The Ride (13 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            “Wrap them legs around me baby,” he growls smacking my thigh again. Doing as I'm told I sling my legs around his hips. My body needy for him. Just can't get close enough. Tanks got me fucked up and loving it. Legs still shaking, heart pounding in my ears, body high. With a hard thrust his buried deep. Something about his roughness. That wild need. My head lulls, eyes flutter closed at the fullness. I’m sated and happy as hell. “Fuck baby!” he barks out. Stilling for a moment he grabs under my ass lifting me closer to him, titling my hips up. “I wanna feel
of you.” I can feel the strain and pull in his muscles as he starts to work my body. My mind gone, body taking over. I let him have me. One of his arms around my back holding me up, his hand gripping the back of my neck. Right now I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me as long as he doesn't stop. Tanks hard body pressed into me. That tanned body slick with a yummy sheen of sweat. Paying special attention to the pull and strain of each muscle. His body a perfect work of art. Everything about him is beautiful. Tank's relentless, fucking me good. Hitting me hard. Driving in to me, he doesn't hold back. Hand holding on to my hip, fingers digging into my skin. “God damn it, the best right here,” he growls into my neck. Leaning back on his knees he pulls me with him. Both sitting up. “Love this shit.” Legs wrapped around him. Face to face. Chest to chest. My body sliding along his. Wrapping his hands in my hair he pulls just hard enough to cause the thrill of a little pain. Pulling me down into him, hitting the perfect angle. “This shit is mine,” he growls into my shoulder. Hands tighten their hold on me. With a hard thrust he demands conformation. Biting down on his shoulder I hold in the moan. This angle making my head spin. “Baby, mine,” he warns. My mind swimming. Body hot and needy. With hard smack he lands a hand on my ass. Squeezing it hard he stops. Eyes find mine. They're full of need, lust, and possession. “Tell me Lil.” Nodding my head I feel fucking high. “Yours,” I whisper. “God damn right you are.” Laying me back he continues the delicious assault on my body. In and out. Hard and fast. Hands all over me. Lips and tongue on my body. My body building higher and higher. He knows I'm there. His hold on me tightens. He digs deeper. Fucking me harder. “I've got you. Give it to me baby, let me feel you.” Hitting the perfect spot my body loses its fight again. The high washes over me. Body tingling, legs shaking, mind gone. Tank fallows, slamming into my one last time. “Mine. Whenever, where ever baby.”




            Woke up with Lil's soft warm naked body wrapped around me. Never been happier to have a dead arm and a face full of hair. Loved having that girl to myself. Fucking Lil last night was worth the wait. That shit the best I've ever had. Last night changed the game for me. Things will never be the same after that. I planned on keeping her next to me and naked all God damn day. Buried deep in that beautiful body. Couldn't get enough of her. Not sure if I ever will. That idea didn't last long. Gin came knocking. Took Lil to the club with him. Motherfucker didn't even let me take her myself. Said Low needed her and needed her now. Bullshit. Throwing on some clothes I was out the door not fifteen minutes after she left. Had to make a few stops first of course, putting me an hour behind her. Pulling into the club lot there's a bunch bikes parked outside along with a few cars. Walking inside I see the place is packed with people. Since women are escorted the brothers brought their families along. Kids running about, groups of old ladies gabbing. It's a fucking mess. Gin walks up to me beer in hand looking annoyed as hell. Definitely need that shit if I'm dealing with a packed house all day. “Where’s Lil?” I ask him. I need to get to her. Need to put my hands on her. Tilting his head in the direction of the bar I spot her and Peaches sitting on the bar. Cali between Lil's legs, she's fucking with her hair. Women. Sitting here in my club she blows my fucking mind. Smiling and bullshittin, she's home. Lil's fucking beautiful. Just fucked hair, all messy and curly. Eyes soft and happy. A sweet smile that's all mine. That shit makes me hard knowing I put that happy as fuck smile on her face. Heading towards her I see there's a group a dudes hanging around her. I can see their eyes on my girl. Not hiding the fact they're checking her out. Picturing her naked and all the nasty shit they want to do to her. Lil's stunning I see why every motherfucker in that place is interested in her, but I don't fucking like it. That's my bitch. Brothers from a visiting chapter leer at her, hang around her like hungry junk yard dogs. Apparently they don't know who she is. The need to go over and let the motherfuckers know she's mine burns deep. Big brown eyes spot me from across the room. That smile right there all for me. Walking to her I've only one thing on mind. Lil. Knocking a few dudes out of the way on my way to her doesn't help the need to hit someone. “Tank,” she beams up at me. Wrapping my hands up in her hair I tug that beautiful face to mine. I could give a fuck who sees us. Those soft lips on mine. I kiss that girl like I fucking mean it and she knows it too.

