The Plume: The Second Anthology (18 page)

Read The Plume: The Second Anthology Online

Authors: Ella Ardent

Tags: #inter racial, #sharing, #submission, #bondage, #Menage, #spanking, #private sex club, #domination, #linked series, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #continuing characters, #Erotica

BOOK: The Plume: The Second Anthology
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Maybe it would affect her work. He knew he
was less creative when he thought of a project as a job to

Maybe he’d destroyed it for both of them.

“I gathered some images for inspiration,” he
said instead of following her instruction. “Want to have a look?”
Louise pivoted to look at him and he shrugged. “I’m a bit freaked.
You were right that it scares me.”

She tipped her head to look at him as if she
didn’t understand his reasoning. “But isn’t that the best part of
it?” She flung out her hands. “The uncertainty, the fear, the
adrenaline - and then, POW! It’s fabulous.”

Rex heaved a sigh. “I’ll let you know in an

Louise smiled. “Okay. Let me see what you’ve
found.” She came to his side, so short that she only came up to his
shoulder. She had such passion that it kept surprising him that she
was so tiny. It seemed as if it would take a much larger person to
contain Louise’s enthusiasm for life.

Rex held out the pictures and caught a whiff
of her perfume. He’d never expected that Louise was the kind of
woman to wear perfume, let alone a scent so haunting and feminine
as this one. It actually smelled a bit like roses. He inhaled
deeply without intending to do so, realized in the same moment that
he could see her bare nipples behind the bib of her overalls, and
found his excitement rising.

Maybe he hadn’t given small breasts enough of
his attention to be sure he preferred large ones.

Louise flipped through the images, running a
finger over one or another as if she’d caress the amorous people
entangled on the pages. She then laughed out loud at the last one.
In it, a dark-skinned raja reclined, his gaze hooded and his smile
serene. Six women attended him - or he attended to them. One was in
his lap, her legs around his waist and her genitals visible as he
moved inside her. She supported a second woman, who braced one foot
on the man’s other shoulder as he ate her. Two women were bent
backwards at his feet, their knees spread wide and their
expressions ecstatic as he pleasured each of them with one big toe.
Two more women stood on his either side, smiling secretively as he
pleasured each them with his index fingers.

“Great minds think alike,” Louise said,
glancing up at Rex with twinkling eyes. He was struck again by how
much she lived in the moment and startled by how attractive she
was. In fact, he wasn’t thinking about what she’d said at all.

He was thinking of bending down and kissing

She pointed to a book left open on one table
that Rex hadn’t noticed earlier. The same image was displayed
there. “Rex, master of all he surveys,” she said, her tone playful
as she stepped away from him. “Since we’re in agreement, let’s go
with that one. If you need to do any stretching or take a bathroom
break, do it now.”

Rex was honest enough to admit that he was
disappointed by her crisp manner. She was all business, just when
he was thinking of pleasure.

Or was he just trying to avoid the

He undressed quickly, impatient with his own
mixed feelings. He’d be done in an hour and none the worse for it.
Louise mixed the plaster and submerged the strips of fabric as he
undressed and tugged on the body stocking. She had already spread
plastic on the floor, and placed a chair on it, covering it with
plastic, too.

Rex tugged on the body stocking and the hood,
then followed Louise’s directions as she carefully posed him. She
referred repeatedly to the image, then considered him from all
angles, before nodding approval. She put braces below his elbows
and behind his back, ensuring that he was comfortable and could
hold the pose.

“I need you to tip your head back like this,
because she’s straddling his face and above him.” She wrinkled her
nose. “I’m worried about your breathing in this pose. Would you
mind if I did a face mask separately later? I could just cast your
head today as part of the main mold.” She looked him in the eye.
“You’d have to come back for another sitting.”

Rex could appreciate her concerns and he
wanted to make her smile, too. “No, that’s fine. I like breathing.”
He was gratified when her smile flashed.

