The Prize (22 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: The Prize
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I didn’t want to relocate and have to explain my eye. Maybe I could hide out somewhere
for a few weeks first before reaching my destination.

Parker met my gaze in the mirror. “Does it hurt badly?”

“No. It looks worse than it feels.”

“I’ll give you a few minutes. You want anything to eat or maybe a glass of wine now?”

“No. Thanks. Just let me brush my teeth and wash my face, and then I want to sleep.”

“Okay. I’ll be back.” He slipped out the door, giving me a few minutes alone. I was
grateful. After taking care of the necessities, I stared at myself in the mirror again.

I looked awful. I didn’t recognize the woman staring back at me. She was beaten and
bruised. And who was she really?

For fifteen years I had been in hiding, living a sort of double life. There was the
outgoing, friendly, always-smiling woman who had close friends and coworkers. And
then there was the scared, mousy, ten-year-old girl who climbed under the covers at
night and prayed for a dream-free sleep.

Who was the submissive? I didn’t know her. Was she a result of a childhood trauma?
Or a means of escaping reality? She frightened me a little. I wasn’t sure what to
make of her. Perhaps I used her to hide. All I knew was I needed to leave her behind.

It would be too easy to fall under Parker’s spell and let him control my every move
so I didn’t have to think for myself or worry about my own safety. But I was a grown
woman with enormous issues. I needed to speak to Dr. Frost. And then I needed to find

I glanced down at the spot where I clenched the towel around me tightly. What I rarely
admitted out loud was that I was scared. I was scared of who I was and who I would
become. I knew Parker was on the other side of that door more than willing to wipe
my fears away. I knew too that allowing him to do so was weak and cruel. He would
burrow further under my skin, and I would leave him.

But I was exhausted. No way in hell would sleep suck me under with a simple snap of
the fingers. If I wanted a truly good night’s sleep, I would easily find it at the
tail end of a scene.

I blinked at myself. He would be pissed when I left.

No, he would be hurt. Disappointed.

But I was tired and selfish. And I would let him control me one last time.

Before I could change my mind, I turned and stepped out of the bathroom and into the
dim light of the bedroom. The simply act of putting one foot over the threshold helped
put me into the frame of mind I needed to submit. I lowered my gaze as I padded forward.

“Meagan?” he said from the bed.


Chapter Twenty-Six

Parker’s sharp intake of breath made me flinch. “Are you sure? You’ve been through
a lot today.”

“I’m sure. I need to escape.” That wasn’t a lie.

“Come here.”

I stepped in front of him.

He set his hand over mine where I gripped the towel closed. “Let go of the towel,

My fingers hurt as I uncurled them. How long had I been holding them so tightly?

“Lower to your knees. Hands behind your back.”

I shivered a bit in the cooler room temperature as I did as instructed, keeping my
face toward the carpet.

“Shoulders back. I like it when your nipples are high and tight.” He stood and circled
behind me. His hand trailed down my back. “I love how smooth your skin is. You’re
a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Spread your knees wider. Center yourself in the role.”

I inched them out, becoming more aware of my pussy and the moisture gathering between
my thighs.

The sound of a zipper lowering made me nearly moan with the anticipation of seeing
and touching his cock. I loved that part of his body so very much.

When he slid back onto his spot on the bed, perched on the edge, gloriously naked,
I swallowed. His length bobbed in front of him. He took it in his hand and eased his
palm up from the base to the tip.

I licked my lips as I watched the precome oozing from the small slit. I needed to
taste him. Wrap my lips around him and suck him deep. It would calm me.

Parker set one hand at the base of my skull and nudged me forward while he guided
his cock to my lips with his other hand. He teased my mouth, stroking across first
the bottom lip and then the top.

I opened wider, but he wasn’t influenced by my desires.

Parker was in control of this game. Not me.

When I ran my tongue across my bottom lip, he moaned.

“Suck me into your mouth, hon. As deep as you can. Slowly…” He carefully avoided touching
the rest of my face. My lips weren’t injured, but it would sting if he stroked my
cheeks or around my eye.

I did as instructed, eager to please him and myself at the same time.

“Good girl. God that feels so good. Just the right pressure. I love how well you suck
my cock.”

Saliva gathered in my mouth, and I swallowed, squeezing his cock tighter. I ran my
tongue along the underside of his length, enjoying the smooth, firm texture. The heady
scent of him filled my nose. Clean. Whatever soap he’d used combined with his own
personal scent. I drew in lungsful of him, memorizing his smell to store it for later.

