The Prince of Punk Rock (58 page)

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Authors: Jenna Galicki

BOOK: The Prince of Punk Rock
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Tommy leaned in for a kiss but Angel jerked his head backward and away
from Tommy’s vagina soaked lips.
unexpectedly grabbed Angel’s face in his hands and placed a hard kiss on his
Angel struggled and broke free.
It was a closed mouth kiss and he didn’t
taste anything, thank God, but he frantically wiped his mouth with his hands.

Tommy and Jessi both mocked him with laughter.

He scowled back and Tommy’s playfulness, but couldn’t keep the giggle
out of his voice. “You, Tommy Blade, are an evil man.”

“The night’s not over yet.”
Tommy pounced on top of Jessi and she cringed and braced her hands
against his chest.

“What are you doing?
No more.”

“More.” Tommy nodded with a devious glare.

He entered Jessi and began pounding his hips into her.
Her chest was heaving with heavy breaths, but
the rest of her body laid limp underneath Tommy, and her eyes barely fluttered
It didn’t take long for Tommy to
unload, and luckily, Jessi was still with us.
For a few minutes, Angel though she would meet her demise by way of
Tommy’s cock.

Tommy crawled up to Angel with a mischievous smile.
It made Angel wary.
He knew that deliciously sinister thoughts
lurked behind the impish face Tommy wore.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s your turn.
On you knees,


“I want your ass.”

Angel could count the number of times he bottomed in his life on one
And still have a few fingers to
It wasn’t a place he frequented,
and his reply was a slightly panicked giggle.

“What’s the matter?” Tommy had a taunting glimmer in his eyes.
“You never bottomed before?”

“I’ve bottomed.
What about
Have you topped before?
How do I know you know what you’re
He hoped his teasing response
hid his inexperience.

“I have a wife.
I top every

He had a point.
Angel was losing
this game on all fronts.
The Blades were
ruthless players.
Tommy’s unyielding
erection caught his attention.
It was
sky high and solid.
The thing refused to
“But you just . . . how can

“I’m far from done, A.
You know
me. I can go all night.”
Tommy pointed
to the bed.
“Enough stalling.
On your knees.
I told you, I’m gonna love you like you’ve
never been loved before.”

That’s exactly what Angel was
afraid of.
He gave a short laugh.
The man was truly a god, on stage and in
Mortals didn’t possess the stamina
given to one Tommy Blade.

He moved closer to Tommy. “I wouldn’t do this for just anyone, you

Tommy cradled Angel’s face in his hands.
“I know, but I’m not just anyone.
I’m the love of your life, remember?”

Tommy’s kiss was softer than usual and the slow, precise movement of
his tongue as it graced Angel’s mouth with its delicate presence put him at
ease and filled him with anticipation.
He didn’t expect the idea of bottoming to turn him on, but it did.
He eagerly positioned himself on his hands
and knees, then dropped to his elbows and covered his face in a last minute
bout of angst.

Tommy slowly ran his hands up Angel’s back and caressed his
The roughness on Tommy’s
fingertips, from his calling as a guitar player, contrasted with the mildness
of his touch.
The hands that always
brought Angel relaxation and contentment didn’t disappoint, and his nerves
quickly vanished.
Only expectation and
excitement remained.

“Turn over.
I want to look at
you when I make love to you.”

Angel rolled onto his back and Tommy propped a pillow underneath his
He was aware of movement from
Jessi lying on her side of the bed, and glanced in her direction.
She resurrected and was watching them with a
She clearly had no interest in
participating, but she was an eager voyeur.
All she needed was a tub of popcorn in her hand.

Angel took a couple of deep breaths, but it was Tommy’s lips that
calmed his nerves.
Tommy deposited a
series of kisses on the ticklish flesh of Angel’s belly.
His tongue led a trail up Angel’s torso and
through the gully in the center of his chest.
Tommy’s mouth detoured to take a pointed nipple between his teeth. The
sharp unexpected pain sent a shot of adrenaline through Angel’s body, and he
Tommy looked up with the nipple
still clamped between his smiling teeth, blond strands falling over his sky
blue eyes.

“My prince,” Angel whispered. “Your touch delivers waves of pleasure
straight to my heart.
I want to feel you inside me.”

