The Rebels of Cordovia (22 page)

Read The Rebels of Cordovia Online

Authors: Linda Weaver Clarke

Tags: #sweet romance, #equality and justice, #historical romance, #freedom, #love story, #robin hood

BOOK: The Rebels of Cordovia
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The people nodded and mumbled among themselves,
whether it was a good idea or not.

Daniel raised his hand and yelled to the people,
“Attention, everyone! I have another witness.” After everyone
settled down, he called out, “I have someone here that knew King
Edmund. He is ready to testify to you that this is true.”

With that, he waved his hand toward a man in a
hooded coat standing by Robin and the rest of the rebels.

She smiled at her father and whispered, “You can
do it. I know you can. Now don’t be shy.” She rubbed his
clean-shaven face. “I think you did a good job. You’re so

Andrew smiled. “You like it? This is the first
time you’ve seen me without a beard, isn’t it?”

Robin smiled and gave a nod.

Feeling nervous, Andrew took a deep breath as he
took off his coat, displaying a blue Legionnaire uniform. Then he
handed it to Robin and marched onto the small stage.

Robin’s eyes widened and she gasped as she saw
his uniform, which fit perfectly upon him. Daniel was making his
way toward her when he saw what Andrew was wearing. He smiled.
Daniel had suspected for some time that Andrew was one of the
original Legionnaires. He was a great swordsman. He had moves that
Daniel had never seen before. That was when he began suspecting who
he was.

When Daniel finally walked up to Robin and saw
her mouth still agape, he said, “Close your mouth, Sweetie. You
shouldn’t be so surprised. He taught you everything you know… how
to use a sword and to be a great archer, like he had been

“You knew?” Robin said with astonishment.

He nodded. “I had a long talk with your father.
I found out that he knew the king personally and was the leader of
the legionnaires. He agreed to talk with the people.”

She gazed at her father with pride. He was
walking up the steps to the platform to speak to the people.

Andrew was more nervous than he had ever been in
his whole life. He had lived incognito for years, wearing a scruffy
beard to hide his identity, and teaching his children about the
importance of freedom. Now it was time to talk to the people. He
remembered how he had ridden alongside the Legionnaires. He had
once been their devoted leader at one time. Now he would face them
once again. It had been many years. Would the Legionnaires
recognize him? Would the people remember him?

Andrew hesitated as he finally placed his foot
on the platform and turned around. What he saw tugged at his heart.
There, standing before him, were one hundred Legionnaires in their
blue uniforms. Men he once knew years ago… men who wore their
uniforms with pride. Men he loved!

As he stood before them, speechless, and a
little choked up, he saw recognition in their faces. He saw stunned
surprise mixed with emotion. The Legionnaires glanced at one
another and then back to Andrew. As if in unison, all one hundred
men began kneeling on one knee and bowing their heads in humility
and reverence. This took him aback. They had remembered him. He
quickly blinked a few tears away as he looked upon them.

After a few seconds of silence, he saw the
people in the audience begin kneeling as well, mainly those old
enough to remember him. When the younger generation whispered to
their parents and heard their reply, they instantly knelt beside
them with reverence.

Andrew’s emotions were on the edge as he felt
tears well up in his eyes. He wiped them away and raised his hand
in the air. All was silent as they waited for what he was going to

“You have touched my heart deeply by your
reverence and I thank you,” said Andrew in a loud voice. “What
Daniel has said is true. King Edmund told me he did not want a king
to rule the people. He said a wicked king would be unjust and

He took a deep breath and scanned the citizens
before him. They were listening to every word he was saying.

“I, too, have been in hiding just as my father’s
faithful servants and his Legionnaires. I was shocked when I heard
of my father’s death and then I was ostracized from my own
kingdom.” He gazed at the Legionnaires and smiled. “I once served
alongside you and you knew my father, King Edmund. He wanted us to
be equal and to be free.”

The people cheered and many called out,
“Jonathan! Jonathan! Jonathan!”

