The Reluctant Dom (14 page)

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Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Erotica/Romance

BOOK: The Reluctant Dom
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“You guys are fucking

Seth gave up trying to understand the technicalities. He could wrap his head around it on a health and safety basis, but he knew it would take a while to fully comprehend what Kaden tried to explain.

Seth nervously stood to the side while Kaden gave the first part of his lecture, explaining the different implements, why they differed from each other, how to use them, safety issues. Then he turned to Leah and nodded. She hiked her skirt up over her hips and laid down on what Seth now knew was called a spanking horse.

He'd softened a little during Kaden's talk. The site of her twin, pale cheeks exposed like that instantly hardened his cock again.


Kaden's smile took on a mischievous twist. He handed Seth a soft leather flogger. “Let's start with the easiest one first.” He turned to the class. “Remember, you'll all develop your own style and routine. I personally like to go through a warm up. It makes the experience, in our case, more satisfying.”

Seth nervously stared at the flogger in his hand, then at Leah's ass. He didn't want to whip her—he wanted to fuck her.

Kaden looked at Seth again and nodded. “Go ahead, Seth.”

Leah looked over her shoulder at him, a playful grin on her face. “Anytime, Seth.”

Kaden had already warned Seth he wouldn't be putting Leah in formal mode for this, wanting her to stay mostly out of “subspace,” another term Seth didn't quite understand yet.

Seth took a deep breath and swung. At least it was easier to use and not nearly as frightening as the singletail.

Leah didn't flinch.

Kaden nodded. “I'd say another nine, at least.” He turned to the class and started talking to them, explaining why it was important to have some sort of warm-up routine and how it related to subspace.

Seth finished the set, feeling marginally more comfortable. But his cock throbbed in a nearly painful way.

“You okay, Leah?” he asked.

She winked at him. “Fine and dandy.”

Next came a paddle. Kaden took the first two demonstration swats with it, scaring the crap out of Seth with how loudly it sounded when he smacked her.

Leah not only enjoyed it, she wiggled her hips at him.

Kaden handed the paddle off to Seth. “Finish with another eight.”

Seth numbly nodded. After the first two, Leah looked back at him and dropped her voice so only Seth could hear.

“Swat me like you mean it, sweetie.”


He added more force to his swing. By the time he finished her ass was red and she squirmed on the bench.

Not counting the night at the club or the initial session he witnessed at the house that first night, it was the weirdest experience of Seth's life. When they left Tony's and headed for home a little after ten, Leah was happily stretched out in the backseat with a content smile on her face. Kade hadn't let her climax during the class. Seth had a feeling she would get a helluva good fucking when they got home.

Seth was also harder than he thought he'd ever been in his entire life.

Kade looked at him. “You okay?”


“That was fun,” Leah said from the backseat. “I can't wait to get home.”

Kaden glanced at her in the rear view mirror. “Don't get pushy, love. You're treading into bratty territory.”

Leah dropped her voice. “Sorry, Master.”

But when Seth glanced over his shoulder, he noticed she wore a playful smirk.

Kaden spotted it too. “You could easily spend the rest of the weekend tied to the bed with a vibrator up you and not a single orgasm in sight.”

Seth swallowed hard.

Holy fuck!

Leah leaned forward between the seats, apparently genuinely sorry now. “I'll behave, Master. I promise.” She looked at Seth. “Did you have fun?'

He dumbly nodded. What the hell else could he do or say?

“Is Master going to let Sir practice on me more tonight?”

Kaden looked at Seth, noticed his expression, and waved her back into her seat. “That's for Me and Sir to discuss, none of your business, love. Behave.”

When they returned home, Kaden helped Leah out of the car and whispered something to her. She nodded and immediately disappeared into the house.

Kaden grabbed the duffel bag from the trunk. “Well?”

“Well, what?'

Kaden grinned. “Ready to help reward a good girl for her assistance tonight?”

Seth's cock screamed, “Fuck yes!” and tried to drag him into the house. However, his mind and conscience hadn't yet reconciled the situation.

