The Red Leopards of Zaxon B (Galaxies Collide Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: The Red Leopards of Zaxon B (Galaxies Collide Book 2)
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The first officer grimaced, looking up, ‘We are now taking damage Sir…shields eroded on some upper and lower levels…it is only a matter of time before our hull is breached. We have lost several flak cannons and one of the upper turrets is damaged…but is still firing!’ He glanced back down onto his screen, his eyes widening in horror, ‘They seem able to slowly regenerate damage to their forward protective shields…we have no such technology!’

The admiral winced, glancing across the images, several shaking, two blurred with static lines, ‘Limited crews with protective clothing on the exposed levels…have we any news on the bombers from the surface?’

The first officer shook his head, staring at the sensor readings, ‘Morgon vessel launching multiple occupant vessels…’ He looked up with alarm, ‘Admiral…those are boarding craft, probably with shock troops!’


Flight Lieutenant Anjara checked the flashing graphic panels below him in the cockpit, the battle in space above them escalating as his star fighter wing swept forward. He glanced upwards through the darkened cockpit windows, seeing the stars sparkle in deep black space, his heart surging upon once again realising his love of the sights. His black helmet with silver stripes moved instinctively from side to side, checking for an approaching enemy, the sleek craft’s radar providing confusing readings due to the volume of fighters above.

The covert radio channel burbled in his ear, the sound startling him, ‘Flight Leader One, we have multiple readings ahead…sixty clicks…’

The flight leader’s eyes widened, his tongue running across his scarred lips as his jaw tightened, ‘Proceed on that heading…then we bounce upwards…the warships are our main targets!’

The radio burbled again, six voices responding in unison with rising adrenalin, their commander nodding as he pushed the stick before him further, his voice grim with determination, ‘Follow your training, we bank unpredictably…’ He swallowed, wary this would be the trainees initial contact with a concentrated enemy, ‘Shoot to kill only…good luck all…’ He hesitated, smiling, ‘Your time is now!’

The seven silver star fighters swept forward, streams of vapour trailing behind them as they accelerated towards their unsuspecting targets in the upper atmosphere.



Chapter Four: Blue Leopards and Dragons


Morgon infantry surged up the sloped track alongside the low cliff walls, their polished camouflaged and black body armour glinting as snowflakes swirled around their tall bodies. Silakian infantry followed in their wake, carrying heavy equipment and weapons destined for the raised ground ahead, the laser and acid heavy gun parts ready to be assembled once the leading soldiers had cleared the defensive positions.

Smoke billowed over the top of the low cliff above, ammunition cracking as it detonated from the numerous fires and burning trenches. Thumps in the distance indicated the last incoming artillery, the Morgon commanders shrieking at their soldiers to prepare for the oncoming infantry attack, urging their troops forward as they neared the top of the rise, their armoured bodies lowering instinctively.

The shells whisked and screamed overhead, trails of green wisping smoke following in the projectiles wake as the acid ordinance fell to earth above, a wall of flame rising into the air as explosions ripped across the landscape. Reaching the summit, the shock troops ducked low behind the last rises in the terrain, hearing screams echo across the defensive positions above as bodies were tossed into the air. Toxic green slime zipped through the air, sticking to any body armour that it splattered against, the thick liquid immediately beginning to consume anything it came into contact with.

Muffled shouts filled the air as soldiers desperately attempted to remove smouldering body armour before the slime ate through and began to consume flesh. A couple of the reserve troops dropped their weapons, scrambling from the defensive trenches and running in panic to the rear, South Korean marines with their American counterparts screaming at the remainder to stay in their positions and make ready for the oncoming assault.

The majority of Heathrow battalion volunteers and other troops stood their ground, some whimpering in terror but the remainder grim faced, their ears ringing from the heavy barrage, but cold determination in their eyes. The occasional explosion and crack of ammunition spread across the terrain, several heads cautiously rising above the trench walls in curiosity as an ominous silence fell. The sight that met their wide eyes was ominous, black smoke curling into the air, broken, bloodied body parts and shattered equipment lying across the scorched earth before their positions.

Muffled dull thuds filled the air, the Trevakian marines wincing as they realised the instinctive sound of mortars firing from below the rise, the elevation chosen to drop deadly ordinance directly into the devastated trenches and defensive positions. Shouts of alarm filled the air, the inexperienced volunteer battalion soldiers that had risen to stare out dragged back down into cover as projectiles rose high into the sky above, the small shells twisting and turning before beginning their gruesome descent.

As the mortar shells fell to the scorched earth, the shrieks of Morgon commanders spurred their armoured troops forward, the lean bodies rising over the last obstructions to sweep out across the defences, smoke grenades puffing across the terrain before them. Shrieks of hatred filled the air as explosions rocked the trenches, the defenders ducking down in cover as several hundred Morgons poured forward towards them.


