The Rancher's Rules (7 page)

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Authors: Dina Chapel

BOOK: The Rancher's Rules
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In the apparently short time that Miss Walters spent with you, you essentially ruined her for all other men – myself included. I am not an unpleasant sort. I treated Miss Walters with kindness and respect. I have a successful ranch and a comfortable home. She would want for nothing with me. The only unpleasantness between us was the sound spanking I gave her when we first arrived home. I felt she deserved punishment for her deception.

Annie cried every day that she was here at my ranch and barely ate. I’m certain she wasn’t sleeping well either.

You should know that her virtue is intact. She had her own room in my home and we did not marry. I was waiting on my brother and his family to arrive to take part in the wedding and celebration following. There will now be no wedding.

She belongs to you. I cannot keep her here knowing this and I most certainly cannot wed her knowing this.

I would, of course, appreciate reimbursement of Miss Walters’ traveling expenses. Please give them to Ben Wilkes and they will be safely delivered to me.

Good luck to you both.

William R. Jameson

5 October 1878


Rafe finished reading the letter, folded it and tucked it into his chest pocket. He was looking at the floor and a small smile appeared on his lips and just as quickly disappeared. He looked up then at Ben Wilkes and nodded. “Where is she?”

Ben gestured outside. “She’s right outside in the buckboard.” Ben continued as he and Rafe headed for the door. “Sure am glad I ran into you. It’ll save me a trip out to your ranch.” Rafe was barely listening. He walked out of the store and straight over to the side of the wagon. He looked up at Annie with not a trace of emotion on his face.

When Annie had first seen Rafe come out of the store, her heart had leapt into her throat, or at least that’s what it felt like. She had been so nervous. She wasn’t sure that he would be happy to see her and she hadn’t expected to see him yet. One look at his stern face and now she was sure that he wasn’t happy.

Rafe stood on the ground next to her and fixed that stony gaze on her for what seemed like forever. Then he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her down to the ground. With his hands still on her waist, the stern gaze continued. For a brief moment, Annie was afraid he would turn and walk away and leave her there. She did not expect what he did next.

Without a word, Rafe leaned down and tossed Annie right over his shoulder!

“Rafe!” Annie was in shock. “What are you doing— ow! Rafe, ow!” Rafe’s firm hand planted two hard spanks on her upturned backside.

“I don’t want to hear a word out of you, little girl, unless I ask you a question. And then all I want to hear is you saying ‘Yes, sir.’ Is that clear?”

“But Rafe, why can’t I— ow! Stop that, it hurts!” Rafe spanked her until she stopped speaking.

“I’ll ask again. Is that clear?” Rafe landed one hard smack for emphasis.

“Y-yes! Yes, sir!”

“That’s better. Now I suggest you remember that unless you want me to sit down right here and spank your bare behind for the whole town to see.”

Annie was about to open her mouth and argue that he couldn’t do such a thing, but then she remembered. This was Rafe. He did what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it.

Rafe turned to Ben Wilkes. “I’m going to head on over to the bank. I owe your boss some money and I’d also like to give you some money to get a room for the night and a good hot meal. This way you can rest up before your trip back.”

“That’s right nice of you, Mr. Stanton.” Ben would definitely enjoy a hot meal and a soft bed.

“The livery is right across from the bank. If you’d like to take your horses and wagon over there, you can just tell them to put the cost on my account. Then meet me at the bank.”

“Will do.” Ben nodded his head, then chuckled at the woman slung over Rafe Stanton’s shoulder. Funny thing, though, even though she looked mighty uncomfortable and was gettin’ spanked to boot, it was the happiest Ben had seen her since he first met her at the boss’ ranch. There was just no figurin’ women sometimes.

Rafe headed for the bank. With Annie over his shoulder, they seemed to be drawing quite a bit of attention. Annie wanted to ask when Rafe would let her down, but she didn’t dare risk it. She remained silent, even though the blood was beginning to rush to her head.

Rafe’s first order of business was a withdrawal at the bank. He intended to take enough money to pay back Will Jameson, cover Ben Wilkes’ lodging for the night, pay his account at the livery and have enough left over for two very important errands. He was just finishing up with the teller, who was not at all amused by the fact that he had a woman hanging over his shoulder, when Ben Wilkes walked in.

“That should take care of it,” Rafe said as he handed Ben a large sum. He had also jotted a quick note to Jameson, thanking him and wishing him well. Rafe then gave Ben a bit more to cover the hotel and meal. “Enjoy your stay in our fine hotel and have a safe trip back home.” Rafe then turned to go.

“Thank you kindly,” Ben offered. Rafe looked back. “And good luck to you.”

“Thank you,” Rafe said and he meant it. He had never felt more thankful in his life. He stepped out of the bank into the bright sunlight and Annie felt her head begin to pound. She was getting very uncomfortable, but Rafe didn’t seem a bit concerned with her comfort. She tried to lift her head high enough to see where they were going, but she couldn’t tell. And with her head feeling like it was, just lookin’ at things hurt. She wished he would let her down.

