The Perfect Gift (8 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

BOOK: The Perfect Gift
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Abby shuffled her feet in the large ballroom at Dani and Mo’s house. Their mothers had all called them and told them to meet there after everyone got off work. Kenna had lectured them about not interfering in other people’s lives. Since then, they had all been bummed out. They had made two people happy and now they wouldn’t be able to see if Nabi and Grace would end up at the dance together—a dance that was tomorrow night.

“Are we all here?” Tammy asked as she and the other moms walked in.

“Layne,” they all grumbled as they waited for the perpetually late Layne.

Morgan just shook her head as the door to the ballroom was thrown open and her daughter rushed in.

“Sorry!” Layne called as she skidded to a stop next to Piper.

“Well, now that we are all here, I thought you should see this,” Katelyn said seriously. She reached into a box, pulled out a dress, and smiled.

Abby gasped. It was a beautiful black taffeta ball gown with a deep V-neck held up with decorated spaghetti straps. The V ended with a white sash around the waist. It met in a bow on the back where the train of the bow fell to the floor.

“It’s beautiful!” Sydney exclaimed.

“But what is it for?” Sienna asked.

“It’s for Grace Duvall.” Katelyn smiled. The girls squealed and the boys fist-bumped each other.

“You’re going to help us!” Riley said as they hurried forward for a better look at the dress.

“No, we are going to help Grace. While we don’t believe you should have interfered, it’s undeniable that Nabi has never been as happy as he is now. We all love him and want to see him happy. So, would you like to have one last mission?” Tammy grinned.

“Yes!” Cassidy said jumping up and down.

“Then, you need to get this dress to Grace without her knowing who it is from. We have a note inside telling her it’s a gift for the ball from her friends, but we didn’t tell her who, and we aren’t going to tell her who,” Annie explained.

“And one last thing . . .” Dani held up her hand, stopping the chatter. “You are all invited to attend the ball after dinner. Anyone under fifteen will be able to attend for one hour and will then head over to Aunt Tammy’s house for the rest of the evening. Everyone else may stay for as long as they like. And before you ask, yes, you can bring a date if you are so inclined.”

“Even me?” Abby asked. She held her breath, not wanting to miss her mother’s answer.

“Even you. But we get final approval on the date. Come find us, and we’ll talk after the dress is delivered,” was all Bridget was able to get out before Abby threw her arms around her.

“You’re the best!”

“Now, you all have a mission. So get to it.” Katelyn handed the box to Wyatt as they all hurried from the room.

“I can’t believe Ahmed is letting Abby bring a date,” Kenna laughed. “How did you manage that?”

“I didn’t. It was his idea.” Bridget smiled. “I think he liked the young man she’s interested in. He’s kind of dorky and cute but showed backbone and a massive amount of respect for Abby and us. I think anyone after Corey would appear to be a saint, so Ahmed’s happy. He says he’s taught her good taste.”

The women snickered. “We have such dear husbands,” Gemma grinned. “Bless their hearts.”


*     *     *


Grace was sad. She was happy, but she was sad. She turned on the shower and stepped in. She had just come back from a barrel race in Corbin where she’d won enough money to move Zoe to another stable. But she didn’t want to. She loved going to Desert Sun Farm and seeing Nabi every day.

She’d gone there every day in the late afternoon and practiced with Zoe. Each day when she’d finished, Nabi had been waiting at the fence to walk back with her and help rub down Zoe. They’d eaten dinner together and shared their nights. Ah, their nights were magical. A week. They’d been together only a week, yet it seemed like forever. She didn’t know how it was possible. Since she couldn’t remember a time she’d been so happy, she’d stopped caring about time and just enjoyed being with Nabi.

Which brought her to the reason she was sad. Today the Prince James of England had arrived, and Nabi was going to be busy for the next three days. Today was the tour of the horse farms and the visit with his colt. Tomorrow was watching the horse train in the early morning, diplomatic meetings for the rest of the day, and then the ball that night. The prince was leaving the following morning. She wished she could go to the ball. That was impossible for someone like her, though. She wouldn’t even know what to do at such an event.

