The Plume: The First Anthology (27 page)

BOOK: The Plume: The First Anthology
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But he really liked the idea of he and Joanna having a secret like this. The suggestion of spanking her daily at work had been impulsive, but he saw that it worked for both of them. He liked the idea of Joanna always being bound when they were home, always restrained when they were out. He couldn't stand how beautiful she was, how she undulated in her submission, the she moaned so sweetly.

He was never going to let her go.

They'd need a dungeon.

Maybe several of them.

And he'd have all the keys.

Mike was so ready that he wanted to take her now, but he was determined to show her the range of possibilities. He didn't want to disappoint her. He didn't want her to think that anything they could do together would in any way fall short of the Plume.

Mike was competing with Rex, the ultimate master, and he was determined to win.

He was warm by the time he unchained her and tossed her on the bed. He was harder than he'd ever been in his life, throbbing with the need to take her again and again and again. He unhooked her ankle restraints from each other, admired her butt again, then drew her up to her knees before him. He bracketed her waist with his hands and drove himself deeply into her in one stroke.

She arched and moaned, widening her stance and wriggling against him. Mike held her corseted waist and drove a good dozen hard strokes. She was tight and hot, irresistible. She was his to take.

And she would be his to take, any time, for the duration.

Knowing he couldn't last, he reached down the front of her, sliding his fingers into her wet heat. He touched her with one hand, teasing her and making her moan into the gag. It was a delicious sound, one he wanted to hear every night.

He drilled into her, unable to stop himself from taking what she'd offered. He worked her sex with that one hand and locked his other arm around her waist. Joanna moved with him, wriggling and shivering in a way that drove him wild. She got wetter. Her clitoris was a tight bead beneath his fingers. The heat built inside him, pounding as he held on and tried to drive it higher and higher.

When he caught sight of their reflection in the mirror over the dresser, he lost control. Her pink skin, her full breasts, her corseted waist, it was all too much. Mike pinched her clitoris hard and she came in a rush, just as he filled her to the brim.

He didn't even let her catch her breath before he spun her around, then removed the gag and harness with shaking fingers. "Thank me," he commanded, his own mouth a finger's breadth from hers. He held her chin in his hand.

She trembled. "Thank you, Mike."

He swept away her kisses with his thumb. "Beg me to spank you every day, even at work."

"Spank me daily, Mike. At work and again at home."

Mike sat on the edge of the bed and perched Joanna on his knee. At his nod, she opened her knees wide. He put his hand between her thighs, massaged her clitoris again. He could feel that she liked the idea as much as he did.

They were both almost ready for another round.

She took a deep breath as he slipped his fingers inside of her. She was wide open, hot and wet and ready for him.

"You'll keep your bonds in your purse, and always have them ready."

She caught her breath. "Yes, Mike."

"Did you see the coat room at the restaurant?"

She nodded, her eyes wide and her lips parted.

"If you'd had bonds and a gag in your purse tonight, I could have taken you there. Trussed up in the back corner, banged in the coats." He met her gaze, saw her excitement. He pinched one of the welts on her thigh and she shuddered. "Good spanking?"

"Thank you, Mike." She nodded, her mouth so soft that he had to kiss her. "But the clerk..." she protested when he lifted his head.

"Would find something to do for five minutes, if you gave her twenty bucks. You'll have a twenty every time we go out, just in case." Mike smiled as Joanna caught her breath. This was a fantasy that worked for her.

Which meant they'd do it.

"Think of it. A hundred other people just footsteps away and you with permission to come."

She flushed, vibrating in his arms.

He sat her on the bed and stood before her. "Open your legs." She did as she was told, spreading her legs wide, displaying herself to him.

She was so wet, and smelled so sweet. Mike had intended to torment her but he couldn't resist. He buried himself in her heat again, pinning her back against the bed, her breasts crushed against his chest. He moved inside her, felt her shiver, then whispered in her ear. "Dinner afterward, just like everyone else, then a good spanking for dessert."

