The Playboy (13 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

Tags: #FIC027020

BOOK: The Playboy
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He trailed his tongue across her cheek until his mouth reached her ear. “I want you hot and ready,” he said in a rough, husky voice that turned her on even more.

“I am.”

“I know.” He slid out of her then, letting her feel every hard ridge of his desire, then thrust back inside, revealing every slick inch of his straining erection to her waiting body.

Each teasing thrust tested her restraint and brought her closer to the brink, closer to climax. Rocking with him, her hips jerked upward, taking him deeper inside, making him a part of her until the whirlwind that had taken hold the day they met caught up with them, bringing Kendall up, up, up and over into hot, sweet, blessed oblivion.

As reality and sensation returned, Kendall knew she’d changed forever, and not just because she’d made love with Rick. But because tonight he’d done the one thing no one in her life ever had—he’d taken the time to show her he cared. Not just once, and not just with his body, but with his heart and soul.

Keep it light.
With one glance, Rick could look at Kendall and see the internal struggle going on inside her. He understood since he felt it too. Sex was supposed to be simple.

This thing with Kendall was not.

But for both of their sakes, he’d do as her beautiful eyes pleaded. “We’ve used two condoms,” he said. “Want to make it three? Or should I take pity on you and let you get some sleep?”

She laughed, relaxed, and curled up beside him. “Why do I think you’re using reverse psychology and trying to lay the blame on me when you’re the one who needs a rest?”

He collapsed against the sheets, spent. “Caught in the act.”

“Okay I admit it too. You wore me out.” “Guess that leaves us time to talk.”

She turned her head toward him. “About?”

He shrugged. He honestly didn’t care. Anything he learned about her was a bonus. Anything that explained her unique personality—what made her a wanderer yet still crave love even if she didn’t know or acknowledge it. He knew. He’d seen it tonight.

Seen the gratitude in her eyes when he’d mentioned the party and once there, watched how despite her wariness she’d absorbed the warmth and friendliness like a sponge absorbed water. Damned if he hadn’t been drawn to that vulnerable side of her as much as he was drawn to the sexy woman in the tight leather pants.

“I want to know what makes Kendall Sutton tick. What are your goals, your dreams? What’s your plan and I don’t mean cleaning the house, but after you move on? Is more modeling in your future?” He forced the words out as if they meant nothing to him. Unfortunately he was coming to realize they did.

She shook her head. “No. I only did that as a means to an end. Vanity isn’t my thing which I’m sure you realize after watching me walk around with pink hair.” She laughed and he felt the vibration straight through his body. “But I do design jewelry and—”

“You do?”

“Why so surprised?” She leaned up on her elbow and stared at him. “What do you think I did for a living?”

The comforter dipped, revealing her bare breasts, and for a second Rick couldn’t think at all.

Catching him in the act, Kendall pulled up the covers. “Behave yourself and answer.”

“Well, I knew you modeled. I’m not sure I thought beyond that.”

“Aah. Okay. I only used my looks.” Her lips tipped upward in a grin, showing him those dimples he adored.

Rick knew she was teasing him and was grateful for the sudden letdown of her guard. “You’re beautiful. Why not take advantage of your assets?”

“Nothing’s wrong as long as you don’t assume those are the only assets I’ve got.”

“Would I ever be so shallow?” He splayed his hand across her stomach, then moved his palm upward and cupped her full breast in his hand. “I know you’ve got many more assets.”

She sighed, obviously enjoying his touch. “Name them.”


“Name those assets you say I’ve got. Prove you’re not just using that Chandler charm to get into my bed.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re already in

She let out a long-suffering sigh. “Okay, using that charm to get into my pants—so to speak.”

“Again, correct me if I’m mistaken but I’ve already been there.” At the thought, his groin hardened and he rolled on top of her, pinning her beneath him.

“Yes but if you want to be there again, you’ll list those so-called attributes of mine.” She met his gaze and grinned.

Laughter and pure enjoyment bubbled up inside him. When was the last time he’d enjoyed a woman in bed, her personality not her body? “I have a hunch you’re avoiding discussing you and your future plans, but I’ll humor you for now.”

“Go for it.”

He planned to. “First off, you’re beautiful. Count it as an attribute or not, but you are. Second, you’re bright.”