It had been a long time since he had heard his
name and it warmed his very soul. He bowed before his people, wiped
the tears from his eyes, and then humbly walked down the platform
steps and toward the most astonished young woman he had ever

Andrew had told his wife that he was Jonathan
when he married her. She knew the truth but they felt it best to
not tell anyone for fear of his safety. Besides, their children
needed to live a normal life like the rest in the village.

Robin literally flew into her father’s arms and
clung to him while Daniel walked up to the platform to take over.
Daniel was shocked, to say the least. He had suspected that her
father was one of the Legionnaires, but not the heir to the

As he raised his hand in the air to settle the
people down, he said loudly, “All of us, and I mean everyone, will
now follow the Legionnaires to the Palace and dethrone the king.
There are over five thousand of us. He only has three hundred
soldiers. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t give up.”

Nathaniel called out, “That’s not so. My one
hundred soldiers and I will be standing beside you, Daniel.”

Daniel laughed as he said loudly, “Correction!
The king only has two hundred soldiers now.”

With that announcement, the Legionnaires saluted
and led the people to the palace to take out an unjust king. Daniel
watched as Nathaniel and his one hundred soldiers took their
position behind the Legionnaires. Behind the soldiers were two
hundred and fifty rebels, plus twenty-five of Robin’s Rebels. And
the people followed last, cheering, and letting everyone know they
were supporting Jonathan by calling out his name.

Daniel was in awe at what had just happened. As
he walked toward Robin, he was trying to figure something out in
his mind. He looked a little confused when he finally stood beside

Robin lifted her brow and asked, “What’s
bothering you?”

“I’m not sure. Did I fall in love with the
baker’s daughter or the king’s daughter?”

Andrew laughed. “Neither. If the people will
have me, she will be a judge’s daughter. Otherwise, she’ll still be
a baker’s daughter.”

“I have no doubt what the people will want,
sir,” said Daniel with great respect. “I saw the way the people
reverenced you. You will be our new High Judge.”

Chapter 27


King Rupert immediately abdicated and left the
country so he would not have to stand trial. Without hesitation,
the people let Jonathan know they supported him. One week later
Jonathan began putting together a group of judges as his father had
requested. He vowed to bring about more jobs for his people, higher
wages, and very low taxes.

While Jonathan was busy, Daniel told Robin that
his men had a surprise for her at their camp. She quickly dressed
in her red flowered dress that he had bought for her and waited for
him to pick her up.

When Daniel arrived and saw her standing on the
porch of her home, he gazed at her and smiled as he said, “You look

Robin was thrilled by the way he looked at her.
He made her feel beautiful. He helped Robin upon her horse,
allowing her dress to lay gently over the horse’s back. Then they
trotted down the road.

He glanced at her as they rode along and said,
“I like the rosy flowers on that dress. That’s why I bought it.”
Then with a mischievous grin, he added, “You look great in rose
colored clothes.”

When he lifted his brow teasingly and grinned,
Robin’s eyes widened as she said sternly, “If you want me to go to
the woods and visit your men, you won’t be talking about my corset,
if you don’t mind.”

He chuckled.

Robin’s eyes narrowed as she asked, “You didn’t
tell them, did you?”

He shook his head. “No. I wouldn’t do that. I
just can’t help teasing you.”

Pressing her lips together, she held back a
smile. He was such a rogue.

By the time they rode into camp, it was dusk and
no one was in sight. Daniel helped Robin down from her horse and
led her toward the table. There were candles lit and two plates and
cups placed on the table. Instead of benches, there were two wooden
chairs. There was a small fire in the pit with a black pot hanging
in the center.

Daniel pulled a chair out for her and waved his
hand toward the seat. He smiled as he seated her and said, “This is
the first time I’ve been able to do this. My father keeps doing it
and won’t let me.”

Robin giggled. “I love your father.”

After Daniel seated himself, he clapped his
hands and music began playing from the woods. The sound of a couple
violins, a flute, and mandolin floated through the air. Each note
filled the air with the most beautiful love song ever composed. The
music was played in perfect harmony, having an essence of angelic

Robin’s attention was drawn to the woods, from
where the music came. She looked at Daniel and he was smiling at
her, watching her response to the music.