“That feels so good, hon…” He eased the pressure on the back of my head and drew out
several inches before plunging back in.

I moaned around his girth, sucking him deeper.

The next time he pulled most of the way out, I swirled my tongue around the head,
tasting him thoroughly. Salty. Tangy. Spicy. Distinct. I memorized that taste to go
with the scent, tucking both sensations in the corner of my brain to pull out later.

Each time Parker thrust in and out of my mouth, I eased into a deeper level of submission.
Sub space he called it. I breathed slow and easy. When he increased his pace, I sucked
harder, tonguing him along the bottom with as much pressure as I could.

“I’m going to come, Meagan. Swallow me. Don’t let any leak out.”

I tightened my lips, wanting nothing more than to drain his cock. It made me feel
powerful to know I affected him that way.

He thrust one last time, deeper than before, and held himself steady against the back
of my throat. His hand tightened at the base of my skull.

I swallowed as spurts of his semen met my throat, loving the taste of his come.

When he was spent, he withdrew.

My lips were wet and swollen. I licked them, still tasting his salty flavor on my

“That’s so sexy.” He tipped my head back to meet my gaze. “Did I hurt your face?”
His eyes were narrowed with concern.

“No, Sir.” I hadn’t noticed the swelling of my eye or the bruising on my jaw a single
moment. The events of earlier in the day had been tamped down indefinitely while I
subbed for this beautiful man.

“Good.” He leaned forward to kiss my eyelids gently while he stroked my cheeks with
the pads of his thumbs. When he eased his hands down to cup my breasts, I thrust them
out toward him farther. He smiled. “That’s a girl. Did you enjoy making me come?”

“Yes, Sir.” I squeezed my pussy tightly at the reminder.

“Are you wet for me, hon?”

“Yes, Sir.” Moisture trickled out of me to run down my thigh.

“Good. I want you to climb onto the bed on all fours, ass facing me.”

My legs shook as I lifted to standing and then released my hands from behind my back
to crawl onto the mattress. No matter how many times I submitted to him, I found it
disconcerting to expose my ass to his view.

He set his palms on my cheeks and massaged them, squeezing and pulling them apart.
Each time the air hit my tight hole, I held my breath. Would he penetrate me there

“Lower to your elbows, Meagan. Your arms are shaking.”

I eased onto my forearms, which gave me more stability while causing my anxiety over
my exposed ass to rise.

“Spread your knees wider, hon.”

I inched them outward.

He palmed my butt cheeks again. “I’m going to spank you now. I’ve done it before.
You know how it feels. There’s no reason to be nervous, right?”

“Right, Sir.”

“Safe word?”

“Red, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He kept one hand on my lower back and swatted me with the other too close
to the juncture between my thighs.

I screamed out his name. “
.” I had no idea I was that close to coming.

“That’s a girl. I know you’re close. Don’t come without permission.” He rubbed the
spot on my ass that now stung. My pussy pleaded for attention it wouldn’t get until
he was ready.

A second spank landed higher on one cheek, making me moan but not pushing me quite
as close to the edge as the first. Another on the other cheek caused me to sway forward.

“That’s it. Let yourself relax into the role. You’ll feel so much better after. Let
the stress float away. Give yourself over to me instead. Let me control you.”

I moaned softly, lowering my forehead to rest on my fingers. His words soothed.

Something cool and wet hit my butt crack and ran down toward my tight hole.

I stiffened.

“Relax. It’s just lube.” His fingers spread the slick substance around and around
my hole. When he tapped the puckered entrance, I held still, gritting my teeth and
willing myself to let him breach me there.

“I’ll go slow. It won’t hurt. I promise. Just relax and feel my fingers penetrating
you where no man ever has. Let this tight hole be mine.”

I didn’t move a muscle, mesmerized by his words and the gentle tone he used to deliver

He pressed on the tight ring of muscles, his finger slick with lube. “Relax. Let me
slide in. Concentrate on submitting to me.”

I panted, wanting desperately to please him and enjoy this sensation at the same time.
Lots of women liked to have something inside their asses. I might be one. I wouldn’t
know if I didn’t try.

When the tip of his finger breached my hole, I flinched. He held me steady with his
other hand on my lower back. “So tight.” He inched inside me and pulled back out almost
imperceptibly, taking his time.

