Read The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) Online

Authors: J. L. Massey

Tags: #contemporary romance

The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)
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“I think our girl here is even more innocent than she let on. Tell us, Angel, how far you have gone?”

I thought about what I could tell them without actually
them. Mitch stepped up behind me and using his feet, he spread my feet wide and slipped a finger between my folds.

“Mmmph!” It felt so good, making circles on my clit.

“What about here? Has a guy ever put his fingers on you here?”

“Yes.” I thought about the two guys I dated after I broke up with Mark. Both put their hands beneath my clothes, but that was all. I didn’t want to go further because just going there didn’t feel good. The pinching, twisting, and groping, no thanks.

“What about here? Has a guy ever touched you here?” he asked while he pushed his finger inside of me.


“With his tongue? Have you ever had a tongue down here?”


“What about here, has a guy ever touched you here?” He brought his wet fingers up to my puckered anus and rubbed around.

“No!” I jumped forward hitting the desk with my thighs and clinched my checks.

“I will, my pet. I will touch all this, as well as your mouth and your breast, with my fingers, my tongue, and my cock. Are you ready for that? Do you want that? To give yourself to me, completely? I am going to take everything you give and more. There’ll be no part on your body that does not know the feel of me. Is that what you want?” He had moved his fingers back up to my clit circling around making me squirm. God, I wanted it. I relieved myself frequently, but it was more of a stress reducer or a sleeping pill than a feel good time.

“Yes, please. Please, take me Sir.” I was nearly crying at this point. My eyes had watered and my throat felt rough as I strained against the sharp pleasure his touch brought. I could do nothing but lean on that desk and see Alex in front of me and feel Mitch behind me. If not for the support of the desk I knew I would be on the floor at their feet begging. I needed more. Desperately.

“Not yet. You said you wanted your ass spanked by my hand. Since you’ve been good, I’ll give you what you ask. This will not be a punishment spanking, so it’ll not be rough. I want you to count out as I spank you. I’ll give you five on each side. Then Alex is going to eat your pretty pussy.” Everything clenched up tight.

“Yes, Sir.” My words came out as a breathy whisper.

“Good girl.”

There was no work up. He already had my dress up around my waist and was rubbing my ass cheeks while he spoke. As soon as he said ‘good girl’ I felt a small little whiff of air before his hand hit my bottom.

“Oh. One, Sir!”

“Good girl.” Another whiff of air then his palm hit my other cheek.

“Umm, Two, Sir!” It stung. I couldn’t decide if I liked it, but I did like how he used his hands to rub my ass and lower back between spanks. I liked him touching me, and I wanted him to touch me more. I would take some spanking if I had his hands. By the time we were to eight, I felt colder from the air touching my wet privates. It was embarrassing and my clit felt swollen. My legs were shaking as I swayed toward his hands, silently begging for more after each one. I was close. On the last one he kissed my bottom as I moaned off the number.

“God you have the prettiest ass I have seen in a long time. I want you to do a photo for my office. We can agree on a pose later, but it will be beautiful.”

He pulled me to standing and supported me from behind through the tremors and limp legs. My dress was still bunched up around my waist and his pants felt rough against my bare ass. I felt the pressure of his erect cock on my back as we looked up at Holly’s picture. If I could have a picture half as beautiful as hers, I would love it.

I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him with everything I had. With everything that could be. “As long as I am yours, I’ll do what you ask of me,” I whispered to him, watching his face go from relaxed to hard then unbelieving in seconds.

“Are you mine?”

“Yes. I’m giving myself to you am I not?”

“Yes, you are.”

“And my virginity?”


“And I’m trying to give you my trust?”

“Yes, eventually.”

“Doesn’t that make me yours?” I whispered.

“You don’t know what you are saying, but I’ll remember that, my pet. I wasn’t lying when I said I would push you past limits. Now, I believe Alex is ready for you.” He turned us and pushed me that direction.

