The Prioress’ Tale (27 page)

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“And never mind that every word of what he said was likely a lie,” Margrete put in, handing her lady a handkerchief for the tears now sliding down her cheeks.

“An utter lie,” Lady Eleanor agreed. “He was bound to be killed for it sooner or later. But there was no way to change him. The most that could be done was find a use for him.”

“Bound to be killed?” Frevisse asked, trying to come back to the point. “Why?”

“Because with Reynold the only thing that ever counted in the long run was having his own way. He’d say and do whatever he had to, to have it.”

“And make everyone else pay whatever price they had to so he could,” Margrete said.

“Knowing all that about him, you thought you could use him, trust him?” Frevisse asked.

Lady Eleanor smiled faintly, fondly. “I’ve known him since he was a little boy. He couldn’t lie to me. I knew how he always dimpled in beside his mouth when he was lying.” Her tears were more for the boy maybe than for the man. “I’d tell him to his face when he was lying to me and he’d laugh and admit it, so we did well enough together when we wanted to. And in something like this against the Fenners where our purposes ran together, yes, I thought I could use him.”

“Only he decided to play the fool with this last raid and ruined it all,” Margrete said bitterly.

“We expected he’d play the fool sooner or later, being Reynold,” Lady Eleanor said, “but I’d hoped it would be later. I’d hoped Hugh could sway him long enough. But it’s likely that Hugh will be able to manage it from here. Things aren’t ruined, only made more difficult.”

Frevisse forebore to point out that “things” had been made more than merely difficult for Domina Alys, and by no knowing consent of her own; and that unlike Sir Hugh and his men, neither she nor the nuns were going to be able to ride away from the trouble coming.

Lady Eleanor dried the last of her tears, done with them for now, and said, “But even given what a fool he could be, Reynold shouldn’t have died this way. Not like this.”

But then neither should he have been the kind of man he was, Frevisse thought; and without the apology she would have made a few minutes ago, she said, “I need to ask questions about when and where everyone was last night. Even you.”

Lady Eleanor considered that a moment, then nodded. “Yes. I can see why.”

Choosing to take that for permission, Frevisse asked, “Did any of you leave the room last night after Compline? You or Margrete or Joice?”

“Or me,” said Lady Adela. “I slept here, too.”

“You did,” Lady Eleanor agreed, “but this is one of those times you’re not to speak until you’re spoken to, my lady. No, none of us left that I know of, and I would have known, I think. I slept only fitfully and never deeply.”

“Rheumatic pains,” Margrete said. “She won’t take enough of her medicine to let her sleep soundly.”

“It makes my head thick all the next day when I do.”

“And so does not sleeping well when you don’t,” Margrete returned.

Lady Eleanor ignored her, following where Frevisse’s question led instead. “No, none of us went anywhere, but someone was where they shouldn’t have been, weren’t they? That’s what you’re trying to find out. It wouldn’t have been one of Reynold’s own men who killed him, that’s certain. But if it was someone from outside, come on purpose to kill him, how could they have counted on happening on so good a chance?”

“It was maybe someone come from outside who wanted to kill just anyone,” Lady Adela suggested happily. She crossed the room to Lady Eleanor’s side, the dog tucked under her arm. “And it happened to be Sir Reynold and they’ve gone miles away from here by now and we’ll never know who it was.” Her eyes widened with another thought. “Or they’re still here somewhere. In the priory. Hiding.”

“Lady Adela, go and sit and be quiet,” Lady Eleanor ordered, sharply enough that after a startled hesitation Lady Adela went back to the window bench to join Joice, who was sitting with the other dog cuddled to her breast, her face hidden against his furry back, surely listening but not interested enough to join in. Her green cloak had been returned to her last evening, cleaned, and she was wearing it against the room’s morning cold. The night’s airing had probably been enough to rid it of any lingering smell, and so she had everything that she had brought to St. Frideswide’s, and when the time came, she would probably leave without a backward look or thought, even for Benet. It was not going to be so simple for the rest of them, and Frevisse said carefully to Lady Eleanor, “You don’t think it was one of his own men, then, or that it was likely to have been someone from outside.”

“No. It had to have been someone already here. Someone still here, most likely. Or someone who
be here but isn’t.”

