The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) (76 page)

BOOK: The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)
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And what had I been forced to do…damn that keeper and love she displayed with her very life. But what choice did I have? After all I had been forced to do to her, she still looked up at me as though I was her whole world, when in reality I had ripped her fucking world apart, leaving her left with nothing more than the pieces twice trampled on. No wonder she tore the necklace I gave her from her neck as if it was burning her flesh wearing it any longer, and by the Gods had it killed me to watch.

I crossed over the vast space that was my personal suite on the grounds
, after having to first fix the damage I inflicted to the adjoining room that Keira had stayed in. I couldn’t let her see the level of my obsession that looked more like a shrine to the girl. I’d had every picture I could get hold of printed onto large canvas that covered all of one wall. Some of which were just enlarged pieces of her that I needed to see on a daily basis. One of her at home baking in her sister’s kitchen, sweet mixture on her face, reminding me painfully of teasing her about licking it off when her sister wasn’t looking. I still remember seeing the blush that never ceased to get me battling my host for control of an erection that wanted to remain in her presence. The damn thing was like a homing missile where she was concerned!   

There was another one of her taken at Christmas, when she sat in a pair of those adorable pyjamas, trying on a woollen knitted
hat someone had given her, that would have been a preferable size for my chief of security, Ragnar. She had pulled it down her face until her little nose was peeking through and although it was the only one where most of her face was hidden, the smile she had graced the camera, made my heart ache every time I looked at it.

I would sometimes find myself just staring at this wall for hours, trying to piece together enough to hold onto the details as I remain
ed locked to Tartarus, my prison of choice. I would have Palladio blasting through the speakers as I geared myself up for another night in my personal Hell, the very one Keira had been trying to free me from. 

But having Keira back, just having that sweetness there in my life for what would be considered a fleeting moment of time in the endless years of my existence, had been ambrosia coated agony. It had been all that was needed to keep me going and yet never enough to get me through. Seeing her body laid out beneath me once more, writhing
in the pleasures only she had the right to ask of me, was my Heaven’s paradise. I hadn’t lied when I spoke of her being my apple’s sin. The very reason I would choose madness over logic, just for one taste of that honeyed core that is my Keira.

Even one more time, giving in and healing her had been my breaking point. When she had begged me I had nearly wept like the adolescent I was never given that chance to be. But when she put all that fear aside just to bring peace back to two arguing brothers, I could no longer deny her for what she asked, no matter the sweet pain she would bring me in reclaiming her soul.

As soon as I bit into her and the first drop of her life had coated my tongue, I had to close my eyes against the emotion that was ripping its way out of me. For someone who kept such a tight control over their human side, it was astounding to me that one small girl could shred that control like a paper man.

To her hear beg for me, beg for things only I knew I could give her was a cruel bliss that rendered me solely in her control. Not that she knew any of this. Not that she knew all the supernatural effort it took in holding mys
elf back, holding off just to drag a few more of those breathy moans from her. A few more moments to see her straining body as I took and took, her never knowing just how much she gave and gave back in return.

My beautiful girl.

I had to tear my gaze from her pictures. The memories still so fresh in my mind, that the Demon in me pounded inside my host to go and reclaim her…again and again. So, with an angry scowl for being so weak, I turned back to my room. One that I would not taint by being the place that took me back to Hell each night. I would not let another soul into this space, let alone the female hands it took each time to send me back to Tartarus.

To know how Keira had first found me, just before Aurora sent me back to the abyss, was just another cruelty I had inflicted upon her. If she
only knew the real depth of disdain I had for the Angel in her given task, she would have curled her lip in disgust for what I had to endure, not for what she had seen.

Aurora meant nothing to me other than a torture
r’s means to an end. And if it wasn’t for her Heavenly connections to those who controlled Tartarus, then she would be the very last being I would have ordered to help. The fact that she would insist every night dressing like a harem girl only made the process more infuriating to bear.

I couldn’t help the growl that rumbled up from a beast of anger, one that
had lived inside me for so long now it was getting harder to find the man within. But turning to what Keira’s fair hands had created for me had me calming.  

The only other colour in my space
, other than my beautiful girl, was from the beautiful paintings that she had given to me. One of which I headed to now. This one painting was one she always wanted me to get rid of as it reminded her of foolish times. It was one she painted whilst under the influence of alcohol, which was testament alone in how much my little vixen could consume.

By the
Gods, I had seen warriors consume less and not be able to put two coherent sentences together, let alone fight, but my little love could not only hold her poison but paint an exquisite masterpiece after this fact.

By the memory of Zeus
, I would even find myself getting hard at the thought, yet the woman had little idea at just how weak she made me! Me…the King of all my kind, strong enough to bring even some Gods to their knees and this little innocent lamb could click her fingers and have me dance naked at her feet for her amusement…And Holy Hell wouldn’t I just get off on it!

But this wa
s what my days had become. Mental ramblings over a girl I obsessed over every minute the day passed and every extended one in Tartarus through the nights. Which made the picture I touched now even more significant to our forced parting.   

It was of a pulsating heart, one not painted like that of the organ. It was suspended in a dark forest as though locked there. It glowed though the dangerous night, despite its looming surroundings and the way she had added depth to the simple shape brought it out on the canvas.

