The Principle Of Chance (15 page)

BOOK: The Principle Of Chance
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The assistant placed a chair for
Justin next to Monica; he saw his name imprinted on the back. Monica proceeded
to explain the scenes they were shooting today. Everyone paid attention as she
spoke in her soft yet authoritative voice;

‘First of all, welcome to our
Hungarian actors and extras.’ She flashed a smile to a group of people standing
near a tall window. ’Without you we couldn’t do this movie.’

She looked around the expansive room
filled with people and continued. ‘Let me introduce the producer and creator of
this movie, Justin Blakes, who is by the way, my brother. He is an easy going
perfectionist….’ Her voice trailed off, laughter from the crowd made her look
up at Justin who was pointing at Monica.

‘All right, people, I see we will
get along perfectly.’ She laughed.

‘We know what that means.’ Jack
appeared by her side, grabbing a chair.

‘You do?’ She questioned.

Jack winked, which meant a lot more
to Monica than she’d imagined.

‘No messing with the director!’
Justin said, checking out the many young assistants. Was it a European thing
that these girls wore delicate make up, had perfect hair and sported the latest

‘Glad you share my view.’ Jack
remarked. ‘You clocked the pretty girls, I see.’

‘Pay attention
, we
have a movie to make.’ Monica continued outlining the movie. ‘The story begins
with Frank’s character informing his sister that he is leaving for America and
wants her to come with him. She tells him that she is expecting a baby, but she
cannot marry the father. We are in 1937 people, and times are tough. You have
to get into character big time.’ She paused.

‘Shooting continues outside in front
of the house as Frank has an encounter with the ‘father figure’. I want shots
of the house in detail, get the richness of the ‘would be father’s’ clothes and
the surrounding area where he lives. He is a rich man and therefore cannot
marry Frank’s sister who is poor, there is a big fight – and cut. See that
cottage,’ she pointed outside. ‘Frank’s home where he speaks to Jani – his best
friend- who offers to marry Frank’s sister. You see the contrast between the
two houses? - I want an emotional scene. The quick wedding takes place over
there, in the small chapel. To finish off – Frank, with a heavy heart,
disappears during the night, after he says goodbye to his sleeping sister.’

Monica stopped for a breather,
everyone seemed subdued, evidently touched by the story. She felt miserable for
her lack of emotions but to her it was work.

‘Come on people, cheer up or we will
get nothing done.’

Frank realised he’d made the right decision
choosing Monica to direct. He walked across the room to where Jack was sitting,
acknowledging several people on the way.

‘She's a professional Jack, I told
you.’ Frank remarked.

‘I will need convincing Frank, I
don’t know….’ He grinned but fully agreed with Frank.

Monica decided to stop the
introduction and get on with the day. ‘Wrap up warm if you’re on the outside
shots, you will find jackets and boots in the top right corner set up for

‘Don’t pretend that you are ok with
the story.’ Justin whispered into her ear.

‘You won’t see me cry, if that’s
what you’re waiting for brother!’ Monica said reading her notes.


‘Not a tear.’ In fact, she’d cried
her heart out when she finished reading the screenplay, but now she was in a
professional environment, emotions were left behind.

Jack studied the set, was this the
way Frank had lived? ‘Is this for real Frank? I can’t believe you are doing

‘Neither can I Jack! I was born
here, I grew up here and lived in very trying circumstances. Now I’m an
American citizen financing a movie about what? – rags to riches will be the
headline in the press.’

‘You have regrets?’

Frank raised an eyebrow. ‘You know
Jack, I won’t answer that question. How about, I will ask you the same question
when we start filming

‘It isn’t about me Frank.’ Yet, he
knew it was. ‘All right, we are even; let’s hope these kids will do a better
job of our lives than we did!’

‘Aren’t you happy with your lot

‘Did I say I wasn’t happy…?’

‘There is always more to Jack Harvey
than what meets the eye!’

Jack needed distraction, his
personal life was one thing, discussing it another. ‘Coffee?’

Frank got the message. ‘Come on,
we’ll leave them to it! I will show you the dining room on the top floor.’

The butler from last night was
standing by the dining room door, holding it open. Jack entered first, prepared
for luxury, - but to have breakfast in an old library filled with bookcases
from floor to ceiling, a pool table and a log fire was incredible.

‘How did you…?’

‘I knew Jack! I just knew…’ Frank
said with an indulgent smile.

Frank’s people had searched day and
night to find the perfect house. He wanted a house he could never have afforded
when he lived here. A house that had everything his friend Jack ever spoke
about; especially his favourite old English furniture. The room was decorated
with pastoral scene paintings hanging on the oak panelled walls. The high
ceiling held a crystal chandelier and heavy damask curtains framed the bay

The butler was in the process of
opening up the curtains revealing breath-taking winter parkland.

‘I am staying here Frank. This is
fantastic!’ Two double armchairs were conveniently placed on either side of the
crackling fire. ‘Let them get on with the work, I’m not moving from here.’

‘Don’t you want to see the rest of
the house?’

‘You devil of an old man Frank! You
know what
I need!’

‘I know Jack, I do. She has a

‘How did you …. whatever, she is a
little young for me, but...’ Jack said cautiously.

‘Young? You kidding?’ Jack had a
thing for young blondes, but this girl was different. ‘In any case, I am glad
you are interested!’

‘Oh, I am interested all right but
shall we have breakfast for now?’

‘Breakfast it is, what do you

‘Speciality of the house.’