She was watching Frevisse as she said it, and Frevisse was watching her, but there was nothing wrong with the logic of what she had said, and Frevisse agreed, “Yes.”

“You’ll ask about all the servants, of course, and there are the masons,” Lady Eleanor went on consideringly. “The master mason in particular, I think, from what I’ve heard. And there’s the minstrel. And the madman, of course. It would be none so bad if it were either of them.”

Not saying she was unready yet to discount Sir Reynold’s men, Frevisse said, “There are others to consider, too. Domina Alys, for one. She’d found out what Sir Reynold was doing and was angry at him. And Benet. He was outside the guest hall and unseen last night. And Sir Hugh. It seems he wasn’t happy with Sir Reynold last night, either.”

Lady Eleanor lifted her head. “Not my son,” she said, meeting that possibility with flat refusal, as if that were enough to settle it.

Joice spilled the dog onto the bench beside her and stood up. “I’m going to the church,” she said. “I need to pray.”

Lady Eleanor started, “Do you think, Joice, that’s…” but Joice, moving quickly and with only a shadow of a curtsy to her and Frevisse, repeated, “I need to pray,” was out the door and gone. Belatedly, Lady Adela slid the dog she held to the floor with an ungracious bump and said, starting for the door, “I’ll go, too!”

“You will not,” said Lady Eleanor. “Sit down.”

Lady Adela hesitated.

“Sit,” Lady Eleanor repeated.


“Mistress Joice does not need your help in prayers, and this is not a day for everyone to be wandering anywhere they want to around the nunnery. Sit!”

Lady Adela sat, unhappy with it, and Frevisse took the chance to say, “I must needs go, too.”

Lady Eleanor began to say something to that, thought better of it, and said instead with her familiar gentleness, “Best let things simply go what way they will, Dame. There’s naught that we can do to make them better.”

Not after some of us have done so much to make them worse, Frevisse thought bitterly, but schooled her face to what might be taken for agreement and merely curtsied and went out.

No one was in the cloister walk, and Frevisse stopped at the corner of the garth wall near the foot of Lady Eleanor’s stairs, a hand on the pillar, her forehead resting against the stone as she listened to the quiet, deep even for the cloister. By the emptiness, the stillness, the nunnery might have been deserted; the loudest sound seemed to be the throbbing of her back, and she wondered briefly what Dame Juliana and Dame Perpetua had done with the other nuns for now. In a usual day it would have been time, or nearly time, for Tierce, but the day had lost all the familiar shape of days in St. Frideswide’s. The sky was unabated blue and sunlight filled the cloister; by midday there might even be a passing warmth on the stones; but the gray ash of fear was lying over everything, even her thoughts. What had she learned so far? Nothing that helped, so far as she could tell.

She tried to say a prayer for Sir Reynold’s soul. Death— and fear—should not be more real than prayers, but for now they seemed to be, distracting her from what should come easily.

She went along the walk, toward the church, seeing as she passed the parlor that Sir Reynold’s body was gone. Was it at all possible that it had been someone from outside who killed him, someone come seeking revenge, finding it and gone now?

She wished she could believe that had been the way of it, but she did not. Whoever the murderer was, it was someone here.

She went into the church, expecting to find Sir Reynold’s body coffined and vigil being kept, but the church was empty except for Sister Thomasine kneeling on the altar’s lowest step, far gone in prayer, as usual. Sir Hugh must intend to take the body with them, out of Fenner reach. That would not go down well with the crowner either when the time came he learned of all this.

In the familiar shadows and quiet, Frevisse closed her eyes as she sought to gather her feelings and her thoughts into something coherent, but what came was another question.

Where was Joice?

Frevisse opened her eyes, looking for her. St. Frideswide’s was a plain church; there were few places in it to be out of sight, and Frevisse circled quickly behind the farther choir stalls, to the door into the tower. The boards closing it looked solidly set, just as always, but when she took hold and lifted from one side, they shifted, just as Joliffe had said. Not much but enough that a slender person would go through. But how could Joice have known? And even if she did, what would be her purpose in going out of the nunnery now?

Frevisse shut the boards again and turned away toward the altar, more from habit than purpose, not thinking of the madman until she came past the end of the choir stalls. From there she could see both the altar and behind it, where he had been bedded. Obscure in the shadows, he was sitting up on his pallet now, instead of huddled into his blankets. And Joice was kneeling in front of him, her green cloak spread out around her as she leaned toward him in what looked to Frevisse like familiar, earnest talk.

