The Punany Experience (21 page)

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Authors: Jessica Holter

BOOK: The Punany Experience
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“The Infidelity phase can be one of the most painful phases of VOYA, but it’s often the final phase, and when treated with the CO Solution, recovery is eminent. The CO Solution was actually created with antibodies from VOYA and spliced from one of its less common side effects, Covert Operations. Of all of the side effects that will or may occur during the Infidelity period, Covert Operations is the least harmful as it can bring clarity where there had been only speculation. The term ‘Seeing is believing’ is the national campaign slogan for the VOYA Recovery Project. Our program encourages patients to move their condition to the CO stage as early as possible to reduce infection time. It is important to note that CO should not be performed alone as it can worsen your condition causing Blind Rage—an onslaught of many or all of the other side effects combined. When performed with companionship,
CO can create a great support system. Bonding with lost friends and loved ones who are happy to assist you in your recovery as you spy together under the cover of night can be the first step to a happy life after VOYA.”

Dream Crow was laughing her ass off the entire time Blue was speaking. “Now you know you don’t have a damn bit of sense,” Dream Crow said. “You missed your calling. You should have been a comedienne.”

“You asked me if I miss my old life and I have to say, I got tired of seeing those children like that. I got tired of bandaging street-walkers from the Tenderloin. They were getting younger and younger every day. I don’t miss looking at all the ugly; ugly things can make your eyes hard. It’s probably why I’m half blind now.”

“You can say that again,” Dream Crow said, pushing her glasses up on her nose, thinking of the little girl she had brought in with needle marks all over her body.

“Remember your little friend. What did you call her?”


“Yes, Pillow,” Blue said. “She was a real pretty little girl under all of that makeup. We did what we could for her, you know.”

“I knew you would.”

“They didn’t know a lot about AIDS back then and there was hardly any money for medications, if you were poor. It was a shame, the way she went out. It would’ve hurt your heart. Her hair fell out, until there were just patches left. She had purple lesions all over her body and looked like an old woman in the face. When they lifted her dead body off the bed, there were pieces of her skin stuck to the sheets.”

“Oh my God,” Dream Crow said. “I’m so sorry you had to see that. God rest her little soul.”

“So, I guess the answer is no, Dream Crow, I don’t miss it at
all. I don’t miss any of it. And I thank you kindly for getting me out.”

“I am your sister. I practically raised you. How could I even think of leaving you there?”

“I’m glad you found love in the old man. You really deserved it.”

“So do you, Sister Blue. It’s not too late, you know.”

“I’m fine, right here with you. Right here with you and that pig over there, and the horses, and even that ornery old goat you have.”

“That was Jerome’s goat. He sure loved that stubborn thing.”

“Well, now it all makes sense.”

“What do you mean?”

“A man that could love an old stubborn, stinky goat wouldn’t have any trouble at all loving you.”

“That’s so cold, Sister Blue. Are you trying to say I stink?”

They laughed together and talked a while longer until Dream Crow broke the devastating news that sent Blue into a tizzy. “I guess we better get ready then,” she said.

“Get ready? Get ready for what?

“Hartford’s children are coming over.”

“What!” Blue screamed. “Both of them?”

“I’m afraid so. Hartford called last night. He’s in L.A. The wife called this morning.”

“I’ll take you up on your offer now.”

“What offer?”

“You can mix me another Bloody Mary. Lord, have mercy,” Blue said, getting up out of her seat. “I’ve got to go clean this house.”

and two more cocktails when the security guard phoned with news of visitors.

“Well, well, well. Who do we have here?” Blue said, looking at
her brother’s children standing in the foyer. “Dream Crow, come see your little nieces,” she called to her sister in the kitchen.

“Don’t leave them outside, Sister Blue; let them in. I’m making an early dinner. I hope you guys are hungry!” Dream Crow shouted from the kitchen.

“It smells great,” Shawna said.

“No, it doesn’t,” Raven said under her breath, but Blue heard her.

“Hello, Shawna,” Blue said absently. “What did you say, Raven?”


“Yes, you said something. What was it?”

“I think I’m allergic to that stuff you burn.”

“The sage? Oh, yes, you probably are. Well, girls, you look lovely. Take off your shoes and coats, wash your hands, and help your aunt set the table. Okay?”