As Rafe walked along the boardwalk, he was amused by the reactions of the people he passed. And there were quite a few people in town today. The weather was nice and folks always liked to take advantage of that, especially before winter took hold for good and they’d all be stuck inside.

Mostly all the men he walked past smiled at him and nodded in approval. One of them, one of the older gents who hung around outside the mercantile, actually spoke to him. “Nice to see a young feller take a gal in hand for a change, ‘stead of bein’ led about like he was on a leash, like I’m used to seein’.” He took a long draw on his pipe. “Good for you, young man, good for you. And good for you too, young lady. You’ll be better off for it, mark my words. You mind your man, now.” Rafe chuckled and felt Annie stiffen in silent anger. He reached his next intended stop and went in.

Rafe was speaking very quietly to the store owner. So quietly that Annie couldn’t quite make out what either one of them was saying. She had no idea what store they were in – it was definitely one she had never been in before, although she hadn’t been in town more’n two times.

“Is this the lucky lady?” The store owner spoke up then, loud and clear.

“Yes, sir.” Rafe gave Annie’s behind a light tap in acknowledgment.

“Well then, good luck to you both. And God bless!”

What did he mean?
Annie thought.
Why am I the lucky lady?
Annie wasn’t feeling so lucky at the moment, that was for sure. Next thing she knew, they were back out on the boardwalk.

“Rafe Stanton! You stop right there!” Annie recognized Claire’s voice instantly.

Rafe stopped and turned toward Claire. “Yes ma’am?”

“Just what do you think you’re doing, carrying Annie around like a sack of potatoes?” Claire sounded really mad. Annie was touched. “Annie, are you all right, dear?” Annie hesitated.

“You may answer Claire’s question,” Rafe allowed. He knew she was still worrying over a public spanking. And well she should.

“Yes, ma’am.” Annie said only what she was allowed to say and no more than that.

Claire seemed only slightly satisfied with Annie’s answer and turned back to Rafe. “Put her down, Rafe Stanton.”

“No, ma’am, I will not.”

“Why do you need to carry her all over town like this? You’re making a spectacle. And she likely has a headache from hanging upside down like that for so long.”

Rafe paused at Claire’s words as if he was thinking. He picked up his hat and scratched his head, then dropped his hat back on his head again. “Well, ma’am, I can see your point about the headache,” Rafe conceded. “Do you have a headache, Annie darlin’?”

Annie’s heart did a little leap. “Yes, sir.” He had called her “darlin’!” Rafe had never used a term of endearment before.

He continued. “I am sorry about that then, sweetheart.”


Rafe turned to Claire. “See, the thing is Annie here has a habit of runnin’ off on me. She’s done it a couple o’ times now. Isn’t that right, darlin’?” Rafe swatted her backside, not so lightly either.

“Yes, sir.”

“So I figure to keep her right where I can find her until I can make certain that she can’t never run away from me again.” Rafe tipped his hat at Claire, smiled and turned to go.

“Well,” Claire still wasn’t satisfied, “what do you plan to do with her, to make sure she can’t run away?”

Rafe stopped and turned back to Claire. “Why I aim to marry her, that’s what!” Rafe smiled at Claire, and Rafe hardly ever smiled. “I just got the rings and I’m headin’ for the preacher right now.” He turned again to make his way down the boardwalk.
Enough talkin
’, Rafe thought.

Claire was speechless. Then she smiled and waved at Annie, who had picked up her head enough to see Claire. Annie smiled back.

He loved her.

* * * * *

Everything went off without a problem at the preacher’s. They were married by Pastor White, who had performed Tom and Jenny’s ceremony only a few weeks earlier. It seemed like such a very long time ago to Annie; so much had changed in that short time. She had changed so much in that short time.

After Pastor White declared them man and wife, Rafe gave Annie a kiss that made her go weak in the knees. It also made her feel like she had butterflies in her stomach. Rafe managed to make her feel things she had never felt before. When they stepped out onto the boardwalk, Rafe suddenly bent down and scooped Annie up and over his shoulder again.

“Rafe!” What was he about now?

“Yes, darlin’?” Annie got those butterflies again from hearing him call her “darlin’.” She really liked that. She hoped he would do it all the time. “I... how come you’re carrying me?”

“I’ve taken a likin’ to it. I may carry you on my shoulder all the time from now on.” Rafe chuckled. When they got to his horse, he lowered her from his shoulder onto the ground and fixed her with a stern gaze. “Just so you know,” Rafe reached down behind her and gave her backside a good, hard swat for emphasis, “I’m going to tan you good and proper when we get home for runnin’ off on the stage that day. Anything could have happened to you.”

Annie got her back up at his comment. “I can take care of myself, y’know,” she said rather indignantly. “I been doin’ it for a long time. Besides,” Annie’s voice dropped low and soft, “I thought you didn’t want me.” She couldn’t meet his eyes, so Annie looked at the ground, trying to keep the tears at bay.

“I want you, little girl,” Rafe answered her tenderly. He slipped his finger under her chin and raised her face so that her eyes met his. “More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

“Oh, Rafe.” Annie threw her arms around him as she burst into tears. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Annie. And don’t you ever run away from me again!”




The End.




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