The Pilgrims Progress

Read The Pilgrims Progress Online

Authors: E.r.o. Scott

Tags: #twincest, #menage a trois, #brother sister incest, #mother son incest, #incest erotica, #sibling sex, #family exotica, #mother daughter lesbian lovers

BOOK: The Pilgrims Progress
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The Pilgrims’ Progress

An Erotic Incest Fantasy by E.R.O. Scott

Published by Lot’s Cave at Smashwords

The Pilgrims’ Progress Copyright 2012, E.R.O.

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Cover by Moira Nelligar

A Lot’s Cave Novel


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


Family Exotica

Incest Erotica

Other Novels


From Tim Pilgrim’s vantage point, sitting at
his second story bedroom window, he could look directly down into
the backyard… and directly down onto his naked, sunbathing

Tim unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He
never wore underwear when wearing jeans, that made it easy for him
to pull his cock out and begin stroking it slowly. At six and a
half inches, he didn’t have the biggest cock, he knew, at least in
length. It’s thickness was pretty good, though. He once read in a
men’s magazine that if you couldn’t slip your erect penis into the
cardboard tube of a toilet paper roll, then you probably could have
a career in porn movies. Tim tried it. Only after using plenty of
lotion and a lot of twisting and shoving of the tube down onto his
fully erect cock could he get it to fit… very tightly. He figured
that made his cock thicker than average.

Tim knew that masturbating while watching
his mother sunbathing nude was more than a little sick. The
combination of his mother, a very attractive woman even with her
clothes on, and himself, an average horny 18 year old—which meant
he could just about get a hard-on from a breeze—had his cock iron
hard in no time.

Susan, his mother, stood five feet, five
inches tall in her bare feet, with a lean and toned body and very
attractive tits. Tim didn’t know her measurements. He thought of
her breasts as being about the size of a medium to large
grapefruit. Her areolas, a delicious looking pinkish-brown color,
looked to be about two inches in diameter by his estimation, maybe
a little more. Her nipples seemed to be about the diameter of the
end of his little finger and, when erect, which they were now—his
mother had just given herself a cooling spray of water from a
bottle, making her nipples stand up immediately—seemed to be as
long as half the distance from the last joint of his little finger
to its tip.

Tim, while still stroking himself and
watching his mother, reached down to pick up the binoculars he had
beside his chair. He decided to position the chair to one side of
the window and back from it a little, that way his mother wouldn’t
be able to see him sitting here if she happened to look, not with
the bright sunlight in her eyes. She might notice his open window,
but that could easily be explained away.

Tim stopped stroking himself to hold the
binoculars steady in both hands. He focused on his mother’s tits
first, as if to verify his estimates, then he scanned over her
creamy, golden tanned body from head to toe, pausing for a while at
the “v” of her spread legs to note that his mother seemed to shave
or wax or whatever it was that women did to get their whole pubic
area hairless. She was lying on a large beach towel, turned
sideways to him in the middle of the back yard, a very
well-manicured grass lawn.

Susan turned over onto her belly, completely
unaware of her son spying on her. Tim now scanned his mother’s body
again, from her head of very blonde hair—done in a short, spiky,
but very becoming style—to her lean back, past her tiny waist, over
the flair of her hips and firm buttocks, down over her shapely
thighs and calves to her small, beautiful feet with their red
painted toenails, same as her fingernails.

Tim set the binoculars down and continued
stroking himself. His cock remained hard while scoping out his
mother. Now he closed his eyes for a moment, imagining his mother’s
small, delicate hand with her long, well-manicured, red fingernails
wrapping around his cock before slipping her mouth over its swollen
head. That image made his cock vein-bulging hard and really excited

Tim wondered if his mother liked having her
toes sucked, something his last girlfriend had taught him to do.
Hell, more than that. Tim felt so horny right now he figured he
could have gone down to the yard and licked his mother from the
bottoms of her feet to her butt crack and on up to her shoulders.
Then he would turn her over and kiss her hard on the mouth, after
which he would suck on her tits for a while before he moved on down
to bury his face between her legs and lick her to orgasm before he
fucked her hard and came in her pussy… hot sweaty skin and all!

