The Peoples of Middle-earth (42 page)

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Authors: J. R. R. Tolkien

BOOK: The Peoples of Middle-earth
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2509. Celebrian, wife of Elrond, journeys to Lorien to visit Galadriel, her mother; but she is taken by Orcs in the passes of the mountains. She is rescued by Elrond and his sons, but after fear and torment she is no longer willing to remain in Middle-earth, and she departs to the Grey Havens and sails over Sea.(32)

2510. A great host of Orcs, with Easterlings as allies, assail the northern borders of Gondor, and occupy a great part of Calenardon. Gondor sends for help. Eorl the Young leads his people, the Eotheod or Rohirrim, out of the North from the sources of Anduin, and rides to the help of Cirion, Steward of Gondor. With his aid the great victory of the Field of Celebrant is won. Elladan and Elrohir rode also in that battle. From that time forth the brethren never cease from war with the Orcs because of Celebrian. Eorl and his people are given the plains of Calenardon 'to dwell in, and that land is now called Rochann (Rohan). There the Rohirrim live as free men under their own kings, but in perpetual alliance with Minas Tirith.

2569. The Golden Hall of Meduseld is built by Brego son of Eorl.

2570. Baldor son of Brego takes a rash vow to enter the For-bidden Door in Dunharrow, and is never seen again.

2590. Thror the Dwarf (of Durin's race) founds the realm of Erebor (the Lonely Mountain), and becomes 'King under the Mountain'.(33) He lives in friendship with the Men of Dale, who are nearly akin to the Rohirrim.

2620. Isengrim II, tenth Thain of the Took-line, born in the Shire.

2698. Ecthelion I, Steward of Gondor, repairs and rebuilds the White Tower of Minas Tirith, afterwards often called the Tower of Ecthelion.(34)

2740- Wars with the Orcs break out again.

2747. Orcs passing far to the north raid down into Eriador. A large force invades the Shire. Bandobras Took, second son of Isumbras III, defeats them at the Battle of the Greenfields in the Northfarthing and slays the Orc-chief Golfimbul. This was the last battle in which Hobbits (Periannath) were engaged until the end of the Third Age.

2757. Rohan is overrun by Orcs and Easterlings. At the same time Gondor is attacked by the Corsairs of Umbar.

2758-9. The Long Winter. Helm of Rohan takes refuge from his enemies in Helm's Deep in the White Mountains.

2763. New line of kings in Rohan is begun with Frealaf Hildeson (sister-son of Helm). The second row of King's Mounds is begun.

2765. Smaug the Dragon descends on Erebor and destroys the realm of Thror the Dwarf, and lays waste the town and lordship of Dale. Thror and his son Thrain escape with a few only of their people.

2766. Thror the Dwarf, descendant of Durin, being now homeless and robbed of his treasure, ventures into Moria, but is slain by an Orc in the dark. Thrain and Thorin escape. In vengeance for Thror and in hope of re-establishing a kingdom the scattered Dwarves of Durin's race gather together out of the North and make war on the Orcs of the Misty Mountains. The War of the Dwarves and Orcs was long and terrible and fought largely in the dark in deep places.

2769. The War of Orcs and Dwarves comes to an end in a great battle before the East-gate of Moria: the Battle of the Dimrill Dale (Nanduhirion). The Orcs were almost annihilated, and Moria is once more emptied, but the Dwarves also lost very heavily and were too few at the end to reoccupy Moria or face the hidden terror. Dain returns to the Iron Hills; but Thrain and Thorin become wanderers.(35)

2790. Birth of Gerontius Took: later the fourteenth Thain,(36) and known as 'the Old Took' because of his great age (he lived to be 130 years old).

2850. Gandalf visits Dol Guldur again to discover the purposes of the Sorcerer. He finds there Thrain the Dwarf son of Thror and receives from him the secret key of Erebor. Thrain had come thither seeking for one of the Seven Rings,. but he dies in Dol Guldur.(37) Gandalf discovers beyond doubt that the Sorcerer is none other than Sauron himself, and that he is gathering again all the Rings of Power, and seeking to learn the fate of the One, and the dwelling of Isildur's Heirs.

