The Psy-Changeling Series, Books 6-10 (127 page)

BOOK: The Psy-Changeling Series, Books 6-10
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“Nalini Singh has penned another keeper . . . If you want a thrilling read with action, danger, passion, and drama, don’t miss Nalini Singh’s
Hostage to Pleasure
—Romance Junkies
“I continue to be amazed by Singh’s ability to draw the reader into the Psy-Changeling world.”
—Book Binge
“An intriguing world that’s sure to keep readers coming back for more.”
—Darque Reviews
“This series just continues to get better and more vibrant as it goes.”
—Night Owl Reviews
“I commend Nalini Singh for writing a completely unique and utterly mesmerizing series.”
—Simply Romance Reviews
Mine to Possess
“Singh has done it again.
Mine to Possess
grabs you and never lets you go. This may be the best book of an already outstanding series.”
—Fresh Fiction
“WOW! ‘Brilliant’ is the best description for
Mine to Possess
. . . It just doesn’t get better than the best!”
—ParaNormal Romance Reviews
“This book was fast paced and riveting. I can truthfully say that once you start reading it, you’ll find it impossible to put down!”
—Publishers Weekly
’s Beyond Her Book
“Ms. Singh’s world-building is as fascinating as the characters with whom she populates it.”
—The Eternal Night
“Nalini Singh has done it again . . . [A] must read!”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
(Recommended Read)
Caressed by Ice
“A sensual, dangerous adventure not to be missed.”
—Lora Leigh,
New York Times
bestselling author
“A compelling read with wonderfully developed characters and the strong world-building that has made Singh a star.”
—All About Romance
“With a truly inspired mix of passion and danger, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat. [It] will surely earn itself a place among your favorites.”
—Romance Reviews Today
Visions of Heat
“Breathtaking blend of passion, adventure, and the paranormal. I wished I lived in the world Singh has created. This is a keeper!”
—Gena Showalter,
New York Times
bestselling author
“This author just moved to the top of my auto-buy list.”
—All About Romance
“Brace yourselves because . . . [it] will set all your senses ablaze and leave your fingers singed with each turn of the page.
Visions of Heat
is that intense!”
—Romance Junkies
“I don’t think there is a single paranormal series as well planned, well written, and downright fantabulous as Ms. Singh’s Psy-Changeling series.”
—All About Romance
Slave to Sensation
“I LOVE this book! It’s a must read for all of my fans. Nalini Singh is a major new talent.”
—Christine Feehan,
New York Times
bestselling author
“An electrifying collision of logic and emotion . . . A volcanic start to a new series that’ll leave you craving for more.”
—Romance Junkies
“Make room for [
Slave to Sensation
] on your keeper shelf.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“A sensual romance set in an alternate reality America with just a bit of mystery to keep readers flipping pages.”
—Fresh Fiction
Berkley Titles by Nalini Singh
Psy-Changeling Series
Guild Hunter Series
(A Berkley Sensation eSpecial)
(with Maggie Shayne, Erin McCarthy, and Jean Johnson)
(with Lora Leigh, Erin McCarthy, and Linda Winstead Jones)
(with Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews, and Meljean Brook)
(with Angela Knight, Virginia Kantra, and Meljean Brook)
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To two wonderful friends in different corners of the world: Junko, who made sure I wasn’t lost in translation; and Cora, who has both courage and heart; with a special shout-out to Cian and Calisto from Roman and Julian
In alphabetical order by first name
Key: SD = SnowDancer wolves DR = DarkRiver leopards
Abel Riviere
SD soldier, father of Indigo and Evangeline
Andrew Kincaid
SD tracker, brother of Riley and Brenna
Anthony Kyriakus
Psy Councilor, father of Faith
Ashaya Aleine
Psy member of DR, former Council scientist, mated to Dorian
SD pup
SD juvenile
Brenna Kincaid
SD tech, mated to Judd, sister of Andrew and Riley