“Okay,” Alex said. “Bye,” Alex said in her stepmother’s general direction as she stepped out of her shoes, took off her coat, and hung it on the coat rack.

“What, no hug?” Shawna said to Alex.

“Not right now; I have a headache,” she snapped and turned on her heels. “Auntie Dream, I’m coming to help you!” She disappeared down the hall.

“Okay, baby. Stop in the bathroom and wash your hands,” Dream Crow called back to her. “I’ve got cabbage in the sink for you to wash.”

Blue watched carefully as Shawna helped Raven wiggle out of her coat. “Umm-hmm,” Blue began humming an old gospel hymn to herself and walked over to the little table just inside the door. She uncovered her sage, pulled a lighter from her bosom, and put a flame to the leaves until the embers burned hot.

“Come on in,” she told Raven. Blue went in for a closer look. “Let me look at you,” she said, raising the little girl’s face so that
their eyes met. Raven looked away. “Don’t be frightened of me, girl; I’m your blood. What is it? Do my eyes scare you?”

“No,” Raven said, finally focusing on the woman’s eyes. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“Well,” Shawna said, in a high-pitched superficial tone that broke the pregnant silence in the smoky doorway. “I’ll be back to get them Sunday.”

“Bye, Mommy.” Raven hugged her mother’s neck tightly.

“Well,” Blue said, “go on and get washed up for dinner.” Then to Shawna, she said, “Please stay by your phone.”


Korea may not have been thinking clearly after an unforgettable session of Fantasy Friday with Melody, but she was certain that she would be sending Stormy packing before Christmas if things didn’t get spicy between them soon. The exotic dance the young woman had performed for her would have been enough to keep the voyeur’s interest for a few more weeks, but when Melody lay down on her office floor and pulled six feet of pearls from her pussy, Korea had been hypnotized. So, she had accepted Melody’s dinner invitation, to see if she had the other stuff it would take to be her woman. She definitely had heart and had proven she could be an obedient little bitch. Korea figured it couldn’t hurt to check her out. She was, after all, in complete control when it came to Melody.

But something in her gut was gnawing at her belly walls as she lied on Stormy’s voicemail. “Hey, beautiful, don’t wait up for me; I have a meeting that could last for quite a while tonight.”

Stormy was on a southbound plane when the message came.

Melody couldn’t believe how nervous she was, waiting for Korea to come over. She had made dinner as soon as she had arrived home from the office. She had showered and douched twice, just in case Korea decided to put her lips and tongue to her cat. After the morning they had had together, she was sure Korea was considering her a contender for the role of Mrs. Smith. She had carefully strategized every moment of their weekly rendezvous.
The look on Korea’s face as she watched her slowly inching a long string of pearls from her pussy was priceless.

“I bet the old bitch came in her boxers,” Melody said as she primped in the mirror.

Melody looked delicious in her tight shorts and half-tee as she opened the door and led Korea to the living room.

“Have a seat,” Melody said proudly. “Dinner is ready. I just have to make you a plate.”

Korea sat down and looked around at the cluttered little apartment. There were candy wrappers balled up on the couch beside her, fingerprints on the television screen, and ashes piled up in the fireplace. There were pictures in paper frames on the mantle of Melody and other young women at various nightclubs. There was a large collection of music CDs and a modest library of romance novels.

“I’m so glad you’re finally here,” Melody said from the kitchen.

“When you got this place for me, I thought it meant you were going to be coming over a lot.”

“Is that what you thought?” Korea said coolly. She had walked to the kitchen door and was watching Melody’s round tight ass as she bent over and pulled a pan from the oven.

“Oh, you startled me,” Melody said. “I didn’t see you standing there. Oh well, you might as well have a seat here at the table.” Melody prepared Korea’s plate and brought it to her with a proud bright smile. “Whew!” she said, turning off the oven. “I haven’t cooked like that in a long time.” She pulled a beer can from the cabinet and returned to the table with a glass of ice. “You want me to pour that for you?”

Korea was speechless. She had to taste it to believe it. She sat at the kitchen table, poking a rubbery turkey wing with her fork. Next to it was a lump of gummy white rice. Both the turkey and
the rice were covered in a lumpy white gravy that tasted like raw dough. The only thing on her plate with any color was the frozen chopped broccoli that had not been left in the microwave long enough. It was unseasoned and still cold in the center.