2851. Gandalf urges the White Council to assail Dol Guldur, but he is overruled by Saruman. For Saruman has begun to lust for power and desires himself to discover the One Ring. He thinks that it will come to light again, seeking its Master, if Sauron is let be for a while. He does not reveal his thought to the Council, but feigns that his studies have led him to believe that the Ring has been rolled down Anduin and into the deeps of the Sea. But Saruman himself keeps a watch upon Anduin and the Gladden Fields and he fortifies Isengard.

2872. Belecthor II, twenty-first Steward of Gondor, dies.(38) The White Tree dies in the court of Minas Tirith. No seedling can be found. The dead tree is left standing in the court under the White Tower.

c.2880. Ithilien becomes desolate and untilled and the remnant of its people remove west over Anduin to Lossarnach and Lebennin. But the Men of Minas Tirith still hold Ithilien as a border country and patrol it; they keep forces in the ruins of Osgiliath and in secret places in Ithilien.(39)

2885. In the days of Turin II, twenty-third Steward, the Haradrim attack Gondor and ravage South Ithilien.

The Rohirrim send help. Folcred and Fastred sons of King Folcwine of Rohan fall in battle in the service of Gondor.

2891. Bilbo born in the Shire (his mother was a daughter of the Old Took).

2911. The Fell Winter. White Wolves invade the Shire over the frozen Brandywine River. About this time Saruman discovers that Sauron's servants are also searching the Great River near the Gladden Fields. He knows then that Sauron has learned the manner of Isildur's end (maybe from Orcs), and he is afraid. He withdraws to Isengard and fortifies it, but he says nothing to the Council.

2920. Death of Gerontius Took at age of 130.

2929. Arathorn, son of Arador chieftain of the Dunedain, weds Gilrain daughter of Dirhoel [> Dirhael].

2930. Arador slain by Trolls.

2931. Aragorn son of Arathorn born.

2933. Arathorn II chief of the Dunedain slain by Orcs when riding with Elladan and Elrohir. His infant son Aragorn is fostered by Elrond. Elrond keeps the heirlooms of his father, but his ancestry is kept secret, since the Wise know that Sauron is seeking for the Heir of Isildur.

2940. Thorin Oakenshield the Dwarf, son of Thrain, son of Thror of Erebor visits Bilbo in the Shire in the company of Gandalf. Bilbo sets out for Dale with Gandalf and the Dwarves. Bilbo meets Smeagol-Gollum and becomes possessed of the Ring; but it is not guessed what Ring this is.

Meeting of the White Council. Saruman, since he now wishes to prevent the Sorcerer from searching the River, agrees to an attack on Dol Guldur. The Sorcerer is driven out of Mirkwood. The Forest for a time becomes wholesome again. But the Sorcerer flies east, and returns in secret.

Battle of the Five Armies fought in Dale. Thranduil of Mirkwood, the Men of Esgaroth; and the Dwarves, with the help of the Eagles of the Misty Mountains, defeat a great host of Orcs. Bard of Esgaroth slays Smaug the Dragon. Thorin Oakenshield dies of wounds.

Dain of the Iron Hills re-enters Erebor and becomes

'King under the Mountain'.

2941. Bilbo returns to the Shire with a share of the treasure of Smaug, and the Ring.

2948. Theoden son of Thengel king of the Rohirrim is born in Rohan.

2953. Aragorn returns from errantry in the company of Elladan and Elrohir. Elrond reveals to him his ancestry and destiny and delivers to him the Shards of Narsil, the Sword of Elendil. Elrond foretells that in his time either the last remnant of Numenor shall pass away, or the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor shall be united and renewed. He bids Aragorn prepare for a hard life of war and wandering.

Arwen Undomiel had now long dwelt with Galadriel in Lorien, but she desired to see her father again, and her brethren, Elladan and Elrohir, brought her to Imladris.

On the day in which his ancestry was revealed to him Aragorn met her at unawares walking under the trees in Rivendell, and so began to love her. Elrond is grieved, for he foresees the choice that will lie before her; and says that at least Aragorn must wait until he has fulfilled his task. He reveals that as one of the pure blood of Numenor, born to a high purpose, Aragorn will have a long life-span. Aragorn says farewell to Rivendell and goes out into the world.

At this time Sauron, having gathered fresh power, declares himself and his true name again, and he re-enters Mordor which the Ringwraiths have prepared for him, and rebuilds Barad-dur. This had never been wholly destroyed, and its foundations were unmoved; for they were made by the Power of the One Ring. But Mithrandir (Gandalf) journeys far and wide to counter the plans of Sauron and prepare Elves and Men for war against the Lord of Barad-dur.

