Read The Remnant: On The Brink of Armageddon Online

Authors: Tim Lahaye,Jerry B. Jenkins

Tags: #Adventure, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adult, #Thriller, #Contemporary, #Spiritual, #Religion

The Remnant: On The Brink of Armageddon (27 page)

BOOK: The Remnant: On The Brink of Armageddon
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She was curious. If Christopher knew the mind of God, could he tell her more? Ming could not open her mouth, yet she had so many questions. Christopher answered even the unasked. Neither will your mother see death before the glorious appearing of the King of kings. But you will be separated soon. You will return to your friends, not all of whom will remain on this earth to the end. Ming wanted to ask who, but still she could not make herself speak. Her limbs, warm and liquid, felt heavy and immobile. All she could do was stare at Christopher. She felt as if she were smiling, in fact as if her entire body was.


Christopher stood, and Nahum and Caleb joined him. As she watched, they seemed to grow larger until they towered over the area. Christopher reached out an open hand to her, but she could not move to take it and feared anyway that her body would be enveloped by it. And now, he said, may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.


The three were gone, and suddenly it was morning. The sun was bright and warm. Tung and his people acted as if they knew they were on the air, serious looks plastered on their faces. They strode about through the crowd of onlookers and Muslims.


All the victims of the raid were in line for the blade, and to Ming’s surprise and great joy, at least twenty-five of them bore not only the mark of the believer, but also a look of assurance and deep peace that said they would have the grace to accept the consequences of their decision. It was nearly half a year later before Chang began to feel the pressure had lightened, if only a bit, at the palace compound. He tried a little something new every day, tapping in here and there, checking the memory disk David Hassid had buried deep within the system.


It was all there, everything that had gone on in the place since Chang began to lie low. He had not listened in to anything live, but he could check his calendar for specific events and go back to hear what had gone on behind closed doors on those days. His sister had finally escaped China, their mother insisting that Ming go back to the United North American States with your young man. I will be fine here.


Ming told Chang she had not told their mother of Christopher’s promise that neither of them would see death before the Glorious Appearing, but that Mother seems to get along as if that is her intention anyway to make it to the end. Ming rhapsodized to Chang about how wonderful it had felt to finally get on board with Ree, to fly all day, to get past easier checkpoints and wind up in San Diego, finally able to get rid of her male GC Peacekeeper’s uniform and let her hair grow out . . . to be a woman again.


For Ree? Chang had asked via secure phone. For me! she said. Well, maybe a little for him. How’s that going? None of your business. Of course it is. It’s safe to say we’re an item, she said, but it’s awfully hard to concentrate on that with him gone almost all the time. The people here tease me about it, even Captain Steele. But Ree and I are not really romantic yet. He hasn’t kissed you? I didn’t say that. That sounds romantic. It was a kiss good bye before his last run and a kiss of greeting when he returned. It was in front of people, so no, romantic it was not. Chang was curious about how Rayford was getting along, relocating once again. It’s been hard for him, Chang.


He’s thrilled to be back with his family, of course, and you should see him with that grandson! But he still feels isolated from much of the Tribulation Force, even though Sebastian has had a techie in here giving him all of us whatever we need to carry on as before. Living literally beneath the ground can get depressing. And I know he misses many of the advantages he had at Petra. To Chang’s mind, the one who had benefited most at Petra was Abdullah Smith. He was flying again, making regular runs in and out of the place, many of them with his old friends Mac and Albie.


But he had chosen, and they had agreed, that he should continue to live in Petra. He had become expert on the computer and frequently regaled the rest of the Trib Force with his latest escapades, many of which happened right there at Petra. He had just filed a long account with Rayford and copied everyone else. He wrote in English for everyone’s benefit, and was still learning. It read: Late yesterday after the noon we had a very special time here as Dr. Ben Judah instructed us on living in the Spirit. That is the Holy Spirit, which I knew some about from his previous teachings, but not nearly enough.


Captain Steele, you will recall that just before you left, there had been some trouble here. Nothing too major, but people getting on each other’s nervousness and complaining to the elders about this and that. Well, do you know who straightened all that out and got people to get along better? No, not Dr. Ben Judah, but Chaim. Yes, it’s true. He has become quite a wise leader and very beloved by everyone here. My spell checker is making belovered blink madly, but that is what he is, most certainly.


