The Possum Hollow Hullabaloo (The Penelope Pembroke Cozy Mystery Series) (11 page)

BOOK: The Possum Hollow Hullabaloo (The Penelope Pembroke Cozy Mystery Series)
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The sense of relief Penelope felt when the nineteenth of December rolled around seemed to be shared by the entire staff at the school, even Miss Maude. Before school dismissed at noon, she and Mary Lynn had overseen the distribution of gifts to all the students, as well as the pizza party in the cafeteria where the children had hung paper chains made from red and green construction paper and taped pictures they’d drawn of snowmen, candy canes, Santa Clauses, and Christmas trees along the concrete block walls.

After helping load the buses, she didn’t wait to wave them off before going straight to her car. Mary Lynn was already there. “Let’s get out of here,” she said. “We’ve got a lot to do before the program tonight.”

“It’s all done, Mary Lynn. All we have to do is show up a little early and help the kids dress.”

“We’re bound to have forgotten something.”

“I don’t think so. You’ve done a terrific job, and the community center will be officially open as soon as you cut the yellow ribbon at six o’clock.”

“We should’ve been open months ago if the Dolans hadn’t caused such a fiasco.”

Penelope laughed, not because she thought anything was funny but because she needed the release. “Only you would call four

“You know what I mean,” Mary Lynn snapped.

“I know. And good riddance to the whole lot, if you ask me. Not that I wanted Wally Powell or Jill Jerome or Brice Dolan to end up dead—just out of Amaryllis. I’d even have settled for having Harvey Hadden go back to Possum Hollow and hide for the rest of his natural life.”

“The only problem is, we get rid of one
Hadden, and there’s always another to take his place.” Mary Lynn fished a tissue out of her leopard-print purse. “I was really counting on playing Santa Claus for Ellie and Evie this year.”

“I know you were, and it’s too bad.”

“I asked Tonya if I could send them a few things.”

“And she said?”

“She said to send them in care of her, and she’d see everything was delivered.”

“That was nice of her.” Penelope glanced in her rear view mirror. “Who is that behind us?”

Mary Lynn half-turned in the seat. “I don’t know. Lizette Foster maybe? She drives a pickup.”

“She drives one of those smaller models. And newer.” Before the words were out of her mouth, the larger vehicle that had been keeping its distance, suddenly speeded up until it sat practically on the bumper of the SUV.
“Oh, no, not again.”

“What do you mean not again?”

“Get down in the floor and get us some help now, or we’re going to end up in Bailey’s cornfield.” Penelope floored the gas pedal and took the next curve on three wheels.”

Mary Lynn fumbled with her seatbelt and crouched beneath the dash, punching in 911 as the SUV careened around another curve on the narrow road.

“Hurry, Mary Lynn!”

Penelope took another quick look behind her, but the truck was in her blind spot as it pulled alongside the SUV. She hugged the steering wheel, trying to watch the road, the truck, and the speedometer—creeping toward eighty—at the same time.

What is it with these people anyway? Are they crazy? Or do they just think totally different from the rest of us?
She cut her eyes to the left, through the window of the truck now keeping pace with her own vehicle, and thought she recognized the man who’d confronted her in her own dining room.
You idiot, blessed killing Mary Lynn and me isn’t going to get those girls back!

She heard sirens, and the truck slowed until it sat behind her again. At the next turn-off, which looked to be barely a path, it turned off and disappeared into the trees. Penelope applied the brake and rolled down the window as a police car came in sight. “He turned off back there,” she yelled at Parnell Garrett.

Parnell pulled over. “If he’s gone down one of those jack-rabbit trails, I’m not going in after him,” he yelled back. “Did you see who it was?”

“Same man who threatened me the other day.” She leaned her head on the steering wheel. Beside her, Mary Lynn crawled out from under the dash.

Parnell opened his door and got out. “You okay?”

Penelope nodded.

“Those side roads are like snake dens—no room to turn around, just keep going until something gets you.” He peered into the SUV. “Mrs. Hargrove, you all right?”

“No, but at least I’m alive,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Y’all get on into town. I’ll be right behind you.”

“What does that clown think he’s going to accomplish?” Penelope asked as Parnell started to walk away.

“I told Brad I think there’s some just want you out of the Hollow.”

“Me personally or the school?”

“Maybe both.”

“A vendetta?”

Parnell shrugged his broad shoulders beneath the extra jacket he wore over the standard issue one and slid into his car.

Penelope and Mary Lynn drove the rest of the way in silence. Just before Mary Lynn got out at the curb in front of her house, she said, “If this keeps up,
Tad Rollins will close the school. We’re on thin ice with the state anyway.”

“He believes in what George and the others are doing as much as they do.”

“George could be out in City Cemetery right now, and so could we.”

“Mary Lynn, you shouldn’t fee
l guilty about calling it quits any time.  Harry’ll probably lay down the law anyway when he hears about this.”