She had learned to dance by watching
The Sound of Music
over and over when she was in high school. She thought prom was going to be very different from what it actually had been, much to her disappointment. And now she’d been invited to a ball but couldn’t afford a dress, and she was not going to ask Nabi for money. No way. That would be something Bo would do; this relationship was going to be different.

Grace shut off the water and dried her body. She’d just slipped into a pair of yoga pants and decided to watch
The Sound of Music
when the doorbell rang. She quickly brushed her hair and hurried to the door, but no one was there. Great, there was probably a flaming bag of dog poo on her doormat. But when she looked down there was a large white box sitting there instead.

She bent down and picked it up. Looking around, she didn’t see anyone, so she opened the box and pulled out the card.


For tomorrow, from all your friends.


Friends? She pulled back the white tissue paper and almost dropped the box. Inside was the most gorgeous dress she’d ever seen. Grace hurried inside and pulled it from the box. She lifted it up and couldn’t believe it skimmed the floor. It was the perfect length, and it looked to be just her size. The doorbell rang again, and Grace hurried to lay the dress carefully on the couch before racing to the door to find another smaller box.

She looked around again and didn’t see anyone. She smiled and hurried back inside. She opened the box and pulled out the card.


Every Cinderella needs slippers—from your friends


Pushing aside the paper, she pulled out the most glamorous pair of black heels she’d ever seen. There were crystals and sexy straps and, oh my gosh, they fit! Tears started to fill Grace’s eyes as she tippy-toe ran in her sexy heels to find her phone.

“Did you do this?”

“Hi, Grace. Do what?” Nabi asked.

“The dress, the shoes?” Grace sniffed. Her heart was racing. Not in a million years did she think she’d ever wear something so elegant.

“I don’t mean to sound like a typical guy, but, huh?”

“Someone just knocked at my door. When I answered, I found a large box. Inside was the most beautiful ball gown I’ve ever seen. It said it’s for tomorrow, and it’s from my friends. Nabi, I don’t have any friends who could buy me a ball gown this expensive. And it just so happens to be exactly my size. It was you, right? And the shoes. Oh my gosh, the shoes! They fit perfectly!”

“As much as I would love to take credit for this, it wasn’t me.”

“So you are saying I have some fairy godmothers out there who just happened to know I couldn’t go to the ball because I didn’t have the money for a dress?”

“More likely do-gooders who like to eavesdrop. Did you mention anything around the Rose sisters or John Wolfe?”

“No. But they knew my clothes size, height, shoe size! How would they know that?”

“Ah, there’s our clue. Do-gooders who can break and enter. I only know two of those. Annie Davies and Bridget Mueez. They must have heard us talking about the ball.”

“No, they’re so nice. They wouldn’t break into my house. Besides, the door has always been locked, and nothing was ever out of place. No one has been in my house.”

“Nope, they’re just that good. And to get a dress and shoes like that, they needed help. Kenna and Katelyn. And where they go, the rest go. I think the whole group of them just made your wish come true. I, for one, couldn’t be happier. So, my dear Grace, will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the ball?”

Grace blew out a breath and looked longingly at the dress and shoes. “I shouldn’t. This is too much to accept from people I don’t even really know. But, yes. I will. I want to go too much to turn down this gift. I’ll just have to find a way to thank them.”

“Wonderful! I must admit I wasn’t looking forward to going without you. I’ll send a car for you at eight. There may be some times I have to disappear for work, but it shouldn’t be much. Look, I have to go. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”

“Me, too.” Grace hung up the phone and with a squeal of delight grabbed the dress to try it on.


*     *     *


The group of kids all grinned as Grace’s eyes went big. They were spread out in multiple hiding places ranging from a tree, the hedge row, and the side of the house. As soon as Mrs. D went back inside after Sydney had dropped off the shoes, they had all run to the next block where their cars were parked.

“That was awesome!” Abby clapped.

“Did you see her face? She was so happy.” Layne smiled with pleasure.

“Now we need to get our own dates,” Sienna said as she looked at Ryan.

“I’m going to ask Ashley,” Ryan said coldly before walking away. Everyone paused, but it didn’t look like they were going to learn what was going on.

