The Perfect Witness (34 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #General

BOOK: The Perfect Witness
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“It could be that she’s in the process of changing allegiance, and Camano is no longer necessary to her.”

“Yes, I guess that could be.” Smother the hurt. Try not to think about it. Focus on the positive. She had done what she had set out to do.

Or had she?

Her eyes widened, and she went tense as a sudden thought occurred to her. “Kobu. We left Kobu in that garden. When Praland’s guards find him, they’ll question him, they’ll torture him. He’ll tell Praland that he brought me to the garden and why. Praland will move the ledger.”

Mandak was shaking his head.

“Don’t tell me no. You know what he did to Simon. I only left Kobu unconscious. They’ll make him—”

“He won’t tell them anything,” Mandak said. “I told you I’d take care of Kobu. I did what I promised.”

She had a memory of Mandak’s dragging Kobu into the bushes. “You killed him?” she whispered.

“I couldn’t take the chance. I had to make it as clean as I could.” He shrugged. “And I was mad as hell when I thought that he was on the attack with you. But it would only have been a matter of time anyway. I never intended to let him live. He killed Thorne, he killed Father Elwyn and God knows how many others of our people over the years. It just happened sooner than later.”

“I’m not arguing he deserved it. I’m just … surprised.”

“And I was surprised to see him lying there unconscious.” He made a face. “I thought I was going to rescue you.”

“You shouldn’t have been surprised. You taught me, didn’t you?”

“And very well, evidently.” Sean grinned over his shoulder. “But not well enough to keep him from freaking out when he thought you were in danger.” His smile faded. “But is there still a possibility of Praland’s moving that ledger?”

“Yes. But not if we move fast enough. There will be confusion … and suspicion. Let’s hope the confusion is stronger. I broke Kobu’s neck. Praland will probably suspect a man, not a woman. I planted one of Kobu’s guns in his hand. Kobu had the gate codes. He knew the sentry schedules. Everyone knew he was terrified of what Praland was planning for him. Who’s to say he didn’t try to find a way to assassinate Praland?”

“Except for the fact that he turns up with a broken neck,” Allie said.

“That’s where the suspicion comes into play. Maybe he turned traitor, then got chicken? Praland will be trying to work out scenarios.”

“He won’t want to move the ledger,” Allie said slowly. “He thought it was a stroke of genius.”

“And there’s no reason he should have to do it if he doesn’t think you were in that garden tonight. I rubbed out your footprints on the dirt near the window. And, as I said, he’s not entirely sure you could do what Camano and your mother said you could do. An element of doubt may help.” He was frowning. “But he may have second thoughts. We have to act before he does.” He reached for his cell and pressed the speakerphone. “Renata, we know where the ledger is hidden. It’s in the palace.”

“Thank God.” She immediately pounced. “How do we get it? Do you need men?”

“Not to get the ledger. We have to be lean and mean. Too much could go wrong if we blunder through that palace with a full attack team.” He paused. “That being said, I think it’s time we erased Praland from the face of the Earth.”

Silence. “So do I. I could set up the attack on the palace for as early as nine tomorrow night. Will you promise me that the ledger will be safe? The first thing Praland will do is keep his word that he’ll destroy it and those children.”

“I guarantee that the ledger will be safe and in our hands by the time you launch.”

“I’m trusting you, Mandak.” She paused. “You were right about her? Allie was able to do it?”

“Smooth as glass. But not without risk.”

“I didn’t think it would be. Is she safe?”

“Yes, she’s right here. She can hear you. I’m on the way to put her on the helicopter. I’m going to need a few items flown back here right away.”

“You’ll get them.” Another silence. “Good job, Allie.” She hung up the phone.

Crazy. Allie was feeling a rush of pride, as if she’d received a medal. “Renata can throw a major assault together that quickly?” Allie asked. “I’m impressed.”

“It’s been planned and on standby for a long time. We knew that once we took the ledger, we’d have to move fast so that none of Praland’s confederates had an opportunity to move the children. She just has to coordinate and give the word.”

“And trust you to get the ledger.”

“I’ll get it.”

“How? You told Renata that you didn’t want additional help before the assault tomorrow night. But Praland’s bound to have the palace on alert after tonight.”

“I have a few ideas.”

