The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life (27 page)

BOOK: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life
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Francis decided to stop searching for “the one” and to focus instead on her relationship with her soul. She examined her soul’s desires and asked herself who she really was, what she really wanted in life, and what the universe wanted from her. She came to recognize that in her previous relationships, she had never felt good enough for the other person. Only after she had found a way to be her own person, whole in herself, did Gary Zukav, her current partner, cross her path.


If you want to have a meaningful relationship, stop looking for the right person. I’ll repeat that: if you want to have a meaningful relationship, stop looking for the right person, but become the right person.

By becoming the right person, your true self, you learn to view love in a broader perspective. You end up shifting the emphasis from an often anxious search for someone else to nourishing and sustaining your own soul.


You start to become a friend to yourself. You become your own loving support. And that’s one powerful way that you can start building a relationship on: with yourself, of trust and of love.

When you are happy in yourself, you will automatically attract the person who resonates with your peaceful, confident state of consciousness.


Many times, people are looking for their partner, their ideal partner, their soul mate and they say they can’t find them. They’re looking and they’re looking and they’re looking and they can’t find them. Well, if your soul mate is not knocking on your door, it’s because you’re not ready. It’s not that you’re not looking hard enough. We have to prepare for that to happen in our life. And the preparation for finding the right person in your life, connecting with them, is being the right person.

A search for “the one” can sometimes become a search to fill a void. But before you can build a meaningful relationship with someone, you must be able to accept yourself. As Deepak Chopra has written, “In our imaginations we believe that love is apart from us. Actually, there is nothing but love,
once we are ready to accept it. When you truly find love, you find yourself.”

Lack of self-confidence can undermine your capacity to love another person as an equal. If you struggle to love and accept yourself, you are telling the universe that you are not worth the love you deserve.

I do not trust people who don’t love themselves and yet tell me, “I love you.” There is an African saying which is “Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.”



If you want to find someone who can fully love you and know you, you have to know and love yourself. And self-love is the foundation of any relationship that works, even if that relationship is the preparation for finding a soul mate.

The first step to self-acceptance is to have the intention to give love. You can give love by helping others and by following your own heart. As you pursue your dream, you gain skills and understanding, which increase your competence and self-confidence. You show how much you’ve got going for you, which sooner or later will be picked up by someone whose values and goals match or complement your own.

John Gray


Just try to love, and manifest it. When your heart is open, there is this energy of love that flows in, fulfills everything, and somehow
transmutes itself into actions. Then you see that your life is changing. And you ask yourself, “But why? I did not
anything. I did not learn a new thing.” You
learn, but not on the conscious level. It is because your heart is open.

Embrace yourself. Choose to fully appreciate all that is good within you. Accept your imperfections and embrace the following practices:

• Create the intention to trust your heart implicitly.

• Be grateful for being the person you are. Appreciate your strengths and talents.

• Develop your skills and talents, out of which will come self-confidence and happiness. If you have a real feeling for doing or making something, pursue that, work on it, and improve it.

• Be kind to yourself. Make it a habit to articulate positive thoughts about yourself, so that everything you do is supported by the universe. Stop saying negative things about yourself.

• Do a kindness every day for someone else.

• Try not to worry too much. Worrying rarely solves problems. It just takes you away from the beauty life offers. If you are prone to worry, get physically active. Take a walk. Exercise. Do yoga. Moving your body helps clear your mind.

We just cannot worry about ourselves.


• Be honest with yourself about your feelings. If you are sad, acknowledge your sadness and don’t hide it. Ask your heart what it is telling you to do to deal with the sadness.

• Give yourself a break from time to time. Take the time to look after your body and to care for your soul.

• You are meant to be happy. Take pleasure in everything you do. Do not take life or yourself too seriously. Practice gratitude.


Those that we love and those that we dislike are both reflections of our own self. We fall in love with people in whom we find traits that we want. And we dislike people in whom we find traits that we deny in our own self. If you want to succeed in a relationship then look at the world as a mirror of your own self. Every situation, every circumstance, every relationship is reflecting your own state of consciousness.

The energy of your intentions will ultimately come back to you in relationships and other areas of your life. The people you meet mirror your own intentions.


There is one sure way to attract the kind of person that you want in your life, one sure way: become like that person. If you want to attract people who are patient and caring, who will care about you,
and be patient with you, hold your best interest at heart, be available to you without strings, without second agendas, then become such a person to others, and you will attract to you people exactly like you. That’s the law of attraction. Energy attracts like energy.

If you think you cannot be happy unless you have a life partner, you are likely to attract a partner who is unhappy and is keen to have a relationship with you to fill a void inside him- or herself. If, on the other hand, you are aligned with your soul, you are bound to attract someone who reflects that same state of consciousness.

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