Louise used a kind of tape to create a line
where the casting would break in half. It looked almost like
masking tape but had a ridge in the middle of it. When she was
satisfied with its placement, she began to wrap him in the strips
of fabric that had been soaked in wet plaster. She started at his
feet, taking particular attention to distinguish his big toes.

Rex felt his breathing change and his heart
begin to beat more quickly. The strips were heavy and wet and cold.
It was a strange sensation as the dampness soaked through the body
stocking and not an entirely pleasant one. He felt confined, as if
he was being buried in cold mud.

“You’re going over the ridge,” he said,
needing to escape his own thoughts for a moment. Focusing on the
technical details might help. “How will you crack the casting

“The ridge is heavy plastic. I’ll run a
utility knife all the way around once the plaster is set.” Louise
cast him a smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll break you free.”

Rex bit down on his simmering anxiety and
tried to relax.

But by the time Louise put the cup over his
genitals and began to wrap strips around his pelvis, the plaster on
his legs began to set. It heated steadily, as if Rex’s mud bath had
moved into a sauna. He shivered, just a little, and glanced down to
see a network of tiny cracks spread across the surface of the

“Hey!” Louise chided. “No moving.”

Rex was immediately contrite. What had
happened to his control? “Will you have to do that again?”

“No, it’s early enough.” She smeared some
more plaster over his thighs, pushed his head back into position,
then continued to wrap his torso. Rex forced himself to remain
utterly still. As the plaster heated, he remembered that it took
fifteen minutes to set.

Fifteen minutes.

Soon he wouldn’t be able to move his

Not long after that, he’d been encased.

And Louise would be able to have her way with
him. The realization made him hard and he felt his face flush. What
was she going to do him? He hoped to God that she would do
something, not just leave him to think about it for forty-five

But then, what encouragement had he given

“I guess you plan to get even with me for
Christmas,” he said, and was surprised by how hoarse his voice

Louise chuckled. “Worry about it.”

Oh, Rex did.

Louise worked steadily and quickly. Rex
watched her as she wrapped his head, fascinated by her
concentration. She seemed unaware that he was watching her, or that
his dick was hard. Couldn’t she smell his fear? Sense his

He could appreciate how it felt to see a
vision come together and respected her attention to detail. He
could smell her perfume and he started to wonder just what she was
going to do to him when he couldn’t move without ruining the cast.
He felt his cock collide with the silicon cup and strain against

Even that constraint thrilled him.

Finally, Louise stepped back, wiping her
hands as she surveyed him. She walked around him and he had to
stifle his urge to turn and watch her as she moved out of his field
of vision. Instead, he closed his eyes. He heard her circle him,
and felt the weight of her gaze upon him. She added a little
plaster here and there, smoothed a line, and ran her fingertip over
the line where the casting would break in half. She came back to
where he could see her, looked up at the clock and smiled at him.
“Right on time.”

To Rex’s astonishment, she marched away and
left him there. He heard the water running although he couldn’t see
her anymore. She must be washing up. It took her a long time - or
at least time seemed to be moving more slowly. The plaster heated
steadily and Rex felt it tighten around him like a hard shell. He
doubted he could move his feet at all now and the realization fed a
quiet panic within him.

Yet it simultaneously thrilled him.
about it.

The water finally stopped running and he
strained his ears for some indication of Louise’s presence or
activities. There was none. Rex caught his breath, terrified then
that she’d left him alone. He told himself to remain calm, that it
would shortly be over, but he could feel his anxiety rising out of

Control. That was the issue. He was out of
control and he didn’t like it one bit. Rex gritted his teeth and
held the pose, feeling himself sweating inside the plaster. He knew
it wasn’t just the heat - it was fear. But if he moved, they’d have
to start all over again.

Still, he couldn’t stand it, not with the

“Louise,” he whispered, glad she hadn’t done
the casting of his face. He wasn’t sure he could have borne the
sense of being muffled as well as encased. Even so, his throat
worked when he spoke and he feared he was ruining her work. He
would have stayed silent if he could have done it, but he couldn’t.

