The Princess of Caldris

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Authors: Dante D'Anthony

Tags: #space opera, #atompunk, #retrofuturism, #retrofuture

BOOK: The Princess of Caldris
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Copyright © 2013

Chronos Productions Motion
Picture Studios

All rights reserved.


For Joey and





Snakes in the cradle

All the stars in a jewel box

Fly boys and Archaeologist girls

Fort Oort

Hangar 3

The Kanaafutura

Langley Stay, Voids End



I would like to acknowledge
all the members of the Chronos Productions team for their ongoing
work in bringing the Pandoran Age Universe to life. The Artwork,
animation, music, and acting. It has been a delight to watch the
vision take form and color, sound and aspect, persona and
personalities. Life must either be, indeed, a grand adventure or it
is nothing at all.


Dante D’Anthony



Snakes in the


name is Winteroud Sole and I am twelve standard Caldris years old.
The name “Winteroud” was my father’s idea, an homage to my mother
who was not born on Caldris, but on the far away world of Erial,
which is always cold.

He and my Mother met in
college at the University world, Lux, where the NeoWrightians
settled. I have never been to Erial, or Lux, but I have studied
them both extensively on the hypercasts, and in the family computer

Today the Royal Security
detectives came and questioned me at length. I could feel their
eagerness to know all about me, for I am an empath and that is a
very special gift. Mother was furious. Father was somewhat proud

I think Officer Hammerstein
is a good egg.

I could feel Officer
Hammerstein was deeply troubled over many things. A desperation has
formed in his mind and he believes I may be able to help him sort
out his most current sleuthing.

He is probably right,
although I fear he doesn’t understand that it may kill him if we
untangle this particular mystery. Him and many others. In his mind
I perceived a layering, a mentality of his military background that
sees everything as a war.

Neil Thacker

I have always been an
empath. Caldris is known for producing an abnormal number of us.
Some say it is the massive amounts of heavy metals in the planet.
Others say it is how the metals interact with the complex fields
which stream into the higher dimensions. I don’t know. I have
always been this way and although my mind swarms with the
impressions and feelings of others, I have not yet learned exactly
what it means to be a human without empathic powers.

My Educator at the school
says, “You will learn with time how they live their lives in
solitary realities. There is a sadness about them, alone in their
thoughts. But not now. Not yet. Now when you feel their thoughts
and emotions across a room it seems you are one with them. It is
not so, Winteroud. You share their reality, and they are immune to

Officer Hammerstein is very
sad. That much I could tell right away. He is a man with a mission,
as they say. His mission has hit a “platinum wall, me boy, a
platinum wall with heavy-duty military defense shielding wrapped
around an enigma.” More accurately, I realized the machinations of
very bad and powerful men who wish to keep the Officer on one side
of the truth.

I think my mother knows
best, and rages against the dangers of my involvement in the
Hammerstein case. Father is carried away with the pride of his son
being treated by the Royal Security Detectives as someone important
and worthwhile. Later, I know, he will pass through the sudden
pride and begin to mull over dangers to the family and the

We are an old family, long
in the business of mining the volcanoes. Danger and opportunity our
twin fellows for generations. He will see the danger soon

It’s Moonsweek and all four
moons are purple in the evening skies. The tides are frothing at
the ancient steps of the estate. Each evening now I have sat on the
sea steps and felt the minds of the balloon crabs eager for
Silver-darters swarming in the shallows. Hunger and gluttony,
simple creatures.

The silver darters have no
minds at all. They have the most primitive of neural nets, their
existence all stimulus and response. The universe to them is not
even a place. Stimulus. Response. That is all. In their swarming,
however, wonderful patterns emerge which can be thought of as a
hive mind. Although such is a poor analogy; when one thinks of the
great and terrible hive mind of the Imperials at far away Deneb IV,
with all its billions of humans and millions of Transhumans, I
embarrass myself with the analogy.

My android, Edward Gibbons, sits mechanical
behind me, ever watchful. Father came around to fear as I knew he
would and cautioned the android, “Watch for assassins,” he said
simply, grim and fingering his disruptor. It is an antique, like so
many things at the estate. It was old when our ancestors first
plunged onto the world in a fiery ship after crossing the void.

I felt Hammerstein and his men before the
bells announced the arrival of the aircars this time. They came in
the morning as the moons set and the sun, blue and gleaming, lifted
itself with its intense glory among the cumulonimbus clouds, like
marshmallow mountains in the sky. Six Royal aircars came, like they
owned the clouds, which in a sense they did.

Father stood defiant at the
agents strolled coolly to the gate at the landing pads. “I’ve
considered your offer for my son to work with you on the case,
Officer Hammerstein. I think it’s best he not.”

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