“I have someone I’m going to invite. I’ll see you all later,” Sienna said with a fake smile before hurrying to her car. “Carter, can you catch a ride home?”

“Sure,” Carter called out.

“That’s strange. It’s normally Ryan chasing Sienna. Am I wrong or did it look like Sienna was hoping Ryan would ask her?” Sophie asked.

“That’s what it looked like to me,” Piper muttered as they watched Sienna speed off.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Gabe asked his brother.

“Yep. We’re going stag.” Zain smiled.

“Why?” Dylan asked for everyone.

“The ambassador’s daughters will be there, and they are hot,” Gabe said with a wink.

“Well, I’m going to ask Nolan. Can someone drive me back into town?” Abby cut in as the testosterone level started to rise.

“Sure, we will,” Wyatt told her.

“Looks like I need to bum a ride, too,” Carter called as he followed them to their car.

“Great job, everyone!” Abby called out. She was just as excited as Grace. Tomorrow was her first ball with her first real boyfriend.



Grace took a deep breath as she waited for the car to arrive at Desert Sun Farm. She tried not to fidget with her dress, so she clasped her hands together as they drew closer to the farm. There was a line of traffic heading there for the ball. Some cars were from local philanthropists and some belonged to government officials from all over the world.

When the house came into view, it took her breath away. Lights lit up the long drive lined with trees and uniformed guards. The house was flooded with light from every window and from cameras flashing outside. The cars stopped as one by one they let their passengers out at the front entrance.

Grace took out her red lipstick and applied it one more time. She’d gone to the new beauty salon in town and had her hair done. The girl had managed to pin it up while allowing some of her more springy curls to highlight her face. At least she looked the part even if she didn’t fit in with these political types. It didn’t matter. All she wanted was one waltz with Nabi. It had never occurred to her to ask if he could dance. He had that confident air about him that made her think he could do just about anything.

Finally, it was her turn. The door opened, cameras flashed, and she stood up. Grace smiled as she walked the line of photographers. Someone must have notified Nabi because when she looked up he stood at the top of the stairs smiling down at her. Grace almost lost her breath. He was so handsome in his tuxedo with his hair slicked back. When he smiled at her, it made her forget about the photographers. He was all that mattered.


Nabi took a deep breath. Grace was here. His guard had notified him when she’d arrived, and he had hurried to meet her. He didn’t want her to walk in by herself. He knew she would be nervous, but when he saw her get out of the car, it was he who turned nervous. That dress . . . he really needed to thank Katelyn. It was the sexiest, most elegant thing he’d ever seen. Grace seemed to float toward him. When she looked up at him, his heart tumbled down the stairs to land at her feet. He was truly head over heels in love.

“You’re stunning. I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you.”

Grace blushed, but her smiled widened. “Thank you. And I’ve never seen anyone so handsome as you. I feel like I’m in a movie.”

Offering her his arm, he felt so proud when she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and allowed him to lead her into the ballroom. He didn’t take his eyes off her as she stared in awe at the packed room with the orchestra playing in the balcony above them.

He led her to the receiving line, unable to take his eyes off her. He loved her in jeans, but seeing her confidently walk down that line of photographers when he knew how nervous she was gave Nabi one more thing to admire about his spunky kindergarten teacher.

“What are we in line for?” Grace whispered.

“To meet Dani and Mo . . . and the prince.”

Grace froze. “I’m meeting royalty?”

Nabi chuckled. “You did know they were going to be here, didn’t you?”

“Well, yes. But I thought they would be separate from everyone else.”

“Dani and Mo don’t really do separate. Just give a curtsy and say ‘A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.’ It works for all three of them in these situations.”

“If you say so,” Grace mumbled. Nabi felt her tighten her grip on him. There were only two more couples in front of them when he leaned down and kissed her. Grace’s body relaxed into him, and he forgot he was just trying to distract her. She had turned the tables, and now it was he who was distracted.

“You’re holding up the line, Nabi, and I sure would like to dance with my wife sometime tonight.” Mo’s laughter broke the kiss. When Nabi looked up, he realized the couples in front of them were already gone, and in their place stood three smiling royals.