“Share them.”

“Not quite jelled.”

“And you don’t want me involved.”

“You were involved up to your eyebrows tonight. You’ve done your part. Leave the rest to me.”

“And me,” Sean said. “I’m feeling a little cheated that I had so little to do tonight. One sentry does not a mission make. Now I’m a true animal lover, but I’m not sure I’d get along with that tiger. What do you think, Mandak?”

“I think we’ll both have an opportunity to find out.”

They were joking, Allie realized, frustrated. She wanted to strangle them both. She had seen that tiger and heard what Mandak said about him. They were going to have to get into that cage without being mauled. Before that, they had to negotiate the twists and turns of the palace and avoid Praland and his men. “It’s nothing to joke about. You have to see that damn—” She broke off as they turned a corner of the road, and she saw the beige-and-gold helicopter sitting in the clearing. A gray-haired man stepped out of the aircraft as the jeep came to a stop.

Sean got out of the jeep and strode forward to greet the pilot.

“Out,” Mandak told Allie as he jumped out of the jeep. “I have to give the pilot a list of supplies. First on the list will be a dart gun with knockout darts capable of sending that tiger to the Land of Nod. After that, I’ll have to improvise. Then you can both get out of here.”

“Can I?” She didn’t move. “You’ve always told me what I could do, what I should do. When are you going to learn to ask me what I’m going to do?”

He went still. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m not going to get on that helicopter. I’m not going to let the pilot take me to some cozy safe haven because you believe that’s where I should be.”

“That’s exactly where you should be,” he said roughly.

She shook her head.

“You’re done here,” he said. “What the hell are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that you’re not telling the truth. I’m not done here. I’ll decide when I’m done.” She looked him in the eye. “Praland, Camano.” She hesitated before she said haltingly, “My mother. They’re all responsible for what happened to Lee and Natalie. I have to make sure that they’re punished for it.”

“I’ll make sure of it. Get on that helicopter.”

She shook her head. “I told you once that I wasn’t going to let you be taken down. There’s only you and Sean here. I can help. You taught me about weapons, to shoot, to protect myself.”

“To protect yourself,” he repeated. “Not to do this.”

“Not to protect you or Sean? Sorry, I have the skill, I have the choice.”

His hands clenched into fists. “I’m tempted to knock you out and throw you on that helicopter.”

“Go ahead. You’re good, but you’d have to hurt me. I’d fight you.”


“Give the pilot your list. I’ll wait here.” She smiled faintly. “It should teach you that you can’t bank on everything going your way, Mandak. I gave you what you wanted tonight. Now you have to give me what I want.”

He stood looking at her, his face pale in the moonlight. “Don’t do this, Allie.”

“Give the pilot your list,” she repeated. “I hope it has a missile or two. We might need it.”

He muttered a curse, turned on his heel, and strode toward the helicopter.



viciously kicked Kobu’s body in the ribs. He turned to Bruker. “How long ago did the guards find him?”

“Fifteen minutes. The lock at the east gate had been bypassed. We haven’t located the sentry who was on duty.”

“Kobu knew the gate codes.” Praland’s gaze went to the gun in Kobu’s hand. “What the hell happened here?”

Bruker shrugged. “I told you that you shouldn’t have given him that extra day to catch Mandak. Maybe he panicked and decided that he had either to run or take you out. He knew you’d never stop searching for him.” He suddenly chuckled. “Or maybe he decided to take out the tiger.”

“I’m glad you find this so amusing,” Praland said softly. “Kobu was close enough to that window to have me in his sights.”

Bruker’s smile disappeared. “I’m having my men question everyone on duty. We’ll find out what happened.”

“The bastard was trying to assassinate me.” Praland looked down at Kobu’s twisted neck. “But maybe that’s not all. He had to have had company. I got a call from Mandak tonight. Maybe he was trying to set me up for Kobu and sent one of his men to come along to make sure that Kobu did the job.”

“And Kobu panicked and tried to back out?”

