The Red Moon: Moon Rising (23 page)

BOOK: The Red Moon: Moon Rising
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animal fur's to keep me warm, and a few extra pairs of old ripped


jeans that I had found earlier along with a few fitted tops. I knew


that food wouldn't be a problem, because my grandmother always


told me that the Mountains would provide everything that I
needed. After packing I sat there on the bed, quite. I slowly laid


back and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I got myself ready, and stepped out of the


tent to find that everyone was also ready to go. Everything in the


camp was still and with a lingering heavy feeling. Steve had his


bag, Jim had his, Tucker had his, and Jon had his.
They were all


ready to go on the quest with me. I looked at them with a sigh as


they looked back at me.


The Elder's stood there looking at us, then slowly they walked


over to each of us, each of them saying small prayers.
Then elder


Wolf gave Jon his stick that was decorated with animals and rock


formations; Elder Wing gave Tucker his stick that was decorated


with animals and circle, swirling lines. Uncle Tom stepped over to


Jim and gave him a stick that was decorated with wavy designs.


Dad gave Steve his stick that was covered in red and orange


colors with small designs on it.


Elder Wolf stepped back with his hands in the air. "Gods of


the Weeping Mountain, we have given our power over to the next


generation. We relinquish all these powers to the new Elemental's


and the Bringer of the Red Moon, she will be the reason of the


Moon Rising once again." He said, looking at me.
"Mia, we will meet again, I just know it." Elder Wing said, as


he quickly walked away from us. "We will be here until your return.


I love you both." Dad said, as too quickly walked away.
I think he


did that so he didn't see us leave. We all turned and headed into


the direction of the Mountain.


"Mia, are you ready?" Tucker asked as we could no longer


see or hear anything or anyone from the camp. "I am; what about


the rest of you are all of you ready for this?" I asked looking at


everyone; as we all walked closely together in a single file along a


small overgrown path. "We will follow our leader." They all


repeated one by one. "I will follow you to the end of the earth Mia.


I will go where ever you want me to." Jon said softly. "I know you


will." I replied softly with a smile.


The morning sun was hot and bright, we reached the huge


clearing that lead to the beginning of the lake. We all stood there


staring at the lake then up to the massive mountain; pondering the


thoughts of our quest as it begins; turning back was not an option


anymore. We slowly followed the bank of the lake toward the


mountain; as fear and worry built within me as we started our
journey to the red diamonds.

I was born in Kealakekua, on the Big Island of Hawaii. When I was two
weeks old, I was adopted by my grandparents who lived on the small
island of Moloka'i with my eldest sister. I am the youngest of four
children. I grew up on Hawaiian Homestead Land with my biological
parents, a brother and another sister only minutes away.

I attended Kaunakakai Elementary School and later Moloka'i High and
Intermediate School. I have always had a passion to write; and now I
have with my first book of The Red Moon Series, Moon Rising.

I am a mother of four children; my eldest son is 14, my second son is 12,
my daughter is 8 and my youngest son is 1. I am married to my best
friend, who I love with all my heart and with whom I have been with for
15 years.

I give thanks to god for giving me the opportunity and creativity to write
stories that capture the minds of people all around the world.

I encourage everyone to follow their passions and do what you feel is
best for you. Don't ever give up on your dreams and aim for the stars,
but when you get there don't stop, go for the moon.

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