It was going to take a while getting used to
living with his mother, Tim guessed. He laughed at himself, looking
down at his hand moving faster on his hard cock now after his
little fantasy about licking and sucking and fucking his

Tim had only seen his mother—and his
fraternal twin, Traci—for a couple of weeks a year since he was
five. His mother and father, John Pilgrim, had a nasty divorce when
Tim and Traci were only one year old. His father came from a
wealthy and influential family and even though Susan was able to
prove that John had been unfaithful to her on several occasions, he
still was able to get the court to give him full custody of Tim.
Then he left California and settled in Seattle.

His mother had kept the Pilgrim name as many
divorced women with children do. Besides, her in-laws had been
really sweet people who had doted over both of their grandchildren
and who treated Susan like their own daughter.

However, as part of the court order, Tim’s
dad was supposed to allow Susan to have Tim for two weeks every
summer as well as Thanksgiving on the odd years and Christmas on
the even years. John was get Traci on the same terms. John ignored
the court order until Tim was five years old. By that time, with
the help of John’s parents, who thought their son was acting very
badly, Susan was able to get the authorities in Seattle to haul him
into court and threaten him with fines and jail time for disobeying
a valid child custody court order in California.

Now, Tim had been accepted at the California
State University in River City, where his mother and sister still
lived. Tim’s grandparents, on both sides, since deceased, had set
up a trust fund for both Traci’s and his education. It was decided
that Tim should live with his mother and sister while attending
college. It would save money. The terms of the trust stated that
any money left over after Tim and Traci earned their bachelor’s
degrees would be split equally between them. Besides, having his
own room, home-cooked meals, and the other amenities of living in
his mother’s established household was enticing… as was being
around two very attractive women that he still had a hard time
emotionally accepting as his mother and sister.

It was now late September, both Tim and
Traci had started classes together, although their schedules were
different. It was still hot, which was usual for River City in
September, much different from the Seattle weather that Tim was
used to. Still, the bonus was that he could sit up here and lust
after his mother, a woman who loved him but had not raised him,
more of a stranger to him than a mom.

So, with that rationalization firmly planted
in his mind, Tim told himself to not feel guilty and enjoy the
view. He began stroking his cock a little faster, thinking about
how it would actually be to go down to the yard and have his mother
allow him to lick and suck and fuck her. Yes, he knew it was an
impossible fantasy, but it was working for him right now. He was
beginning to get that feeling in his erect penis and loins that
would eventually build up to an orgasm.

Tim was supposed to have been in a lab from
two until four, but when he got to the lab there was a note saying
that the teacher wouldn’t be in today and the doors were locked.
Tim had come straight home, only a twenty minute drive, and had
gone upstairs to his bedroom to take a nap. He assumed his mother,
a real estate agent, was off showing houses, or at the office doing
paperwork. But there she was, lying naked as the day she was born,
sunning herself in the back yard, and looking even more beautiful
and sexy than Tim had thought she could.

Tim was so engrossed in spying on his mother
and jerking off that he hadn’t heard Traci come in the front door,
up the stairs, and into his room. He had left his bedroom door half
open so Traci, once she saw Tim sitting by the open window, staring
intently down into the back yard and stroking his cock, silently
sidled through the door and just as silently crept up to within
four feet of him.

She knew what he was looking at. Her mother
and she didn’t like tan lines and sunbathed nude together fairly
often, that is, before Tim showed up to live with them while going
to college. That her brother was obviously sexually turned on by
seeing their mother naked shocked her for a couple of seconds. But
then she realized a couple of things. First, even though Susan was
his mother, he had hardly spent any time with her and had no memory
of her before he was five years old. Second, she had been thinking
about her brother in exactly the same way he was now, obviously,
thinking about their mother. She felt a twinge of jealousy.

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