Seth shook his head. “I don't think I'm ready for that yet,” he hoarsely said.

Kaden hesitated before he closed the trunk. His face clouded. “She'll be disappointed.”

“I know. Tell her I'm sorry.”

Kaden waited for a moment before starting for the front door. “You coming in?”

“In a little while. I ... need some air.”

When he was alone he squatted in the driveway, head between his knees, and took deep breaths.

Fuck fuck FUCK!

After twenty minutes he felt steady enough to walk again and went inside. Both the master bedroom and playroom doors were shut.

Where would they be?

He heard a sharp crack.


Part of him wanted to go join them, take pleasure in making her squirm and reddening her ass. It was something she enjoyed, something to, for a little while at least, take her mind off ... after.

Yet he felt guilty. This should be Kaden's time with her. Time alone with her. He didn't have much time left.

Seth knew he could have his time ... after.

He poured himself a stiff drink and took it into his bedroom. Then he turned on the TV and pulled the pillow over his head and tried to get the image of Leah's sweetly red and delightfully dancing ass out of his mind.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 8

Seth awoke Sunday morning to bright daylight streaming through his window and hitting him in the face. He was surprised to see it was after eight. Leah hadn't brought his coffee in yet, even though he smelled it brewing.

His TV was still on, too.

He got out of bed, used the bathroom, and shut off the
show while Lester Holt was in the middle of talking to someone about innovative pet accessories.

Sudden, irrational fear flooded him. He hoped Leah wasn't upset at him for not playing with them last night after class.

That's stupid. She's not yours to play with, dude. No matter what the two of them say. This should be Kade's time with her.

It still disturbed him.

He walked out to the kitchen and didn't look into the living room as he passed. He poured himself a mug of coffee, debated whether to shower or go jogging, finally opted for a shower. He could spend time swimming that afternoon. Frankly, it was probably too hot already for a good run. Dropping dead of heat stroke wouldn't help anyone.

He turned to walk down the hall and froze as he passed the living room doorway.

Kaden was stretched out on the couch, reading the Sunday paper and dressed in shorts and a T-shirt.

Leah was...

Holy fuck!

She was...


Kaden had bound her to the sturdy coffee table.

Not on.


The rope harness formed intricate patterns around her torso. Her hands were bound behind her back, and she was trussed on her knees, ass in the air. Kaden had looped the rope around her legs in such a way that they were spread, leaving Seth staring at her open and defenseless shaved pussy. The rope was looped multiple times around her legs, forming another intricate pattern.

Seth's jaw gaped.

Kaden looked up and reached for his coffee mug. “Oh, good morning.”

Seth stared.

Kaden took a sip of coffee, put his mug down, and went back to reading his paper.

Seth stared.

He didn't know how long he stared, only that not only was his morning boner back with a passion, it was probably standing straight out in his boxers. He couldn't bother looking. The sight of Leah tied to the table...

Holy fuck!

Seth slowly walked around the back of the couch. Kaden continued reading the paper, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. When Seth finally made it to the other end of the couch, where he could see Leah's head, he realized she had a pillow beneath her and she lay with her left cheek against it, staring at him and Kaden. She was also gagged. When she caught Seth's eye, she winked.

Holy freaking fuck!

Kaden read the paper.

Seth swallowed hard. “Um.”

Kaden nodded. “Shibari. Also known as Kinbaku, depending on who you talk to.” He held up the rest of the paper, offered it to Seth, who numbly shook his head.

Kaden went back to reading the paper.

After more long, silent minutes, Seth managed to form vowels. “Is she ... comfortable?”

Kaden didn't look up from the paper. “Are you comfortable, sweetheart?”

Well, they obviously weren't formal this morning.

She made a sign with her right hand. From this angle, Seth could also see the harness formed a sort of bra around her boobs, pushing them out in a way that didn't help things on his end.

Kaden glanced over the top of his glasses at her hands. “She's comfortable.”

He went back to reading the paper.