He then clapped his hands once again and Simon
walked out from his shack and headed for the fire pit with a wide
grin. He took the pot from the fire and sat it on the table. Then
he scooped out the pheasant that had been well seasoned. He put it
onto a platter and set it on the table. Next he dished potatoes and
string beans onto another platter. After spreading butter all over
them, he placed it on the table in front of Daniel.

“Is there anything else you would like?” asked
Simon with a bow. “Would you like me to serve you?”

Daniel chuckled and said, “No, we’re just fine.
Thanks, Simon.”

Simon grinned. “I’ll leave you alone then. Don’t
worry about your privacy. The men are deep enough in the woods that
they can’t see a thing.”

He glanced at Robin and smiled, and then walked
into the woods and disappeared.

Robin was elated at such a delightful meal. The
pheasant smelled scrumptious and the vegetables looked wonderful.
Daniel took her plate and served her some meat, potatoes, and

“Thank you,” Robin said as she gazed at the man
she adored.

She felt as if she were dreaming. Robin could
not believe that he had planned such a wonderful evening. The food
was delicious, the conversation delightful, and the mood

After they finished eating, Daniel stood and
held his hand out toward her. “Would you like to dance? Last time
you danced with my men. Now it’s my turn.”

She smiled and slid her chair back as she said,
“I’d love to.”

Taking her hand, Daniel led her to an open area.
Then he put his hand on her waist and pulled her close. The music
was lovely and created a sense of romance in the air.

As they danced, Robin felt as if she were in
heaven. Daniel had completely surprised her. She hadn’t expected
such a wonderful evening. The stars were out, the moon was shining,
the candles were lit, and a small fire in the pit was aglow… not to
mention the romantic background music. Daniel had created the
perfect mood.

When Robin looked into his eyes, she noticed he
was gazing at her with a look that took her breath away.

She rested her cheek against his and whispered,
“Thank you.”

He nodded, not saying a word as he pulled her
close to his heart.

As they danced, she felt as if they were in a
world of their own. The music was playing but no one existed but
the two of them.

When Robin felt his arms gently tighten around
her, happiness overtook her and she knew this was what it felt like
to be in love. After a while, Daniel pulled back and looked into
her eyes. The message he communicated was one of adoring love and

Giving her a smile, he whispered ever so softly,
“I must have done something grand in my life to have met such a
lovely lady. And you were my reward.”

A thrill went through her as she listened to his
sweet words and felt his warm breath against her cheek.

Soon his eyes trailed to her lips. Then he
slowly leaned toward her and brushed his lips against hers. He
gazed into her eyes and waited for a response.

Robin smiled back as she wrapped her arms around
his neck, giving him the message to kiss her again. He must have
gotten the message because he grinned and pressed his lips to

Daniel’s lips were soft and warm, ever so tender
against hers. As he deepened his kiss and pulled her into his arms,
Daniel let her know of his everlasting love. Then he spread
whispering kisses along her jaw line and neck. As he kissed her, he
caressed her back, making Robin sigh from his affections. She
instantly tightened her arms around his neck.

Noticing the effect he was having on her, Daniel
smiled and kissed the tender spot just below her ear as he ran his
hand up her back.

When Robin softly sucked in her breath, gasping
slightly, Daniel pulled back and looked into her face with an
uplifted brow. “I’ve never had a woman react to my kisses like you

“What?” asked Robin breathlessly.

Daniel grinned as he said, “What is it? Every
time I kiss you and rub my hand along your back, it seems to have
an effect on you.”

Robin blushed and bit her lip as she said, “I
can’t help it. That’s one of my weaknesses.”

“Weaknesses?” asked Daniel with a grin.

She nodded. “I used to bribe my sisters to rub
my back at night as we lay in bed and talked. I absolutely love

“Really? What did you bribe them with?”

She giggled. “I told them that I would do one of
their jobs such as sweeping the floor. It was worth it.”

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