Devraj Santos
Director of the Shine Foundation, one of the Forgotten (Psy who dropped out of the PsyNet over a hundred years ago and intermarried with the changeling and human populations)
Dorian Christensen
DR sentinel, mated to Ashaya
SD soldier, mated to Yuki, father of Sakura
Evangeline (Evie) Riviere
SD, sister of Indigo
Faith NightStar
Psy member of DR, cardinal F-Psy (foreseer), mated to Vaughn, daughter of Anthony
Psy rebel
SD alpha
Henry Scott
Psy Councilor, husband of Shoshanna
Indigo Riviere
SD lieutenant, daughter of Abel and Tarah, sister of Evangeline
SD juvenile
Judd Lauren
Psy member of SD, lieutenant, mated to Brenna, uncle of Sienna, Toby, and Marlee
Kaleb Krychek
Psy Councilor
SD healer
Lucas Hunter
DR alpha, mated to Sascha
SD, trainee nurse, assistant to Lara
SD lieutenant
Max Shannon
Human, Nikita’s security chief, married to Sophia
Mercy Smith
DR sentinel, mated to Riley
Ming LeBon
Psy Councilor
Nikita Duncan
Psy Councilor, mother of Sascha
SD lieutenant
Riley Kincaid
SD lieutenant, mated to Mercy, brother of Andrew and Brenna
Sascha Duncan
Psy member of DR, cardinal empath, mated to Lucas, daughter of Nikita
Shoshanna Scott
Psy Councilor, wife of Henry
Sienna Lauren
Psy member of SD, sister of Toby, niece of Judd and Walker
SD juvenile
Sophia Russo
J-Psy, works for Nikita, married to Max
SD, novice soldier
Tarah Riviere
SD, mother of Indigo and Evangeline
Tatiana Rika-Smythe
Psy Councilor
Rat alpha
Walker Lauren
Psy member of SD, father of Marlee, uncle of Sienna and Toby
Xavier Perez
Human priest
The Psy have
been pure, have been Silent for over a hundred years, their emotions conditioned out of them until a wall of ice separates them from the world. Passion and love, hate and sorrow are no longer things they know, except as weaknesses of the emotional human and changeling races.
But as winter thaws into spring in the year 2081, change is more than a whisper on the horizon. Too many powerful Psy have defected, too many are breaking conditioning, and too many fractures riddle the Net.
Some say it is inevitable that Silence will fall.
And some will kill to hold it.
Indigo wiped the
rain off her face, clearing it for a split second, if that. The torrential downpour continued with relentless fury, slamming ice-cold bullets against her skin and turning the night-dark of the forest impenetrable. Ducking her head, she spoke into the waterproof microphone attached to the sodden collar of her black T-shirt. “Do you have him in your sights?”
The voice that came back was deep, familiar, and, at that instant, lethally focused. “Northwest, half a mile. I’m coming your way.”
“Northwest, half a mile,” she repeated to ensure they were both on the same page. Changeling hearing was incredibly acute, but the rain was savage, drumming against her skull until even the high-tech receiver she’d tucked into her ear buzzed with noise.
“Indy, be careful. He’s functioning on the level of a feral wolf.”
Under normal circumstances, she’d have snarled at him for using that ridiculous nickname. Tonight, she was too worried. “That goes double for you. He hurt you in that first tangle.”
“It’s only a flesh wound. I’m going quiet now.”
Slicking back her hair, she took a deep breath of the watery air and began to stalk toward their prey. Her fellow hunter was right—a pincer maneuver was their best bet of taking Joshua down without damage. Indigo’s gut clenched, pain blooming in her heart. She didn’t want to have to hurt him. Neither did the tracker on the boy’s trail—the reason why the bigger, stronger wolf had been injured in the earlier clash.
But he’d have to if they couldn’t bring Joshua back from the edge; the boy was so lost in anguish and torment that he’d given in to his wolf. And the wolf, young and out of control, had taken those emotions and turned them into rage. Joshua was now a threat to the pack. But he was also their own. They’d bleed, they’d drown in this endless rain, but they would not execute him until they’d exhausted every other option.

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