“Perhaps. It’s possible. I won’t know until I get a chance to question Mandak personally.” His lips curled. “And in agonizing depth. I thought he was beginning to cave, to back down, but he was trying to make a fool of me.” His gaze lifted to the window and the tiger cage in the room beyond it. Gina was still sitting on the couch and looked ravishingly gorgeous and as serene as the tiger was restless. “And Kobu came too close. I’m not letting it happen again.” He moved down the path toward the terrace door. “I believe it’s time that we showed Mandak that I’m the only one in control. I learned a lesson when Mandak went against all the odds to kill Simon Walberg. It made no sense, and I came within an inch of catching the bastard a dozen times in the following two weeks.”


“No, it could only mean Mandak might have a fatal weakness I can use…”

*   *   *

and she said to tell you the helicopter is loaded and should get under way soon.” Sean strolled back from the clearing, where he’d taken the call to Allie and Mandak. “It should arrive in a couple hours.”

“Soon enough,” Mandak said. “We won’t need it before evening.”

“But it’s going to be a boring few hours,” Sean said. “Anyone want to play some blackjack?”

“I’ll pass,” Mandak said.


She shook her head.

“What a disappointment you two are. Don’t you realize that in times of high stress, you should always keep your mind sharp and alert?” He sighed and moved back to the clearing. “Then I guess I’ll just play solitaire and keep an eye on the road.”

High stress, Allie thought. She supposed that was a correct term for what she felt but it was more of a zinging, edgy state than really being nervous or in distress.

And she wasn’t frightened.

Which was pretty dumb considering what the next hours could bring.

But she could sense the tension gripping Mandak. He’d barely said a word to her since the helicopter had taken off three hours ago.

Well, she wasn’t going to let that go on. She got up and strode over to where Mandak was sitting leaning against a tree.

“If we’re not making a move until evening, aren’t we cutting it close getting the ledger out before the assault?”

“A little.” He looked up at her. “I want it close. If we have to go on the run, I want Praland and company to still be at the palace and not scattered around the countryside chasing us during an attack.”

“That sounds smart.” She dropped down beside him. “But, then, you’re always smart. You’re planning a diversion?”

He nodded. “A garden party like no other. Lots of fireworks.”

She was silent. “And am I invited?”

“No.” He suddenly reached out and pulled her close to him. “But I know it’s no good trying to keep you out.” His voice was hoarse. “You’d just gate-crash.”

“Yes.” She cuddled closer to him and tucked her cheek in the hollow of his shoulder. It was so good feeling the warmth, the vitality of him. “I said you were smart. Now that that’s settled, be quiet for a little while and just hold me. I don’t want to think about what’s going to happen tomorrow night.”

“Because you’re being an idiot about it.”

“Because it’s something I have to do, but there’s no use dwelling on it. I’d rather do what Natalie told me to do. Enjoy the moment. Feel that joy.” She brushed her lips against his throat. “And think about what we’ve had.” She was silent. “I told you that I didn’t know where this was going, but I believe it’s coming to me. So once it clicks, you may have a problem with holding me off.”

“No problem.” His hand was gently rubbing her nape. “I guarantee that I’ll meekly surrender.”

“You’re never meek. You never surrender.”

“You’re the exception that proves the rule.” He was silent for a minute before he said, “In all ways, Allie. You have to take care. I don’t think I could stand it if you—”

“Hush.” She nestled closer. “I’m not used to your being this sappy. It’s not like you. It makes me uneasy.”

“I can see how it would.” He chuckled. “Hell, it makes me uneasy, too. Okay, I’ll watch it.”

“Right. I wouldn’t want you to—”

Her cell phone rang.

She stiffened in surprise. “What?” Her phone had not rung since the night Lee and Natalie had been killed. She reached in her jacket pocket and pulled it out. No ID.

It rang again.

She punched the access button.

“Teresa? Thank God, you answered.” Gina’s voice was shaking. “Praland said that if you didn’t answer, it would all be over.”

Shock. “Mother?”

Mandak stiffened, then straightened away from her.

“Of course, it’s me. It’s so good to hear your voice. It’s been so long, baby. I’ve missed you so much. Why did you run away?”

“Ask Camano.”

“He didn’t mean you any real harm. It was all a mistake, then Mandak stepped in and made it worse. It was all Mandak’s fault and his vendetta with that Praland. We were all just caught in the middle.” Her voice lowered to velvet sweetness. “I’ve never stopped searching for you. It broke my heart when I couldn’t find you.”

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