The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (13 page)

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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our return to the bedroom all was neat and tidy and not a feather
could be seen. The bed had been remade with fresh linen alongside of
fresh pillows. Ready for my first night as mate to three werewolves.
On the bed lay a long buckskin dress and I realised a huge mirror had
been brought in to the room. So that I might examine my reflection
once dressed.

tilted the mirror once they had finished preening me to their
satisfaction. I smiled as I turned this way and that. If I thought I
had changed earlier on then I was mistaken. The changes were now
immense. My hair had even grown. It now reached to my waist in glossy
curls and I tossed it this way and that over my shoulder admiring it.
I always wanted to grow my hair long. My skin was luminous. It glowed
in the soft light of the steam driven lamps and the glow of the

muscles were now in evidence, bigger than I remember them. No longer
would I need make-up as my eyelashes were now darker, longer and

full, bee- stung in appearance. I wondered could we bottle venom. It
would make a fortune as a beauty product back on Earth. I felt
amazing. Just then my babies reminded me of their presence, by
fluttering in my womb. As I placed my hand on my bump and stroked
where the fluttering had been my thoughts turned to Patros and Talos.
Feeling guilty for forgetting them so quickly and for so long.

stood behind me and enveloped me in her arms and whispered, “Why
the tears on such a happy occasion Alex?” as she gently wiped
them away.

hadn't even realised that I was crying until she mentioned my tears.

whispered back. “I miss my new home, the lair I shared with
Patros and Talos. I miss them so much. I love them Zarina. How can I
feel so strongly for so many men? I feel so conflicted. I'm having
Patros's babies. How could I do what I did last night and today?”

on our world it is not such an unusual thing to have more than one
mate. Although I admit I have never heard of anyone having four
before. Also the circumstances are very different. Believe it or not
this was prophesied over 200 years ago. I have grown up with this
prophecy. Foretelling that you would be mated to three werewolves and
a dragon rider. All that is happening is that the prophecy is now
coming true. It is your fate, and theirs. You are destined to be

want to see this prophecy Zarina. Aston promised to get me a copy to
read but I still haven't seen it. I want to understand what is
expected of me and what more I can expect.”

then the door opened and Aston, Leon and Zanda, stood transfixed on
the threshold. I knew I would have to wait to talk with Zarina later
as right now I had a feast to attend.

held out his hand, and I walked forward as they began to smile, and
heard their thoughts



popped in to
my head almost simultaneously. I couldn’t help but smile as I
had no clue who had said what. It had been strange having two voices
in my head. How would I cope with so many. I also wondered why I
couldn't hear Patros or Talos anymore.
Had my connection to
them been broken by mating with the werewolves?

mates all stepped to one side and as if at some sort of signal all
the girls began to leave. Bobbing a curtsy to me as they each left.
Zarina was the last to leave and hugged me tightly before she did.
Whispered in my ear “Sister, you look beautiful. Welcome to the
family, and our pack.”

mates once again stepped in to the doorway. Aston held out his hand
to me with the command “Come.”

time spoken in my head as well as out loud. I took the proffered hand
and we headed towards the dining hall, or so I thought. I slowed a
little as we approached the door I remember going through. I noticed
Aston shake his head.

in there my sweet one. That is our dining hall. We hold important
meeting in our main chamber. I will organise a proper tour of our
pack house once you have settled in and the feasting is over.”
We continued down the corridor and arrived at some imposing double
doors that creaked open as we approached.

cheering emanated from those gathered as we entered. The chamber was
about three times bigger than the dining hall. A multitude of lamps
adorned the ceiling. A magnificent banqueting table was situated
toward the back of the room. Chairs were set out either side. I was
led by Aston behind the table and taken to back and centre section
wirh my mates either side of me.

bade me to sit and everyone then took their places at his command as
Alpha leaving himself, Leon and Vanda standing. I took a little
notice of what they were wearing now, The outfits had brass buttons
which caught the light and shiny leather boots. They looked
magnificent as they stood there.

we introduce formally to our new Alpha female of the pack Alexandra
Hinchcliffe. I ask you all to raise your glasses in a toast to the
future as we now begin to embrace the prophecy given over 200 years
ago. Let the prophecy unfold.”

this everyone in the room stood, raised their glasses and roared out
“Alexandra Hinchcliffe. Let the prophecy unfold.”

their glasses in salute to me as they all joined in the toast.

mates sat and people appeared carrying trays of food and a hub bub of
conversation filled the room. I looked around the room observing the
people I now would call family, Aston holding my hand under the table
the comforting buzzing reaching out to me as he sent.

