The Reluctant Twitcher (21 page)

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Authors: Richard Pope

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BOOK: The Reluctant Twitcher
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• Pine Siskin. January 19, Algonquin

• Evening Grosbeak. January 19, Algonquin

• Common Redpoll. January 19, Algonquin (Spruce Bog Trail)

• Ruffed Grouse. January 20, Algonquin

• Boreal Chickadee. January 20, Algonquin (Opeongo Road)

• Black-backed Woodpecker. January 20, Algonquin (Opeongo Road)

• American Three-toed Woodpecker. January 21, Algonquin (Spruce Bog Trail)

• Spruce Grouse. January 21, Algonquin (Spruce Bog Trail)

• Northern Shrike. January 21, Roseneath

• Northern Cardinal. January 21, Cobourg (Margaret's Feeders)

• Rough-legged Hawk. January 22, Cobourg

• Redhead. January 23, Presqu'ile Provincial Park (Presqu'ile)

• American Robin. January 23, Presqu'ile

• Snow Bunting. January 24, Port Hope (just north on Highway 28)

• American Wigeon. January 27, Kingston

• Northern Pintail. January 27, Kingston

• Ring-necked Duck. January 27, Kingston

• Northern Harrier. January 27, Kingston

• Horned Lark. January 29, Port Hope (Dickinson Road)

• Lapland Longspur. January 29, Port Hope (Dickinson Road)

• Barrow's Goldeneye. January 30, Presqu'ile

January Total: 75


• Greater White-fronted Goose. February 18, Salem (Blyth Park Road)

• Horned Grebe. February 23, Humber Bay

• Short-eared Owl. February 23, Fisherville

• Red-bellied Woodpecker. February 23, Selkirk Provincial Park

• Ring-necked Pheasant. February 25, Amherst Island

• Snowy Owl. February 25, Amherst Island

• Long-eared Owl. February 25, Amherst Island

• Northern Saw-whet Owl. February 25, Amherst Island

• Cooper's Hawk. February 27, Prince Edward County

• Harris's Sparrow. February 27, Prince Edward County

• Wild Turkey. February 28, Peterborough Airport

February Total: 11               Running Total: 86


• Laughing Gull. March 5, Cobourg Harbour

• Wood Duck. March 12, Ashbridge's Bay

• Red-winged Blackbird. March 12, Ashbridge's Bay

• Common Grackle. March 12, Ashbridge's Bay

• Red-necked Grebe. March 12, Leslie Street Spit

• Surf Scoter. March 12, Gray Road

• Black Scoter. March 12, Gray Road

• Gray Partridge. March 12, Brantford Airport

• Green-winged Teal. March 14, Cobourg Harbour

• Ruddy Duck. March 14, Cobourg Harbour

• Harlequin Duck. March 14, Cobourg (Lucas Point)

• Song Sparrow. March 14, Cobourg (Lucas Point)

• Brown-headed Cowbird. March 18, Wicklow

• Snow Goose. March 19, Cobourg Harbour

• Lesser Scaup. March 20, Cobourg Harbour

• Northern Shoveler. March 22, Long Point

• Pied-billed Grebe. March 22, Long Point

• Turkey Vulture. March 22, Long Point

• Bald Eagle. March 22, Long Point

• Sandhill Crane. March 22, Long Point

• Killdeer. March 22, Long Point

• Northern Flicker. March 22, Long Point

• Tree Swallow. March 22, Long Point

• Eastern Bluebird. March 22, Long Point

• Eastern Towhee. March 22, Long Point

• Fox Sparrow. March 22, Long Point

• Eastern Meadowlark. March 22, Long Point

• Rusty Blackbird. March 22, Long Point

• American Woodcock. March 26, Grafton (Thomas Road)

• Great Horned Owl. March 26, Grafton (Thomas Road)

• Pileated Woodpecker. March 26, Cobourg

• Eastern Phoebe. March 27, Thickson's Woods

• Red-shouldered Hawk. March 30, Wilberforce

March Total: 33          Running Total: 119


• Eared Grebe. April 2, Grimsby Sewage Lagoons

• Forster's Tern. April 2, Port Rowan

• Blue-winged Teal. April 2, Long Point

• Brown Creeper. April 2, Long Point

• Winter Wren. April 2, Long Point

• Golden-crowned Kinglet. April 2, Long Point

• Field Sparrow. April 2, Long Point

• Hermit Thrush. April 3, Cobourg (Margaret's Backyard)

• White-crowned Sparrow. April 3, Cobourg (Margaret's Backyard)

• Osprey. April 9, Buckhorn

• Common Loon. April 12, Bronte

• Sharp-shinned Hawk. April 13, Toronto

• Wilson's Snipe. April 14, Cobourg (Normar Road)


• Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. April 15, Lynde Shores Conservation Area

• Swamp Sparrow. April 15, Lynde Shores Conservation Area

• Greater Yellowlegs. April 21, Reesor Pond

• Barn Swallow. April 21, Corner Marsh

• Cedar Waxwing. April 21, Cranberry Marsh

• Belted Kingfisher. April 21, Thickson's Woods

• Ruby-crowned Kinglet. April 21, Thickson's Woods

• Yellow-rumped Warbler. April 24, Cobourg (my backyard)

• Caspian Tern. April 25, Presqu'ile

• Purple Martin. April 25, Presqu'ile

• Northern Rough-winged Swallow. April 25, Presqu'ile

• Brown Thrasher. April 25, Presqu'ile

• Pine Warbler. April 25, Presqu'ile

• Palm Warbler. April 25, Presqu'ile

• Chipping Sparrow. April 25, Presqu'ile

• Savannah Sparrow. April 26, Baillieborough

• Chimney Swift. April 27, Stoney Creek (Edgewater)

• Blue-headed Vireo. April 27, Stoney Creek (Edgewater)

• Yellow-throated Warbler. April 27, Stoney Creek (Edgewater)

• Broad-winged Hawk. April 27, Hamilton

• Black-throated Green Warbler. April 27, Thickson's Woods

• American Bittern. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Great Egret. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Black-crowned Night-Heron. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Spotted Sandpiper. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Common Tern. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Bank Swallow. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Cliff Swallow. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Cape May Warbler. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Black-throated Blue Warbler. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Black-and-white Warbler. April 28, Leslie Street Spit

• Lesser Yellowlegs. April 29, Nonquon Sewage Lagoons

• Least Sandpiper. April 29, Nonquon Sewage Lagoons

April Total: 46          Running Total: 165


• Marbled Godwit. May 1, Amherst Island

• Pectoral Sandpiper. May 1, Amherst Island

• Wilson's Phalarope. May 1, Amherst Island

• Ruby-throated Hummingbird. May 4, Thickson's Woods

• Wood Thrush. May 4, Thickson's Woods

• Nashville Warbler. May 4, Thickson's Woods

• Ovenbird. May 4, Thickson's Woods

• Rose-breasted Grosbeak. May 4, Thickson's Woods

• House Wren. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• Gray Catbird. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• Veery. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• Swainson's Thrush. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• Northern Parula. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• Magnolia Warbler. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• American Redstart. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• Lincoln's Sparrow. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• Baltimore Oriole. May 5, Thickson's Woods