“And you know this by what? My getting stranded by the side of the road in a wedding dress, Mr. Charmer?” Her eyes glittered with amusement and desire. She was enjoying their easy banter as much as he.

“You’re warm and compassionate and before you ask, I know this by how you act with my meddling mother, my family and friends.”

“So you like me, huh?”

His groin pulsed against her soft body in response. “Yeah,” he said in a husky growl. “I do. Now quit evading questions and tell me what I want to know.” No matter how much he wanted to be inside her now, he needed her to confide in him more. He needed to know his growing feelings weren’t one-sided and cementing that emotional connection was a start.

For years he’d told himself he refused to get emotionally involved with a woman, believed he was denying himself the ability to get hurt again. But the truth was, Rick didn’t have any control over what he did or didn’t feel. He never had. Since meeting Kendall, he felt like he’d been mowed down and damned if he didn’t need her to feel the same way. Though he doubted bonding would make him feel any better when she drove off in her little red car, he couldn’t control the compulsion to learn more.

So while she tried to keep her plans to herself, Rick figured if he got her to reveal them, it would be like giving a part of herself. Something his ex-wife had never done, he realized now. And something he needed from Kendall.

With his legs, he pushed her thighs aside and nudged his erection between her moist, feminine heat. “Now talk.”

“Police interrogation at its finest.” Her voice grew deep with wanting. “I figured I’d go west to Arizona. Sedona. Someplace artistic where I can learn more about design, and where I can perhaps make a name for myself by selling my work.” She sighed and the admission seemed to cost her. As if by revealing her innermost dream, she risked it not coming true.

And though he knew he’d hurt when she was gone, he responded to her need now. “If you want something badly enough, I’m sure you’ll make those dreams come true. After all, how long do you really think it’ll take us to get the old house in selling condition?” He encouraged her to leave even though his heart betrayed him now by wanting her to stay.

“Working together we’ll finish it in no time.”

Rick figured he imagined the wistful note in her voice. Obviously he was destined to pick women who chose to leave. For Kendall, anywhere U.S.A. would be preferable to staying in Yorkshire Falls. Well, hell, he didn’t want a serious relationship anyway, wasn’t that what he’d always told himself? And until Kendall, he’d believed it.

“I’ll make sure you get to Arizona, Kendall.” He stared into her glistening eyes and thrust deep inside her. Her damp heat contracted around him and she let out a soft moan of need, bringing him to the edge in a matter of seconds. “But until the day you leave, you’re mine.”


endall walked into Norman’s the next morning trying to act like she hadn’t spent the entire night in Rick Chandler’s bed. But her body still tingled with the aftereffects of making love to him and the memories lodged deep in her heart.

She caught sight of Charlotte sitting in a back booth, pencil tucked behind her ear as she perused magazines, catalogues, and brochures. With her raven-dark hair and green eyes, Charlotte was the epitome of exotic and Kendall could see how Roman, the traveler, as Rick had described him to her last night, had fallen for her and chosen to settle down.

“Hi.” Kendall dropped her purse on the inside of the booth and slid in across from Charlotte.

“Hi yourself.” She closed the magazine she was reading and pushed it aside. “Just keeping up on the industry,” she explained. “So welcome to town.”

Kendall smiled at the other woman’s warmth. “Thank you,” she said and settled in more comfortably.

Charlotte narrowed her gaze, studying her. Finally a smile tilted her red lips. “You’re glowing.”

“And you don’t pull any punches.” But Kendall’s instincts told her to trust Rick’s sister-in-law and she leaned across the table. “I suppose I am.”

Charlotte laughed. “It’s the Chandler charm. Once they turn it your way, you’re a goner.”

Maybe so, Kendall thought. But she was out of here soon regardless and Charlotte ought to know the truth. “We’re only temporary,” she said softly. “Rick needs a woman to divert the masses.”

“Ah, yes. Raina’s army of bachelorettes.” Charlotte shook her head. “I almost feel sorry for Rick.”

“Because he’s got legions of women flocking after him? That’s not really a hardship,” Kendall said wryly. But she knew that was jealousy speaking and Rick hated being bombarded by the unwanted attention.

“Legions is going too far. But there are enough to give him a swelled head. I’ll agree to that.”