Alex had pulled the couch cushions onto the floor and placed a throw over them. He had also removed his shirt. He was lean, but he had a six-pack and a tribal tattoo that spanned his chest and down his arms and around his back. I wanted to run my tongue over those lines. To eat, breathe, and bathe on that chest.

“Remove your dress and come lie down.” It was an order from Alex. I had Mitch’s hand in me two minutes ago and now Alex wanted me naked so he could lick my pussy. I had to be crazy. I raised my hair and pulled the tie on the halter. My dress came loose and flowed to the floor. I looked into Alex’s eyes while I did this. I felt the devil on my shoulder telling me to make him want what he claimed he didn’t. I lay down and spread my pink heels. I was still wearing them. They were in control and had yet to tell me to take them off, probably thinking they were sexy. Alex stood and stepped back with Mitch while they both gazed down at me. I was totally exposed. The cool air against my lips contrasted against the painful heat on my bottom.

“Beautiful. You’re so fucking beautiful, Angel.” I felt it. That word. It had been years since I had heard him call me Angel. And hearing it repeatedly tonight was wearing me down, making the fixated feelings I had for him when I was younger come rushing up.

“That’s right. You don’t think I remember you? I remember everything about you. You’re still and will always be my Angel. I couldn’t be there for you when your parents passed, but I did have people watching you to make sure you were alright.”

“You watched me?”

“Yes, Angel. It wasn’t all the time, but I did keep up with you. I’ll say that the reports I received over the last four years did not make me happy. What I saw at your college graduation pissed me the fuck off, but we’ll talk about that later; not while you are naked on the floor, waiting for me to eat your pussy. Waiting for another guy to fuck you.”

That hit me like a bomb. He had been watching over me for years, even attended my graduation. Not even my Aunt Lucy had shown up for it. And he didn’t like what he saw. Meaning me, not smiling or happy. Not surrounded by friends getting ready to go celebrate. Me—plain, ordinary, and alone. He would tell me this, now. Like this. With me…like this. Suffice to say I wanted to get up and jump around, excited he had not run off and forgotten me. I also wanted to knock the shit out of him for waiting to bring it up like this. I wanted to demand why he didn’t personally check himself. Ask if he had cared so much over the years, why did he leave me when I was barely living? I did none of these because while I was thinking this, I also noticed Alex unbuttoning and removing his jeans. His boots must have come off earlier. He was standing there in a pair of boxer briefs. He looked like an underwear model, an extremely well-endowed underwear model. Hot enough to make any thoughts I had disappear and leave only mush.

He dropped his knees between my legs and reached up to play with my breast. He tugged on my nipples before leaning forward and pulling one inside his mouth. I could hear Mitch moving around the room but could only focus on what Alex was doing. He kissed his way up to my neck making me tremble.

“Relax, Angel. We’ll go slowly and you can call a halt to anything. Anytime.” He kissed his way down and over. Up to my other ear. He was whispering again. “Feel me. Feel what I do to you. Not only on your skin where I touch you but feel it here,” he touched my head, “here,” he rubbed his hand around the side of my face and down between my breast, touching my chest, “and especially here,” he said as he cupped my bare pussy.

I felt Mitch drop down beside me. When Alex rose up I could see that Mitch had removed his clothes, too. All of his clothes. Where Alex could be a model; Mitch looked like he could be a professional wrestler. He had to be the biggest muscled man I had ever met. It worked in a good way, not an overdosing on steroids way. Oh, and that question I wondered earlier about everything being big was answered. Everything was not big. Everything was freaking huge.

“Look at these pretty nipples, Mitch. They are made for sucking. I would love to see some clamps put on them. If you were mine, you would get them pierced. I think for your size some small hoops would be real pretty,” Alex said while pinching my nipples hard, letting me know how it would feel. I rose up against his hand trying to get a little release from the pressure on them, but he pulled harder.

“You’re right, Alex, they would be pretty. Another ring, too, that way we could chain them all together.” He looked down at me and smiled. “You will learn that a little pain in the middle of intense pleasure goes a long way.” I knew he was talking about a clit ring. No way in hell would I get one. I could imagine getting a pair of my pretty lacy panties hung on them and not realizing it as I jerked them down. Ouch!