Seth stared. He wasn't sure how long he stood there and stared. He was sure, however, that if Leah didn't have the ball gag in her mouth she'd be smiling. He knew that playful look in her eyes.

Seth walked around the couch and sat at the end, near Leah's head, staring at her. The knot work looked intricate, amazing.

That's when he noticed the paramedic scissors and Leatherman tool for the first time. Kaden had laid them on the table, near Leah's right knee.

“What are those for?” Seth hoarsely croaked.

Kaden looked to where Seth pointed. “Just in case. Never do rope bondage without them.”

He went back to his paper.

“How long are you leaving her like that?”

Kaden glanced at the cable box. “Another ten minutes. Then her torture starts.”

Seth thought Leah moaned but it wasn't an
oh, shit
moan. It was an
oh, goodie


“Yeah. For being a little on the pushy side yesterday. She's going to spend the day being tortured. Aren't you, love?”

She definitely moaned that time.

Seth stared, realized he still held his coffee mug and that his hands were trembling. He set it on the coffee table near Leah's head. Somehow that didn't feel right, so he picked it up and moved it to the end table.

“Do I want to know how you're going to torture her?”

“You should. You'll find this very effective.” He lost himself in the paper again.

“Um, dude. Focus. What are you going to do to her?”

“Keep her on edge all day long, not let her come. Later tonight, if she's a good girl,” that comment he directed at Leah, “I might let her have an orgasm. If she's very good, I'll let her have two.”

She moaned again.

Nope, definitely an
oh goodie

Seth could sympathize, because his dick throbbed in his pants.

“I didn't use a crotch rope this time because I knew she'd rub against it and try to get herself off.” Instead of wrapping between her legs, he'd used a pattern that looped around her upper thighs. “That's why I've got her legs spread, so she can't squirm against the thigh ropes.”

Seth swallowed hard. “Uh huh.”

Kaden finally folded the A section and laid it on top of the rest of the newspaper. “You've got to watch her very carefully. She's squirmy. She loves trying to get free. Part of what she really gets off on is not being able to get loose. And in the process of squirming, she'll rub herself into coming against the ropes. So unless you want her to be able to do that, you have to use a pattern like this.” He pointed at the rope, showing Seth where he had looped it.

“Uh huh.”

Kaden glanced at the time again. “Watch her for me for a minute, please? Never leave her alone or turn your back on her when she's rope bound. Especially suspended. With cuffs, depending on the circumstances, if you're at home it's sometimes okay to leave her alone for a little while. Not leave the house, of course. But like in bed or over the spanking horse or something.”

Seth nodded. “Okay,” he whispered.

When Kaden left, Seth leaned close to Leah and whispered, “Are you really okay with this?”

She winked. The edges of her mouth definitely twitched in what he thought would be a smile if the ball gag wasn't in the way. And her eyes crinkled in a familiar look he recognized as amusement.

Kaden returned a moment later. He carried...

Holy fuck.

Seth sat back and stared, dumbfounded.

Definitely dropped through a wormhole.
No other explanation.

Kaden held up a large butt plug. “Want to do the honors?”

Seth tried for words, had to swallow to form spit, and tried again. “No thanks. I'm good.”

Kaden shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He patted Leah on the ass. “Get ready, love.” Apparently they'd dropped back into formal mode.

She closed her eyes and moaned.

He lubed the plug and carefully, gently slid it in. She immediately started squirming, and her skin flushed.

Kaden patted her ass again. “I know, this is especially mean of me, using that one on you. It'll really keep you hot all day, won't it?”

She moaned.

The other device ...
good God almighty!
It was a large dildo with straps. Kaden reached between her legs and slipped two fingers inside her—Seth's cock painfully throbbed again—and Kaden smiled.

“Jesus, love, you're really wet. You must enjoy having Seth watch this.

Her eyes were still closed but she softly moaned.

Kaden pressed the large head of the dildo against her. “Here it comes. Get ready.” He slowly slid it in while she struggled against the ropes.

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