worry we don't expect you to remember every bodies names just yet. Or
their positions in the pack hierarchy. Plenty of time for you to get
to know the pack

am just finding this all so overwhelming. Once again my life has
altered and I myself have changed beyond measure

was falling outside and I could see the two orange moons I had first
witnessed here. Shining brightly through the large windows at the end
of the room. Casting their amber glow enhancing the ambiance of the
room. I formed a question in my mind about the lighting and Aston
replied out loud this time.

you have you heard how energy is provided here? It meets the majority
of our needs on our world. We have vast underground chambers across
Syros where we capture the energy from steam produced by the volcanic
activity across the planet. We have a network of underground rivers
that criss cross and these help toward this end. The equipment we use
is both functional and beautiful. Engineers supervise the facilities.
Once you are a little more settled we will organise a trip to the
closest one as it is situated close by. This provides for our
heating, lighting and industrial needs easily as the population of
our planet is much smaller than your Earth.

birth rate on our planet is very low as our females have problems
conceiving. Especially so in the ruling families that consists of the
Dragon Riders, Werewolves and Magicians. Even the Magicians with
their magic spells were unable to change this. We will talk of this
more in detail over time. You have much to learn Alex. I know you had
begun to learn about the history and lore of this planet. But that
was mainly appertaining to the dragons and their riders. Our history
too is rich and detailed. But tonight is a feast in our honour, and a
celebration of a new beginning in anticipation of the final part of
our mating ritual.”

yourself while you can for soon you will be a first time mother of
twins and we look forward with much anticipation to the triplets you
will bare us soon.”

turned from Aston at that to look in longing out of the window.

might my other mate be now. Patros where are you?
sighed deeply out loud. Aston squeezed my hand in response.

have to forget about the dragon rider Alex.

again I put to use my new found abilities to build a wall in my head
and shut out my mates. Each time this got easier and took less
thought. I needed some time to sort out my my feelings and understand
what was happening to me and work out what my next move would be. I
needed to understand more about the prophecy and my place in it.
Maybe it could give me some clues. Especially to the powers I could
expect to gain.

who was to my left offered me some food off a large platter. It
looked like a selection of meats. I willingly accepted, filling my
plate with a varied selection of who knew what? I needed to eat and
keep my strength up for the sake of my babies and to give me energy
for what lay ahead. The smell of the food made me hungrier than I
ever remember. As if he read my mind. Which I knew he couldn't at
this time, Aston reached over and touched my elbow to catch my

may notice your eyesight, reflexes, sense of smell and speed have
increased. It's a werewolf thing.”

raised his eyebrows as he said this and I could sense him trying to
push through the barrier I had built in my mind.

changes will follow but you are the first of your kind. I am not so
sure what extra senses you will get as you are also mated to a dragon
rider and they have their own innate abilities. The prophecy talks of
powers but doesn't specify what they could be. Only time will tell.
Is everything well with you? I can't read you in any way there is
some kind of barrier in the way.”

chewed slowly savouring my food as I pondered all this new
information. Wondering what I would become and when?

I sat there pondering I heard the first strains of music I had heard
whilst in the pack house. Voices and some kind of stringed
instrument. also a drumbeat with a melody that once again reminded me
of folk music from home I looked over and could see a group of
musicians and singers in the far corner. People had begun to move
across the room and began to dance to the strange hypnotic beat.

one my mates rose and I felt myself being pulled toward the dancers
by Leon. They took turns to dance with me swinging me around making
me feel quite dizzy. I was smiling broadly. Everyone laughing and
enjoying themselves. There was a lull in the room and Aston stepped
forward turning to the crowd.

will take our leave now as we have a mating ritual to complete. Come

we exited the room there was a huge roar of approval and cheering no
doubt encouragement from the crowd. I felt my cheeks glow as a blush
rose from my chest up over my face.

long we were all back in the bedroom and I held my breath a moment
then said out loud.

need to use the bathroom.”

turned and fled shutting the door and leaning back against it as I
tried to slow my breathing muttering to myself “How on earth do
you mate with three men? Let alone three huge, virile, horny

relieved myself. Washed my hands and splashed some cold water on my
face. Steeling myself as I stepped back in to the bedroom into the
company of my now naked mates. One look was all I needed in order to
see that they were all aroused and ready for action. Their eyes were
glowing. Their incisors and talons extended. Rather than have them
destroy my beautiful buckskin dress. As I had no doubt they would
strip me quickly using their talons. I mouthed to them.

moment please.” lifted my dress up and over my head smoothly
whilst shucking off my slippers.

one action was like a signal as they swiftly descended on my body.
Three pairs of lips and six hands touching, kissing, nipping,
everywhere at once. The mating had begun in earnest. Each time as I
was filled with their seed I felt the need to bite back. My incisors
lengthening, itching to sink into their flesh. Each of my mates now
receiving my venom in turn. I was alight, aflame, burning with desire
and need. I wanted all they could give and they didn't hold back.
After each had taken me individually their game plan changed.

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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