Tommy sat back on his heels. He rested his hands on Angel’s thighs,
sending deliberate bolts of energy through the thick muscles of his legs.
Tommy circled his fingers tightly around the
base of Angel’s cock and a small bubble of cum seeped out the tip.
Tommy diligently sucked it off.
He licked Angel’s dick, from base to tip,
like a lollipop.
Each stroke of his
tongue circled a path around Angel’s cock until its circumference was bathed in
Tommy’s sweet saliva.

Tommy slicked his fingers and slid them down the little highway between
Angel’s sac and his hole.
One finger
rested on the rim and tested the entrance with gentle pressure.
It made Angel sigh and pucker, calling Tommy
A single finger poked in, and
then another followed.
Angel moaned at
the welcomed arrival.
The slow circular
motion of Tommy’s fingers pressed against the knotted muscle deep inside.
Tingling sensations flourished and drew out a
long moan.

Tommy removed his hand and pulled Angel’s legs up, one at a time, so
they rested on Tommy’s shoulders.
teased Angel’s bottom with his cock. Touching his hole, but not entering it.

Endorphins collided and made Angel dizzy. The anticipation was
He waited impatiently,
longing for Tommy to be inside him like a virgin awaiting penetration for the
first time.

The tip prodded its way in.
was fat and round.
Tommy was being slow and gentle, easing his
way inside and checking Angel’s facial expressions. Angel nodded under half
closed lids and deep breaths.
He pulled
at Tommy’s hips, but Tommy restrained himself.
Slowly, Tommy thrust his hips and finally his length was swallowed
Angel grunted and froze at the
short burst of pain, but Tommy’s hands, caressing his legs, relaxed him.
Another deep breath and he was ready to continue.
Slow thrusts became massive lunges.
Pain and discomfort transformed into
The slamming of their bodies
against one another sent Angel’s dick waving in the wind.
The pressure of the air moving around him
threatened to bring him to orgasm.

Angel’s throat was dry and raspy from panting and moaning and Tommy was
breathing so heavily it looked like he might pass out.
Tommy’s knees were shaking and Angel could
feel the fatigued muscles of Tommy’s thighs twitching.

Tommy took Angel’s cock in his hand, squeezed it slightly and stroked
it with the same fervor in which he thrust his hips.
Sensations from Tommy’s hand and from the
cock in his ass, reverberated inside Angel and became one.
Everything shook.
White light blinded him as he was lost in the
throws of a powerful orgasm. A second later, Tommy collapsed on top of him,
sweat glistening off his peaches and cream complexion.
He squeezed Angel in a tight embrace and
whispered in his ear, “That’s how much I love you.”


Chapter Forty-Seven

In all the years that she and Tommy
shared their bed with other men, Jessi never saw him top before.
Even though he liked to orchestrate the
performances taking place in the bedroom, he was definitely a bottom, and Angel
was definitely a top.
The two of them
were the perfect match.
They were in
sync with one another.
They were kindred
Tommy’s game of role reversal
was just as surprising and exciting for Angel as it was for her.
But last night, caught up in one of the most
intense sexual experiences they ever shared, no one realized that the entire
bus was privy to the audio version of their entire encounter.

Breakfast was comical, and a bit
She knew Alyssa would be
the first one to say something.

“Really, you guys?
Like it’s not bad enough I have to listen to
Jimmy behind his curtain every night with the groupies he brings on the bus, I
have to listen to an entire reprise of Deep Throat and Caligula coming from
back there?”

Angel and Tommy shared a laugh, but
Jessi just smiled at her friend.

should give them
an earful.” Damien slung his arm around Alyssa’s neck.
“If they knew the things we did in the
bedroom, I think we’d shock the hell out of everybody, even the three orgy

Tommy snorted.
“Did you just call me a queen?”

“If the rhinestone covered crown
fits, buddy.”

Jessi’s phone interrupted their
It was her mother again.
She shut the phone off and put it in the back
in the pocket of her jeans.

“Where are we anyway?” Damien
pulled the curtain back from the window.

Alyssa joined him.
“A rest stop in
, I think. We should do something.
We have the night off.
Are there any good tattoo shops around here?”

Damien shrugged. “Look on the

Jessi turned her phone back on and
started browsing.
A tattoo was great way
to commemorate the band’s first tour.
She didn’t know what Alyssa had in mind, but she thought everyone should
get the band’s new logo inked into their skin.
She scrolled through the list of local tattoo shops nearby, but another
incoming call from her mother interrupted the screen.
She silenced the phone and watched the call
go to voicemail with a deep frown.

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