Read The Pussy Trap Online

Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

The Pussy Trap (36 page)

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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“Oh, this is cute.” KoKo looked around the small apartment taking note of everything she saw.


“What you doing here, KoKo?”


“Well, I figured since you couldn’t bring me that sweet, long stick I figured I would come and get it.”


KoKo sat her toolbox on the bar by the window. Then she turned around slowly and put her hands on her hips. “You like what you see?” she asked.


“Yes, I like what I see, but I don’t think I can have company.”


“Is that right?” KoKo unzipped her jumpsuit, exposing her perky breasts to Terrance. His eyes wandered down her stomach to her panty line, only to find out that she wasn’t wearing any. He asked, “You came all the way here to give me some of this good pussy?”


“Yes. Why? You don’t want it? ‘Cause a sista can find another worthy candidate.” She made a gesture to close her jumpsuit.


“Wait! Hold up,” Terrance said, placing his hands in the open space of her uniform. First, caressing her breasts, and then letting his hands roam over her voluptuous ass.


“You missed me?” KoKo said with confidence leaking from her lips.


“Hell yeah, but you know you wrong.” He sank his teeth into one of her breasts then licked his way to her navel and back up to her breast, taking time to stop and suck gently on her nipples. He came up for air. “What am I going to do with you?” he asked.


“Well, you could drop this jumpsuit and put me on that counter and fuck me until I cum.”


Terrance wasted no time. He knew he didn’t have much time before Star would be home. With that thought, he went full force at getting KoKo out of that jumpsuit. Once he got it past her shoulders, he went back to kissing and sucking her breasts and nipples while walking her backward to the counter. The jumpsuit dropped to the floor and he placed KoKo on the counter. Pulling at his sweat pants, eager to release his pipe from its enclosure she started to squeeze and stroke up and down his thickness.


“Ssssss . . .” Terrance allowed the sound of pleasure to escape his lips.


“Fuck me, Terrance,” KoKo said, wrapping her legs around his waist as he slid deep inside her. Terrance went to work searching for that spot. He was pumping deep, hard and fast, lifting her off the counter with every thrust. KoKo held on tight to his neck, and threw her head back as she could feel the contractions coming on.


“Right there, Terrance . . . Ahhhhh.”


“Right here, baby,” Terrance moaned.


“Yessss. Yesss . . . I’m cumming.”


Terrance held her hips firmly in place and pumped faster and faster. KoKo started to cum and squeezed him tighter. Terrace was caught between the thought of how good KoKo felt and the fact that here he was pleasing his sidepiece at his girl’s house and she was only minutes away from walking in the door. The adrenaline of all these emotions mixed with KoKo fucking the shit out of him and the idea of getting caught caused a rush in his body unlike anything he’d ever felt before. KoKo was calling his name, asking for more, and causing him to give it to her full force.


“Terrance . . . Ahhh . . . don’t stop.”


“Sssss . . . mmmm.” Terrance closed his eyes and held KoKo tight, preparing for the gut-wrenching orgasm coming. KoKo continued to hop up and down faster and faster and chanting, “Fuck me . . . fuck me.” With her last attempt to take all he had, she crossed her legs at the ankle. Pulling him in deep, she placed her palms on the counter lifting herself up in the air and began winding her waist fast and hard. Terrance bit into KoKo’s breast and seconds later, he came so hard that he just fell forward onto KoKo.


Terrance panted like a dog out of breath. “Damn, that shit was good as hell.”


“Like I always say, I aim to please.”


Just then, his cell phone rang. He grabbed it off the counter and looked at the display, which showed that Star was calling. Looking at KoKo, he answered the call, putting his finger up to his lips. “Hello.”


“Hey baby. Triple A just changed the tire and I’m going to run by the restaurant and pick up the food I ordered then I’ll be right there.”




“What you doing? Why you sound like that?”


“I just woke up. I dozed off after you called about the tire.”


KoKo started to ride him, squeezing her muscles around him every time she came up. Terrance closed his eyes and enjoyed KoKo’s every move.


“Well, I hope you are up when I get there, because I miss my baby and I want to spend some time with you.”


“Okay. I’ll be waiting. I miss you, too.”


“I love you,” Star said, heartfelt.


Terrance looked into KoKo’s eyes and said, “I love you.”


KoKo whispered in his ear, “Make me cum again.” Running her tongue over his earlobe, she then gave him light nibbles under his chin. Terrance pulled her down on him with his free hand. “Bye baby. See you in a minute.” He disconnected the call.


“You know your ass is dead wrong, right?” he said.


“Well, make me pay for it,” KoKo said in a sinister tone with a smile on her face.


Terrance reached around his back and removed her legs then pulled out of her slowly. Turning and grabbing a chair, he placed it right in front of the counter. KoKo was sitting there with her chocolate legs spread open, pussy glistening. Terrance wasted no time going right to work on that clit, flicking his tongue back and forth and tickling it. He placed his mouth over it and started to suck hard. KoKo placed her foot on his shoulder, shoe, and all. In no time, she was feeling those oh so familiar contractions. Gripping the back of his head, she began circling her hips to the intensity of the orgasm, cumming in his mouth. Terrance sucked lightly to increase the pleasure. KoKo’s body jerked and her legs shook. He stood and lifted her exhausted body off the counter then walked over to the sink and washed his face and hands.


“Can I have a wash cloth so I can clean up Miss Kitty?”


“Sheeit, that ain’t no kitty. That’s a full-grown lioness. The wash cloths are in the bathroom,” Terrance said, trying to get his mind right.