“And he hates it.”

“You know him well already.” Charlotte sobered, her eyes wide and serious. “You’re a wonderful person to go along with his plan. Roman told me all about it.”

“Rick told him?” What else had Rick shared with Roman, Kendall wondered.

Charlotte shrugged. “There isn’t much the brothers don’t share.” Those green eyes studied her as if she could read Kendall’s mind. “So what do you want for breakfast?” Charlotte asked at last and slid a menu across the table.

Kendall grabbed the trifold paper, grateful for the subject change and the ability to dive into food and not her psyche. “Pancakes and coffee for me.”

“Sounds good. Izzy?” Charlotte called to the robust woman Kendall had met last night.

“What can I get you two women?” Isabelle paused by the table, pen and pad in hand.

Charlotte repeated their orders, changing only her own drink to orange juice.

Izzy grinned. “I love women who aren’t afraid to eat.” She scribbled something on the paper, collected the menus, and strode off toward the kitchen.

Charlotte folded her hands in front of her. “Now back to something I want to discuss with you. Pam mentioned that you design jewelry.”

Kendall nodded, grateful and touched Pam would take the initiative on her behalf. “I have a portfolio—”

“Do you have samples of your work?” They spoke at the same time.

Kendall laughed and reached into her bag to pull out a loose-leaf, photographic diary of her work. “I have samples at home, but since I wanted to talk to you anyway, I brought this along.”

While Charlotte flipped through the laminated pages, Kendall explained her proposal. “I was hoping you’d consider taking my designs into your shop. Being completely honest here, I’m in a bind.” She bit down on her lower lip, hating to admit her problems yet knowing she had no choice. “I was modeling in New York to help pay for my aunt’s nursing home care, but her last days involved round-the-clock nurses and the expenses added up. Then I came here expecting to be able to sell Aunt Crystal’s house to help, and I discover it’s completely run-down. I’m spending money instead of making any. But I don’t expect you to take these on out of pity or any sort of obligation to Rick. I’d just like you to decide if you think we can work out an arrangement that will benefit us both.”

“You do beautiful work.” Charlotte traced her finger over some of the photos of intricate wire designs. “I can honestly say I wouldn’t take in something that would jeopardize the quality of the merchandise I carry. Not only do I think these will sell, but I think we’ll make a nice profit. I need to see them in person of course, but I doubt that will change a thing, except maybe to convince me to buy one for myself.”

Charlotte smiled and the fist that had tightened around Kendall’s heart from the moment she’d seen Crystal’s dilapidated house finally eased. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.”

“Hey, don’t thank me. You’re obviously talented and this arrangement is good business. I have a glass case by the register in the front of the store. I can display them there and you and I can work out a percentage split.”


Izzy arrived, plates in hand. Charlotte handed back Kendall’s book and she tucked it safely back into her bag, then she slid her business card across the table. “My cell phone’s on here so you can reach me at your convenience,” she told Charlotte.

“Sounds good.”

Izzy placed their food down in front of them and the aroma of pancakes filled the air. Kendall’s stomach grumbled. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was. But Charlotte glanced down at the food and paled slightly. “You know what, Izzy? I changed my mind. Make it a decaf tea and some dry toast, please. I’m really sorry.”

“Are you okay?” Kendall asked.

“Depends on your definition of okay,” Charlotte muttered. “I’m fine, really. Just not a breakfast person but your order sounded so good, I figured I’d give it a shot.”

“No problem, honey,” Izzy said, then leaned closer. “Samson’s outside. I’ll just pack him up a bag and not tell Norman. Those two don’t always hit it off.”

“Thanks so much. Charge me, okay?” Charlotte said. Izzy waved a hand.

“Who’s Samson?” Kendall asked when Izzy had walked away.

“The town eccentric,” Charlotte explained. “He really doesn’t have any family or friends. He may or may not have money, no one knows but he seems to need the handout. I let him do favors for me so he doesn’t feel like he’s taking charity. I think he’s more misunderstood than anything.”

Kendall nodded. She glanced at Charlotte, still concerned at her odd reaction to the food but with the plate taken away from her, the other woman looked better. “We had our share of people like that in New York City. Difference is, no one seems to look twice. It’s sad.”

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