The Promise (44 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

BOOK: The Promise
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He begins moving slowly upwards until he finds my clit, engulfing me with his lips, adding just the right amount of pressure and suction to make my knees buckle.

me fall back on the bed gently, one leg still bent over his shoulder, he raises himself slowly and climbs across the bed, pushing his underwear off while holding me there, never once breaking our eye contact.

He lifts me
, climbing up the bed with me, and once I’m settled, I can feel his tip teasing my entrance. He spreads my legs wider, keeping one hooked over his shoulder. “Feel you,” he murmurs against my lips, slowly pushing into me as deep as I can handle him, causing me to gasp as he slowly claims ownership over my body. “I want all of you, Baby,” he whispers, which makes me whimper into his mouth.

He swallows my sounds with his own hungry
groans as he begins to move his body within my own. He slips his hands beneath me and grips onto my shoulders, pushing into me with more force. Sucking his way down my neck until he reaches my nipple, he takes it captive in his mouth, brushing his teeth over the sensitive peak which causes tears to fall slowly down into my hairline.

His hands release my shoulders as he continues to push into me
, gripping my braid tightly as he pulls my gaze to his. His mouth meets mine with pure desperation and I attack his mouth with the same force he’s bringing me.

Keeping one hand entwined in the hair at the nape of his neck, I bring the other one to his back and dig my nails into him
, causing a hiss of pleasure to escape. “Sophie,” he breathes. The way he says my name has me opening my eyes lazily to find him gazing down at me hungrily as he increases his pace, pushing into me more furiously this time. “God, Baby I want you so bad.” He whispers desperately.

Releasing my leg from his shoulder, he moves it
and wraps it snugly around his waist. I hook my ankles together around him while sinking my nails deeper into his shoulders. He slips his arms back up behind me, suddenly lifting us both upright so his legs are folded under us and I’m straddling him. He thrusts into me mercilessly, controlling my movements with his tight grip on my hips. I’ve never felt him so deep before and he’s pushing into me with such a force, I can’t stop the loud cry of pleasure that escapes my mouth before he presses his lips to mine again.

“Fuck!” I cry out and he kisses me hard as he holds his pace.

“Shh, I know, Sweetheart,” he whispers against my lips before consuming them again. “You feel so fucking good, Baby. Can you feel what you’re doing to me?” He grinds out while plunging harder, causing my entire body to shake with desperation for its release.

My insides are quivering a
s I feel myself beginning to pulse around his thick cock. He pulls his lips away from mine and looks up at me, holding my gaze as he continues crashing into me with such a delicious force.

, please!” I whimper and he moves one hand from my hip, slipping his thumb over my clit and massaging me gently, which ultimately sends me over the edge.

, Baby. Give it all to me,” he whispers against my mouth as he watches me coming apart around him. I meet him thrust for thrust, and the groan that escapes him is loud and primal as I feel him beginning to throb within me.

“I’m yours
, Chase!” I yelp, throwing my head back as I fall into the abyss, feeling as he comes deep inside of me. He finishes us off with a few final thrusts and as he raises my head to face him, he leaves a trail of slow, soft kisses up the base of my throat until he finds my lips. He sucks my lower lip into his mouth gently while keeping himself tucked deep inside me.

He pulls his lips away from mine slowly and holds my silent gaze, brushing the hair from my eyes sweetly before his
eyes return to mine.

“I love you, Sophie,” he whispers softly. His gorgeous blue eyes are still looking into mine a
s I place my lips softly on his, entwining my fingers into the blonde hair at the base of his neck again.

“I love you, Chase,” I whisper against his lips
. He pushes his mouth harder against mine while releasing another deep groan, falling back onto the bed with me still wrapped firmly around him. Already hardening again inside me, he places his hand on my hip and begins to slowly move inside me. As he pulls his mouth away from mine to look into my eyes, the moisture in them matches my own.

“Say it again,” he whispers and I smile up at him, never breaking our eye contact.

“I love you, Chase,” I say quietly, stroking the side of his face affectionately. The corners of his mouth quirk up before he bites down on his lip, gradually increasing his speed.

“Again,” he mouths and I comply breathlessly. It only takes five more “I love you’s” before we’re both gone.




I wake up tangled in
a mess of covers while Chase dresses quietly for work. I lay silently, watching him as he slips on his jeans before he noticeably appears to feel my eyes on him. He turns and smiles at me softly, leaning across to my side of the bed so he can kiss me gently on the lips.

“Good morning, Baby,” he whispers. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

“Hmm,” I hum against his lips, feeling his curling up as he climbs in beside me. “I’m not. I would’ve been bummed if I hadn’t have gotten the chance to see you before you left for work.”

He rolls us over
until I’m lying across his chest and I look down into his eyes. He’s already showered and has begun putting on his work clothes. He smells delicious. I know that he’ll be leaving any minute, and the thought of not being with him for the next few hours isn’t a pleasant one to say the least.

I let out a ridiculously long yawn
, feeling him chuckling beneath me as I hide my face in his still beautifully bare chest. Raise my eyes so I can look at him again, he pushes the hair away from my face and lets out a sigh.

ettling my cheek on his chest, I hug him closer to me while he strokes small circles along the small of my back. He begins to hum an unknown melody softly into my hair, placing gentle kisses onto the top of my head. When I feel my eyes beginning to get heavy again, I meet his to see them staring down at me and kiss him gently on the lips.

“You’re putting me to sleep,” I whisper
before returning my head to rest back on his chest. He laughs softly below me but doesn’t stop his ministrations. Within seconds, I doze off again and sleep soundly until I hear his voice in my ear a few minutes later.