KoKo walked away butt ass naked. Terrance shook his head. What the fuck am I doing? He went in the closet, grabbed the vacuum and the carpet fresh, and sprinkled it around the room. He was moving fast as hell. Quickly, he went to the counter, put the chair back, and grabbed the Pine Sol from under the sink and wiped the counter down. He was immediately thrown into panic mode when he heard the shower running. “What the fuck?” he mumbled, moving toward the bathroom. Snatching open the shower curtain he said, “What the fuck are you doing, KoKo?”


“What the fuck do you mean, ‘what am I doing?”


“Come on, baby. You know my girl is on the way.”


“Look. I don’t take no fucking ho bath at no gotdamn sink. You better learn how to keep your bitch in check. The way I see it . . . Your bitch. Your problem.” She turned to wash the soap off her body.


Terrance looked at her like she had lost her fucking mind. She turned the water off and put her hands on her hips, placing one of her feet on the side of the tub, exposing her neatly shaved pussy to him. “What? Can you dry a sista off?” KoKo asked nonchalantly.


Terrance grabbed a towel and began to dry KoKo off, taking a minute to rub the towel slowly between her legs.


“Oh, I thought we were worrying about your girl,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her lips.


KoKo stepped out the shower brushing past his semi hard on. Even though she wanted to fuck with his head, she wasn’t trying to get him busted. That would defeat the purpose. She moved to the living room, snatched up her jumpsuit, and put it on the barstool. Opening her toolbox, she grabbed the trial size of David Yarhman lotion and put it all over her body. After putting on her black lace thong and matching bra, she slipped her legs in the jumpsuit then shimmied it past her butt. KoKo placed her shoes back on and combed her hair into a neat ponytail. She then put the hat back on and applied her lip-gloss.


Terrance stood there watching and wanting her, wishing they were not at Star’s place. Then he became dumbfounded at the fact that not only did KoKo find out where he lived, but she had just gotten him to fuck and suck her right on Star’s kitchen counter. What the fuck was it about her that caused him to have a distorted reality? Whatever it was, he was enjoying the rush and was not planning to let KoKo go. He walked over to her, stood behind her, and wrapped his arms around her placing his dick on her ass. Kissing her neck he said, “When am I going to see you again?” Terrance asked with the sound of desperation in his voice.


KoKo smiled from ear-to-ear. Another one bites the dust, she thought. “I don’t know. You know my schedule is tight.”


“Why don’t you come spend the night at my house?”


Checkmate, KoKo thought. She turned and looked him in his eyes. “I have something to do then I’ll call you.”


“Yeah, you better call me because I hope you don’t think that little drive by was enough.” Terrance snapped out of KoKo’s trance when he heard Star’s car pull into the parking lot blasting her favorite song.


“Oh shit!” he said, reaching for his cell phone. He damn sure didn’t want them to run into each other. He called to try to delay her while he got KoKo out, but she wasn’t picking up. The music was too loud. He was looking out the window watching her get out the car and gathering the bags. Terrance kept hitting redial and he was getting ready to panic, but then she picked up.


“Hello.” She fumbled around with everything she had in her hands.


“I need you to get something out my trunk.”


“Terrance, are you serious? I have a lot of stuff in my hands.”


“I know that. I can see you. I got something for you and I want you to bring it upstairs.”


“Terrance, I don’t have your key. Why don’t you come down here and help me?”


“I’m not dressed. I’m about to hit the remote. Grab that little bag and come on.”


“Oh boy. All right, hit the button.”


He watched her head toward his truck. All he could think was, thank god he picked up that necklace for KoKo last night. He would have to get her another one. That little diversion would cost him another twenty thousand dollars. KoKo slipped away from him and headed to the door, grabbing the knob and opening the door. Terrance was right on her ass, worried that she would run into Star.


“KoKo, be good,” he said with a sincere look in his eyes.


“Damn nigga, if you scared, get a dog.”


Terrance was enjoying his little escapade with KoKo, but he didn’t want to hurt Star. She was loyal and loved him with everything she was. He made one last plea, “KoKo.”


“Terrance, remember this if nothing else. When I hit a muthafucka I’m in and out and they never see me coming.”


With that, she walked out headed to the staircase.


Terrance closed the door and locked it and said to himself, “Fuck it, it is what it is.” Then he headed to the shower.


KoKo got to the bottom of the steps. She looked up and saw Star coming her way smiling from ear-to-ear. When she got about three-feet from KoKo, she dropped her keys. KoKo said, “Oh, I’ll get that for you.”


KoKo bent down to get them and when she rose up their eyes met. KoKo smiled at Star. “Here you go, sweetie,” she said. “I see you have your hands full.”


“Oh, thank you. My fathead boyfriend could have come down to help me. But you know how they do.”


“No, really I don’t. I have pussy power. Niggas do what I tell them. Have a good day.” KoKo walked off.


Star looked puzzled. “I heard that,” she said then proceeded to the elevator. When she got to the apartment, she opened the door and her nose was assaulted by pine and carpet fresh.


“Awww, he tried to clean up. He is so sweet.” She started to call him but heard the shower so she placed the food on the counter and headed to the bathroom. But not before she did a quick scope of the room for any evidence. She lifted the comforter. The sheets were intact and so was the rest of the room. Star kept on going and when she reached the bathroom, she opened the shower curtain holding out the bag and swinging it back and forth on her two fingers. “So what did you get me?” she asked playfully.


“Oh, Daddy has a lot of things for you.” He turned toward her with a rock hard dick ready to finish what KoKo started but could not. Star had no idea, but Terrance was getting ready to put her out of commission. He pulled her into the shower causing her to drop the little bag to the floor. Her clothes were getting soaking wet. Terrance started to tear off her clothes piece by piece. His lips met hers with such passion and aggression. Everything he felt for KoKo was getting ready to be taken out on Star and she was going to get it KoKo style.

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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