I acclimated to the sensation, trying to concentrate on the unfamiliar feel of having
someone penetrate me there. Again and again he fucked me with his finger while I succumbed
to the feeling. It was strange at first, but then it grew into something more. Something

He added a second finger, stretching me wider. I held my breath, not wanting to stop
him and disappoint him. As he thrust the two fingers, I found myself enjoying the
feeling more by the second. It was forbidden and gloriously sexy.

I was his. At least for the night.

When his fingers disappeared, I whimpered.

He chuckled. “Liked that, did you? Just hang on. I’m going to push a plug in so you
can experience the sensation of having both holes filled.”

I stiffened again. A plug… Lord.

But the slippery plug was no wider than his two fingers, and I rocked backward into
the rubber phallus as he pressed it into me. When it popped into place, leaving something
protruding outside my ass, I exhaled long and slow.

“How does that feel?”


“You’ll get used to it. You’ll love the feel of having me inside your pussy rubbing
against the plug. Trust me.”

I kept rocking, needing more contact. The object inside me amped up my arousal until
my clit throbbed and my pussy pulsed. “Please…”

“That’s what I like to hear. It won’t change anything, but a polite submissive makes
me hard.”

I pursed my lips to keep from begging. My body was on fire. I needed more contact.

Parker smoothed his hands down my thighs and then back up to my ass. When he removed
one and swatted my cheek again, I was shocked. I hadn’t expected the sudden sting
of his palm. He landed a barrage of spanks to both cheeks until they were heated and

“That’s a good girl. I love the way you rock into my touch. The noises escaping your
mouth tell me you’re aroused. Are you, Meagan? If I touch your sweet pussy, will I
find you wet?”

“Yes, Sir.” My voice was faint.

“Good. That’s the idea. Concentrate on the need. Let me control it.”

I was so far under his thumb there was no way I could deny him anything. He had my
complete attention and total submission. I shook away the concern about what that
meant about me. I would ponder it later. For tonight, I wanted to feel alive. And
Parker Darwin accomplished that in spades.

“Flip onto your back, hon.” He stepped back a pace, releasing me while I did his bidding.

I was glad for the change. It was growing difficult to hold myself up. My ass was
close to the side of the bed, and I started to scoot back, but he held up a hand.

“Stay there. Spread your legs. Hold your thighs open.” His gaze stayed on my pussy
while I followed his instructions. When his fingers landed on my outer lips to glance
over them almost imperceptibly, I nearly bucked off the bed. The only thing stopping
me was the lack of traction. My feet weren’t touching.

A smile spread across his lips. “You shaved…”

“Yes, Sir.” I had done that for me, not him. Right? I wanted to know how it felt.
It had nothing to do with his comment weeks ago about preferring a shaved pussy…

“I love it. I also liked the landing strip. Both are sexy on you.” He danced his finger
upward until he stroked over the newly bared skin. “So soft.” He pushed gently, drawing
the hood up away from my clit. “You’re so swollen and pink. I bet you’re crazy with
the need to be touched.”

I bit my lower lip.

He pressed harder, using two fingers, trapping the base of my clit and pinching under
the surface.

I tipped my head back and moaned toward the ceiling, letting my eyes flutter shut.
One was nearly closed anyway. In my mind I willed him to touch me. I needed to come
worse than ever.

Instead, he released my clit and trailed down to tease my lower lips again. Using
both hands, he pulled them apart and leaned forward to blow gently on my exposed wetness.

I groaned louder. My legs shook where I held them.

“So fucking sexy. You’re an excellent submissive. I love how quickly you’ve learned
to obey my words. You know the reward is incredible.”

I did. And it wasn’t hard to follow his commands. I couldn’t stop myself. I was drawn
to do so.

“Picture my fingers thrusting into your warmth…”

I sucked in a sharp breath.

“Good girl. Imagine my mouth on your clit, suckling the tight nub and then flicking
my tongue over the distended tip.”

Oh. My. God.

I was so horny. I thought I might combust. I held my legs open wider. Would that please

“Think of the sharp pain that occurs when I clamp your nipples…”

I bucked my chest at those words. My nipples jumped to attention, puckering further.

“Oh yeah. That’s so sexy, hon. So fucking hot.” He blew across one nipple and then
the other, making them stand at attention. My breasts felt swollen. Tight.
Please… Please fuck me…

“Would you like it if I clamped your clit too?”

I flinched, my pussy defying logic and pulsing. Why would I want him to clamp my swollen
clit? How was that making me hornier?

“I see my little sub finds that sexy too. You’re amazing.” He pulled my lower lips
apart again with his thumbs and used his pointers to stretch my hood off my clit.
“So wet. So much arousal.”

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