The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (113 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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Because I love you, Avery, and I always will. No matter what happens between the two of us, you will always be the one who taught me what true love looks like. I won

t ever want anyone else the way I want you.


m so overwhelmed by all things Grayson, I feel like I might burst. I grab his face and kiss him. Honestly, at this point, I can hardly believe we spent almost a whole week fighting. Right now, all I care about is
moment and the way he makes my stomach do somersaults like there

s no tomorrow.

I love you, too,

I murmur, pulling away from him just enough to be able to speak.

So much.

I kiss him again.

But I

m not getting your name tattooed on my body.

He chuckles as I kiss him again, loving the sound that rumbles from his chest.

I do feel really honored knowing that you

ve branded yourself as mine, though.


he whispers before pressing his mouth to mine, once more. He kisses me gently but intentionally, and yet I can tell he

s holding back and being careful. I grant him permission to freely shower me with his affection simply by opening my mouth and running my tongue along his bottom lip. He moans as he pulls me closer and kisses me deeper. My heart beats faster at the sound. I love that I have that effect on him. It

s only fair

he makes me feel that and so much more.

I feel his growing desire beneath me and my body responds in kind. I understand his want for me, because I feel it, too. We

re not ready, though

especially after everything he just shared, I know neither of us is ready. Even still, I feel like I
to be closer to him. As if he can read my mind, his hands start to wander. Tentatively at first; but when I don

t stop him he becomes more confident. I don

t panic or worry that this time will be like before

I trust him; furthermore, I want
to know that I trust him. We don

t stop until we

ve managed to leave each other gasping for air. When he pulls away, I know he

s reached the brink of his self-control. I

m thankful for his will power, because I think I lost mine a few minutes ago.

While we take a break, he reclines back onto his bed and brings me with him. He turns me around, so that my back is to his front, and I close my eyes as I enjoy the warmth of his embrace.

I missed you,

he says softly into my ear.

I missed

A comfortable silence over takes us before he succumbs to sleep; it

s not long before the lullaby of his breathing beckons me to join him.





Hey, stranger! 1-10?



m surprisingly relieved to receive her text. I

ve been back into town for two days now; while I thought getting my interviews over with would make me less stressed out, I

m more freaked now than ever. Considering the schools that had no interest in me, I can

t help but think that getting into Stanford is a long shot

even with my good interview. Baylor seemed like my best bet, until I totally bombed my interview there. Now, I have less confidence in my chances of going to med school next year than I

ve ever had in my life. And to add insult to injury, my traveling has put me behind in my school work.

One more day until the weekend. Just one more day

not that I won

t have to do some major studying on Saturday, but I

ve got the Bronco game with Gray on Sunday to look forward to.


3. You?


but I could totally go for a pumpkin spice latte. LB with LG?

LB with LG and HW?

Haha. Yes, of course, oh-wise-one. 20 min?

On my way.



m quick to gather my things and shove them into my messenger bag before grabbing a jacket and throwing on a beanie. It

s getting pretty cold in the evenings and with the end of October only a week away, I expect we

ll be getting snow any time now. It

s already been snowing in the mountains, which makes for the perfect snowcapped view. For a second, I stop to think how it

s a view that I might be enjoying a whole lot longer than I originally anticipated. Silver lining?
Seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

When I arrive at Little Bird, I

m quick to notice that I

ve beat Logan

which is unusual. I try and pick an available table that she would approve of and settle in. I

m lost in scientific text when a coffee is set in front of me. I look up and am greeted by my smiling blonde companion. Her hair is twisted up into a bun and she

s bundled up in a long-sleeved shirt with a pink puffy vest.

Pumpkin spice,

she says in greeting, nodding toward my cup.

It makes everything better, I assure you.

She winks at me before taking a sip of her own coffee.


I push aside my work for a second and sit back in my chair as I try my drink. It tastes like fall and I appreciate the warmth it provides with every sip I ingest.

So, tell me about this lame three.

I draw in a deep breath and then shrug.


s just been a long week. I

m stressed out about waiting to hear back from my schools. Honestly, as much as I don

t want to admit it, I

m beginning to think I had no right to be as confident in my ability to get in as I

ve always been.


she scoffs.

Take it back. You

re brilliant and everyone knows it.

A smirk tugs at my lips.

I appreciate your vote of confidence, but I don

t know.


ve got two schools interested in you, right?


So, all hope is not lost. Stop being so depressing.

I can

t help but laugh, which feels pretty good.


ll try.

How long until you know whether or not you

ve been accepted?

Anytime between now and the end of the semester. Unless I get put on a waiting list.


she hums as she props her elbow on top of the table and rests her chin in the palm of her hand. She studies me for a minute. When she doesn

t say anything, I lift an eyebrow at her to express my curiosity as to what she might be thinking.


I ask when I can no longer stand her silent scrutiny.

Hold on, I

m formulating a plan.

She lifts a finger at me before she reaches for her phone. I watch as she looks for something and anxiously wait for her to finally tell me what

s going on.

November fourteenth. That

s three weekends from now, so no one should have plans. CSU doesn

t have a game that weekend, so it

s perfect.


s perfect?


re getting you out of town. You need a little
. Everyone can come. Trips are more fun when all your friends are there, and we have plenty of room.

Wait, slow down,

I insist, leaning my elbows against the table.

A trip? A trip where?

She grins at me as if she

s just won something.

Steamboat Springs. My parents own a house up there. I

ll just tell them that I want to use it that weekend.

And they

d be alright with a whole bunch of us heading up there?

Yes, of course. We won

t have to worry about a thing. The second I give my mom a headcount, she

ll be making a grocery list to fill the fridge before we even get there.

Wow, really?

I ask again, still taken aback by her lavish offer.

Yes, really,

she says with a giggle.

Send a mass text and let me know who

s coming. I

ll invite Daph, Trevor, and Roman. We can leave Friday afternoon after everyone

s last class and come back Sunday evening.

Logan, this is very generous of you.

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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