“Sophie,” he whispers. “Wake up,

“No,” I say quietly,
which makes him laugh.

“I’m sorry, Baby,” he says, kissing the top of my head and hugging me tightly into his chest. “I wish I didn’t have to work today
. I’d much rather spend the day with you.”

“Tell Drake you’re sick,” I bargain a
s I hold him tighter.

“He looks perfectly fine to me,” I hear Drake say from
somewhere behind me. I raise my head to find him waiting in the doorway with a huge smirk spreading over his face. I’m so grateful I’d thrown on Chase’s shirt before falling asleep last night. “Sorry, your door was open and I thought you were both up. I’m ready when you are, man. Have a good day, Sophie,” he says before quietly pulling the door shut behind him on his way back out.

I sit up
and free Chase so he can finish getting ready. I lay myself back down and watch him pulling his shirt over his head before throwing on his boots. He picks up his keys, phone, and wallet from the nightstand before placing them in his pockets.

“Okay, Baby
, I have to go,” he says as he turns back to face me. He leans over the bed, giving me a gentle kiss. “I’ll see you tonight. Do you have your key?” I nod up at him. We decided that I’d bring JT over to his place this afternoon while he’s at work, so I can get him settled in before he gets home. Even though we’re not planning on making our stay there permanent, I think having some alone time with him there might make the transition a little easier. “Okay, drive safe and let me know when you make it home.”

He r
uns his hand under my shirt, resting it gently against my bare hip while placing soft kisses against my cheeks, neck, and lips. “I love you, Baby,” he whispers against my mouth.

“I love you too,” I tell him, smiling at the growl of pleasure the words br
ing out of him. He places a final, chaste kiss against my lips before leaving, with the both of us left beaming. 




Once JT woke up, Ana and I took him to breakfast at one of the local spots before we decided to head back to Rockport.

The drive is pleasant and
seeing as though we haven’t spent much time together these past couple of weeks, we sorely realize how much we need to talk and catch up with each other. I expected her to be surprised about JT and I staying with Chase for the week, but instead, she just grins at me and squeezes my hand in hers.

“I’m so happy to see you happy again, Soph,” she says.

“Yeah, me too,” I admit and smile to myself as I think of Chase. “How are things going with you and Drake?” The goofy look washing over her face says it all and makes me laugh. “Wow! That good, huh?”

“If I didn’t know the feeling was mutual, I’d be ashamed with how obsessed I am with him, Sophie,” she says
while letting out a light laugh, but I know she’s being serious. “You know,” she starts as she shakes her head in disbelief while appearing to be smiling to herself. “It’s funny how life works out sometimes.”

“What do you mean?”

“All that stuff I went through with Maverick back in Camden, I never thought I’d be normal again, you know?” I nod and she goes on. “He did such a number on me that you really can’t imagine the crap he put me through emotionally. I’ll always care for him because he was there for me after we lost Jack, but he was such a …” she glances back to see that JT is listening intently. “He was such a jerk for the rest of our relationship but I didn’t even see it at the time because I loved him, you know?” I nod again. “I thought I’d never get over what he did to me.”

“But then you met Drake,” I say and watch as the smile begins to creep across her face once more.

“Yep,” she agrees, “and none of that crap with Maverick even matters anymore. I thought seeing him again would be weird, but after the initial shock, I just didn’t care at all.”

“Did you see that pitiful look on his face when Drake told him that he was your boyfriend?” We both laugh out loud at the memory.

“That’ll teach him to cheat on me with Natalie Pierce,” she jokes and we find ourselves to be laughing for the rest of our way home.




Since I won’t be seeing her at the bar all week like I usually do, Ana and I agree to hang out together on her next day off. After helping me pack up a few things to take with us, we have lunch together before she leaves for work.

We got to Chase’s house just before four and got ourselves settled in before I started to cook our supper. JT played with his cars on the kitchen floor, making the table into a ‘garage’.

I’ve just told JT to wash up for supper as Chase walks into the kitchen. I turn around so I can apologize for the mess, but am pleasantly surprised when he raises me up into his arms and pushes me against the counter, kissing me deeply. We’re both breathless as he pulls away, before he buries his face into my hair.

“God, I missed you so much today,” he whispers, almost to himself as he smiles down at me. “Hey, Baby.”

“Hey,” I manage.

“Hey!” JT says energetically as he walks around the corner as I slide down Chase’s front. I walk over to grab JT’s plate and sit it at the table for him while he finishes picking up his toys.

“Hey little man,” Chase greets him happily as he empties his pockets onto the bar. He asks JT about his day while I get him seated, pour our drinks and make us each a plate before we sit down at the table together.

Chase and I talk about our day as he helps me clean up in the kitchen, while JT calls Lucy. They then watch TV in the living room after we’re done, while I finish getting his room ready for him. Once he’s had a bath, I put him to bed for the night. Chase and I watch a movie, shower together and then he carries me to his bed before making sweet love to me.

As I’m drifting off to sleep in his arms, I try to remember the last time I was this happy.

But I can’t.




Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve slipped into an easy, but perfect routine. On Ana’s days off during the week, JT and I spent the days with her swimming
back at the apartment. Other than our visits, we only returned to grab the odds and ends we needed here and there. Things have been going so great with us staying over at Chase’s house, that he asked us to try staying for another week and we’ve simply never left.

A couple of days in
though, I mentioned my fear of wearing out our welcome, but Chase quickly put my insecurities to rest.

“Baby, I don’t ever want to hear you say that again,” he
told me. “My home is your home and you’re exactly where I want you to be. The only reason you need to go anywhere is if that’s what you want to do.”

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