‘Of course Mr Harvey.’ The butler
said, handing Jack a menu.

‘I will have a continental
breakfast.’ Frank said to the hovering waiter.

‘You have somewhere to go Frank?’

‘I need to be on my own for a few
hours.’ He said hastily. ‘I need to look into a small problem, …. one last

‘You want me to come with you?’

‘Not this time.’

It was obvious to Jack that Frank
was referring to his old life. To the people and the family he’d left behind.
It would be a difficult journey for Frank but he was right, he needed to do it

‘I will set off after breakfast. It
isn’t far from here. I should be back early evening, maybe you can entertain
Amy while the others are busy.’

‘I’ll do my best Frank!’

‘Of course, I know. Now, let’s have
something to eat.’

Jack wondered what it would be like
for him to revisit his own past, but he quickly deleted the thought from his
head. Some things were best left alone.






Following breakfast and a read by
the fire, Jack set out to explore the house. The butler of course was ready to
show him around.

‘Can I help you Mr Harvey?’ He
inquired politely.

‘I don’t know, what can you offer

I suggest a relaxing time in our Spa?’

‘Sounds good man, show me the way!’



After a short walk followed by winding
stairs, he stopped in front of a pair of heavy oak doors. He opened the door
and indicated to Jack to go inside.

place was definitely a health Spa. There was a vast, glittering pool in the
centre bordered with a wall of full length windows overlooking the distant
snowy hills. The ceiling was an artwork of pure stained glass cupola.

On both sides of the pool were
massive palm trees leading to little private bays for relaxation.  Wooden
loungers were dotted around with small tables full of magazines and books. A
wrought iron staircase led to a balcony and to the treatment rooms.

A pretty, young brunette greeted
Jack and offered him a brochure listing the treatments available.

‘Please,’ she smiled at Jack. ‘Let
me know when you are ready for a treatment Mr Harvey, my name is Csilla, I will
be at your service today.’

‘Thank you! How about starting with
a massage?’

course, please follow me.’

led the way upstairs to a small treatment room with a glass wall overlooking
the pool.

‘Whenever you are set, Mr Harvey.’
She handed Jack a brilliant white robe. 

Csilla was an expert masseur as Jack
soon discovered and he finally began to unwind.

Amy was also in the Spa, relaxing on
a lounger after a long swim. Jack joined her after his massage.

It was a quiet, lazy morning as
neither of them needed to go anywhere. Amy didn’t know how, but the
conversation turned to Jack’s family.

‘I didn’t love my father Amy,’ -
Jack was saying. ‘He was a nasty, brutal and weak man. When he had a drink,
like every day, he became arrogant and violent. My mother didn’t have it easy.
I left home when I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was lucky, it didn’t take me
long to get a job, and even make money. When I had made enough, I bought a
house for my mother who had the courage to leave my father – eventually. She
died some years ago.’

‘Jack, there isn’t any mention of
your father’s temper in the screenplay!’ Amy stated.

‘He died, Amy and if you can’t say
anything nice about the dead, say nothing at all.’ Jack said, unconcerned.  ‘A
drunk is one thing but violence is another.’

‘I see...’

‘I never knew what love meant Amy, I
know my reputation isn’t the best, but I don’t hurt women. I give them what
they want. In the early days, maybe … some got attached to me, yes. Now at my
age, they want my money or what I can do for them.’

‘You must've been in love before?’

Jack didn’t reply immediately, he
slowly turned a page in the magazine he was reading. ‘I thought I was, once, a
long time ago.’ He said quietly.

‘Your character in the movie is
perfect. Jack, the heartthrob, the kind but none committing celebrated movie

‘Oh Amy, you make me laugh! Justin
needed to lighten up the story – so he put
in it!’ Jack said

‘You and Monica are good friends… I
mean love has many faces.’

lovely Amy and knows how to handle me. I’m too old now to fall in love, if
that’s what you mean.’

understand...’ She said, accepting a soft white blanket from a girl.

Justin stood by the door watching Amy
and Jack. He felt a slight irritation, was Jack hitting on Amy?!

One way to find out, ask!

‘You two look very relaxed.’ He said
with an edge in his voice.

‘Jealous are we?’ Jack commented.

Justin considered his answer
carefully. There was Amy in a sleek swimsuit and there was Jack with a strange
look on his face.

 ‘Yes, I think I am. You two
look very pleased with each other.’ He glanced at Amy appreciatively and hoped
she didn’t see it. She had an amazing body.

Amy saw the look but ignored it,
she’d spotted Justin as soon as he walked in. ‘Good morning Justin, how did you
find your bed last night?’

The girl can play a
! She
wanted to know if he expected her to knock on his door. All right, - he could
play her game too.

‘Empty and cold!’

‘Oh…’ That wasn’t the answer she
wanted to hear. ‘The bed was heated in

‘Yes, it must've been. You didn’t
come knocking on
door.’ He said, pacing up and down.

‘Am I missing something here, kids?’
Jack detected tension.

‘What do you think it is Jack?’ Amy
asked, picking up a book from the table.

‘It’s nothing Jack, don’t start
analysing!’ Justin needed a diversion, as this little chat was going the wrong
way. ‘I am actually looking for Frank. Have you seen him?’

‘No, he must've gone out for a
drive. He will be back later.’ Jack twitched nervously. Could he tell them what
Frank was up to?! ‘Anything
could help you with?’ Jack volunteered.

‘Maybe, Frank mentioned he wanted to
add a dialogue between him and his friend Jani. You think he still wants that?’

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