The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1 (83 page)

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Dellwo, Karl-Heinz:
b. 1952; 1974, joined RAF; part of the Holger Meins Commando that carried out the failed Stockholm embassy hostage taking in 1975; received two life sentences in 1977; 1996, released from prison.

Drenkmann, Günter von:
1910-1974; social democratic president of West Berlin Supreme Court; killed during an attempted kidnapping by the 2JM, meant to avenge the death of Holger Meins.

Dyck, Elisabeth von:
1951-1979; member of the SPK, assistant to RAF lawyer Klaus Croissant and subsequently suspected RAF member; 1975, went underground; 1979, shot dead by police.

Dregger, Alfred:
1920-2002; CDU member; 1956-1970, Mayor of Fulda; 1982-1991, Chairman of the CDU/CSU Federal Parliamentary Faction.

Dümlein, Christine:
b. 1949; 1975, joined the RAF; 1980, left the RAF and received asylum in the GDR; 1990, arrested and cooperated with police and prosecutors, released after one day as the only crime she was guilty of was membership in a terrorist organization, and the statute of limitations had expired.

Dutschke, Rudi:
1940-1979; leading theorist for the SDS and the APO; 1968, victim of an assassination attempt; 1979, founding member of the Green Party, drowned the same year when he had a seizure while taking a bath.

Eckes, Christa:
b. 1950; RAF member; arrested February 4, 1974; 1984, arrested.

Eckhardt, Hans:
1922-1972; police officer; 1972, killed in an exchange of fire with RAF members.

Ensslin, Gudrun:
1940-1977; participated in the 1968 Frankfurt department store arsons; founding member of the RAF; 1972, arrested following May Offensive; 1977, killed in prison during the events of the German Autumn.

Epple, Richard:
1954-1972; 1972, killed by police who believed he was a RAF member when he ran a police checkpoint.

Filbinger, Hans:
1913-2007; former hardline Nazi judge; 1966-1978, CDU President of Baden-Württemberg.

Fischer, Joschka:
b. 1948; leading figure in the
movement in the seventies; 1983-1985, Green Party member of parliament; 1991-1994, Minister of the Environment in Hessen; 1998-2005, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Folkerts, Knut:
b. 1952; RAF member; 1977, arrested; 1995, released from prison.

Folkerts, Uwe:
b. 1948; brother of Knut Folkerts, arrested May 4, 1977, found guilty of supporting a criminal organization and released after eighteen months.

Fried, Erich:
1921-1988; Austrian poet,
Gruppe 47

Friedrich, Ralf Baptist:
b. 1946; 1977, joined the RAF; 1980, left the RAF and received asylum in the GDR; 1990, arrested and cooperated with police and prosecutors.

Genscher, Hans-Dietrich:
b. 1927; FDP politician; 1969-1974, Federal Minister of the Interior; 1974-1992, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Gnädinger, Fritz-Joachim:
b. 1938; Federal Prosecutor; 1969-1975, SPD member of parliament.

Göbel, Wolfgang:
1947-1977; Buback’s chauffeur; 1977, killed by the RAF.

Goemans, Johannes:
1954-1978; Dutch customs officer; 1978, killed in exchange of fire with RAF members.

Goergens, Irene:
b. 1951; founding member of the RAF; 1970, arrested; 1977, released from prison.

Grashof, Manfred:
b. 1946; 1970, joined RAF; 1972, arrested prior to the May Offensive, broke with the RAF in prison; 1988, pardoned.

Groenewold, Kurt:
b. 1937; lawyer for RAF prisoners; 1975, subjected to the

Grundmann, Wolfgang:
b. 1948; founding member of the RAF; 1972, arrested prior to the May Offensive; 1976, released from prison.

Grustadt, Eric:
b. 1936; 1970, joined the RAF, arrested the same year.

Haag, Siegfried:
b. 1944; 1972, served as lawyer for Andreas Baader; 1975, went underground; 1976, arrested, alleged to have organized both the 1975 Stockholm action and the 1977 offensive; broke with the RAF in prison; 1987, released from prison.

Haddad, Waddi:
1927-1978; 1967-1970, leading figure in the PFLP’s military wing; expelled from the PFLP at some point in the 1970s; at some point between 1970 and 1972 established the PFLP (EO) as a body separate from the PFLP; 1977, poisoned by the Mossad, succumbs in 1978.

Hammerschmidt, Katharina:
1943-1975; 1970, joined RAF; 1972, turned herself in following May Offensive; 1974, released from prison for health reasons; 1975, died of cancer.

Hansen, Hans-Wilhelm:
police officer killed in 1978 in a firefight with RAF members.

Harb, Nabil:
1954-1977; member of the PFLP (EO); killed during the Mogadishu action.

