The Princess' Dragon Lord (13 page)

Read The Princess' Dragon Lord Online

Authors: Mandy Rosko

Tags: #romance, #reincarnation, #paranormal romance, #amnesia, #dragons, #princess, #fae, #prince, #love triangle, #faeries, #medieval, #warriors

BOOK: The Princess' Dragon Lord
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“We've had more than that already. The Great
Lady in heaven only knows what your folk have been doing since
Dagda vanished, or even while he ruled.”

“I know, but...” Now she was the one to trail
off. “I want us to have our honeymoon. We never got that before,
and I want us to have it now.”

He squeezed her tightly. “You fear that once
you're given control back of your kingdom that we'll have no alone
time together?”

“Not that,” she said, getting up onto one
elbow to have a look at him. “I don't want to take over a kingdom
at all.”

Not only that, but her memories were still a
fresh wound she was dealing with. Sometimes she wouldn't remember
her mother or sisters at all until the scent of a flower, or the
reflection of the lake at dusk came in through the windows, and
then she would cry. Not even Azoth could console her during those
times when she was reminded of friends and family that were now
gone, and the only thing he could do was let her alone until the
pain lessened enough so she could calm herself.

That wasn't exactly the description of a
strong leader.

He lifted a single brow, studying her.

“Does that upset you?” She asked.

He shrugged. “No. It is not my kingdom to
decide anything with. I suppose I'm just shocked. I was certain you
would want to go back.”

Diana bit her lips together, knowing what he
meant. Her memories of living in this world, this time, still felt
so real, even though she knew that, for the most part, they

Some of them were real, she knew that much,
knew it in her gut, but the real memories didn't even matter
anymore. She'd gone back to the school where she worked only a
couple of days ago, hesitant and smiling at Claire, the woman who
oversaw all appointments, tours, and strange visitors who served no
purpose at all.

Claire hadn't known who she was. When Diana
had walked up to her desk, smiled and said hello in the same tone,
in the same manner, that she always did, Claire just smiled back
and returned the greeting in the way one did when greeting a
stranger. The whole time, the woman's calculative gray eyes were
sharp behind her stylish glasses with the metal leaf frame.

Diana then proceeded to introduce herself and
make an inquiry about any possible positions teaching art, still
waiting for Clair to recognize her.

“Actually, it's the strangest thing,” Claire
said. “Our last teacher suddenly retired, so there is an opening

Claire never remembered her at all, and as
the woman whom Diana once considered to be a good friend gave her
the website and e-mail where she could send her resume, Diana had
fought tears.

It was as if she hadn't existed at all.

“I don't know how to run a kingdom. Mab,
Mother, never had to teach me, being the youngest of eleven.”

Azoth nodded, understanding. “Nor I. I
wouldn't even be able to advise you on the subject.”

Diana traced a finger along the ridges of his
chest, playing up to his nipple, and watching as it hardened under
the teasing of her finger. “I was thinking, if you wanted, that we
would eventually tell them we're here and alive, but then leave all
the ruling to whoever the fae people want to put in charge.
Something tells me that, princess or no, they won't be too keen on
me showing up after a thousand years gone, suddenly wanting to take
over. I don't even know if things are different now compared to

The fae people, hadn't been spelled forward
through time, like she was.

At least, that's what she and Azoth had
figured Nyx had done. It was the only explanation for how she had
never aged. Given a somewhat new appearance, new memories, and then
shot forward through time. No such thing had happened with the fae
or dragons. Their lives had gone on, new generations started and
long since grown up, who only knew of Mab and her daughters through

Azoth sighed. “Especially with me on your
arm. With their king dead, my hands are now responsible for the
deaths of nearly every member of your royal house. Regardless of
whether you arrive, alive and well, I doubt there will be much
forgiveness or trust for me among the fae.”

Diana wished with everything inside her that
he wasn't so goddamn right.

“But I would like to return to the mountains
and the dragons
time. If only to visit the land and see
if any of my brothers or their descendants still live.”

“Of course,” she agreed, latching onto any
idea that would make him happy. “Yes, definitely. I wouldn't want
to keep you from your home.”

“Calm your thoughts, I did not think that's
what you were doing.” Azoth petted her hair, drawing her back onto
his chest.

Warmth spread through her. “Then we can stay

He looked up and around the peaceful scenery.
The birds had begun to chirp and twitter their morning song, and
the yellow sun was now higher in the sky, still casting long
shadows in the blades of grass and trees, but having entirely
chased away the night and wet dew.

“For however long you wish it. Now,” his hand
sliding between them to cup and gently squeeze her breast, still
free from her bra as it was still so early. His hand felt like it
belonged there. The other hand, found its way under the blanket and
trailed down to the curls between her legs.

“You were playing with me a moment ago,” he
said as her nipple became tight under his touch. “I would very much
like to finish what you started.”

Diana tossed away the comforter.