“I like to make sure my vegetables keep their vitamins,” Melody said, sitting down with a saucer of broccoli across from Korea. “That’s why I don’t overcook them like some women do.” Melody fed herself some broccoli. “Don’t be shy. Dig in,” she said. Korea looked at her plate in disbelief. “Oh snap, I almost forgot the garlic bread.”

Melody made a trip to her toaster oven and returned with two toasted slices of white bread that had been seasoned with margarine and garlic salt.

“This is the worst food I’ve ever tasted,” Korea said. “I can’t believe you had the nerve to serve this.”

Thinking they were beginning a role-play game, Melody said, “I’m sorry, master.”

“I have to go,” Korea said. “What the hell was I thinking? This shit is ridiculous.”

“No, don’t leave. Please, don’t leave.” Melody followed her to the door. “I can order a pizza. Please stop. I can do better; I’ll do anything.” Melody snatched her T-shirt over her head and flung her body against the front door, blocking it so Korea would not leave. “Listen,” she said, squeezing her nipples. “You can do anything you want to me if you stay. You can punish me if you want to. You can beat me,” she said in a throaty tone.

She grabbed Korea’s wrist and struck herself across the cheek with her boss’ hand. “You can do the nastiest shit you can think of and I will only ask for more. Trust me, Daddy, you don’t want to leave. I’ve got rubber sheets on my bed, and a taste for a golden shower.”

“Melody, all that sounds good, but I’m a little disgusted and hungry right now. I’m going home to get a real meal. So, I’m going to have to get with you another time.”

“Your wife can cook, but is she going to let you piss in her mouth?” Korea became still for a moment. “I didn’t think so,” Melody continued. “She’s probably not back yet, anyway.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your wife is probably not back from her writing assignment.” The stunned look on Korea’s face told Melody that she hadn’t known. “You told me to keep track of her. I talked to one of the editors this morning. She’s in Los Angeles.”

“Fuck that!” Korea said, attempting to open the door.

Melody threw herself at her feet. “You should stay. Teach her a lesson. Please don’t go, master,” she said, holding her ankle. “Teach her a lesson. Come on!” Melody unzipped her shorts. “Come on, Daddy; teach her a lesson. Use me!” She stuck her hand down in her shorts and rubbed her pussy. “Use me,” she repeated as she fucked her fingers. She could feel Korea breaking down.

Korea looked at the woman groveling on the floor. She pulled her cell phone from her pocket and dialed Stormy’s number.

“Oh shit,” Stormy said, looking at the incoming call. She was already in line at the Southwest counter. The PA system was spouting off every few minutes, so Stormy jumped out of line and headed for the door, unaware that she had already pressed the answer button.

“Hello?” Stormy said when she got outside.

Korea listened to the sounds of an airport in the background. “This is a homeland security advisory notice.” Korea hung up the phone. “Bring your nasty ass in here, bitch,” she said to Melody, grabbing her by the hair.

Melody held on to her wrist and let her pull her into the bedroom by her hair.

Korea stood over Melody on her bed. “I bet your nasty ass can suck some pussy, can’t you?”

“Yes, master.”

It was the moment Melody had been waiting for. She had never sucked pussy before, but she was going to do this shit like a veteran tonight. She laughed inside, thinking,
that bitch Stormy has fucked up now
, as Korea squatted down and covered Melody’s lips with her black cherry tart. At first scent, she was jolted by the unfamiliar hot mustiness between Korea’s legs, and found herself hesitating. But then Melody closed her eyes and let her tongue move naturally through her crevices until she found Korea’s small hot pink dick hardening under its hood. She flicked it with her tongue tip and made soft, circular motions around it until it began to pulsate against her tongue. She thought she heard a moan.

Korea couldn’t believe she was letting this bitch suck on her pussy. Maybe she was just getting back at Stormy for disobeying her. She wasn’t sure, but she knew one thing. Melody could suck some pussy. She wasn’t doing any of that extra shit girls tried to do when they didn’t know what to do. She was on the spot, listening to her body and responding to it.

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