? I am so happy for them. They deserve the best possible start to their marriage." Darcy agreed.

"They certainly do, but even if the heavens had opened up and the rain had poured down, I doubt if it would have spoilt their day. I have never seen Georgiana so happy, and Elizabeth, my dearest, she, we, all of us owe much of that to you." She was about to hush him and put her hand up to do so, but he would not be silenced. He took her hand in his and held it as he spoke, "No, my love, it cannot be denied, no one who has known Georgiana can fail to see how she has been transformed over these last four years. She has told me herself how much she values the close and affectionate relationship you share. Her trust in you and your judgement, her admiration for your honesty, even the lighthearted fun you have together, these are all important to her. They have changed her life, quite remarkably." Elizabeth protested, "You make me very proud indeed, when you credit me with all this, but do you not agree, my love, that Dr Grantley has been the greatest influence upon Georgiana--his maturity and width of vision must have materially changed so much of her thinking."

"Of course it has; I do not deny that. Francis is my dearest friend, I know him to be the best of men; I do not doubt that he has broadened her horizons and developed her mind, but Georgiana needed, indeed craved, the company and affection of a sister, and you, my dear Elizabeth, gave her that in full measure."

Elizabeth recalled the day almost five years ago at the inn at Lambton, when Darcy had brought his shy, young sister to meet her for the first time. Even as she sang the praises of her perfect brother, Georgiana had confessed that she would have loved to have had a sister. At that time, Elizabeth had had very little hope of becoming that sister by marriage. Her relationship with Mr Darcy had just begun to thaw, after their chance meeting at Pemberley. Shortly afterwards, the disastrous events of Lydia's elopement had almost shattered any hope she may have had. As she contemplated the changes in her own life, changes that had affected others--including Jane, Kitty, Mr and Mrs Gardiner, and now her cousin Caroline, Lizzie smiled and, suddenly, shrugged away her concerns, recognising how much the love they shared meant to both of them and the people they held most dear. Turning into his arms, she embraced him with a degree of warmth that made him smile and suggest that perhaps it was a perfect day for all of them, not just for the bridal couple.

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