The madman was leaning toward her, too, their heads close, but he looked suddenly sideways to Frevisse and jerked back at sight of her. Joice looked and jerked back too; and as Frevisse went toward them, she stood sharply up and moved to hide the madman behind the full swing of her cloak, saying quickly, “I came to pray, then thought it would be… wonderful to talk to someone who… the miracle… I wanted to ask him…”

Frevisse stopped almost near enough to push Joice aside if she wanted. Whatever else she was, the girl was a poor liar; and Frevisse, trying to hold her growing anger of disbelief behind an outwardly calm voice, said accusingly, “You know him.”

“No!” Joice answered a little desperately. “It’s that he’s not mad anymore! It’s safe to talk to him. Sister Thomasine cured him. He…”

Behind her the madman rose to his feet.

Joice turned quickly on him, exclaiming, “Edmund, no. Don’t!” grasping his arm as if to force him down again; but he took hold of her hands, refusing, saying, “Joice, she’s not a fool. She knows.”

“Quite probably.” Unhuddled, standing straight, he was tall. His hair, dark golden now that the mud was washed out of it, was combed back from his face, which had been scrubbed clean, too, and as if it had been washed off him with the dirt, there was no sign of madness in him as he met Frevisse’s look. “My deep apology for our deception, my lady.”

Momentarily ignoring him, Frevisse said accusingly at Joice, “You recognized him yesterday. You put your cloak around him not from pity but because you knew him!”

“Of course I knew him!” Joice said angrily. “I should have let him freeze!”

“Joice,” he tried again.

“It might be best,” Sister Thomasine said gently from beside the altar steps, “if you went on seeming mad awhile. Things being as they are,” she added hesitantly, looking from one to another of them as if to be certain she had it right.

Frevisse stared at her, blank-minded with surprise. Joice, frozen, stared, too; but Edmund, after a moment, collapsed back into a crumpled heap on the pallet behind him, gone useless again to all appearances except for the long look of understanding between him and Sister Thomasine.

Half disbelieving, Frevisse managed to say, “You know that he was never mad?”

“Oh.” Sister Thomasine pushed her hands a little farther up her sleeves and ducked her head shyly. “Yes. I knew.”

“From the very first?”

Sister Thomasine ducked her head lower. “Yes,” she said softly.

“And you let us think he was? Let us think you’d made a miracle?”

“I knew you’d find out it wasn’t a miracle,” Sister Thomasine said in almost a whisper. “It was just it seemed he’d be safer if everyone thought he’d been mad and that he’d been cured for a while.”

“But you know he wasn’t, that he hadn’t been,” Frevisse insisted. “How did you know he wasn’t?”

Sister Thomasine turtled back into her wimple as if she would have altogether disappeared if possible. “It was just…” She hesitated, then said with surprising firmness, considering she was still whispering, “It was just he didn’t

He had
not felt

Frevisse had been worrying at the back of her mind over Sister Thomasine’s hurt when she found she had worked no miracle. Apparently it was not Sister Thomasine she needed to worry over, and she was distractedly trying not to follow the implications of that as Edmund said warmly, “She was protecting me.”

protecting!” Joice said. “What did you think you were doing, coming here like this?”

That told Frevisse they had not had much time for talk before she came, and Edmund’s edged answer said some of that time had been spent in Joice being angry at him.

“I told you. I was trying to find out how it was with you. Word had gone to your father of what had happened before someone came to your uncle with rumor of where you were, and then it seemed well for me to find out if you needed help sooner than the sheriff could be here.”

“Oh, yes,” Joice said scornfully. “How great a help did you think you’d be, drooling and filthy and stinking?”

“I didn’t drool. And the filth and stench were to keep people at bay.”

“It did do that,” Joliffe agreed from the corner of the choir stalls behind Frevisse.

Frevisse startled around as Joice exclaimed in alarm and Edmund jerked up to his knees, a hand going to his waist for a dagger he was not wearing. Only Sister Thomasine looked toward Joliffe with no particular alarm, and he gave her a small bow before he strolled toward the rest of them, making a general bow and saying to Edmund, “You did the madman very well. You fooled me along with the rest.”

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