• Least Flycatcher. May 7, Rondeau Provincial Park

• Yellow Warbler. May 7, Rondeau Provincial Park

• Chestnut-sided Warbler. May 7, Rondeau Provincial Park

• Cerulean Warbler. May 7, Rondeau Provincial Park

• Common Yellowthroat. May 7, Rondeau Provincial Park

• Black-bellied Plover. May 7, Hillman's Marsh

• Semipalmated Plover. May 7, Hillman's Marsh

• Dunlin. May 7, Hillman's Marsh

• Short-billed Dowitcher. May 7, Hillman's Marsh

• Warbling Vireo. May 7, Hillman's Marsh

• American Pipit. May 7, Hillman's Marsh

• American Golden-Plover. May 8, Hillman's Marsh

• Red-headed Woodpecker. May 8, Point Pelee

• Great Crested Flycatcher. May 8, Point Pelee

• Eastern Kingbird. May 8, Point Pelee

• White-eyed Vireo. May 8, Point Pelee

• Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. May 8, Point Pelee

• Blackburnian Warbler. May 8, Point Pelee

• Bay-breasted Warbler. May 8, Point Pelee

• Worm-eating Warbler. May 8, Point Pelee

• Northern Waterthrush. May 8, Point Pelee

• Hooded Warbler. May 8, Point Pelee

• Wilson's Warbler. May 8, Point Pelee

• Summer Tanager. May 8, Point Pelee

• Scarlet Tanager. May 8, Point Pelee

• Grasshopper Sparrow. May 8, Point Pelee

• Henslow's Sparrow. May 8, Point Pelee

• Indigo Bunting. May 8, Point Pelee

• Orchard Oriole. May 8, Point Pelee

• Philadelphia Vireo. May 9, Point Pelee

• Carolina Wren. May 9, Point Pelee

• Marsh Wren. May 9, St. Clair Wildlife Area

• Yellow-headed Blackbird. May 9, Angler Line

• Prairie Warbler. May 9, Point Pelee

• Canada Warbler. May 9, Point Pelee

• Black Tern. May 10, Pelee Marsh Boardwalk

• Black-billed Cuckoo. May 10, Point Pelee

• Eastern Wood-Pewee. May 10, Point Pelee

• Red-eyed Vireo. May 10, Point Pelee

• Blue-winged Warbler. May 10, Point Pelee

• Tennessee Warbler. May 10, Point Pelee

• Mourning Warbler. May 10, Point Pelee

• Solitary Sandpiper. May 11, Pelee Island

• Bobolink. May 11, Pelee Island

• Blackpoll Warbler. May 12, Pelee Island

• Common Moorhen. May 13, Pelee Island

• Green Heron. May 14, Pelee Island

• Virginia Rail. May 14, Pelee Island

• Yellow-billed Cuckoo. May 15, Pelee Island

• American Avocet. May 16, Hillman's Marsh

• White-rumped Sandpiper. May 16, Hillman's Marsh

• Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. May 16, Rondeau Provincial Park

• Prothonotary Warbler. May 16, Rondeau Provincial Park

• Sedge Wren. May 19, Presqu'ile

• Brant. May 23, Nonquon Sewage Lagoons

• Semipalmated Sandpiper. May 23, Nonquon Sewage Lagoons

• Whimbrel. May 24, Colonel Sam Smith Park

• Willow Flycatcher. May 24, Colonel Sam Smith Park

• Gray-cheeked Thrush. May 24, Colonel Sam Smith Park

• Upland Sandpiper. May 25, Carden Alvar (Wylie Road)

• Common Nighthawk. May 25, Carden Alvar (Alvar Road)

• Loggerhead Shrike. May 25, Carden Alvar (Wylie Road)

• Vesper Sparrow. May 25, Carden Alvar (Wylie Road)

• Merlin. May 26, Kirkfield

• Clay-colored Sparrow. May 26, Carden Alvar (Cameron Ranch)

• Yellow-throated Vireo. May 29, Opinicon Road

• Golden-winged Warbler. May 29, Opinicon Road

• Alder Flycatcher (Number 250). May 29, Northumberland

County (Stoney Point Road)

May Total: 85         Running Total: 250


• Ruddy Turnstone. June 1, Cobourg Harbour

• Cattle Egret. June 4, Gasline

• Lark Sparrow. June 4, Long Point

• Louisiana Waterthrush. June 4, Long Point

• Least Bittern. June 13, Lone Pine Marsh

• Brewer's Blackbird. June 15, Desbarats

• American White Pelican. June 17, Rainy River Road

• Sharp-tailed Grouse. June 17, Rainy River Road

• Black-billed Magpie. June 17, Rainy River Road

• Western Meadowlark. June 17, Rainy River

• Franklin's Gull. June 17, Rainy River

• Piping Plover. June 18, Windy Point

• Le Conte's Sparrow. June 20, Fred's Marsh

June Total: 13        Running Total: 263


• Northern Goshawk. July 6, Kilbride

• Barred Owl. July 16, Straggle Lake

• Eurasian Collared-Dove. July 20, Stoney Creek

• Acadian Flycatcher. July 20, Spooky Hollow

• Stilt Sandpiper. July 20, Jarvis Sewage Lagoons

• Sanderling. July 26, Cobourg Harbour

July Total: 6          Running Total: 269


• Baird's Sandpiper. August 19, Presqu'ile

• Red-necked Phalarope. August 19, Nonquon Sewage Lagoons

• Willet. August 19, Cranberry Marsh

• Olive-sided Flycatcher. August 26, Cobourg

• Long-billed Dowitcher. August 26, Brighton Water Polishing Facility

• Red Knot. August 27, Presqu'ile

August Total: 6          Running Total: 275


• Buff-breasted Sandpiper. September 8, Beeton Sod Farms

• Sabine's Gull. September 8, Van Wagner's Beach


• Eastern Screech-Owl. September 18, Cobourg

• Ruff. September 19, Harrington

September Total: 4 Running Total: 279


• Peregrine Falcon. October 3, Presqu'ile Provincial Park

• Parasitic Jaeger. October 3, Presqu'ile Provincial Park

• Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow. October 4, Cootes Paradise

• Golden Eagle. October 9, Prince Edward Point

• Cackling Goose. October 11, Lynde Shores Conservation Area

• Orange-crowned Warbler. October 12, Hillman's Marsh

• Sora. October 14, Pelee Marsh Boardwalk

• Northern Wheatear. October 14, Shrewsbury

• Hudsonian Godwit. October 15, Coot's Pond (Darlington)

• Pomarine Jaeger. October 16, Van Wagner's Beach

• White-faced Ibis. October 20, Cootes Pond (Hamilton)

• Ross's Goose. October 23, Reesor Pond

• Trumpeter Swan. October 28 (Okayed by OBRC),

Cobourg Harbour

• Eurasian Wigeon. October 29, Kingston

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