Hausner, Siegfried:
1952-1975; SPK member, joined RAF; 1972, arrested following May Offensive and sentenced to three years; 1974, released from prison; 1975, led the Holger Meins Commando’s hostage taking at the FRG embassy in Stockholm; died as a result of injuries sustained during this action.

Heinemann, Gustav:
1899-1976; 1949-1950, Federal Minister of the Interior for the CDU; 1952, left the CDU to co-found the GVP; 1957, joined the SPD; 1966-1969, Federal Minister of Justice; 1969-1974, President.

Heissler, Rolf:
b. 1948; 1971, left the Tupamaros-Munich to join the RAF, arrested the same year; 1975, released from prison as part of a prisoner exchange for CDU politician Peter Lorenz who had been kidnapped by the 2JM; 1979, arrested; 2001, released from prison.

Helbing, Monika:
b. 1953; 1976, joined the RAF; 1980, left the RAF and received asylum in the GDR; 1990, arrested and cooperated with police and prosecutors; 1995, released from prison, living under a new name.

Heldmann, Hans-Heinz:
Lawyer for RAF prisoners.

Herold, Horst:
b. 1923; 1967-1971, President of the Nuremberg Police; 1971-1981, President of the BKA.

Hillegaart, Heinz:
1911-1975; Foreign Service Diplomat; 1975, killed during the Stockholm action.

Hoff, Dierk:
b. 1948; 1971-1972, built items the RAF used in bombings, claimed to believe they were movie props; 1975, arrested and turned state evidence in exchange for the charges against him being dropped.

Hofmann, Sieglinde:
b. 1945; 1976, joined the RAF; 1980, arrested in Paris and extradited to West Germany; 1999, released from prison.

Homann, Peter:
b. 1936; founding member of the RAF; 1970, broke with the RAF.

Hoppe, Werner:
b. 1949; 1970, joined the RAF; 1971, arrested, c. 1978, broke with the RAF; 1979, released from prison.

Jansen, Ali:
b. 1948; 1970, joined RAF, arrested the same year and sentenced to ten years in prison.

Jendrian, Günter:
Taxi driver; 1974, killed by police who believed he was a RAF member.

Jong, Dirk “Dionysius” de:
1959-1978; Dutch customs officer; 1978, killed in exchange of fire with RAF members.

Jünschke, Klaus:
b. 1947; member of the SPK; 1971, joined RAF; 1972, arrested following May Offensive, broke with the RAF in prison; 1988, pardoned.

Kiesinger, Kurt Georg:
1904-1988; CDU politician; 1958-1966, President of Baden-Württemberg; 1966-1969, Chancellor; 1967-1971, Federal Chairman of the CDU.

Klar, Christian:
b. 1952; 1976, joined the RAF; 1982, arrested; 2007, denied clemency; due for release in 2009.

Klein, Hans-Joachim:
b. 1947; 1974, joined the RZ; 1975, seriously injured participating in the Vienna OPEC action, left the guerilla, issuing a critical assessment and mailing it with his weapon to
; 1979, released a book critically assessing the guerilla struggle; 2000, arrested in France and extradited to Germany, acted as a crown witness to avoid a life sentence and was sentenced to nine years; 2003, pardoned.

Knoll, Michael:
1949-1978; Member of the RAF; 1978, killed in an exchange of fire with the police.

Krabbe, Friederike:
b. 1950; younger sister of Hanna Krabbe; SPK member; allegedly joined RAF prior to 1977 and participated in Schleyer kidnapping; never captured.

Krabbe, Hanna:
b. 1945; sister of Friederike Krabbe; SPK member; 1974, joined RAF; part of the Holger Meins Commando that carried out the failed Stockholm embassy hostage taking in 1975; received two life sentences in 1977; 1996, pardoned and released from prison.

Krahl, Hans-Jürgen:
1943-1970; leading theorist in the SDS and the APO; 1970, died in a car accident.

Kranenburg, Arie:
1931-1977; Dutch customs officer; 1977, killed in an exchange of fire with RAF members.

Kröcher-Tiedemann, Gabriele:
1951-1995; 2JM member; 1973, arrested; 1975, released from prison as part of a prisoner exchange for CDU politician Peter Lorenz who had been kidnapped by the 2JM; 1975, participating in the Vienna OPEC action; 1977, arrested in Switzerland for the shooting of two Swiss customs agents; 1987, extradited to West Germany; 1990, acquitted on charges related to the 1975 Vienna OPEC action; 1991, released from prison; 1995, died of cancer.

Kuby, Christine:
RAF member, arrested in 1978; released 1995.

Kuhlmann, Brigitte:
1949-1976; founding member of the RZ; 1976, killed during the Entebbe action.