2954. Orodruin (Mount Doom), long dormant, bursts into smoke and flame again, and fear falls on Minas Tirith.

2956. Aragorn meets Gandalf, and their great friendship begins. Aragorn undertakes great journeys, even far into the East and deep into the South, exploring the purposes of Sauron and all his movements. As an unknown warrior he fights in the service of Gondor and of Rohan.

Because of his high race, the noblest among mortal men, his fostering by Elrond, and his learning from Mithrandir, and his many deeds and journeys he becomes the most hardy of Men, both Elven-wise and skilled in craft and lore.

2980. Aragorn returning on a time to Rivendell from perils on the borders of Mordor passes through Lorien, and there again meets Arwen Undomiel. He is now a mighty man and she returns his love. They plight their troth on the hill of Cerin Amroth in Lorien. Theoden becomes King of Rohan.

2984. Denethor II becomes the twenty-sixth Steward of Gondor on the death of his father Ecthelion II. He married (late) Finduilas daughter of Adrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth. His elder son Boromir was born in 2978.

His younger son Faramir was born in 2983. His wife Finduilas died untimely in 2987.

2989. In the spring of this year Balin the Dwarf with Oin and Ori and other folk of Erebor went south and entered Moria.

2993. Eomer Eomundsson born in Rohan. His mother was Theodwyn youngest sister of Theoden.

2996. Eowyn sister of Eomer born.

c.3000. onwards The Shadow of Mordor creeps over the lands, and the hearts of all the folk in the Westlands are darkened. About this time it is thought that Saruman dared to use the Palantir of Orthanc, but was ensnared thus by Sauron who had possession of the Stone of Minas Ithil (captured long before by the Ulairi). Saruman becomes a full traitor to the Council and his friends; but still schemes to acquire power for himself, and searches all the more eagerly for the One Ring. His thought turns towards Bilbo and the Shire, and he spies on that land.

3001. Bilbo gives a farewell feast and banquet in Hobbiton and vanishes from the Shire. He goes, after some journeying and a visit to Erebor, back in secret to Rivendell, and there is given a home by Elrond. Gandalf at last also suspects the nature of the Ring of Gollum, which Bilbo has handed on to his kinsman and heir, Frodo.

3002. Gandalf begins to explore the history of Bilbo's Ring, and with the aid of Aragorn searches for news of Gollum.

3004. Gandalf visits the Shire again, and continues to do so at intervals, to observe Frodo, for some years.

3009. Last visit of Gandalf to Frodo before the end. The hunt for Gollum begins. Aragorn goes to the confines of Mordor.

3016. Elrond sends for Arwen and she returns to Rivendell; for the Misty Mountains and all lands east of them are becoming full of peril and threat of war.

3018. Gandalf visits Frodo and reveals the true nature of the Ring that he possesses. Frodo decides to fly from the Shire to Rivendell, but will wait till the autumn, or until Gandalf returns. Saruman the traitor decoys Gandalf and takes him prisoner in Isengard (shortly after midsummer). The Ringwraiths appear again. At midsummer Sauron makes war on Gondor. The Witch-king appears again in person as the Black Captain of the hosts of Mordor. The sons of Denethor hold off the attack. Words in a dream bid Denethor to seek for counsel in Imladris where Isildur's Bane shall be revealed and strength greater than that of Morgul shall be found.

Boromir sets out for Imladris from Minas Tirith.

Gandalf is aware of the coming of the Ringwraiths, but being imprisoned in Orthanc cannot send warning or help to Frodo.

Frodo leaves the Shire in autumn, but barely escapes the Ringwraiths that in the shape of Black Riders have come north to hunt for the Ring. Assisted by Aragorn he and his companions reach Rivendell at the end of October. At the same time Boromir arrives there, and also messengers from Erebor (Gloin and his son Gimli) and from Thranduil of Mirkwood (his son Legolas).

Gandalf escapes from Isengard and reaches Rivendell.

A great council is held in the House of Elrond. It is resolved to attempt the destruction of the Ring by sending it to the fire of Orodruin in Sauron's despite. Frodo the Halfling accepts the perilous office of Ringbearer.

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