But this wasn’t the part that felt like it mirrored my own, that beat desperately to get back to its true owner. It was the huge, jagged lightning bolt that came from above and struck the heart’s core, splitting it in two. And seeing as that bolt came from above where the fates resided and played their games of chance with little regard for which of the strings they pulled and were attached to whom, I would say it was more than a little fitting. 

I remember Keira telling me the large side was my heart as I was the stronger one in the relationship. I had given her a look at the time she couldn’t read
, but I refused to say where that look was really born from. It only proved what little she really knew when it came to my love for her, but one thing was certain, now there was no taking back the chance to ever prove it.

On closing my eyes for a moment to try and not think about the level of hurt I had to act on just to get her to leave
, but it helped little. I opened my eyes the same time as I opened the picture door that hid the safe behind. I put in Keira’s birthday as the combination along with my thumb print in the middle console. The door clicked open and in it I placed her necklace along with the other treasures that lay there, all from my girl.

My most prized poss
ession, other than Keira, was the collection of diaries she had given me of her life before the one I knew. I had read every word written and had them branded to my memory so that I didn’t miss a thing.

Everything from the day she didn’t get picked on the school team for netball, to the times she saw Demons and Angels in her day to day life. It was amazing
, even at such a young age, the strength she displayed and the courage she not only possessed but conveyed onto others around her. She was a creature to be worshiped, admired and adored just for being her. And in every way she was my Chosen One, my Electus, but other than to risk her life, which I was never going to be prepared to do, I had no choice than to let her live a life without me in it.

The thought always turned me murderous.

I heard my brother coming, but seeing that I allowed no-one into this room, that I considered for my eyes only, he waited by the door, knowing I would come out when ready. I slammed the safe door shut hearing the beep, but keeping my anger in check long enough to be careful in closing the hinged painting.

I was across the room taking no care in trave
lling at a human’s pace as I wanted to get this meeting over with as soon as I could, having enough time to come back here before starting my nightly sentence. It was the only comfort I had and as little as it did to soothe back the pain, it was something.

This time between
my brother and I had been building since the day I announced my plans to leave Keira. The fight went on for hours until even our hosts had long since given up. As always no one won the fight, but when Vincent had crossed the line by declaring his love for my Keira, a fact I knew long ago, I had almost gone too far with a blade at my brother’s neck.

Since that day we refused to talk about the reasons why. Only parts of it Vincent actually knew
, but what he didn’t was about to come to light today. Something else in my life I had to look forward to, I thought with a sarcasm I normally couldn’t abide.

.” I said trying my best not to sound as aggressive as I almost always did. The only one these days who didn’t get this venomous side of me was my little sister, although she could more than hold her own.

“I have something for you
.” I knew he did as Ragnar would have no doubt opted to avoid me at all costs at this moment. I knew he had disobeyed me, but how could I punish the demon that passed on a life debt just to continue to protect my human, where I had failed. If anything, I owed my chief of security my very life in return!

“I know, follow me to the roof
.” I said needing the air before my time in Tartarus. Hell, who was I kidding, I only wanted to see if I could catch her scent on the wind one last time. The fact that I hadn’t been able to scent her or feel a connection just proved how damn arrogant I had become. When she had whispered my very words back to me about presumption, I knew then and there her powers had grown incredibly strong and in such a short time, even without the proper guidance.

I didn’t look behind me to see Vincent following
, as I knew my brother would have followed me into Tartarus every night, if I would only let him. I walked to the nearest balcony and without much thought put into the action, I jumped first to the railing and off it straight up until coming to the rooftop garden Sophia had insisted on. I landed, using a little too much force needed, which ended up with me fixing the cracked Italian stone my feet had destroyed.

Vincent’s more graceful landing was something that made me want to growl
, but I managed to control it by grinding my teeth instead.

“You know what this is?” Vincent asked as he handed the small piece of paper over. I knew what it was and how much control she must be able to wield over the book of Ouroboros to tear from its bindings. My girl was becoming more impressive by the day. What I didn’t know was wh
at it contained, although given how well I knew Keira’s heart, I could easily guess.



This is not a letter of goodbye or sweet sentiments like the lies you wrote to me. I think everything that needed to be said (or more like heard on my part) was completely understood.

So I am writing to you now to ask but two things of you, in hopes you feel enough guilt to grant them to me.

All the people involved
in helping me mainly did so for risk of their life to save my own. Therefore I can only hope you will keep this in mind so as to prevent any punishment you feel the need to inflict.

Try to remember your actions are the sole reason behind what I did and without first the lies
, then the truth would have lived without danger. I hate to point the blame here but it’s hard not to when I am given no reasons behind your actions other than cryptic sentences that you know will drive me crazy! But you and your kind were always good at that one, so I guess I should not be surprised.

But this is not all I ask. In choosing to be with you I therefore gained a family and as much as you don’t like it, I ask for you not to keep them from me, or me from them. I love them all and just because of us breaking up, I do not need you breaking my heart further by taking them away from me…again. Please, this is all I ask of you and if i
t’s begging you want to hear then consider this letter just that.

Well that’s it I guess, nothing more to say between us than a painful hope that the decisions you made bring you a happiness
, for I know they will not for me.

But I guess you already knew that.

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