To Rex’s relief, he heard something scrape
across the floor. The breath left him in a rush as Louise came into
sight again. She was naked, her skin fair and her nipples taut. She
set down a tripod, then faced him with undisguised satisfaction.
“All mine,” she said. “At least for the next forty minutes.”

Rex’s gaze darted to the tripod then to her
breasts, then to her smile of anticipation. She moved away,
returning to lock a camera on to the tripod.

A camera.

Pictures of him like this.

“No,” he whispered even as his heart skipped
at the idea.

“Oh yes,” she said, moving behind the camera
to adjust the focus. She took a couple of shots, the sound of the
shutter sending a jolt of electricity through Rex.

In fact, he had a hard time finding words to
argue with her. “You can’t...” He fell silent instead of
stammering, uncertain when he’d been so excited that he’d become

“Watch me.” Louise straightened and bit her
lip, apparently oblivious to his consternation. “Actually the angle
would be better over there for this first bit.”

First bit? There was a sequence? What was she
going to do?

She moved the tripod and camera, moving out
of his field of vision again. He understood what she was doing in
the grand sense, though, knew that she was capturing this moment

“No,” he said hoarsely. To his dismay, the
plaster around his throat and head didn’t move. “I didn’t

“You did agree,” she said, her tone hard.
“You knew you’d be at my mercy in that cast and you agreed. This
studio doesn’t follow Plume rules,” she added sternly. “Verbal
consent works for me. I don’t need contracts signed in


“Be quiet or I’ll tape your mouth.” She
grinned. “And I need your tongue for this first part.”

That was when Rex remembered the image they’d
both chosen.

Sure enough, Louise hopped on to the chair to
stand beside him, then lifted her right leg. He could see the
shining heat of her labia and smell her arousal. She put her foot
on the brace behind his right shoulder and grinned at him. “I’ll
try this wife’s pose first,” she said, mischief dancing in her
eyes. “No messing around unless you want me to punish you. The way
I see it, I’ll be coming at least five times before the plaster
sets enough for me to sit on you, like the favorite wife

“You wouldn’t!” Rex protested, but he knew
she would.

Louise smiled. She lifted a remote control
and pointed it at the camera. Rex heard the shutter click. “A shot
every fifteen seconds, like a movie of a work in progress,” she
whispered. “There’s a ton of memory on that thing, so we can take
all day if we want.”

Something in Rex’s mind snapped at that. It
was too perfect, too delicious, too ideal. If he’d had a secret
fantasy, this might have been it - but he’d never guessed as

He thought about the next hour and he wanted
to roar. The urge to break free ripped through his body, making him
shudder from head to toe. He barely restrained himself in time to
keep from cracking the plaster, but he felt the constriction of the
casing all the same. He felt as if he rattled around inside the
plaster, then for the first time in a very long time, he was
deluged by a sublime sense of powerlessness.

There was nothing he could do to change his
circumstance - at least nothing that wouldn’t force him to begin
the process all over again. A tide of heat swept through him,
leaving him trembling.

And throbbing with excitement.

When he opened his eyes, Louise was watching
him closely. “It’s going to get even better,” she said, then
planted her wet puss on his face. Rex shivered, then licked her
with slow deliberation.

Because he knew that she was right.


* * *





Rex got it.

Louise had been worried for a while there.
She hadn’t been sure he’d show up at all, and she certainly hadn’t
been sure he’d let her make a casting of his body. She had felt his
resistance to the whole notion and had been worried that he’d break
free and call it off before she even finished wrapping him.

She’d thought he might faint when he realized
her scheme, but when he’d opened his eyes, the glitter in them had
told her the truth. She’d underestimated the master of the Plume,
or maybe she’d pushed him into new territory.

Either way, Rex had moved past his anxiety
and now, he was totally into it.

She held his gaze as she wrapped her thighs
around his head, then planted her puss on his mouth. He inhaled
sharply, then slid his tongue over her so languidly that she
thought she’d come on that first slow touch.

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