In the command bunker, Jozefina stared in awe at the holographic infantry figures emerging across the terrain, the surviving ground sensors transmitting flickering images back to the officers looking at the computerised table below. The automated machinery in the centre room hummed louder as power surged to the defensive turrets and traps, the Trevakian Major nodding to his captain, the officer running his hand across the controls on the side of the desk.

Through the billowing smoke, tiny blue engagement lights on the embedded turrets flashed as their motors activated, the cylinder defensive weapons running slowly within their mountings as they rose. The half a metre circumference alloy posts rose from the earth, their frames winding as they extended upwards, power surging through the interior weaponry. From the top of the heavily armoured cylinders the static sparked, the upper gun turret emerging and barrel extending outwards automatically. The cylinders hummed loudly as the charge increased to the weapons, several nearby ducking defenders eyes widening as the air seemed to crackle around them.

Behind the first cylinders, three larger higher powered laser guns nearer to the command bunker began to extend quickly from the scorched earth, the black gleaming smooth alloy structures rising at a higher speed tower over the smaller guns.

The Morgons surged across the open ground, nearing the trenches as Trevakian marines rose up, the assault rifle muzzles flashing to meet the oncoming enemy infantry. Bullets ricocheted off the armoured attackers, a couple collapsing backwards as the projectiles swept between or through dense armour at close range. Next to the Trevakians, the helmets of cautious reserve soldiers rose, weapons thrust over the trench walls as automatic fire swept across the defensive line. The inexperienced troops fired with gritted teeth and tear filled eyes of fear, the oncoming infantry seeming endless in number as shrieks filled the landscape on the upper heights.

The dull overcast natural light was overwhelmed by bright muzzle flashes as the Morgons opened fire, advancing steadily towards the defenders as several tossed grenades fell in either direction. Explosions ripped through the shroud of smoke, several screams echoing across the billowing clouds as the muzzle flashes continued, the lead Morgons reaching the outer trenches.


In the command bunker Major Hecklan stepped back, seeing the numerous flickering hologram soldiers surge towards the trenches, his jaw tensing as he turned to stare defiantly at the comms desk, ‘Arm them now!’ The blue uniformed officer’s fingers tapped the flat surface before him, a smile of triumphant excitement sweeping across his face.

Lieutenant Malikkas smashed a fist to his chest armour, nodding to the major, ‘Permission to lead the counterattack Sir?’

The major nodded grimly, ‘Tear them apart!’ The Herrakian spun round, his boots squealing as he advanced towards the doors, Jozefina’s eyes widening as Nao nudged her, his voice low, ‘I think we need to go now…’


Alarms sounded in the helmets of the defenders, a shrill regular beep alerting the soldiers to the defensive deployment measures, their visors glowing red as numerous dots filled their visions. Rees fell backwards, the Trevakian next him dragging him down as the others ducked, the young Heathrow volunteer staring in shock at the marine next to him, ‘What the f….?’

The Trevakian’s head spun round, his voice harsh, ‘Stay down, the phosphorous mines are arming…wait for the blasts!’ He stiffened, hearing shouts further along the trench, his eyes widening beneath the visor as he grabbed the human before him, dragging him forward, ‘They are in the trenches…lets go and help…’


Screeches of hatred filled the smoke filled air, then numerous crumps as mines ignited below the advancing heavy alloy boots, the automated devices flying upwards to five feet in the air before detonating. Bright intense light swept through the curling smoke, the tentacles of ignited phosphorous sweeping out to the sides as the explosive waves tore through the advancing armoured troops.

Blue and red laser blasts seared through the smoke, the laser turrets opening up their rapid fire modes through the mirk. Armoured bodies disintegrated under the blasts and laser fire, limbs torn from torsos as the ferocious shocks and intense energy smashed through body protection and plate.

Inhuman screams of agony and shock filled the smoke, the Morgon commander split in half by blue laser fire from the heavy turrets. Behind the initial wave, the numerous Silakians faltered, their troops beginning to nervously fall back from the swirling smoke as Morgon infantry behind them shrieked in anger and hatred. Laser blasts swept across them, cutting down gun crews and infantry support, the bodies torn apart under the intensely powerful fire. The remaining survivors turned to run, discarding their weapons in panic and fleeing onto the track to pass their infuriated allies, fighting to break through the throng of armoured bodies as the Morgons continued to advance up the slope.

One young Silakian was roughly knocked to the side by a Morgon infantryman, his grey body armour cracking back against the rock face as the armoured soldier turning to stare in contempt at him, black helmet eyes glowing red as his weapon slowly rose in hatred against a weaker ally. Dust swirled around them, numerous silhouettes sweeping past as the Silakian trooper instinctively raised his arms in panicked defence, his body stiffening as he briefly heard the beeping pulse set into the rock face above, the proximity mines arming and preparing to detonate.