            “Well shit that didn't take long,” Peaches mumbles sarcastically next to Lil. Pulling away from her I can't help but smile at her. That beautiful face all soft and smiling at me. “Fuck baby you handin' out shit like that, sign me up.” One of the dudes hanging around her pipes up. Wrong move. I'm looking for a reason to knock somebody's ass out and he just gave me one. Turning around I have to fight the urge to breaks his jaw when Lil touches my arm softly stopping me. “Shut the fuck up,” I warn him. I recognize the guy as a prospect. Bad, bad move dude. He visibly flinches when I look down at him. He knows what's up. Knows he over stepped his boundaries. Little arms wrap about my shoulders pulling me back. I'd know those hands from anywhere. The feeling of them ingrained into me. Pulling me back to her, right between those thighs. “He couldn't handle me any way,” Lil says dismissively to the guy. Fuck no he couldn't and he'll never have the chance to find out either. Leaning back into her I calm the fuck down. Running her fingers through my hair I really have to fight the urge to take her ass up stairs. My patients shit today. “You gunna kill him?” she whispers in my ear. Biting my ear she laughs softly. Fuck she's not making this easy. Not kill him, but maybe rearrange his face. “Nah baby.” I tell her. She laughs. She knows I'm trying real hard to control my anger. “When's the weddin? I want to dress up,” Cali asks Lil. For the first time in my life the word wedding doesn't make me fucking queasy and want to run for the hills. “You two getting' hitched already? Pussy that good huh? Gotta lock the good shit down,” Gin adds with a chuckle. He's one of the only who can get away with talking about Lil like that. He's lucky he's family. Shit is good. Good enough to lock down? Shit yeah. “Lil?” I ask her. She just rolls her eyes at me and laughs.

            Left Lil on the bar with the girls chatting about wedding dresses and dicks. Those fucking girls are worse than dudes some times. I've heard some nasty shit come out of their sweet mouths. “Sit your asses down,” Low grumbles from the head of the table. We do as we're told. I sit at his left. Gin on his right, followed by Stitch, Tiny, and Leo. Happy at my right, followed by Sargent and Rampage. The other guys plant their asses around the table. Prospects stand against the wall at the back of the room. “Shit's gettin' out of control. The shit that happened last night and at the store with Lil cannot happen again. The two have to be related. I'm done waitin'. Shit needs to be handled now,” Low states. Like we don't fucking know that. “So here's how this gunna go. We need to head out and take care of those fuckers. Shit's gettin' too close to home. Starting to trickle into our pipelines and shit, not good for business. Me, Stitch, Leo, Tiny, Crush, Arms, Sargent, King and the prospects head out. Tank, Happy, Gin, Rampage, Tags, and one prospect hang back. Tank and Gin take care of the run later. Happy and Rampage with the girls when they're gone. Tags and Prospect stay at the club.” You've got to be shitting me. Not a good plan. “Not happening. I'm not sittin' on my ass here while those pricks run the streets messin' with my club n' family.” I'm done sitting around this place while shit pops off. Low turns pissed off eyes to me. He's not feeling my idea. Fucking hell. “Who the fuck is gunna watch Lil then? Want me to strap her to my back and take her? I sure as fuck ain't leavin' her life on a fuckin' prospects hands again. We all see how that turned out last time.” Well fuck me. This shit is fucking with me. Giving me a look he adds, “unless you want me to leave her with a brother from another chapter.” Fucking asshole. He knows that shit would eat at me. I'd end up getting my ass killed. “Fine.” Turning back to the rest of the guys he asks if anyone else has got an issue. Of course Gin looks pissed as hell, but keeps his mouth closed. He wants to spill some blood too. Slamming the gavel Low dismisses everyone. Walking out of chapel Low turns to me. “Anythin' happens to my baby on your watch I'll kill you myself n' I promise to make it painful.”