Kunzelmann, Dieter:
b. 1939; Kommune 1 member, 1969, founding member of the Tupamaros-West Berlin; 1970, arrested; 1975, released from prison; 1983-1985, Alternative List member of parliament in West Berlin.

Kurras, Karl-Heinz:
The undercover police officer who shot Benno Ohnesorg on June 2, 1967.

Lang, Jörg:
b. 1950; lawyer who was arrested in 1972 on charges that he had helped recruit for the RAF; went underground in 1974; at one time accused, perhaps spuriously, of helping to organize the events of 1977; to the best of our knowledge, never captured.

Langhans, Rainer:
b. 1940; Kommune 1 member.

Langner, Klaus Jürgen:
lawyer for Margrit Schiller; his offices were firebombed in 1976.

Linke, Georg:
Librarian; shot and seriously injured during the Baader breakout.

Lorenz, Peter:
1922-1987; 1969-1981, Berlin Chairman of the CDU; 1975, kidnapped by the 2JM and exchanged for five political prisoners.

Luther, Angela:
b. 1940; 2JM member; worked with the RAF during 1972 May Offensive; participated in successful kidnapping of Peter Lorenz and prisoner exchange in 1975; never captured.

Mahler, Horst:
b. 1936; founding member of the RAF; 1964, began acting as lawyer for the SDS and the APO; 1969, co-founded the Socialist Lawyers Collective; 1970, arrested; 1974, acrimoniously parted ways with the RAF in prison, affiliating himself with the KPD/AO; 1975, refused to leave prison as part of the Lorenz exchange; 1980, released from prison; 1997, publicly acknowledged his ties to the neo-nazi NPD; 2000, joined the NPD; 2003, founded the Holocaust denial organization, the VRBHV.

Maier-Witt, Silke:
b. 1950; 1977, joined the RAF; 1980, left the RAF and received asylum in the GDR; 1990, arrested and cooperated with police and prosecutors; 1995, released from prison.

Maihofer, Werner:
b. 1918; FDP politician; 1972-1974, Federal Minister for Special Affairs; 1974-1978, Federal Minister of the Interior.

Marcisz, Heinz:
1936-1977; Schleyer’s chauffeur; 1977, killed by the RAF.

Martin, Ludwig:
b. 1909; 1963-1974, Attorney General.

Mayer, Roland:
RAF member; 1976, arrested.

McLeod, Ian:
Scottish businessman, suspected of working as British intelligence agent; 1972, shot dead by police who believed he was a RAF member.

Meinhof, Ulrike:
1934-1976; founding member of the RAF; 1959, joined the illegal KPD; 1959-1969,
journalist, 1960-1964, Editor-in-Chief of
; 1964, left the KPD; 1972, arrested following May Offensive; 1976, killed in prison.

Meins, Holger:
1941-1974; 1969, joined Kommune 1, worked on
; 1970, joined RAF; 1972, arrested following May Offensive; 1974, died on hunger strike in prison.

Meyer, Till:
b. 1944; founding member of the 2JM; 1972, arrested; 1973, escaped from prison; 1975, arrested; 1978, broken out of prison, arrested by West German police in Bulgaria the same year; 1986, released from prison; 1992, exposed as a

Mirbach, Andreas von:
1931-1975; Military Attaché at the West German Embassy in Stockholm; 1975, killed during the Stockholm action.

Mohnhaupt, Brigitte:
b. 1949; 1971, joined the RAF; 1972, arrested following May Offensive; 1977, released from prison, went back underground; 1982, arrested; 2007, released from prison.

Möller, Irmgard:
b. 1947; 1971, joined the RAF; 1972, arrested following May Offensive; 1977, the only survivor of the Stammheim killings; 2006, released from prison.

Müller, Arndt:
Lawyer for RAF prisoners, 1977, arrested and charged with supporting a terrorist organization; 1980, sentenced to four years and eight months in prison.

Müller, Gerhard:
b. 1948; SPK member; 1971, joined the RAF; 1972, arrested following May Offensive; 1974, served as a crown witness against RAF prisoners; served a six and a half year sentence, upon his release was relocated to the U.S.A.

Negt, Oskar:
b. 1934; Frankfurt School philosopher and social theorist; 1972, as a representative of the New Left and the APO developed a bitter critique of the RAF.

Newerla, Armin:
Lawyer for RAF prisoners; 1977, arrested and charged with supporting a terrorist organization; 1980, sentenced to three years and six months in prison.

Oberwinder, Michael:
Lawyer for RAF prisoners.

Ohnesorg, Benno:
1940-1967; shot dead by an undercover police officer at an anti-Shah demonstration in West Berlin on June 2, 1967.

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