The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1) (79 page)

BOOK: The Promises We Keep (Made for Love Book 1)
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I don

t know if you

ve noticed, but
are getting stronger,

says Roman as I gather my things.

I smile up at him before I stand to my feet, tucking my yoga mat underneath my arm.

You think so?

so. It

s all in your technique.

Well, I

ve had a pretty good teacher,

I say with a shrug.

And yet, you

re dropping out on me,

he teases, placing one hand over his heart as if he

s been wounded.

I laugh, turning to tap him with the end of my cushy mat.

Stop it. You

ll see me every Saturday.


Barring any weekend trips home,


m holding you to that.

He points a demanding finger at me as he knits his eyebrows together.

Fine by me.

I scoop up my purse and throw it over my shoulder as he walks me to the door.

So, are you coming tonight?

Today is Grayson

s birthday. Later on, a bunch of us plan on taking over the pub. I say
taking over
because Avery has done her best to invite as many people as possible. Our little group, plus friends from church,
guys from the football team.
Eric and Henry are going to lose their minds! If Marla

s working, though, she

ll love it. I know it

s going to be so much fun.

s church has an extra service on Saturday nights that he usually attends, but I

m hoping that won

t deter him from coming out.

Yeah, I

ll stop by.

I smile, pleased with his confirmation.

Church gets out around eight, so I should be there shortly after. Besides, if I don

t, I

ll have to deal with the wrath of Avery. Daphne tells me she

s been planning this for weeks.


re right,

I reply with a grin.

She wants it to be really special. Your presence will definitely be appreciated.

Then I will
be there. What are you up to now? Want to grab breakfast?


d love to, but I can

t. I

ve got to help Ave do a few last minute things. Raincheck?

You bet. I

ll see you tonight, then.

He extends his arm out, welcoming me in for a hug.


I reply, giving him a squeeze.

Be there or be square.

As I pull away from him, I hear my phone alert me to a text. I roll my eyes, knowing right away who it is.


ll be the party planner.

Get out of here,

he says with a laugh, shooing me off.


d like to see you in one piece, later.

I join him in his laughter, as I

m so apt to do, and wave my farewell before hurrying to my car. It

s definitely going to be a busy morning, but we

ve got all hands on deck. Claire got into town last night, and I

m sure Avery

s already got her hard at work. A smile still lingers on my lips as I imagine how this day will turn out. It

s going to be pretty epic. I hope Gray loves every minute of it.






m startled out of my sleep, as if my body knows that I should be awake by now. When I sit up, I

m surprised to see the magnitude of the sunshine that floods my room.
The sun shouldn

t be that high
. I twist around to catch the time on my alarm clock. 9:48
What the

? My thoughts are interrupted when I see a green envelop propped up against the lamp on my night stand. I reach for it, recognizing Avery

s handwriting scrolled across the front. She has lyrical script; every time I see it, I

m reminded of music.
How fitting, right?

The only thing written on the front is my name

my Avery given name
. I open it without delay, curious as to what my girl is up to. Inside is a birthday card. When I flip it open, I see that it

s blank, aside from the note she

s written.


A smile tugs at my lips as I prop the card up next to my clock. I still have no idea what my day will consist of, but I can tell already that it

s going to be full of surprises. While there is a part of me that wants to treat this day like it

s nothing special, I know that it means a lot to Avery to show me love today. I throw aside my sheets and climb out of bed, determined to see what these
breakfast plans

Oh, good, you

re up,

says Jackson by way of greeting. He

s already dressed, sitting on the couch watching ESPN.

Beck! He

s up!

he calls from where he

s sitting.

Beckham emerges from his room and offers me a smile.

Hey. Get showered. We

re taking you to breakfast.

You are?

Yup. Now hurry up, Big Red, I

m starving,

insists Jack with a smirk.

We were given strict instructions
to wake you. Little Red is very bossy when she wants to be.

I chuckle at his comment and his use of her new nickname. After spending some time with the guys on the team, they started referring to her as
Little Red
. I

m pretty sure it started because someone couldn

t remember her name

but it stuck, nevertheless.

I do as I

m told and hop in the shower really quick. I

m dressed in no time, tossing on a plain navy t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I tuck my feet into my canvas shoes, not bothering with the laces, before spending all of five minutes on my hair


ve gotten faster, thank God

and then I

m all set to go. I don

t ask questions, content to just go along for the ride. Our destination ends up being Morning Glory and I know before we walk in the door what I plan on ordering.

A few minutes after we

ve placed our orders, Jack hands me another green envelope. I tug my eyebrows together in question and when I don

t reach for it, he simply smiles, sliding the item across the table toward me. I open it and find another birthday card from Avery with another note inside. This one is shorter and far more cryptic.


Before I can ask Jack or Beck if they know what her message means, I receive my answer. As our waiter comes from the kitchen with my plate of sweet potato pancakes, he

s followed by a small crowd of singing colleagues. They

re singing happy birthday

to me
. There

s even a single lit candle in the middle of my breakfast. When I look at Beck, I can tell he

s biting back a laugh. Jack, on the other hand, is laughing so hard, he

s practically doubled over. I shake my head and read Avery

s note again.

t hate me

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