            The club has quieted down since I left. Everyone in their rooms or headed home. “This is fucked. Low keepin' us back is bullshit.” Gins mad as hell. I'm not fucking happy about it either, but then again I get to keep Lil to myself. Seeing as how I'm a selfish prick it's a silver lining. “I don't like the shit either, but what the fuck we gunna do?” I ask him. It's not really a question we both know we're stuck. I may be VP, but what Low says goes. I don't like it, but I'm not about to argue Lil's life. “Fuck it. I'm takin' Peaches home she'll help me calm down,” he says with a laugh. Jesus Christ ten years together and they still can't keep their hands to themselves. “Yeah you do that.” Giving me a shit eaten grin he heads for Peaches. Lil isn't sitting with her any more. Don't like that shit. Don't like not knowing where she is. “Where's Lil?” I ask Peaches. Without looking at me she points to Low's office. Headed straight for her I can't seem to spend more than a few hours away from her. Luckily for me I've got her for a few days. All to myself. I'm one lucky son of a bitch. Walking into Low's office I lean myself against the door watching her. Feet propped up onto the desk, papers in her hand. Fuck she is beautiful. Black glasses perched on that cute little nose. “You spend an awful lot a money on motor oil each month pops,” she says while looking at the papers in her hand. “You think so?” Her head pops up locking eyes with me. Those plump pink lips smile big for me. Brown eyes light and happy. “You probably do too,” she teases. Pushing the glasses onto the top of her head she sets down her papers. “Hi.” That happy little voice hits me in the fucking stomach. “Aye baby, you ready?” She looks a little confused. Apparently Low didn't fill her in. “You're mine tonight. Low's gone.” I wait for the whine, the argument. No she nods and smiles. “Can we stop and get a pizza?” That's the only thing she has to say? Fuck yes. She can have anything she wants.

            Hoping into the truck Lil smiles at me. No bike, it's too damn cold out for her right now. Once her ass hits that seat she goes for the stereo. Setting about syncing her phone to the CD player. “Oh I love this song,” she announces happily once she set it up. Turning the volume up she starts to sing along. Mouthing the words to me she dances around. Singing loudly to
Crimson and Clover.
Very dramatically I might add. Adding in a few sexy shimmies and wiggles for emphasis. For a minute she sings to me. Eyes widen with surprise, she smiles a sneaky smile. “Oh this one's so much better,” she muses changing the song. Next she's on to
Friends In Low Places.
Singing to me in a terrible country drawl. Doing her best to two step in the truck. Tipping her pretend cowboy at me and I can't keep that stupid smile off of my face. Laughing along with me she shrugs and warns, “you're in for it now.” I'm already in it. This girl has me wrapped around her finger. She's got me holding on for dear life on this crazy ride she's taking me on. Just like the first two she switches songs. A loud beat comes on and she gives me a sideways glance before she starts rapping. Swear to God I lose it. Throwing up gang signs. Face muggin' and frowning she raps
F**kin' Problems.
Throwing her hands around she's off in her own little world. Being around her it's hard not to get sucked into her fun loving easy going personality. The only person who can make me smile like that. She's the only one who makes me feel like this. I let her do her thing. She sings and dances. Smiles and carries on, baby does her thing and I'm happy to watch Hell I’m just happy to be on this ride with her.


            I hadn't noticed how nice Tank's place is. The house is small and very cabin-ish on the outside, but the inside is pretty modern. He lives out a little past my dad's place, but instead of being on a shit ton of land tank's house is only set on a few acres. I asked him why he didn't buy more land and he'd said, “why the fuck would I buy land in town? I got a shit ton a land at the lake and out at my hunting lodge. Don't want no fuckin' land in town 'round people, babe.” Well that shut me up. He has few neighbors and a house across the street, which isn't really around a lot of people, but whatever. Sitting on the couch we're eating pizza and watching TV, but I can't help but look around. You can definitely tell a man lives here, but it's clean and neat for the most part. A nice dark gray suede sectional takes up a large amount of the living room. A scuffed up black coffee table sits in the middle of the couch littered with motorcycle, car, and auto parts magazines. Under the coffee table is a nice fuzzy black throw rug. Of course mounted on the wall across from the couch is a TV big enough to rival any movie theater screen. I mean seriously this police car chase on right now might actually come through the screen and into the living room. The white carpet is surprisingly clean for how dirty Tanks boots are. Above the couch is a few large black and white picture of a bike. It's a picture of one bike, but the picture is broken up into six different pictures. They’re symmetrically hung on the wall putting the bike back together. There is a small black book shelve with some books and pictures on it on one wall. Didn't think Tank cared to read, but looks like I was wrong. The kitchen is adorned with black, white, and slate colored granite atop black cabinets. Stainless steel appliances for your cooking pleasure. Of course there is no table, but why would there be when you can eat on the couch in front of the giant ass TV. Everything is very bachelor and nice. It's comfortable and clean. “Do you want me to get you a plate?” I ask Tank as he dives hands first into the pizza box. Scrunching up his nose he looks offended by my offer. Holding up his two hands he says, “got two plates right here babe.” Holy hell. I could care less if he uses his hands, just thought I'd be polite and offer. “Okay. Beer then?” I throw over my shoulder as I make my way to the kitchen. “Please.” His manners, oh Lord those manners. Somehow they make me smile each time. Most of the guys grunt and grumble which works fine for me. I just appreciate Tanks manners. Handing him his beer he smiles and says, “Thanks babe.”

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