"In the coatroom again?" Joanna's voice was tight and her cheeks were flushed.

"In the elevator. In the car." Mike grinned. "In the cab."

She gasped.

"Imagine, if you gagged yourself and I bent you over your knee. Imagine what the driver would think, seeing your gorgeous bare butt."

Joanna's mouth worked and her eyes were wide. "Would you give me to him?"

Mike grinned at the unexpected suggestion. "If you deserved it."

She came then, came in a flood of passion and possibility. Mike drove himself deeply into her and let himself come as well.

The lady wanted to be bound and shared. He recalled their interval at the Plume and Rex's threat – to blindfold her, share her and compel her to guess who had taken her each time – the one that had never been fulfilled.

It was a gift.

Because Mike would be the one to make that fantasy come true.


* * *


Joanna awakened hours later in Mike's bed. Her skin was tingling and she felt both excited and satisfied. The townhouse was quiet, as was the world beyond. It was still dark and she couldn't hear much traffic.

They were both naked, their limbs entangled. Mike had taken her four times, spanking her in between, binding her in different ways. He was inventive and energetic and she wondered whether he was trying to prove something.

That he could satisfy her?

Or that she could satisfy him?

The bed had luxuriously smooth sheets and Joanna wondered what woman had bought them. She ran her hands across them, listening to Mike sleep, thinking about risk. The bed itself was a brass bed, really heavy, and she wondered how many women he had tied to this bed. How many slaves had he punished? How many times had he fallen in love and been disappointed?

How could she ensure that this lasted forever?

Surprise was the key.

The man loved surprise.

Joanna watched Mike for a few minutes, then slipped from the bed to go to the washroom. There were four bathrobes there, one hanging on the back of the door, three more folded away neatly. They were made of thick terrycloth and she remembered his comments about multiple partners.

Joanna wasn't quite ready to share him.

She might never be. That just raised the stakes.

She took the belts from all four bathrobes and a hand towel.

Mike had rolled to his back in her absence, one hand flung out as if he'd been reaching for her in his sleep. Joanna rolled the hand towel into a tight cylinder, planned her strategy and took a chance.


* * *


Mike awakened as his left wrist was bound to the corner of the head of the bed. He opened his eyes and tried to move his right hand, only to find that it was already secured. "What..." he started to ask, but Joanna shoved a rolled towel into his mouth.

She was naked and her skin was still a radiant pink, her dark hair loose. She was on all fours, leaning over him. He regretted that he hadn't opened his eyes sooner, when her breasts must have been right over his face.

She leaned closer, her eyes shining. "Don't make me punish you," she said in a low growl, and he was immediately awake.

Plus as hard as a rock.

He saw that she had bound his wrists to the corners of the headboard with the belts of bathrobes. She moved down the bed, knotting a third belt to his right ankle and securing it to one corner of the footboard. She was still on her hands and knees, her knees spread wide. He could see her glistening red puss, could smell it and practically taste it. He didn't struggle, didn't think of doing so because he was so distracted by the view. She secured his ankle and cast him a glance so mischievous that it nearly stopped his heart.

The other ankle was bound in record time and he was tied spread-eagle on his own bed, his cock straining for the ceiling. Joanna came to him, fluffing a pillow behind his head as she smiled at him. She straddled him, then buried his face between her breasts.

Mike thought he'd blow his load, then he heard her whisper.

"You said you like surprises. Here's one."

Mike moaned and struggled, liking that she'd bound him securely. There'd be no escape until she allowed it.

The realization gave him yet another thrill.

"No coming without permission," Joanna murmured, rapping one fingertip on his rock-hard cock. "Or I'll really have to punish you."

Her touch sent fire through his veins. How had she guessed that he liked being dominated as much as he liked dominating himself? The prospect of changing roles with the same partner was almost overwhelming.

Joanna pivoted, her knees on either side of his chest and her feet under his elbows. All he could see was her butt and her puss, tempting him, practically dripping on him. She bent forward, spreading her legs wide, giving him the most enticing view of his life.