“No, I’m sticking, Pen. I’m mad now. It’s ignorance that’s kept the Hollow alive all these years. We’ve got a chance to break its back through the children.  Show them there’s another world out there, another way to live.”

“So far we’re not having a whole lot of success. The school’s been out there for how long—eight years?”

“Well, Ellie and
Evie got out.”

Penelope closed her eyes briefly. “Yeah. I’ll see you at five-thirty at the community center.”

“Five o’clock would be better.”

“Five o’clock.”


Penelope’s cell phone rang as she turned into the driveway of the B&B. The caller ID read PRIVATE. “Hello, Bradley.”

“Are you all right, Mother?”

“Shaken up some.”

“I can’t get a warrant for the guy’s arrest until I know who he is.”

“Elbert didn’t know, huh? And even if he had, you’ve got to find him first.”

“Elbert isn’t talking. No big surprise. Wasn’t this the last day of school until January?”


“Well, that gives me a couple of weeks.”

“Just how many
Haddens are there out in the Hollow?”

Bradley laughed. “More than I’ll ever catch, Mother. I’ll see you and Pawpaw tonight at the program.”

Jake met her in the kitchen. “Knew you wouldn’t have time to cook tonight, so I thought I’d go pick up a pizza.”

“I left a casserole thawing in the refrigerator, but if you’re hungry for pizza, that’s fine with me.”

“You okay, Nellie? You look a little green around the gills.”

She told him what happened.

His breath whistled through his teeth. “Those Haddens are bad business.”

“To say the least.”

“You going to keep on at the school after Christmas?”


“I knew you’d say that.”

“I don’t want to worry you, Daddy, but if we cave in, it’s all over for the kids.”

“I’m not going to sit around worrying about you, Nellie. Didn’t even do that when you were growing up. Not much anyway.” His voice trailed off, and Penelope saw him swallow a couple of times. “Look, you go upstairs and relax a little. I’ll go pick up the pizza. That’s quicker than the casserole.”

“Thanks, Daddy. I believe I’ll keep you around.”

“That’s the idea. I don’t fancy sitting around out at the old folks home listening to my joints freeze. Not for a while anyway.”




Penelope slipped the new sweater she’d found on sale at Blass’s over her head, careful not to smudge her fresh makeup, then pivoted to look in the full-length mirror on the back of her bedroom door. The gold beading against the black weave twinkled in the lamplight like so many stars.
I bought this hoping Sam would be back for Christmas, but I may as well get the good out of it.
She smoothed the sweater over her hips and viewed her profile.
Not bad. Of course, I don’t think Sam ever sees anything I wear. He’d like it better if I didn’t wear anything.
She laughed.
Someday maybe.

“Looks like
there’s going to be a good crowd tonight,” Jake observed as Penelope maneuvered the SUV into an empty space behind the school. “Maybe putting off the grand opening until Christmas wasn’t such a bad idea.”

“It was the best we could do after all that mess with the Dolans.” Penelope reached into the back seat for her purse. “But you’re right, Daddy. This is the season when everybody feels more excitement about everything.”

Mary Lynn hurried toward them as soon as they stepped through the back door. “We’ve got trouble.”

Jake’s eyebro
ws went up. “Right here in Flower City?”

“It’s no laughing matter, Mr. Kelley. That weasel
Snively and his minions are outside picketing the program.”

Penelope’s mouth twisted. “Have you called the PD? Technically, this is private property, so he can’t do more than stand in the street.”

“Parnell is outside. He moved them across the street, but it’s going to upset the children. Go take a look at the signs.”

Jake followed Penelope down the main hall toward the front of the building. “Now, Nellie, don’t let this ruin the evening for you.”

“After what I went through this afternoon, I’m in no mood for Snively,” she retorted through gritted teeth. “Oh, no! Oh, look at them, Daddy!”

Beneath the street lights, a group of ten or twelve people milled around waving homemade signs, while Parnell, his arms folded across his chest, stood on the bottom step watching. 


One or two protestors stepped in front of cars which had slowed to turn into the parking lot. Penelope saw Parnell head that direction. She started outside, but Jake caught her arm.

“Nellie, let Parnell handle it.”

She shook off her father’s hand and charged onto the porch and down the steps. “Get out of here!” she yelled, the sound of her voice lost to the traffic. Several parents hurried their children past her. “Go on inside,” she called to them. “We’ll get rid of this scum.”

She crossed the street and tried to grab a sign from a boy who looked no older than fourteen or fifteen. “Eddie? Eddie Hitchens? What are you doing hanging out with this bunch?”

He grinned at her. “Hey, Mrs. Pembroke. Just making a little Christmas money, that’s all. That guy over there is paying me twenty bucks to stand out here with this sign.”

Penelope grabbed it out of his hand and threw it on the ground before he could react. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Go home. Better still, go to church and confess to Fr. Loeffler.”

