The Pursuit (35 page)

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Authors: Lori Wick

BOOK: The Pursuit
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“Let’s just say I sat down rather hard.”

“Oh, Niki.” Edward’s voice was full of compassion.

“It’s all right,” she said, touching his arm for just a moment before joining Tate, Cassandra, and the boys.

Edward came directly after her, frustration filling him even as he thought,
If she were my wife I could have intimate thoughts about her. I could know where she was hurting and take care of her.

Edward quickly found that such thoughts accomplished little. They only added to his frustration because he and Niki weren’t married. Praying for calm and patience, he joined the game that was in progress, trying to put the entire conversation out of his head.

Ellenborough had all the information he needed. His work outside of town had paid off, so by the time he arrived in Collingbourne, he had only a few details to confirm. He accomplished this in a subtle but swift way and was now free to visit Henry Steele.

He’d hired a coach and driver to take him to Newcomb Park, requesting an open coach that allowed him to sit back and enjoy the beautiful countryside. He had not sent word ahead about his arrival, but he knew Henry wouldn’t mind.

Newcomb Park was beautiful. The grounds, managed to perfection, only highlighted the very large home with its wide windows and second-story balconies. Ellenborough hoped that Henry would be home, but the view of the house was worth his trip even if he wasn’t.

Ellenborough was still taking it in when he realized that Henry had just ridden in on horseback and dismounted on the drive to greet him, an unrestrained smile on his face.

“Ellenborough! Welcome!”

“Thank you, Henry,” that man said as he climbed down from the carriage. “I was hoping to find you home.”

“Well, you did! Come inside and give me a few minutes to freshen up.”

Remembering how much Ellenborough’s brother, William—who had been Henry’s first acquaintance with the family—enjoyed reading, Henry left his guest in the library and retired to his room. He wasted little time and was soon able to rejoin his guest. As he expected, Ellenborough was poring over the shelves and maps in this room, seeming most content.

“How are you?” Henry asked when the two had made themselves comfortable on the facing sofas.

“I’m very well, ready for a rest.”

“So you’re not in town on business?”

“I came on business, but the matter is all wrapped up. At the moment I am a man of leisure.”

“Good for you. Tell me, Ellenborough,” Henry cut to the chase, “any word on William’s death?”

“No, and I’ve stopped looking.”

When Henry looked his surprise, the older man explained.

“When you came to see me last year with Mr Tate, I realized how long it had been. I need to let it rest, as I hope William has.”

Henry wasn’t comfortable with Ellenborough’s statement about a dead man but wasn’t sure if he should comment on it specifically. Nevertheless, he did have something to ask.

“Does it trouble you not to be working on the case?”

“Closing my investigation was a good decision,” Ellenborough told him quietly. “That’s not to say that I don’t think about it, but I feel a great rest that I haven’t known for a very long time.”

Henry nodded, and for a moment there were no words between them. Ellenborough looked thoughtful, and Henry was working on what to say next. His guest beat him to it.

“Do you live here alone?”

“No, but nearly. My sisters are all married and living on their own. My brother, Edward, still lives with me, but he had business in town this morning. And speaking of town, is that where you’re staying?”

“Yes, at The Owl.”

“Well, that must change. Transfer your things here. You must stay with us.”

“I don’t wish to impose.”

“No imposition at all. You can avail yourself of this library and truly be at your leisure.”

Ellenborough smiled, his head turning to take in the room again.

“Now, that is a temptation.”

“It’s all settled then,” Henry said as he stood. “I’ll have your things sent for. You must stay as long as you wish.”

And without further ado, Ellenborough agreed. Henry saw to the matter, and in no time the men were visiting once again, discussing books, London, and people of joint acquaintance.

When Edward arrived back, he was simply brought into the conversation with them. Having never met the man, he found himself as fascinated as Henry always was. As the hours flew by in good conversation mixed with times of reading, Ellenborough said he would remain until Sunday morning, completely unaware that both Steele brothers were praying that he would stay long enough to go with them to church.

Chapter Nineteen

Edward had told the boys that he would take them riding on Saturday. His horse took him in the direction of Blackburn Manor at midmorning, having left Henry and Ellenborough still at the breakfast table, completely naive as to Ellenborough’s purpose in town.

For just a little while, Edward had forgotten about how he’d come to meet Nicola Bettencourt. Not even Henry was suspicious of Ellenborough’s sudden visit, so the two men hadn’t spoken of the possibilities.

With all of this blissfully missing from his mind, Edward rode up to Blackburn and was allowed entrance by Bertram. He was no more inside the foyer when Denley came his way.

“Hello, Denley. I’m taking the boys riding this morning. Are they about?”

“Yes, sir,” Denley said with extra care, causing Edward to study the man’s face.

“Is everything all right?”

Denley stood mute, working to frame a reply. Edward beat him to it.

“Tell me, Denley,” Edward went on, his voice almost casual. “Is Mrs Bettencourt about?”