Just out of reach.

When her mouth closed over his throbbing cock, Mike thought he would explode. He moaned and she laughed a little, then began to tease him with her tongue and lips. Mike groaned and he writhed. He knew he wouldn't be able to stand it, not with the sweet hot scent of her right in front of his face. He moaned. He struggled. He fought his bonds.

And she worked his erection until he was sure he'd explode.

The bed was sturdy, which was why he'd bought it. He knew he couldn't rip free and in a way, he didn't want to. It was the struggle that was so exciting, the dawning conviction that he was captive to her desire and unable to do anything to change his situation. He had just reached that moment of surrender, when Joanna lifted her head. She glanced back at him, her hair loose over her shoulders.

"Why should you have all the fun?" she asked, her eyes dancing.

She reached back and plucked the towel out of his mouth. Mike had time to lick his lips and swallow, but not to say anything.

Because she sat on his face and queened him. Her wet snatch engulfed him, her juices dripping into his mouth and the scent of her inundating him. Mike gasped, then she locked her mouth around his cock again. He was trapped beneath her weight, bound and captive to her seductive mouth. There was only one thing he could do.

He slid his tongue inside her, teasing her as effectively as she tormented him.


* * *


Mike guided Joanna into the restaurant for brunch on Sunday, his hand on the back of her waist and her panties in his pocket. Her corset was hidden under her clothes, laced an increment tighter than before, and there was rope in her purse. Jazz music was playing and sunlight was streaming into the restaurant. They could have been just another happy couple on a date.

"No coatroom in this restaurant," she said, making a mock sigh before smiling at him.

Mike's chest was tight when their gazes snared over the private joke.

He could not believe his luck in this.

He had to be sure that she felt the same way. They were shown to a good table, ordered and were served. They made light conversation throughout and Mike noticed how much more readily she laughed.

"So?" he asked finally. "Is it working for you?"

Joanna's smile became warmer. "It was a great weekend."

"Even with the surprises?"

"Especially with the surprises." She toyed with her eggs and he had a bad feeling. Where had he come up short? What was she missing? "But don't you think that there are some fantasies best explored at the Plume?"

What had Rex done better?

Mike forced himself to keep his tone light. "Like what? We can do anything."

"Yes, but some fantasies are scary. That's part of their appeal. And their power. And why they're forbidden."

Mike was intrigued. He arched a brow, inviting her explanation.

Joanna looked around herself, then leaned over the table. Her voice dropped to a husky whisper that Mike found arousing. "Being taken by a masked thief. Being shared. Being kidnapped and taken to a remote cabin. If it really happened, it would be terrifying. Part of what makes the Plume work is that you know that it's a fantasy if it happens there, that no one is going to get hurt."

"That your fantasy can come true without repercussions or consequences." Mike finished her sentence and nodded. He fixed her with an intent look. "That only matters if those are your fantasies."

Joanna smiled and blushed, then ate more of her eggs.

Mike tried to concentrate on his food. He pretended to be listening to the music for a few minutes, but he could tell by the way Joanna was watching him that she wasn't fooled.

She was counting on him.

"What if we played by the Plume's rules?" he asked.

"We already do. Condoms and consensus."

"I mean, what if I personally guaranteed that you would be safe?"

Joanna's eyes widened and he remembered the glimpse he'd had of one of her fantasies. He had to make her dreams come true to keep this relationship strong.

"Make me a copy of your apartment keys," Mike said quietly, his gaze never leaving hers. "Only one masked thief in the world then will have his own keys."

She sat back, apparently horrified but there was a light in her eyes. "You wouldn't."

"I will." Mike smiled. "And I think you'll like it."

She glanced around, then murmured to him again, her cheeks burning. "I know I will."

Mike buttered his toast. "By the way, I ordered a present for you. It should be delivered to the office tomorrow. You don't want to open it at your desk."

Her lips parted. "No."

BOOK: The Plume: The First Anthology
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