“Huh?” His blue eyes widened.

“I’ll pay you twenty dollars to rake the rest of the leaves in my yard if you’re that hard up, which I know you’re not.”

“Aw, Mrs. Pembroke, I…”

“You, an altar boy at St. Hyacinth’s, standing out here with a bunch of…of…a bunch of infidels!”


She gave him a shove. “Go home, Eddie Hitchens, and I’ll try not to remember I saw you here.”

“Hey, you can’t do that!” Harrison
Snively, wearing the same overcoat which looked even dirtier than when he’d confronted her inside the school, stuck his face in front of Penelope. The odor of tobacco and stale sweat made her blink and step back.

“I just did it.” Penelope watched Eddie Hitchens slink away.
Snively bent down to retrieve the sign, but Penelope planted her foot on it. He jerked at it. She put the other foot down hard, and they stood there glaring at each other.

At first she couldn’t identify the low rumble coming from the direction of Pembroke Point, but as it grew louder, she recognized the sound of motorcycles.
Oh, great, that’s all we need now. Bikers. They’ll probably join this mangy mob and try to drown out what’s going on inside by revving their motors the whole time.

The people carrying the signs stopped circling as a sea of leather-clad bikers roared up the street and stopped in front of them. Penelope retreated to the curb in front of the school. “Nellie, get in here!” Jake called from the porch.

I can’t take on this bunch. Maybe Parnell will call for back-up and run them off.
As she turned toward the steps, she caught sight of a leather jacket with metal studding the sleeves in a way that seemed familiar. The man edged his bike closer to the protestors, making them retreat to the sidewalk across from the school.

“Go find some dark dingy place to match your souls, that is, if you have them,” he growled.

Penelope’s heart climbed to her throat.
Sam! Oh, Sam, my knight in shining armor!

He moved closer until the front tire of his bike almost climbed the curb,
then revved his engine. “Outta here, you bums!”

The picketers scattered. Penelope laughed aloud as
Snively pushed his way past his so-called supporters, his coat-tail flapping around his legs.

The bikers spun around and, with ballet-like precision, parked their vehicles in a neat line from the parking lot entrance to the end of the property, effectively blocking access from the street,
then cut their engines. “You need tickets for this gig?” a bearded man asked Penelope.

She shook her head. “Absolutely not. And please stay for refreshments after the program.”


All the bikers, including Sam, stood at the back of the auditorium. Penelope thought they applauded louder than the rest of the audience combined, especially when the angel on the stepladder draped with cotton batting proclaimed, “Behold, I bring you tidings of great joy!”

But as the program ended with the audience lifting lighted candles and joining in singing
Silent Night
, the unexpected visitors filed out.

“They must’ve rolled their bikes a block away before they started them,” Mary Lynn said to Penelope as they circulated among the refreshment tables. “That was thoughtful of them.”

“Yes, it was.”

“I wonder what prompted them to do what they
did? Not that I’m ungrateful they showed up.”

Penelope bit her lip to keep from smiling. “Oh, I don’t know. But I hope they have a very merry Christmas.” She lost the battle to look neutral. “God bless them every one.”


As soon as they got back to the B&B, Jake said goodnight. Penelope locked the door and slipped through the swinging door to the dining room, hoping to feel familiar arms reach for her, but the room was empty. Disappointment slowed her steps on the stairs.
Oh, Sam, I wanted to see you. I want to tell you that you’re my hero for what you did tonight.

On the landing, light from the room at the end of the hall flooded the darkness. “Hello, Nell.”

Sweet joy filled Penelope as she turned and ran into his waiting arms. “Oh, Sam, I’m so glad you’re here. You were wonderful tonight.”

He stroked her hair. “It was a nice program. Would’ve been a shame if anything had spoiled it.” He led her into his room and closed the door. “You look beautiful tonight.”

“The sweater’s new. I thought you’d like it.” She noticed he’d changed his biker garb for a pair of flannel lounging pants and a T-shirt. “Did you come to stay a while?”

“A while.”

“Like for Christmas?”

“I hope so.”

“I hope so, too.”

He held out his arms again, and she laid her face against his chest.
“Missed you, Nell.”

“Missed you, too.”
He led her to the bed and sat down. “I heard what happened this afternoon.”

“I won’t even ask you how.”

He grinned. “Good girl.”

“Bradley won’t flush whoever-he-is-
Hadden out of the Hollow though.”

“Probably not.
But I guess you’ll go back to the school after the holidays.”

“We’ve got to keep the school going. It’s the only chance the children have.”

“How many have taken the chance they’ve been offered?”

“One child makes a difference.”

He traced her lips with the tip of one finger. “You’ve made a difference with me.”

“Have I?

He shook his head. “Just take my word for it.” He kissed her then, and she knew there were more to come. But she noticed that this time his hands didn’t wander into places they shouldn’t go.

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