The hesitation was more than obvious before he said, “Mr Osborne is here right now, sir. Would you care to see him?”

“Immediately,” Edward said firmly, his voice low.

Denley led the way upstairs to Niki’s room, knocked, and was granted entry. Inside, Edward found Mr Osborne throwing things into a satchel, every movement shouting fear and desperation.

“Hello, boys.” Edward greeted the little boys who sat on the bed watching their mother with sober faces. They scrambled for the edge of the mattress and threw themselves at Edward, who had hugs for each of them before sending them out of the room with Denley.

“No,” Niki tried to stop them, but Edward intervened.

“They’ll be close by,” he said softly, not wanting to alarm. “Won’t they, Denley?”

“In the next room, sir—just through this door.”

The boys looked at their mother, their faces vulnerable and uncertain. Niki mustered a smile for them.

“Go ahead boys; go with Denley.”

Denley wasted no time but took the boys away. Niki waited only until the door shut to have her say to Edward.

“We shouldn’t have done that! The boys need to be with me. We’re leaving, and you’re not to try to stop me, Edward Steele. She’s found us, and we’ve got to leave.”

“How do you know she’s found you?”

“That man, Ellenborough. He’s tracked us down here.”

Edward’s heart stopped in his chest and then galloped on without mercy.

“He’s at my house.”

Niki looked so hurt that Edward reached for her. She was numb with shock or she would have pulled away.

“He’s an old friend of my brother’s. Neither one of us thought.”

“I’ve got to get away.” Niki began to pull from his arms.

Edward thought fast.

“Get dressed as Niki. You’re going to my sister’s so I have time to think.”

“That’s just what she needs in her condition, Edward, a houseful of people.”

“Not Cassie’s, Lizzy’s.”

Niki began to shake her head, and Edward captured her hands in his.

“You’ve forgotten how close I am to Morland, Niki, and he’s married to my sister. They would be angry if we did not go to them.”

Niki worked to take even breaths and stem the panic rising inside of her. She felt herself calming even as she heard herself agreeing.

“I’m going to make sure that Denley packs for the boys and for himself,” Edward went on. “I’ll tell them where we’re going, and we will all wait for you downstairs.”

After Niki nodded, Edward kissed her very gently. He started away but then stopped.

“You’re not going to run anymore, Niki. The pursuit is over. Mrs Bettencourt can come. I have something to say to her.”

Niki stood still as he walked to the door and exited. His voice and manner filled her with courage. Not wasting any time, but not rushing either, Niki dressed as herself and did as Edward had instructed.


“You need to send word to the Walkers and tell them where you are and that you are safe. I’ll send word home to Henry that we need to speak to Ellenborough.”

Niki frowned at him in confusion. “Why do we need to speak to him?”

“Clearly he’s been hired to find you, but I don’t know exactly what that means. Has he been asked to track you no matter where you go or just report the last place you were seen? Either way, he needs to know that you’re done running.”

Niki stared at him, neither one aware of the couple that sat with them in the room. Morland and Lizzy had remained quiet after Edward had given them a brief explanation, wanting only to help in any way they could.

“What am I saying to the Walkers exactly?” Niki asked, not able to think very clearly. Running had been her only plan.

“Just that you’re safe and that you’ll be here at Ludlow until they arrive back.”

Niki’s eyes went to Lizzy, her helplessness and embarrassment clear.

“If you had gone anywhere else I would have been very angry,” Lizzy wasted no time in saying.

Niki looked back at Edward and found his eyes full of amusement.

“What did I tell you?” he said.

Niki sighed and thanked the Morlands—it was the fifth time—before turning back to Edward.

“Are you sure you want to do this? You don’t know what she’s like.”

“You’re right; I don’t. But the alternative is to let you and the boys walk away from me, and my heart won’t take it. You’re not alone here, Niki. If it takes my whole family, we’ll protect you and the boys.”

Niki nodded, relief filling her. She was so weary of running away but, until today, didn’t think she had a choice.

Someone knocked on the door, and Denley appeared after Morland’s call to enter.

“I’m sorry, Mrs Bettencourt, but the boys are asking for you.”

“Of course, Denley. Bring them in and join us for a moment.”

Seconds later the boys entered and ran to their mother, who wrapped them both in a huge hug. It was to Denley, however, that she spoke.

“We’ll be here until the Walkers return from their daughter’s, and then it’s back to Blackburn Manor. We’ll not be moving about anymore.”

Denley bowed, a small smile on his face.

“As you wish, Mrs Bettencourt.”

Niki smiled as he left. “He hasn’t wanted to move about for a very long time, but he’s never complained.”

“Wherever did you find such a man?” Lizzy asked.

“I’ll tell you the story sometime,” Niki said, not sure she wanted the boys to hear.

“Mama,” Christopher suddenly asked, his small brow furrowed. “Are you going to dress as a man again?”

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