“Mitch is correct. Actually, if you let us have you, there will become a time when you beg for the pain as much as the pleasure.” Alex leaned back down and swiped his tongue across my right nipple a few times, getting it wet. Then he raised his head and blew. He repeated it and then leaned back down and bit it at the same time as he touched my clit. I moaned and pressed my breast up further without even realizing it.

“While I come down here and eat your pretty pussy, Mitch is going to show you how to give a good blowjob. Have you ever done that? Have you ever given a blowjob?” I felt my face brighten up to the color of the club’s door. I could let them have my body without being embarrassed, but talk about how inexperienced I was, and I turned red all over.

“No, never.”

“We are your first, Angel. I probably am going to enjoy eating this pussy almost as much as he enjoys getting his blowjob. What do you think about that? You’re pleasing both of us at once.”

“It s...s...sounds nice.” I said this as Alex slowly blew on my nether lips. He spread them and pushed his tongue between my folds. I jerked back from the cool air and hot tongue and hoped that I smelled fine and even though I had been waxed a week ago I was worried that everything wasn’t how it should be. I was sure that he had been with lots of girls and had seen many more, being in a club like this, and I knew there was no way I could compare. I felt that I should say something when he blew again. I moaned, and Mitch swooped in and kissed me, if you could call it a kiss. His mouth swooped down and his tongue devoured every space within reach of my mouth, both in and out. I shuddered as he traced my lips with his tongue before he invaded again. Every entry stole my thoughts. He smiled as he sat up on his knees and brought his penis to my mouth. They intruded me together, Alex picking up my hips and pushing his tongue into my pussy as Mitch was tilting my head to slide his cock into my mouth, overwhelming my senses. I couldn’t decide what to focus on. I chose Mitch because he pulled out of my mouth and started giving orders.

“Wet it first with your tongue baby then we will work on you going down on it.” I licked up and down, glad that he smelled like soap. I wasn’t sure what men smelled like, but for some reason it worried me that men would stink. Little by little I took him in my mouth. He was big. He was what I thought was normal length, but he was thick. I had heard through the years different conversations on the length of a man but had never heard anyone talk about the width. It was hard to get him past my teeth without scrapping the sides. I gagged the first couple of times, then started breathing through my nose. After I went as far as I could, Mitch put his fingers around the stem so I could continue without gagging. And I did for a little bit. Though I was embarrassed about the slurping sounds I was making, I let myself go enough to not care and savored the taste of his cock. Alex decided to get serious, and I could do nothing but moan. After pulling his cock back, Mitch played with my nipples and watched Alex go to town on my pussy. When I climaxed, I screamed out Alex’s name and grabbed onto Mitch’s head and arched my breasts up to his mouth. As I came back down I realized that it was time. Mitch moved between my legs and put on a condom.

“Sweetheart, I wish I could say that this will feel awesome to you, but it’ll hurt. I’m sorry. Alex and I will take care of you and let you rest and heal up before we take you again.”


“Yes, my pet, again, one time will not be near enough.” He glanced up and over at Alex, who was now sitting in Mitch’s spot and holding my hands above my head. “I’m sure Alex would love to have you at some point, too. Are you ready? I’ll be as easy as I can.”

“Yes, Sir, I’m ready.”

“God, you’re perfect. And the way you say ‘Yes Sir’. I think I could cum in my sleep dreaming of that.” Mitch eased in. Shit he was big. I shook my head side to side not knowing if he was going to fit. Alex leaned down and took my mouth as Mitch broke past my barrier. Fuck, it hurt. Bad. I knew it would, but I’ve never had any fear of the pain. Shit, I was stupid. I had seen the man’s size; if he couldn’t fit it in my big ass mouth then he sure as hell shouldn’t be able to fit it in a small hole that was even tight for tampons!

BOOK: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)
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