The Morgon soldier glanced upwards, distracted as the tiny flashing red light set into the rock face suddenly became constant, his scaled lips opening to shriek a warning as the flash lit up and engulfed his armoured frame.

All along the rocks explosions burst forth, rubble and razor sharp shrapnel engulfing the Morgon and Silakian troops on the tracked incline. Bodies were tossed sideways, the blast waves shattering limbs as the debris smashed against armour and combat uniforms. The screams of the wounded echoed up from below the rise as smoke billowed above, several of the upper heavy rock formations toppling onto the soldiers beneath. The two furthermost walkers’ legs gave way from the blasts, their upper heavy armour bodies crashing down onto the troops underneath. Several of the high machines behind swayed, rocks crashing against their mechanised legs and toppling the thick armour as their crews were decapitated or simply incinerated as the ammunition below their cockpits ignited.

Further delayed charges erupted, the phosphorous shooting out as intense light bathed the shattered soldiers. A wall of burning black smoke rose into the air as further eruptions rocked the cliff face, ammunition and grenades igniting under the pressure as some bodies simply disintegrated under the intense force. Power cells for the laser weapons threw acid and high intensity flame onto the bodies, their complex and highly charged internal energy corrupted and instantaneously destabilising.


Rees ran half-crouched along the forward defence trench on the heights, following the Trevakian marine as the forward soldier raised his assault rifle. The Heathrow volunteer glimpsed the black armour ahead through the smoke, a bitter hand to hand struggle having broken out at the end of the emplacement. He grimaced as he saw the large black armoured figure sweep its weapon down, the rifle cracking against the flailing combat uniformed body beneath, the figure jerking then lying still.

His eyes widened as he realised the corpse wore the same uniform as him, his breath held as his body surged with adrenalin and hatred, his body stiffening as he rose and charged past the Trevakian as the soldier dropped to his knees to fire. Bullets whipped past the human as he charged, a scream of hatred for revenge whining from his lips as his eyes narrowed.

In the emplacement ahead, four Morgons smashed against the six Trevakian and South Korean defenders, their overpowering muscles and frames throwing the bodies to either side as Rees approached the shattered dugout. He glimpsed two South Korean’s cracking Taekwondo kicks against their enemy assailants armour as their arms strained to grapple and restrain the high powered grips of their attackers. The Orientals twisted and turned, desperate to avoid or disable the higher powered enemy, one whining in frustration as he collapsed backwards, the Morgon pinning him against the trench wall. The other swept an ankle blade between the armour plates of his assailant, the high shriek of pain followed by a scream from the Korean as an armoured fist cracked against his helmet, the soldier’s legs sagging as he collapsed unconscious.

Rees’s lifted his assault rifle as the visor flashed in alarm, firing a burst as the nearest Morgon turned to face him, eyes glowing red as the projectiles simply ricocheted off the figure’s armour. Rees raised his weapon, crashing into the armoured trooper as he charged, the force of impact topping the stronger enemy soldier backwards.

Laser fire swept over them as Rees whined, his head cracking against the alloy chest plate as his combat uniform inflated to protect him, his helmet vibrating slightly as he thrust the rifle upwards, crunching it with all his might against the heavy armour above. The Morgon shrieked loudly in anger, grasping Rees’s shoulder plate and dragging him sideways as the human screamed in agony, the armour pinching his shoulder as the reinforced grip closed tightly.

His body crashed against the trench wall, the wind knocked from his chest with the intense impact as his eyes closed, the combat suit excreting anaesthetic and stimulants in reaction to his breathing and heart rate, attempting to save his life. The Morgon rose rapidly, armoured hands scrambling for the human in hatred as Rees coughed violently, his weapon crashing over the trench wall, out of reach.

The high powered enemy soldier grasped Rees’s flaying arm, the grip tearing into his forearm like a vice as he screamed in response, tears of frustration and pain filling his eyes as he kicked and struck out with his spare fist. He felt his body lifting into the air effortlessly, his tendons stretching to near breaking point with the intense grip as he screamed in agony, the suit unable to defend him against such overwhelming pressure. The human kicked and hit out blindly, his body fighting in panic for its survival as he swung through the air, an armoured hand reaching for his throat.

The loud blast shaking him as the grip went weak, his limp frame collapsing onto the floor of the emplacement painfully as the Morgon sank to his knees, then fell forward. Rees stared through his cracked visor, the South Korean spitting on the enemy corpse, his assault rifle smouldering as he lunged away to attack the next armoured enemy.

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