The Richest Woman in America (41 page)

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Opportunities emerged: Carol Ford,
National Magazine
, September 1905.

There, in the marble house: The description is by C. W. de Lyon Nichols in
Business America
. Nichols was an author, theologian, and observer of society.

“It had been a cardinal doctrine”: Noyes,
Forty Years of American Finance

J. P. Morgan took a sandwich: Article in the
New York Times
, May 12, 1907, on the lunch habits of leading businesspeople. “J. Pierpont Morgan eats his luncheon on his desk, and this luncheon consists of a single sandwich and a glass of water.” August Belmont had “a modest luncheon” in his private office. “William Schieffelin, the millionaire head of a drug trade in America, frequently takes from a little tin box in his desk drawer a soda cracker and a lump of chocolate and calls that luncheon.” As for Hetty Green, “the richest woman in the land goes regularly to a dairy lunch place in Broadway, just below Fulton Street, and her midday meal consists of a cup of custard and a glass of milk.”

“Mr. Roosevelt has not made good”:
Town Topics
, February 27, 1908.

The United States could continue to prosper: Noyes,
Forty Years of American Finance

“There’s one reason why”:
Farm Journal
, November 1908.

“We had a big financial crisis”: Paul Volcker made these comments in an interview with Charlie Rose in New York, September 2011, at a dinner in honor of the newly established Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University.

21: R

“Anything, everything is possible”: James Rasenberger,
America 1908
(New York: Scribner, 2007).

Newspapers reported talk of war:
The Sun
, June 14, 1908.

Henry James was entranced: James wrote about New York in
The American Scene

H. G. Wells extolled: Bayrd Still,
Mirror for Gotham
(New York: Fordham University Press, 1994).

Another English author thrilled: Arnold Bennett,
Your United States
(New York: Harper and Brothers, 1912).

highest per capita income: Rasenberger,
America 1908

“I am glad Miss Gladys Vanderbilt”:
Washington Times
, October 12, 1907.

A scion of a real estate: Marion King,
Books and People
(New York: Macmillan, 1954).

The French Renaissance fortress: Curtis Gathje,
At the Plaza
(New York: Macmillan, 2000); Simon,
Fifth Avenue
; Eve Brown,
The Plaza
(New York: Meredith Press, 1967).

Financed in large part: Henry Clews,
Twenty-eight Years in Wall Street

“A woman has failed”: Rasenberger,
America 1908

she hired a clipping service:
New York Daily Tribune
, June 4, 1908.

“I’m back, Twink”:
Washington Times
, October 6, 1908.

22: H

Ned left behind: Beffel/Marshall Papers, Wayne State University.

list of “Don’ts”: Nichols, “Hetty Green.”

not averse to something pretty: Ibid.

a wooden loft: Beffel/Marshall Papers, Wayne State University.

presidential Cabinet:
, July 1911.

million dollars’ worth of war bonds: Beffel/Marshall Papers, Wayne State University.


Beffel, John Nicholas. Papers. Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, Detroit.

Bullard, John M. “The Greens as I Knew Them.” John M. Bullard Papers. Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge.

Fravert, John B. Railroad Collection. University of Louisville Archives and Record Center.

Grinnell, Helen Lansing. Diary. New York Public Library.

Holbrook, Stewart Hall. Papers. Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries.

Howland, Emily. Family Papers. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College.

Logan, Andy. Papers. New York Public Library.

Plimpton, George Arthur. Papers. Barnard College, New York.

Tailer, Edward N. Diaries. New-York Historical Society.

Wise, H. A. Letterbook #80, Box 32/22/1865. New-York Historical Society.

Heritage Auctions. School Book, 1850.


The Advertiser Journal

The Boston Evening Transcript

The Brooklyn Eagle

The Chicago Daily Tribune

The Deseret Evening News

The Hazel Green Herald

The Illustrated London News

The Jerseyman
(Morristown, NJ)

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The New York Herald

The New York Times

The New York World

The North Eastern Reporter

The San Francisco Call

The St. Paul Daily Globe

The Sun
(New York)

The Thrice-a-Week-World

Town Topics: The Journal of Society

The Washington Times


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, January 1857, 207–11.

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, March 10, 1900.

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, June 1900.

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, February 1900.

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McCord, James. Telephone interview by author.

Nelson, Scott Reynolds. Telephone interview by author, August 27, 2010.


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