The End



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About Mandy Rosko


Mandy Rosko lives as a hermit with her
scared of everything dog, and she works in Ottawa, Ontario. Every
once in a while she peels herself away from writing and Internet
surfing to socialize with real people. She loves videogames, Sailor
Moon, Hatsune Miku, and her dog.



Other Paranormal Romances by Mandy Rosko


Alpha Bites


Alpha Book


Alpha Bear Book 2 Coming Soon


Alpha Dragon Book 3 Coming Soon


Things in the Night Series:


The Vampire's Curse Book


The Legend of the Werewolf Book


The Dragon and the Wolf M/M


The Shepard's Agony Book


Things in the Night Box


Dangerous Creatures Series:


Burns Like Fire Book


A Shock To Your System Book


As Cold As Ice Book

Gonna Make You
A Novella




The Princess' Dragon


Sold To The




My Angel Lover, Have Mercy on
Me M/M


Mate of the


Night and Day Series:


Night and Day Book M/M Book


The Calm Before the Storm M/M
Book 2


All Hell Breaking Loose M/M
Book 3


Book 4 Coming Soon!


Medieval Romances by Rizzo Rosko:


Lady Thief Book


Lady Deception Book





More Stories by Mandy Rosko:





5 Angels

"How many new brides have their mothers
suggest they kill their husbands on their wedding night?"

-Lisa G., Fallen Angel Reviews



"I enjoyed the world that Ms. Rosko created.
The information about each "being" and their history was detailed
and interesting, and kept me wanting more."

-Jane, Coffee Time Romance


Descended from a long line of aristocratic
vampires, Dawn has been married by proxy to an elf prince to settle
the cold war. But when her brother is caught in a failed attempt to
kill their king, she must trust the husband she hardly knows to
save her brother's life.

Prince Aaron cannot ignore the fact that
Dawn's brother confessed to wanting to murder the elf king, who is
now missing, even for the sake of peace between himself and his new
bride. Unless a living body can be found, Dawn will surely never
forgive him for ordering her brother's execution.

Even if he should succeed in finding his
father, Dawn's body is out of Aaron's reach. He is cursed by the
dragons, and everything his skin touches turns to gold. Despite
Aaron's attraction to his wife, he must keep a careful hold over
his lust, otherwise a single touch could mean her life.




My Angel Lover, Have Mercy on Me


In 1665 Scotland, five years after the Black
Plague, former angel Jophiel lives in solitude as a mortal, having
removed his wings to punish himself for falling in love with a
vampire. One day, his old friends, Michael and Zadkiel, offer him
the chance to return home to his old life in the Heavens. The
price? Capture his former lover, and take his head.

Lord Frederik Jasper Grimm is a Belial
vampire born with half a soul and mortal emotions. His crime was
destroying a village of innocents as a ransom for his beloved
sister Amelia, whom the murderous sorcerer Malcolm MacNiel holds
hostage. But before Frederik can retrieve her, Jophiel captures

Before Jophiel can raise his sword, Frederik
begs for mercy, explaining why he destroyed the village. Frederik
has lied before, but Jo cannot bring himself to kill his former
lover. His only choice is to hold Frederik prisoner until he can
discover why would he be sent to execute an innocent vampire. All
the while, he must keep his new, mortal state a secret.



Excerpt from My Angel Lover, Have Mercy on


“You are such an idiot, Jo,”

“Excuse me?” Jo fell back a step at the
insult and at his lover's eyes, whose glare was hard upon him. It
was not a jibe lovingly delivered, but one meant to sear and

And it did.

Jo became angry then, his body tightening,
his fingers curling into fists, his wings ruffling like those of an
affronted bird. The wings were invisible to the men Frederik had
stationed on the grass of his vast garden, some ten feet from where
they were having their argument. But Jo's emotions were not as
concealed as his wings, and the bastard vampire could see his ire
clearly. Yet Jo's anger seemed to elicit no response from Frederik
at all, other than an unsympathetic demeanor.

“Ye know damn well I cannot stay on earth
unless I become mortal. What is so idiotic—?”

, you fucking fool.”

Frederik seethed. For the first time, Jo saw
something akin to hatred gleaming within those angry eyes. The
servants crossed themselves at the mention of the disease.

Though Frederik feared fire, tall flames
burned hotly in every chamber of his home, and pits also flickered
high in several spots surrounding it as a measure to keep the rats
and fleas away from the mortals under Frederik's care. It was
midnight, and, though the full moon cast its usual silver glow,
'twas hardly noticeable with the fires that sizzled and popped
around them. 'Twas nearly as bright as day.

Frederik's face shone wet with sweat from the
heat. “If you become mortal, the plague will consume you, as it has
done everything else, and you are stupider than I imagined if you
think for one moment that I will transform you into one of my kind.
I won't go to hell for anything, not you, not anyone.”

“I never suggested ye change me into a
.” Jo's voice rose with impatience.

Frederik's servants hardly blinked at the
word. They knew perfectly well what they served. Jo sensed the fear
in them, not of their master, but of the plague that raged across
nearly the whole of the mortal land and of the possibility they
would lose their lives to it should Frederik not transform

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