“Some things just can’t wait. Allow me to introduce Grace Duvall,” Nabi said smoothly.

“A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness,” Grace said as she curtsied.

Dani waved off her curtsy and grabbed her hand. “Call me Dani, and this is my husband, Mo.”

“The pleasure is all ours, trust me,” Mo smiled as he shook her hand. “Your Highness, may I present Grace Duvall, one of Keeneston’s esteemed teachers.”

Before Grace could curtsey, the prince was shaking her hand. “A pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman.” Grace felt Nabi move to her side as the royals all chuckled. “Who is obviously well cared for.”

“I am, thank you.” Grace smiled as she slipped her hand back onto Nabi’s arm. Nabi smiled down at her and led her into the ballroom.

“There’s Katelyn and their group. Would you like to meet them?” Nabi asked. The truth was he couldn’t wait to show off his good luck to his friends. It was fate that led him to overhear Zain and Gabe and to find Grace. And tonight he couldn’t wait to introduce her to everyone he knew.

“I would like that.”

The group quieted as soon as they approached. They smiled and shook Grace’s hand as he introduced her. The men sent him winks as the women all started talking at once.

“I don’t know which of you to thank, or maybe all of you, but thank you for the dress and shoes. Somehow I’ll repay you all,” Grace told the group of women surrounding her.

“Thank us for what?” Katelyn asked.

“For the dress and shoes. They’re more than I could ever have dreamed.”

“While they are lovely, you don’t have anything to thank us for. We didn’t do anything,” Tammy said innocently.

Grace giggled. It was too funny.

“What?” Tammy asked.

“It’s just that Cassidy wrinkles her nose just like that when she stretches the truth. You can’t put anything past a kindergarten teacher.”

The women looked at each other and then broke out into laughter. “I think we’re going to be fast friends,” Kenna said as she gave her a wink.

“I’d like that,” Grace said and smiled back.

“And what I would like is to dance,” Nabi said as he moved back to her side. “Shall we?”

“I would love to.” Grace placed her hand in his as he led her to the dance floor. The other men had moved to lead their wives to the floor, and Grace even saw some of their kids, dressed so beautifully, walk onto the dance floor. The music started and Grace sighed with pleasure as the strands of a waltz reached her ears. Tonight was simply the most beautiful dream come to life. When Nabi started leading her around the floor, she simply hoped the night would never end.


Nolan stood nervously by Abigail’s side as her parents took the dance floor. With a tux on, he looked a lot different from the boy in science class. And in her blush-colored ball gown, she felt different than her normal girl-on-the-karate-mats.

“Um, would you like to dance?” Nolan asked with a slight crack to his voice.

“I would love to.” Abby smiled as she dragged him onto the dance floor. She stopped next to Nabi and Grace, who were staring into each other’s eyes as though the rest of them weren’t even there and tried to listen to what they were saying.

Nolan slipped his hand around her waist. When the music started, he led her around the floor with surprisingly smooth twirls. Unfortunately, that meant he led her away from Nabi and Grace.

“You know how to waltz?” Abby asked with surprise.

“My mother made me take dance classes in middle school.” He pulled her a little closer, but then her parents danced by and her dad narrowed his eyes. Nolan instantly took a step away from her. If her father kept this up, it would be really hard to sneak away to see what a real kiss would be like.

“Look at Nabi. They look so happy. I wonder what they are saying?” Sophie asked as her date twirled her by Abby and Nolan.

“He said she was the most beautiful woman he’d even seen,” Riley told them as she danced past them.

“Nolan, dance us closer,” Abby ordered as the rest of the kids seemed to be moving closer and closer to Nabi and Grace.

“That fate had a hand in their meeting,” Zain snorted as he danced by.

“And that he had never known he could be this happy,” Reagan sighed before being twirled away.

“Grace said she feels the same way,” Wyatt said before spinning his date along with the music.

“Nabi then told her he has never felt this way before, but he had been waiting his whole life for this,” Layne said with a shine to her eyes.

“For a love to surprise him,” Piper said with a smile before being swung away.

“For a love to move him,” Carter whispered over his date’s shoulder.