Anyway, today Dr. Ben Judah talked about Chaim, who many here still like to call Micah. His Bible passage was Ephesi.ans 5:18 21, which talks about being filled with the Spirit, having a song in your heart (I liked that especially), having an attitude of thankfulness, and submitting to one another. He said those were characteristics of Chaim, and from the reaction of the people, I would have to say they agreed enthusiastically.


He also referred to Galatians 5:22 23, which list the nine fruits of the Spirit. I know you know this, Captain Steele, but as my messages to you also go into my personal journal, let me list them here: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, humility, and self control. I don’t know about you, but many of these were not part of my nature, culture, or background. But again, they have become part of the personality of Chaim, making him a great leader here. It was such good teaching, Captain Steele. I took many notes. Dr. Ben Judah told everyone that if we could all learn to walk in the Spirit, we would have an easier time getting along for two and a half mare years. He told us that besides the nine characteristics and the joyful, thankful, submissive heart, we will know we have the Spirit when we have the power to tell other people about Christ.


He took that from Acts 1:8, where Jesus told his disciples that they would have power after the Holy Spirit came upon them and that they would be witnesses to him to the ends of the earth. Believe it or not, we have to be witnesses even here. There are still some among us who have not chosen Christ. The trouble now is that there are rumors of miracle workers in the Negev, not far from here. Many have said they heard about this from friends outside. Some even said they read of it in Mr. Williams’s The Truth. Well, I know they could have, because it was in there, but he made it very clear that these people were fakes, pretenders.


Even if they can perform some magic tricks, they were put in place by Carpathia and are not to be trusted. But can you believe it? There are groups here who plan to venture out and hear these people! I must have the Spirit, Captain Steele, because I myself and you know how shy I am am preaching against this, pleading with people not to go. Have you heard the rumors that the head of Carpathianism, the one we know to be the False Prophet, is himself challenging Dr. Ben Judah to a televised debate? I cannot believe his foolishness! Does he not remember that it was Dr. Ben Judah’s television message about Jesus being the Messiah that first brought him to the attention of the world?


Why does he think Dr. Ben Judah has such a big following yet today? No thinking person would allow Leon Fortunato inside Petra, of course, and neither would any of us advise Dr. Ben Judah to venture out to some Global Community approved site. So if this is to happen, Tsion will probably be on camera from here, and Leon from who knows where? Frankly, I hope the GC is foolish enough to follow through with this and that they have the courage to air it live and not censored. I continue to be thrilled to be able to serve God under his divine protection. And though it happens nearly every time I fly, I never get tired of seeing the GC threaten and warn and even try to blast us out of the sky and then waste their missiles and bullets, missing us from point blank range.


Many of them must be among those who would change their minds about God and about Nicolae Carpathia, if only it wasn’t too late for them. Rayford always loved hearing from Smitty. There was a youth and innocence about him that had nothing to do with his age. In fact, he was still in his early thirties, but Rayford loved him like a son. He was shutting down his computer when Chloe came knocking. She was alone. Got a minute? she said. For you, are you kidding? Where are your men? Doing Kenny’s favorite thing. wrestling on the floor,


Rayford said. Exactly. I’m telling you, Dad, since a little before his birthday, we’ve been finding out what the Terrible Twos are all about. It’s not that bad, is it? He’s naturally going to be a little rambunctious, having to play inside all the time. We’ll survive. Roughhousing with his dad takes a little of the steam out of him. He’s all boy, I can tell you that. But, hey, this is a business call. Really? I need to call in a favor. Do you owe me anything? Let’s pretend I owe you everything. Give me an assignment. Co op, I assume. Oh yeah. One of our biggest trades ever could happen in abut three months, but it has to be done by air, and we need a larger than normal crew. I’d like you to head it up on the western side. Mac’s going to run things from the east.