“For a love to challenge him to be a better man,” Jackson said after dancing away from Nabi and Grace.

“For a love to make him look forward to every new day,” Gabe told them as he danced by.

“For a love like this is what dreams are made of.” Sydney smiled as she made her way past the couple lost in each other.

“And I love you, Grace Duvall,” Abby heard Nabi declare before being whisked away by the dance.

“Grace says she loves him, too,” Dylan told them as the music ended, and they grouped together on the side of the dance floor.

“I think we could all guess that,” Sienna said with a smile as they watched the couple kiss as if no one else were in the room.

Abby looked to where Sienna stood with a tall man who had shoulders wider than a door and a body that even sixteen-year-old Abby knew was sinful. But what was interesting was it wasn’t him Sienna was looking at with hunger—it was Ryan Parker.

“Oh, isn’t it romantic?” Miss Lily sighed as she and her sisters joined the group.

“Another one is going to be happily married, and we couldn’t have done it without you kids,” Miss Violet said as she clutched her hands to her bosom.

“And now it’s time we all celebrate,” Miss Daisy said as she looked up to the gentleman at her side. “Let’s dance, dear.”

“What a wonderful idea,” Miss Violet said as she wiped away a tear.

“Then may I have the honor?” The man with the jolly belly and cute accent asked.

“About time,” Miss Lily muttered as she watched her sister be led out onto the dance floor.

“What it is, is about time we danced. After all, I lost our bet.” John Wolfe smiled down at Miss Lily and held out his arm for her.

“That is true. And I believe there was another part of the bet you still need to fulfill.”

John rolled his eyes. “Lily Rae Rose! Not in front of the children.”

Abby laughed as John looked tortured saying it, but then he dropped a kiss on Miss Lily’s cheek and joined her sisters on the dance floor. She was so glad to see the Rose sisters happy in love. Even though Miss Violet’s romance was only blooming, it held great potential, just as she knew it would when she got them together.

“What are you smiling about?” Nolan asked.

“Just thinking about the Rose sisters. I would love to hear their story some day.”

“Wouldn’t we all,” Zain laughed.

“I don’t know if we could handle it,” Gabe added with a shudder.

“I think they could even make me blush,” Ryan joked.

“One day maybe we’ll find out,” Sydney smiled as they all watched the older couples dance.

“Do you think I’ll be a flower girl?” Cassidy asked.

“Honey, I don’t think any of the Rose sisters are ready to get married,” Piper said as she put her arm around her littler sister.

“No, not them. For Nabi and Grace,” Ariana said, pointing to where Nabi was down on one knee out on the terrace overlooking the farm. They were highlighted only by the soft glow of lights. The group held their breath, and when Grace leaped into his arms they knew the answer.

“I think you’ll get your wish, Cassidy,” Piper smiled.

Abby squeezed Nolan’s hand in excitement. Her Uncle Nabi was in love. Her job here was done. “You want to see the library?”

“Didn’t your dad say they were locking all the doors?” Nolan asked as they watched Nabi scoop Grace up into his arms and carry her off into the night.

“I wouldn’t worry about a little lock if I were you.” Abby grinned before grabbing his hand and dragging him down the dark hall.

One hairpin and ten seconds later, Abby opened the door to the library. After closing the door, the soft sounds of people talking and music playing were still audible. One lamp on the dark mahogany table cast shadows about the room.

She watched as Nolan went to the glass case and looked inside. “Wow, these are first editions!”

“I thought you would like to see them. They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

“I didn’t think you’d be into literature. You’re so . . . sporty.”

“So? Does that mean I can’t have a softer side? I am a girl, after all. Everyone knows girls have infinite sides and surprises about them.”

Nolan smiled at her, and she felt her heart jump with excitement. “A very pretty girl. I still can’t believe you’d even give me the time of day.”

“I’d give you more than that if you asked,” Abby said, suddenly shy.

Nolan stepped toward her and stopped in front of her. “Can I kiss you?”

“Yes,” Abby whispered.

She closed her eyes and waited as Nolan’s hands cupped her face, and he lowered his lips to hers. This time it was everything she dreamed of and more.

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