That big, huh? I’m all ears. I’ve been sitting on this awhile, trading off bits of it here and there, but both parties have too much inventory. They don’t need what they’ve got, but they’re ready to trade with each other. You know how water has become as valuable as wheat? Sure. Our Argentine friends are willing to prove it. We’ve got a contingent, run by a Luis Arturo, at Gobernador Gregores on the Chico River. They’ve harvested thousands of bushels of wheat. Naturally they are worried they’re on borrowed time, with the size of the operation. And they’re worried about water.


The Chico is getting more polluted all the time, and they are suspecting it’s intentional on the part of the GC. They’ve got wheat and need water. Who’s got water? The most unlikely place. Well, maybe not as unlikely as the middle of the desert, but this isn’t a place you normally think of for bottled water. Probably the biggest underground church outside of America. Bihari’s group at the Rihand Dam. You’re not saying . . . I am  India ?  That’s the place.


They’ve got about as much volume of water as the Argentineans have wheat, and they’re willing to trade straight up. You need more than a big crew, hon.  Tell me about it. We need big planes. Albie got something lined up out of Turkey, of all places, and he’s having it retrofitted to hold the skids of water. Regardless, it should work fine for the wheat. Thing is, Dad, we can’t wait. We’ve got to do this almost simultaneously. The wheat’s got to be heading toward India while the water’s on its way. Albie and Mac are going to pick up Abdullah and bring Bihari with them. I’d like you to choose three other guys from the States  Well, Buck and George  Not including Buck this time, if you don’t mind. Don’t look at me that way. It’s just a feeling. That this is a doomed mission? Thanks for sending met 


Not at all. I just think Kenny needs him right now, and frankly I may be self serving or prejudiced or whatever I don’t think he has the time to take away from The Truth.  Rayford leaned back and looked at the ceiling. George and Ree from here, if you can spare ‘em. We’ve got time to work around their schedules, sure. 


And I’d look first to Whalum for a plane that big. And if he’s got one, he ought to bring it here to pick us up and serve as our fourth. I’m for that, Chloe said. That’ll get Leah off my back. Still wants a ride to Petra? Yeah. Which is not all bad, except we haven’t been able to work it out yet, and I think she’s taking it personally.


What a shock, eh? Well, we both know what she’s up to, and I’d almost like to get Tsion’s permission before I send her over there to start stalking that’s overstated shadowing him. When the time came for the project, Lionel Whalum was en route to San Diego, sans Leah, who was none too happy.


Your best? I mean, one of your  No less. Our goal should be to leave Petra a ghost town!  Oh, sir, I  when did you become such a pessimist, Leon? We call you the Most High Reverend Father of Carpathianism, and I have offered myself as a living god, risen from the dead, with powers from on high. Yours is merely a sales job, Leon. Remind the people what their potentate has to offer, and watch them line up. And we have a special, you know.


A special, sir? Yes! We are running a special! This week only, anyone from Petra will be allowed to take the mark of loyalty with no punishment for having missed the deadline, now long since past. Think of the influence they can have on others just like them. The fear factor has worked fairly well, Potentate. Well, it is sort of a no more Mr. Nice Guy campaign, one would have to admit. But the time is past for worrying about my image. By now if people do not know who I am and what I am capable of, it is too late for them.


But some blow to the other side, some victory over the curse of the bloody seas that can only help. And I want you to do well against Ben Judah, Leon. You are learned and devout, and you ask for worship of a living, breathing god who is here and who is not silent. It takes no faith. to believe in the deity of one you can see on television every day. I should be the easy, convenient, logical choice. Of course, Majesty, and I shall portray you that way.


Lionel Whalum turned out to be a compact black man, a tick under six feet and about two hundred pounds. He wore glasses and had salt and pepper hair, and was a skilled pilot of almost any size craft. He brought a transport lumbering into the clandestine strip in San Diego, and within an hour was airborne again with George and Ree in the back and Rayford in the copilot’s seat. Chloe has told me so much about you, Rayford said, but it’s all been business. I think I know the basics of that story, but how did you become a believer? I love when people ask, Whalum said. A big reason I was left behind had to do with how I lived. I know there’s nothing wrong with being successful and making money, but in my case, speaking just for me now, it made me deaf and blind somehow. I had tunnel vision. Don’t get me wrong. I was a nice guy. My wife, she was a nice lady. Still is.

BOOK: The Remnant: On The Brink of Armageddon
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